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1、秋九年级英语期末检测 2014年秋季九年级英语上册期末试卷 Class: Name: 二、 语言知识运用(共35分)第一节 单项选择 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出与所给句子划线部分意义相近并能替代的那一项。( ) 26. Dont worry, we still have plenty of time to get ready for the sports meeting. A. many B. much C. quite a few D. a number of ( ) 27. You are supposed to arrive at a part

2、y a little earlier in his country. A. should B. have to C. are able to D. are hoped ( ) 28. He didnt pass the exam because he didnt follow my advice on how to learn English. A. go after B. catch C. accept D. understand ( ) 29. My sisters Apple i-Phone 4 doesnt interest me at all. A. interested B. in

3、teresting C. makeinterested D. surprised ( ) 30. These windows and doors must be shut before you leave. A. lock B. locked C. close D. closed B) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.( ) 31. Kathy, you have made much progress at English, how do you study it? I was lazy in the past, but now I _ notes in every

4、class. A. am used to take B. am used to taking C. used to take D.used to taking( ) 32. I think thirteen-year-olds should _to get online. I agree, they can search for much information for study. A. allow B. not allow C. be allowed D. not be allowed( ) 33. Turn off the TV. -_? -I asked you to turn off

5、 the TV. Its too noisy. A. Im sorry B. Pardon me C. Excuse me D. So what ( ) 34. Look, here is a beautiful pen on the table.Oh, it _ Toms, I saw him buy it yesterday. A. must be B. cant be C. might be D. could be ( ) 35. Do you know Steve Jobs(乔布斯)?Yes, he is one of the persons _ established Apple C

6、omputer Company. A. whose B. whom C. which D. who( ) 36. Carmen, do you know many people refuse to buy Japanese things? Great! I think _ happens, the fact Diaoyu Island belongs to China will never change. A. Wherever B. Whenever C. Whatever D. Whoever( ) 37. Why cant I see Mary at the party? Is she

7、ill? No, she isnt. But perhaps she _ invited. A. was B. is C. was not D is not ( ) 38. Excuse me, can I interview your boss this afternoon?Oh, wait a moment! Let me check _ .A. if he will be free B. when will he have time C. if he had an appointment D. when does he come back( ) 39. I am afraid that

8、we cant win the match tomorrow. _ ! Im sure Well make it.A. No problem B. Cheer up C. Dont mention it D. Set up ( ) 40. Sally, why was your brother so sad? His classmates_ to the zoo without waiting for him when he arrived at school. A. have gone B. had gone C. have been away D. had been away( ) 41.

9、 Dad, what did the doctor told you? He said I would not be healthy again _ I give up smoking and drinking.A. when B. after C. unless D. if ( ) 42. _Mary _ Tom is a volunteer to help the sick children yesterday. Yeah, they told stories to make the children happy. A. Both, and B. Not only, but also C.

10、 Neither, nor D. Either, or ( ) 43. We prefer _at the party rather than_. A. to sing; dance B. to sing dancing C. sing; to dance D. sing dance ( ) 44. Elise, where would you like to visit for the coming holiday?Oh, no, I prefer _ fishing to _ somewhere far, I need to relax.A. go, travel B. going, tr

11、aveling C. to go, travel D. to go, traveling ( ) 45. Maria, could you come and spend the weekend with us? _ I have to prepare for my coming exam.A. I hope so B. I agree C. Im afraid I cant D. Im afraid so.第二节:完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Then, one year, something strange

12、 and terrible happened. I often 46 along the beach, and one day I saw 47 in the sand. I went over to look at it more carefully, and stopped in a sudden 48 . It was a footprint(脚印)the footprint of a man! I 49 saw a footprint on the island, and I didnt see any footprints 50 many years!Who could this b

13、e? Afraid, I looked 51 . I listened. I waited. Nothing. I was more and more 52 . Perhaps this was a wild man!I looked everywhere, but there was nobody, and 53 other footprint. I turned back and hurried home. “Theres someone on my island,” I said to 54 . “Perhaps he knows about mePerhaps hes 55 me no

14、w from behind a tree.” That night I couldnt 56 . The next day I put more wood and young trees around my house. Nobody could see me now. But, after fifteen years 57 on the island, I was afraid, and I did not 58 my home for three days.In the end, I 59 to go out to milk my goats. But for two years I wa

15、s afraid. I could not forget the footprint, but I saw and heard 60 , and slowly I began to feel happier.( ) 46. A. walked B. drove C. swam D. boated ( ) 47. A. nothing B. anything C. something D. everything ( ) 48. A. stop B. kindness C. interest D. surprise( ) 49. A. always B. never C. often D. som

16、etimes ( ) 50. A. to B. for C. with D. at ( ) 51. A. at B. up C. back D. around ( ) 52. A. afraid B. excited C. pleased D. interested ( ) 53. A. some B. any C. no D. many ( ) 54. A. me B. him C. myself D. himself ( ) 55. A. watching B. seeing C. enjoying D. calling ( ) 56. A. wake up B. sleep C. go

17、to bed D. live ( ) 57. A. happily B. carefully C. alone D. quickly ( ) 58. A. get B. arrive C. rest D. leave ( ) 59. A. wanted B. had C. enjoyed D. hoped( ) 60. A. something more B. more something C. anything more D. more anything 三、综合阅读(共三节,计34分)第一节 综合知识(共6小题;每小题1分,满分6分)根据所掌握的文化或背景知识,选择正确答案。( ) 61.

18、 My family will travel to _ where there is Eiffel Tower to see this winter vacation.A. London B. Japan C. Australia D. France( ) 62. If youre traveling in France, you are supposed to_. A. put your bread on the plate. B. eat anything with your hands C. say you are full. D. keep your hands on the tabl

19、e. ( ) 63. As teenagers, if we have problems, we should not _. A. learn to forget B. regard problems as challenges C. think of something worse. D. stay away from the problems( ) 64. If you want to keep healthy, youd better _. A. drink cola B. eat French fries C. drink tea D. eat burnt barbecued meat

20、( ) 65. Which is not the polite way to ask the way to a bank? _ A. Excuse me, do you know how to get to the bank? B. Sorry, could you tell me the way to the bank? C. Hey, where is the bank? D. Im sorry to trouble you, could you tell me how I can get to the bank?( ) 66. Which of the followings is rig

21、ht? _ A. Basketball was invented by an American doctor. B. Tea was invented in the Western world. C .Edison invented the telephones. D. Potato chips were invented by mistake. 第二节 阅读理解(共7小题,每小题2分,满分14分)阅读下面两篇短文,从短文后所给的各题的四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(1)Zhang Lili,a Chinese language teacher in Jiamusi,Heilongjiang pr

22、ovince,was run over by a school bus as she pushed two students out of the way. After news of the accident was reported online, micro blogs were filled with concern and admiration (钦佩)for the teacher,with one netizen calling Zhang “ the most beautiful teacher in China”.On November 16,an overloaded (超

23、载)school bus ran into a coal truck in Gansu province. The accident killed at least 21 Peopleincluding 19 preschoolers and hurt another 43, mostly children. The nine-seated bus was overloaded with 64 people.Wu Juping,an ordinary saleswoman, bravely caught a falling child who fell from the 10th floor

24、of a building, was praised as the most beautiful mother in China. The child , Niu Niu , was two years old, she climbed up to the window looking for her grandma but fell, at the dangerous moment, Wu was just walking near the building, rushed to the spot and caught her successfully before she hit the

25、ground.( ) 67. The three passages above are most probably taken from_ .A. Newspapers B. Novels C. Diaries D. Books( ) 68. How many preschoolers were killed in the accident?_A. 64. B.21. C. 19. ( ) 69. Which of the followings is Not true according to the passages? A. Zhang Lili comes from Heilongjian

26、g province.B. Wu Juping saved a two-year-old child falling from the 10th floor of a building. C. The school bus accident happened in Gansu province.D. More safe school buses will be seen on the road in China.(2)There is an old saying that all of us are born with two bags hung on our necks. A small b

27、ag in front of our chest is filled up with other peoples faults, while the big one at the back is full of our own shortcomings (短处).So its easy to find other peoples faults, but its hard for us to see our faults behind us. There was a boy, Tommy, who always opened the front bag to check what was in

28、it. He saw other peoples faults very quickly. When Simon was impatient with him, he said to Simon, Its so easy for you to get angry. It is hard to be friends with you. He told his mother about Jacks dishonesty. Jack takes my things without asking. He also forgets to return them. Tommy himself did no

29、t like sharing his things with anyone. When Johnny was too tired to play with him, he said, You are such a rude person. He thought Harry was too proud of his rich parents. But Tommy was as proud of himself because he could not see any of his own shortcomings! He could not understand why he did not g

30、et on well with others. If only Tommy would switch the bags around, he would discover his own impatience, dishonesty, bad manners and vanity (虚荣), which were no better than that of Simon, Jack, Johnny or Harry.( ) 70. Tommy disliked Jack because Jack _. A. was honest B. took his things but didnt ret

31、urn C. was rude D. shared his things with him( ) 71. Which of the followings is true? A Tommys mother made two bags for him. B In fact, Simon is not easy to get along with C Harrys parents had much money. D Johnny didnt play with Tommy because he hated Tommy.( ) 72. After reading, what do you think of Tommy? A. Tommy

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