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1、女性言语交际特点本科毕设英文论文本 科 生 毕 业 论 文(申请学士学位)论文题目女性言语交际的特点作者姓名周璐璐所学专业名称英 语指导教师范丽霞2011年5月25日女性言语交际的特点周璐璐滁州学院外语系二0一一年五月二十五日The Characteristics of Female Verbal CommunicationByZhou LuluUnder the supervision ofAssociate Professor Fan lixia A ThesisSubmitted to the Department of Foreign Languages In Partial Fulf

2、illment of the RequirementFor the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in English At Chuzhou UniversityMay25, 2011滁州学院本科毕业论文(设计)原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。 签名: 年 月 日AcknowledgementsI would like to take this opportunity to expres

3、s my heartfelt gratitude to all these who helped me in one way or another in the completion of this thesis.First of all, I owe great indebtedness to my supervisor, Associate Professor Fan Lixia whose strict demands and insightful suggestions are indispensable through all the stages of development an

4、d revision of the thesis. She has made lots of corrections and suggestions while reading my drafts of the thesis. Without her patience and wisdom the present thesis would be unthinkable. Special thanks should also be extended to all of the teachers who taught me during my four years of study in Chuz

5、hou University, in particular, associate professors Ye Zhengnian, Cheng Jiacai and Ben Peiyun and lecturers Yu Fengbao, Huang Xuejing and Sun Xiuyin for their enlightening instructions.At last, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to my family and dear friends. With their consistent support a

6、nd encouragement, I would be able to carry on my study and complete this thesis. AbstractGender differences is an important branch of sociolinguistics. With time development, communicative phenomena and social and cultural factors interact with each other greatly. It is of tremendous influence on di

7、scovering complicated social factors and profound cultural significance in verbal behaviors by comparing the differences between male and female in communicative style. The thesis is devoted to the contrastive analysis on male and female communicative style in order to contribute to some extent to f

8、urther understanding on sociolinguistics, and decreasing misunderstanding due to gender differences in communication.Communicative style refers to a series of communicative features which are influenced or conditioned by different communicative occasions through verbal and nonverbal behaviors. Appro

9、priate communicative style not only acts as a positive stimulus, but also plays a significant role in the cultivation of communicative competence. The thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter serves as an introduction to the whole paper and starts with the background of the study of c

10、ommunication. Then it introduces the research status at home and abroad. Chapter two concentrates on different characteristics of male and female in verbal and analyzes the reasons of verbal differences between men and women. This chapter also introduces the cross-gender communication and proposes t

11、he suitable way to realize cross-gender communication. Chapter three introduces the characteristics of female verbal communication: euphemism, interruption and repetitive language. The last chapter is the conclusion which sums up the main points of the thesis and point out some problems for further

12、study.Key words: gender differences; verbal communication; characteristic; female; phenomenon摘 要性别差异研究是社会语言学的重要分支。随着时代的发展,交际现象和社会以及文化因素之间的相互影响越来越大。通过比较男性和女性在交际风格上的差异,可以发现复杂的社会因素和深厚的文化对于交际深不可测的影响。本文是专门对男性和女性的交际风格的对比分析,以便在一定程度上对社会语言学进一步了解,减少交际中由于性别差异引起的误解。交际风格指的通过语言或非语言行为表现出的一系列交际特征,这些特征根据交际条件的不同而不同。合

13、适的交际风格,不仅能促进交际的进展,而且对交际能力的培养也有重要作用。本论文分为四个章节。第一章作为一个对全文的介绍,首先介绍了研究的背景,然后介绍了国内外研究现状。第二章集中于男性和女性在语言上不同的特点,并分析了造成这些差异的原因。本章还介绍了跨性别的沟通,并提出了实现跨性别交际的策略。第三章介绍了女性言语交际的特点,特别是包括三个现象,即委婉语的使用,插话现象和重复性语言的使用。最后一章是总结,总结了全文并提出了需要进一步研究的内容。关键词:性别差异;言语交际;特点;女性;现象Table of ContentsAcknowledgements .IEnglish abstract.IIC

14、hinese abstractIIITable of contentsIV1. Introduction 11.1 Background of the study of communication 11.2 Literature review 12. Gender differences in the language use of communication 32.1 Gender differences in communication 32.2 Gender differences in language use 32.2.1 The characteristics of gender

15、differences in language use 32.2.2 The causes of gender differences in language use 62.2.3 The new trend of gender differences in the style of communication 73. The characteristics of female verbal communication8 3.1 The use of euphemism in female communication 83.1.1 The definition of euphemism 83.

16、1.2 The application of euphemism 93.2 The interruption phenomenon in female communication 93.2.1 Interruptions between conversationalists in day-to-day contexts 93.2.2 The formation of female interruption 103.3 The use of repetitive language in female communication 103.3.1 The investigation of repet

17、itive language use 103.3.2 The causes of repetitive language use 114. Conclusion 12Bibliography 14The Characteristics of Female Verbal Communication1. Introduction1.1 Background of the study of communicationCommunication is a way of interaction, sending and receiving messages or information through

18、signals such as verbal and non verbal ones (eye contact, voice tone, and gestures). It is also a way of exchanging thoughts, feeling, and emotions. In addition, communication is a part of the every day life since it is a reality that every man and woman face without really being aware of it. What is

19、 so strange about communication is that it is not the words that have a meaning but people. Each person has his or her own way to interpret things. However, there is a difference in communication between genders which may lead sometimes to misunderstandings. In fact, men and women do not communicate

20、 in the same way because they interpret the same message differently, and thats what strikes ones attention concerning communication.Communication differences touch every man and woman all over the world from different cultures and traditions. This study was important because the problem of misunder

21、standing between genders is a common one and that it happens to every one. All human beings are involved in relationships since it takes a major part of life especially that communication is inescapable and people interact with each other because they are a part of a society where it is impossible n

22、ot to communicate. That is why it is important to be first aware of the differences of communication between males and females, and then try to understand them in order to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts. This study could help us solve our personal problems with the opposite sex, and probably

23、accept the differences, and learn how to appreciate them to live better.Communication styles depend mostly on peoples physiological and biological differences. Concerning the physiological side, men and women react differently to the same situation such as stress or especially conflict. Concerning t

24、he biological side, there is a difference in the size of the part of the brain between the right and the left hemispheres which is called the collosum, and women can use both sides of the brain at the same time, and that is why they can be logical even when emotional. Nevertheless, men have a tenden

25、cy to use only one hemisphere at a time, for either logical or emotional. 1.2 Literature reviewThe literature review presented different points of view and analysis for the subjects by reliable writers and authorities. All the documents that were used assume that there was a difference in communicat

26、ion between men and women, and they agreed that there were many misunderstandings or misinterpretations in communication between genders. However, each document and source presented its own examination of the miscommunication, and they proposed different ways by which to investigate this social issu

27、e.According to an article entitled Online Communication and Adolescent Well-Being(Valkenburg, 2007) there is another form of differences between genders. Communication can be verbal, non verbal, or written because people can communicate also by using the mail system. Because people can communicate b

28、y using the mail system, the written way is added to the interpersonal communication in addition of course to the verbal and non verbal ways. From reading this article, it was clear that gender differences in communication existed also in the written way because we can determine the gender of a pers

29、on just by reading its written words.The differences that exist between genders and the reasons why women cant be more like a man play an important role in the creation of misunderstanding in communication. Also differences present the essential causes that lead to a disagreement in communication be

30、tween the two genders. According to Schrage (1999), there are some factors that contribute to the instinctive differences that exist between genders; for instance as mentioned on the article, there are biological ones, also there is a kind of competitiveness that exists between men and women. In add

31、ition, the cultural part enters also into consideration.Another point stated by Tannen (1990) is that there are many styles of communication. These styles are the result of many factors where were from, how and where we were brought up, our educational background, our age, and it also can depend on

32、our gender. In communication, generally men and women have special manners and styles of speaking a specific subject (Coates, 2004).From this description of the difference between men and women at a level of behaviours, it was clear that women convey their ideas and feelings and cooperate more than men who want to be

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