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1、状语从句地讲解最全地状语从句讲解状语从句的讲解就是用一句话作状语分为:时间,地点,方式,原因,结果,条件,让步,目的,比较一、时间状语从句第一次见到你一见到你 我就喜欢上了你直到见到你五岁时见到你When, as, while, before, after, since, till/until, as soon as no sooner -than scarcely when hardly when the minute the second the instanton doing stheach time every time n ext time the first time whe n

2、while 当时as1.when 1 )当时/延续性动词短暂性动词都可用2)这时/ 3)届时、到时I was watch ing TV whe n my cellpho ne sudde nly rang 这时When I was five years old I could speak five IanguagesThe wet weather will con ti nue tommorow whe n a cold front is expected to arrive届时到时注意:时间状语从句中动作发生有前后时先发生的用过去完成时Whe n my mother came back I

3、had already gone to bed.2.while 1 )从句动词延续性2 )同时发生3) 对比的意味“然而”4) 趁着He taught himself while he worked in a ba nk 延续性动词当他在银行上班时While we were work ing they were havi ng a rest. 对比While they were hav ing a discussi on , they got very con fused.同时I want the girls to experience that while they are young趁着她

4、们还年轻我想让姑娘们体验一下对比:I prefer black tea, while he likes coffee3.As 1)当时2) 边一边3) 随着As the childre n walked along the street, they sang happily.当孩子们He sang as he danced 边 一边You will grow wiser as you grow older 随着4.before 1 )在前2)前加一段时间 直到才3) 还没来得及4) 要过时间才I II be back before you leave可能要过很多年我们才能见面It may be

5、 many years before we meet aga in还没等我讲完The stude nts rushed outside before I could fini shed my wordIt will be three weeks before he fini shed his work用不了多久It won t be long before he finished his work.5.afterAfter my friend got married, she went to live in America6.since自从主句一般为现在完成时We ve never met s

6、ince we graduated from the collegeGreat cha nges have take n place since you left7.till/u ntill 肯定句中可互换 直到为止否定句中只用 not until直到才Not un til 放句首句子部分倒装(倒装主句)Don ald will rema in in college un til/till he fini shed his PhD courseDonald won t leave college until he finished his PhD courseI won t go with y

7、ou until I finished my homeworkNot un til my mother came back did I go to soon asI gave the alarm as soon as I saw the smoke. 一看见冒烟就发出警报He will be set free as soon as the fine is paid9.the minuteThe sec ondThe in sta nt 瞬间片刻立即的立刻的素食的The mome ntThe min ute we got home, the teleph one rang10.n

8、o sooner than Scarcely whenHardly whenI had no sooner got home tha n it bega n to rain.The fans had hardly seen the movie star when they criedThe fans had scarcely see n the movie star when they cried注意:他们提前句子部分倒装No sooner had I got home tha n it bega n to rain.Hardly had I got home whe n it bega n

9、to rainScarcely had the fans see n the movie star whe n they cried11.名词引导的时间状语从句The first time I saw you I mistook you for a film starNext time I see you I will tell you the truthEvery time/each time I see this picture I thi nk of my hometow n.12.On+ doi ng 就On arriv ing home, he discovered they had

10、 gone 至 U家发现他们已经走了13.immediately in sta ntly directlyImmediately she had gon e, I remembered her n ame. 她刚走开我就想起了她的名字 the time 1) 从句是一般现在时 主句用将来完成时2)从句是一般过去时 主句用过去完成时By the time you receive this letter, I will have left this cityI shall have fi nished it by the time you come back 你回来以前我就做完了By t

11、he time I got there, the bus had already left.注意:as soon as after before 常与过去完成时连用After I had fini shed my homework I went to sleepBefore I went to sleep I had fini shed my homeworkAs soon as I had fini shed my homework I went ot sleep.但是 如果不强调时间的先后都可以用一般过去时After I fini shed my homework I went to sl

12、eep/二、地点状语从句everywhere一、Where 在地方 wherever 无论哪里 any where 任何地方到处1.whereYou should put the book where you found itWe must camp where we can find waterYou had better make a mark where you have any questi ons.2.whereverwherever there is smoke, there is fireplease put the cup wherever that is convinient

13、3.a ny whereYou can put it any where you likeI can t stay any where there are a lot of people4.everywhereEverywhere I go, I find the same thi ng. 去到的每一处都看到同样的情况I have searched everywhere there is a clue二、与定语从句的区别1.定语从句中where是关系副词在从句中充当状语前面有表示地点的名词状语从句中 where是从属连词引导的从句修饰主句的谓语动词整个句子做状语前面无先 行词Bamboo gr

14、ows best in places where it is warm and where it rains ofte n.Bamboo grows best where it is warm and where it rains ofte n.Go back where you came fromGo back to the place where you came2.where引导的状从可放在句首与句末都可而where引导的定语从句只放在句末三、练习1.he advised me to live the air is fresherA. i n where which C. th

15、e place where D. peace too, the Red Cross is expected to send help there is humansufferi ngA. whoever B.however C. whatever D.wherever3.if you are travelling the customs are really foreig n to you own . please do asthe Roma ns doA. in which B. whatC. whe nD. where三、原因状语从句much as既然鉴于 in so

16、far asFor the reas on that由于原因due to the fact that由于事实 owi ng to thefact that1.because 1 )语气最强常放句末2)回答why的问句 3)强调句I missed the train because I got up late.He is disappo in ted because he failed aga inBecause he failed aga in so he is disappo in ted 错 不能出现 so注意;because 前可以加程度副词 simply because just me

17、rely mainlyIt is because she is too in experie need that she does not know how to deal with the situatio nee 语气弱一些表示对方已知的已经存在的原因“既然”常常放句首Since you are not interested, I won t tell you about itSince no one is aga inst it, we will pass it 通过了 “由于表示较为明显的原因 常放句首As it is snowing, you d better t

18、ake a taxiAs you request it , I will come4.for 1)表示猜测的原因 放句末 用逗号隔开2)多用于书面语不表示直接原因对前面的句子附带说明It must have rained last ni ght, for the gro und is wetI went to see him, for I had someth ing to tell him.I want to be an engineer,for it s my that 既然=since表示新出现的情况促成某事的发生 放句首居多已经有的情况目前的状况Steven, I

19、 heard that the flight ticket to America is cheap recently . Now that you have time, whynot we go there together.Now that we can t change the fact, let s accept thatt get used to this仅因为就因为有限制意味多用于否定中Some old people only remember happy things in that they can fast societyI don t like sports

20、in that I am good at as much as in so far as 既然鉴于In so far as it is not my fault, I don t care.In as much as the debtor has no property, I aba ndon my nsideri ng that 考虑到鉴于补充说明She knows quite a lot about it, considering (that) she is very young.Considering that she is just a child,

21、I am not very strict with her9.seeing that 由于因为鉴于已有情况Seeing that he s been sick all week, he is unlikely to come today.Seeing that you live n ext door to Mr Black, you should recog nize her.10.for the reason that 很正式的书面表达Due to the fact thatOwi ng to the fact thatI left that country due to the fact

22、that I can t accept its cultureFor the reas on thatOwi ng to the fact that11.given that 由于 鉴于Given that you are new here, I will show you around.四、条件状语从句con diti on一、If uniess=if not if only as long as = so long as on(that)in case假如 以防万一provided (that) = provid ing (that) suppose (that) = suppos ing

23、 (that)1.if如果1)真实条件句2)非真实条件句(虚拟语气)If it doesn t rain we will go climbingIf you have any questi on, you can voice them now. 可以提出来主将从先主情从现If I were a bird, I would fly2.unl ess=if notYou will be late, uni ess you hurry= You ll be late, if you don t hurryIf you don t visit him tomorrow, he will be an g

24、ry= Un less you visit him tomorrowhe ll be angryI won t forgive you uni ess you apologize= I won t forgive you, If youapologize3.if only 只要如果 要是就好了I ll let you use my car, if only you return it省略主句用虚拟If only he knew En glish4.i n caseTake a coat in case the weather turns cold 主祈使从现In case I forget,

25、please remind me about it 女口果我忘了请提醒我oncedon tI ll give you my phone number in case you want to contact me 主将从现注意:in case of+ 名词表条件 以防in that case 在那种情况下In case of rain they can t go to the park 万一下雨 他们就不能去公园了情况如此他就会收到惩罚In that case, he would be puni long as= so long as 只要 如果 主将从现 主情从现As lon

26、g as it doesn t rain, we can go to playAs long as/so long as we don t lose heart, we ll find a way to overcome thedifficultyYou can go to see the film as/so long as you arrive on time 只要你按时至 M尔就能去看这场电影注意:as long as 还有之久的意思You can keep it as long as you can = You can keep it as long as possible 你可以尽量

27、久地保留它6.on conditiong that 条件是 只要I ll come on con diton that Amy is in vited too 我可以来条件是艾米也被邀请了7.provided (that)= providing (that)Providing there is no objection, we shall make a decisionHe won t be against us in the meeting provided (that) we ask for his advice只要我们征求他的意见8.suppose (that)=supposing (t

28、hat) 假女口 假设Suppos ing it rains, shall we visit the museum?Suppose that you are a famous writer, do you like to write such a book?9.o neeI II make friends once I m settled in Paris.、时态的一致1.时间状语从句和条件状语从句中遵从主将从现 主情从现 主祈使从现He II be a doctor when he finishes studying here.If it doesn t rain tomorrow, we

29、ll start 出发If you get the book, let me know.If you like, you can stay here for the weeke nd. 在这里过周末If you drink, don t drive2.如果谓语是want hope等动词,则条件状从一般用一般现在时What do you want to do if you have much mon ey?I hope to see her if I m free3.有些句子中主从句都用一般现在时If you ring this number, no one answersIf you pres

30、s the switch, the computer comes on 女口果你按这个开关 计算机就会启动4.条件状从中也可用的 will表示意愿If you won t go, you needn t go/won t go 女口果你不愿意去,那就不去If you ll just wait a mome nt, I ll find some one to help you 女口果你愿意等一会我会找人帮你五、目的状语从句So that in order thatlest 以免 for fear that 唯恐 so that in case 以免 that 为了I spoke slow

31、ly so that you could un dersta nd order that 为了She raised her voice in order that she might be heard= she raised her voice so that she might be heardso as to do注意:in order that 与so that 可以改为不定式做目的状语 =in order to doto doShe raised her voice so as to be heard 因为 so as to do 不可以放句首In order to be h

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