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1、人教版初中英语七年级下册Unit8SectionA精讲精练人教版初中英语七年级下册Unit8SectionA精讲精练Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?Unit 8Section A精讲精练 office邮局 police station警察局 pay phone付费电话【重点注释】police名词,意为“警察”,police是警察的总称,是个集体名词,它在句中作主语时,谓语动词用复数;若表示单个警察用policeman或policewoman,复数形式分别为policemen或policewomen。2.Is there a hospi

2、tal near here?这附近有医院吗?【重点注释】Is there?有吗?这是there be句型的一般疑问句形式,要把be动词放在句首,句末用问号,读时句末用升调。其肯定回答是“Yes,there is.”,否定回答是“No,there isnt.”。例如:Is there a book in your backpack?你的背包里有一本书吗?Yes,there is.是的,有。/No,there isnt.不,没有。Will there be a party tonight?Yes,there will.是的,有。/No,there wont.不,没有。My school has t

3、wenty classes.=There are twenty classes in our school.我们学校有20个班级。 【辨析记忆】there be与have/hasthere be表示“某处有某物/某人”,指客观存在。句型为“There be+某物/某人+某地”。有两个或多个并列主语时,be动词的形式与最靠近的主语在数上保持一致,即“就近原则”。There are two pencils and a pen in my pencil-bos.在我的文具盒里,有两支铅笔和一支钢笔。have/has表示“某人/某物有”,指从属关系。句型为“某人/某物+have/has+某物/某人”。

4、用have或has取决于句子的主语。I have a pen and two pencils.我有一支钢笔和两支铅笔。【试题链接】David,there a dictionary and some books on your desk.Please put them B.are C.have D.has(本句为there be句型,故先排除C、D项;又因there be句型结构遵循“就近原则”,a dictionary为单数形式,be动词应为is,答案:A)【试题链接】Excuse me.Is there a bank near here?No, .But you can

5、find one in Yang Fang Road.A.there isnt isnt C.they arent D.there is(此题考查对there be句型的回答。对“Is there?”句型的回答是Yes,there is.或No,there isnt.答案:A)near在此处是介词,意思是“在附近”。near可作介词,当表示空间上的“接近”时,用near与near to都行。near还可以作形容词,意为“附近的”,其反义词是far。near here在这附近。例如:She is sitting near (to)me.她坐在我的附近。The cinema is nea

6、r the supermarket.电影院在超市附近。A brother is a near relation. 兄弟是近亲。Christmas is near. 圣诞节就要来临。3.Its on Bridge Street.它在桥街上。【重点注释】“在街上”,美国人用介词on,即on the street;英国人用介词in,即in the street;表示“在街道”常用on/in,如果后面接门牌号,则用介词at。例如:Dont park the car in the street.不要把这辆车停在这条街上。They meet on the street.他们在马路上相遇。We are li

7、ving at No.148 in May 4 th Street. 现在我们住在五四大街148号。on Bridge Street意为“在大桥街上”,其中Bridge Street为专有名词,首字母需大写。类似的专有名词还有Long Street长街,Center Street中心大街,New Street新街,North Street北街。例如:He lives in/on the Huixin Street.他住在惠新街。He lives at 188 Huayuan Street.他住在花园街188号。4.The pay phone across from the library.付费

8、电话在图书馆的对面。【重点注释】本句属于“主语+be+介词短语”的主系表结构,用来表明某地/某人的位置。可以和there be句型转换,说明位置。例如:The supermarket is on Zhongshan Street.=There is a supermarket on Zhongshan Street.中山大街上有一家超市。The bank is between the park and the school.=There is a bank between the park and the school.在公园和学校之间有一家银行。pay phone是固定词组,意为“付费电话”

9、。例如:Where is the pay phone,please?请问,公用电话在哪儿?There is a pay phone in our school.(=The pay phone is in our school.)我们学校有一个付费电话。【拓展记忆】1)pay可用作动词,意为“付款,支付”,常与for连用,意为“为付款”。还可用作名词,意为“工资”。例如:Im afraid I cant pay.我恐怕付不起钱。(用作动词).I cant pay for the books now. 这些书我现在不能付款。(用作动词,pay for)You must pay for this b

10、ook. 你必须要付这本书的钱。(用作动词,pay for) He paid $5 for the book.他买这本书花了5美元。(用作动词,pay for)You can pay 10 yuan for the bag.你可以花10元买这个包。(用作动词,pay for)Our teachers get their pay at the end of month.我们的老师在每月的月底领工资。(用作名词)【注意】pay for sth.“付款买某物”;pay for sb.“替某人付款。例如:He cant pay for the TV set at the moment.他现在还不能给这

11、台电视机付款。Shall I pay for you?我替你付款好吗?2)phone用作名词时,意为“电话”,用于口语中,相当于telephone。与phone组成的常用词组还有:phone number电话号码;a phone card电话卡;a phone box公用电话亭。例如:Does he know your phone number?他知道你的电话号码吗?across from表示“在对面”,其后接表示地点的名词或代词,相当于on the other side of/oppositepzit,prep. 意为“(表示位置)在的对面”。例如:The bookstore is acro

12、ss from the bank.=The bookstore is on the other side of/opposite the bank.书店在银行的对面。Just across from our house theres a school.就在我们房子的对面有一所学校。Im staying at a little hotel just across from the library.我住在图书馆正对面的一所小旅馆里。 【拓展记忆】across用作介词,意为“从的一边到另一边,横过”。例如:Lets go across the bridge!让我们过桥吧!I live across

13、the river.我住在河的那边。I can swim across the river in 10 minutes.我可以在10分钟之内游过河去。【试题链接】The moonlight goes the window and makes the room bright.A.across B.through C.over意为“(从物体表面)穿过”;through意为“(从物体内部)穿过”;over表示“在正上方”;in表示“在内部”。句意为:月光穿过窗户使房间明亮起来。答案:B)5.The pay phone is next to the library.付费电话在图

14、书馆的旁边。【重点注释】next to是介词短语,意为“紧靠的旁边;在近旁;贴近;紧邻”,其后接表示地点的名词或代词,可用close to来替换。例如:She sat next to her mother.她坐在她妈妈身旁。Our house is next to the post office.我们家在邮局旁边。【拓展记忆】beside,near与next tobeside介词,表示“在旁边”,一般指空间上,常与介词by换用She stood beside/by the window. 她站在窗边。Come and sit beside /by me. 过来,坐在我边上。near介词,表示“

15、在的附近”,表示的距离比beside/by稍远些,也可换用;当表示空间上的“接近”时,用near与near to都行;还可作形容词,表示的“近”是相对的。反义词是far“远”。Suzhou is near Shanghai.苏州在上海附近。Dont play near the road. 不要在马路附近玩。There is a theatre near his home. 他家附近有一家剧院。next to介词短语,表示“紧靠的旁边;贴近;紧靠”,其后接表示地点的名词或代词,可用close to来替换。Come and sit next to me.来,坐在我旁边。The new buildi

16、ng next to the bookstore is a cinema. 书店旁边的那幢新楼是一家电影院。6. The pay phone is between the post office and the library.付费电话在邮局和图书馆之间。【重点注释】between介词,意为“在之间/之中”,主要指两者之间,其宾语往往是表示两者的名词或代词;betweenand意为“在.和.之间/之中”,连接两个并列成分,强调二者之间,可以指时间,也可以指地点;between只能表示“在两者之间”,既可以表示时间也可以表示位置,表示位置时,“在三者或三者以上之间/之中”要用among(意为“在

17、之间”,一般不和and连用,如among the teachers在老师之间/among the ten girls这10个女孩之间)。There was a fight between the two boys.这两个孩子打过一次架。Im usually free between Tuseday and Thursday.我通常在星期二与星期四之间有空。Ill phone you between lunch and three oclock. 我将在午餐后三点钟以前给你打电话。Li Ping sits between Wei Fang and Wang Hai.李平坐在魏芳和王海之间。Bew

18、teen the bookshop and the hospital is our school.我们学校就在书店和医院之间。You can come between 8 and 9.你可在8点和9点之间来。She couldnt see her son among the children.在那些孩子当中她没能看到她的儿子。至少三个或三个以上小孩【注意】“从.到.”,既可表示时间也可表示距离。例如:The party will be from 7:00pm. to 9:00pm.晚会将从7点开始到9点结束。It is half an hours walk from here

19、to the station.从这到车站要走半个小时。【拓展记忆】betweenand不仅可以连接两者,也可连接三者,强调“两两之间”。例如:Luxemburg lies between France,Germany and Belgium.卢森堡位于法国、德国和比利时之间。7.The pay phone is in front of the library.付费电话在图书馆前面。【重点注释】in front of表示“在的前面”(有一定距离的前面,也可以理解为在物体范围之外的前面),其反义词是behind,表示“在的后面”。例如:There is a river in front of th

20、e house.=There is a house hebind the river.房子前面有一条河。Tom is in front of me.汤姆在我的前面。There is a car in front of the house.在房子的前面有一辆小汽车。 【辨析记忆】in front of与in the front ofin front of强调一个物体在另一个物体外部的前面,表示在某一范围之外的前面Mary is standing in front of the car.玛丽站在小汽车的前面。in the front of强调一个物体在另一个物体内部的前面,表示在某一范围之内的前面

21、Cathy is sitting in the front of the car.凯西坐在小汽车的前面。【例句辨析】a.Our teacher is standing in the front of the hall.我们的老师正站在大厅前面。(老师和大厅的位置关系是:老师在大厅里面的前面,即老师在大厅这个范围之内的前面。)b. Our teacher is standing in front of the hall.我们的老师正站在大厅前面。(老师和大厅的位置关系是:老师在大厅外面的前面,即老师在大厅这个范围之外的前面。)【图示辨析】 判断正误 a.The man is in front o

22、f the car. b.The man is in the front of the car. 【试题链接】Why are you standing,Alice?I cant see the blackboard clearly.Two tall boys are sitting me.A.behind to C.between front of(behind“在后面”;next to“挨着,靠近”;between“在两者之间”;in front of“在前面”。由前句句意“我看不清黑板”可知“两个高个男孩坐在我前面”,“两个高个男孩”和“我”的位置关系属于“在”范围

23、之外的“前面”,故答案:D)8.The pay phone is hehind the library.付费电话在图书馆后面。【重点注释】behind用作介词,意思是“在后面”,表示位置时,通常是静态的,但有时也可能是动态的,其反义短语是in front of。例如:There is a big tree behind the house.在房子的后面有一棵大树。Who is standing behind Richard?谁正站在理查德后面?【图示辨析】 9.excuse me.打扰了。【重点注释】该句是问路的常用句型。用英语问路时直接说Is there?或Can you tell me?是

24、不礼貌的,应当先说excuse me,意为“对不起;抱歉;打扰一下”。这是英语中使用特别多的客套用语,还可用于向对方提出请求、询问情况等场合,以向对方表示歉意或礼貌。它的意思可根据不同的情景理解为“劳驾;请问;请原谅;对不起”等。具体用于以下几种情况:(1)向陌生人问路时。Excuse me.Where is the bus stop?劳驾,请问公共汽车站在哪儿?(2)向别人询问情况时。Excuse me.Are you Mr.Owen?请问,您是欧文先生吗?(3)客气地请求(允许)时。Excuse me,but can I go out for a minute?对不起,我能出去一下吗?(4

25、)突然有一个不雅的行为,如吃饭时打嗝、谈话时打喷嚏等Oh,exercise me.哦,对不起。(5)在向别人提出要求前,想引起对方注意。Excuse me.Listen to me,please.对不起,请听我说。(6)和人谈话时,要出去一下或做一点别的事情时。Excuse me.Just a minute,please.对不起,请等一下。【辨析记忆】excuse me与sorry两者都可表示“对不起”,但语气和适用范围有所区别。excuse meexcuse me为客套话,常用于向别人问路、插话、请求许可、向对方询问情况等场合。Excuse me.May I ask a question?对

26、不起,我可以问你一个问题吗?sorrysorry常用于因犯了错误或不能满足对方的要求而向对方表示歉意的场合。Im sorry I cant come to your party.很抱歉,我不能参加你的聚会。【拓展记忆】如何问路:向别人问路,可用一般疑问句或特殊疑问句两种句型:一般疑问句:(1)Is there a post office near here?附近有邮局吗?(2)Can you tell me the way to the post office?你能告诉我去邮局的路吗?(3)Do you know the way to the hotel?你知道去旅馆的路吗? 【注意】回答上述

27、句子时,因是一般疑问句,故先做肯定回答,然后告知前往所询问地点的方位与路线。特殊疑问句:(1)Where is the hospital?医院在哪儿?(2)How can I get to the hospital?我怎样到医院?(3)Which is the way to the library?去图书馆是哪条路?【注意】回答上述句子时,均需对所在方位和所走路线直接给出明确指示。 Its next to她挨着 Its betweenand它在和之间。 Its across from它在的对面。10.How can I help you?需要我帮忙吗?【重点注释】这是口语中一个极为常用的句子(

28、也可以说成Can I help you?/May I help you?/What can I do for you?等),广泛用于商店、饭店、旅馆、邮局、办事处等场所,作为对顾客的招呼语。其本意是:要我帮忙吗?/我可以帮你吗?/我能替你做点什么吗?/但具体含义要视场合而定。例如:1)Hey,how can I hele you?嘿,要我帮忙吗?Yes,please.I think the model plane is broken.是的,请帮我看看,我想这个飞机模型摔坏了。2)Can I help you?你要买点什么吗?Thank you.I want some bananas,pleas

29、e.谢谢,我买点香蕉。 3)Can I help you,Sir?先生,要吃点什么吗?Just a cup of tes and two eggs,please.只要一杯茶和两个鸡蛋。4)What can I do for you?你要邮寄什么?Id like to send this letter to Beijing.我要把这封信寄到北京。11.Well,Im new in town.嗯,我初来城里。【重点注释】town此处作不可数名词,表示“所居住的地方”或城市里的“闹市区,城里”。 town作可数名词时,意为“镇,城镇”。【注意】短语in town中town前不用定冠词;如果特指某座城

30、镇时town前要用定冠词。例如:They have a small apartment in town.他们在市中心有一套不大的公寓。I walked to the nearest town.我走向最近的城镇。The town lies among the mountains.这座城镇位于群山之中。Im new in town and I need to find a doctor. Do you know anything about Joyce Brown? 我是镇上新来的,我需要找个医生。你知道关于乔伊斯.布朗的一些情况吗?12.Is there a bank around here?这

31、儿周围有银行吗?【重点注释】around既可作副词,也可作介词。具体用法如下: 表示“在附近”。例如:There is a post office around here.这儿附近有一个邮局。表示“在周围”。例如:They sat around the fire.他们围火而坐。用在数字之前表示“大约”,与about同义。例如:It costs around/about ten dollars.它大约要花10美元。13.Its not too far from here.它离这儿不太远。【重点注释】far from意为“离远”,相当于far away from“离遥远”,通常不与具体数字连用,若出现具体数字,常用away from。例如:The moon is fra from the earth.月亮离地球很远。Your birthday is not far from mine.你的生日离我的生日不远。My home is not far(away) from our school.我家离学校不远。The station is two kilometers away from here.车站离这儿有两千米远。【辨析记忆】how far “多远”,对距离进行提问;而how

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