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1、级中学1617学年上学期高二第一次月考英语试题附答案宝坻区林亭口高中2016-2017学年度第一次月考卷高二英语1、单项填空(共25小题,每小题1分,满分25分。)1. We have really got something _ common _ some of the developing countries.A. in; for B. for; with C. in; with D. in; to2. The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather _ the helplessness of the people a

2、t sea.A. resulted from B. turned out C. made up D. added to3. The Chinese _ their language as Han, which is often called “Mandarin” in the west. A. refer to B. come to C. belong to D. introduce to4 You cant imagine the difficulty I _ the house. A. had bought B. have bought C. had buying D. have to b

3、uy5. The old man died,_ a big house to his three sons.A. leaving B. to leave C. left D. to be left6.I didnt hear the bell ring ; I_ asleep. A. must be B. must have been C. should be D. should have been7.- Did you hear the loud noise _ the flash of light last night? -Yes, I _ TV. A. following, watche

4、d B. following, was watchingC. followed, had watched D. followed, was watching8. Jeremy Lin is a man with a strong will. After repeated_ he finally succeeded in his career. A. announcements B. decision C. remarks D. attempts9. Teachers words and deeds always _ a great effect _their students. A. have

5、, on B. give, to C. make, on D. take, to 10. The tickets are_ for 5 days only. A. favorite B. available C. convenient D. familiar11. He hurried to the stadium without supper, _ the football match he had been looking forward to watching was cancelled. A. only to be told B. only telling C. only to tel

6、l D. only told12. He tried to _ his son of the danger of spending more than he earned. A. realize B. tell C. persuade D. warn13. Now I see you want to_ the position as you said just now. Could you please give me a brief _ your intention? A. apply for; account of B. react to; introduction about C. re

7、ply for; description D. remind of; instruction about14 Dont play _ trick on him. He is not in _ mood for fun at the moment. A. a; / B. a; the C. the; a D. /; the 15. - Mike, you are wanted on the telephone. - Im just coming.A. Have a day off! B. Whos that? C. Get a move on. D. Hang on a minute.16. T

8、he air is badly polluted because some factories dont _ the rules to protect the environment. A. appreciate B. regard C. honor D. respect17. In some places women are expected to earn money_men work at home and raise their children. A. but B. while C. because D. though18.To keep healthy, he _ cycling

9、as a regular form of exercise. A. turned up B. set up C. took up D. made up 19.One of the requirements for being admitted to the university is that you _ the English test organized by it . A.pass B. have to pass C. will pass D. must pass 20.- Where would you like to have your dinner, in the restaura

10、nt or at home? - It _ to me. A. is not different B. makes not a difference C. is not a difference D. makes no difference21. In the last few years thousands of films _ all over the word. A.have produced B. have been produced C. are producing D. are being produced22_our small apartment, our uncles hou

11、se seemed like a palace A Compare with B Compared with C Comparing with D. Comparing to23 Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and _jokes. A turning up B putting up C making up D showing up 24. He couldnt continue to live such a poor life, so he left home, _ not to come

12、back if he couldnt get rich. A. determining B. determined C. determine D. being determined25.He _ his brother in appearance so much that people often mistake them for each other.Ais resembling Bresembles Cis resembled Dresembled二、完形填空(共20小题;每题1分, 满分20分)I have a dream, and I stay determined, work har

13、d, and do everything in my power to make it a 26 . Growing up, I had a lot of hard things in my life, but just recently, I experienced a 27 that I consider, a significant 28 towards my dream for life. During my primary school years, achieving As was never an easy task 29 a mild learning disability.

14、My disability led to low quality-test-taking ability, and it 30 me a lot with the SAT(学业水平测试), of which the Verbal Section was really to my 31 . During high school, 32 , I achieved almost all As in daily course valuations which I am very 33 . The SAT of course was the only thing 34 me back from gett

15、ing into the school of my choice. When I got a letter from the school, saying my SAT score did not 35 the minimum for allowable admission, I began to lose 36 . Later, I 37 my admission advisor and asked him if there was anything else I could do to 38 my application. He gave me a second 39 to improve

16、 my scores and gave me suggestions of how to really 40 for the SAT. So, I bought a thick SAT preparation book, and 41 for 3 hours each day before the test. I finally took the test, and remained 42 for 4 weeks before I received my final score, 50 points more than before. My advisor sent my applicatio

17、n to an appeal committee, 43 them that I really have the drive to go to their school and my daily grades were top-class. This just 44 that a simple test score doesnt mean anything when it comes to measuring a persons intelligence and potential. Eventually I was 45 . No matter how rough the sea may g

18、et, never give up.26. A. success B. reality C. advantage D. way27. A. failure B. success C. consequence D. sorrow28. A. step B. trend C. lesson D. manner29. A. in case of B. despite of C. as a result D. due to30. A. adapted B. encouraged C. affected D. confused31. A. compliment B. disadvantage C. em

19、ergency D. inspiration32. A. however B. but C. or D. and 33. A. proud of B. on behalf of C. tired of D. addicted to34. A. leading B. welcoming C. holding D. frightening35. A. think B. reach C. equal D. lower36. A. hope B. passion C. sight D. face37. A. argued with B. called up C. lead to D. took up3

20、8. A. improve B. withdraw C. inspire D. seek39. A. state B. frontier C. platform D. chance40. A. depend B. blame C. leave D. prepare41. A. searched B. prayed C. drilled D. predicted42. A. nervous B. tricky C. innocent D. tentative43. A. begging B. entertaining C. convincing D. persuading44. A. calcu

21、lates B. shows C. impresses D. circulates45. A. transformed B. rejected C. arranged D. admitted三. 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AWhether you admit it or not, music improves our daily life and makes us feel easy, especially the music of Beethoven, Mozart. But can you believe that a school in England is usin

22、g classical music to cut down on students bad behavior? The head teacher Brian Walker at the West Park School in Derby asks some students to stay behind after school on Fridays. He forces his students to listen to Mozart and other classical music. He also makes them copy his favorite poems and they

23、have to watch educational videos.Mr. Walker says his main aim is to stop noisy pupils causing trouble in class for students who want to study. He said the students staying behind were not the smokers or drinkers, the truants (逃学的学生 ) or the people who are late for school. Its those who have slowed t

24、he learning and teaching in class for everyone. Mr. Walker said this was unacceptable, because it was making the rest of the students distract their attention on their study.Mr. Walker believes what he does reminds students that education is something to value. It helps them see they are part of som

25、ething bigger that will improve their life chances, he said. The head teacher thinks students in fact learn from being kept behind after school. Hopefully, I open their ears to an experience they dont normally have and.dont want to have again, so its both educational and acts as a warning.Music has

26、had success elsewhere in reducing bad behavior. In 2004, it reduced crime on Londons subway by 25 percent. Researchers from a Belfast university found it helped stop elephants bad behavior. However, one West Park student called Kieran said, An hour of Mr. Walkers music is a real killer.46. Mr. Walke

27、r asks his students to listen to music to _.A. make them rest after a days study B. punish them for their bad behaviorC. get them to love arts gradually D. reduce their bad behavior47. A student who _may be left behind to listen to Mozart after class.A. plays truant B. smokes in class C. bothers oth

28、ers in class D. comes late for class48. Why does Mr. Walker say some students bad behavior is unacceptable? A. Because the rest of the students hate them. B. Because they are wasting their life.C. Because they are disturbing teachers.D. Because they have a bad influence on the other students.49. In

29、the eyes of Mr. Walker,_.A. some students dont realize education is valuable B. all students can learn from musicC. music must be taught after class D. students ought to love music50. It can be inferred from the last two paragraphs that_.A. the action Mr. Walker takes doesnt really work as plannedB.

30、 Mr. Walker aims to tell students study is importantC. once music helped animals behave wellD. animals also like to listen to music BI was at a dance club when I was nineteen. One day my new friend walked with me to my car. It was a very cold night. As we were walking to my car, a man walked up to u

31、s. Behind him was a woman pushing a stroller with a child inside who was about 2 years old. The child had only a jacket on and it wasnt zipped(拉上拉链). The man began to tell us he wanted to borrow some money for the night and that he had a job but no place to live and was waiting for his first paycheck. He confirmed h

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