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高考英语译林版选修七 真题点睛学案Unit 44.docx

1、高考英语译林版选修七 真题点睛学案Unit 44Period FourProject.单词自测1arise vi.出现,产生arose(过去式)arisen(过去分词)2cyclist n骑自行车的人cycle vt.骑自行车3pedestrian n行人,步行者;adj.行人(使用)的4minibus n中巴,小型公共汽车5aggressive adj.好斗的,挑衅的;富于攻击性的6crash n& v撞车;碰撞;倒闭;崩溃7fine vt.处以罚金8drunk adj.喝醉的;n.醉汉,酒鬼drink vt.喝,饮;喝酒9violate vt.违犯,违反;侵犯violation n违反,违

2、犯;侵犯10turning n拐弯处,转弯处turn v转动,旋转11load n负荷,负载;大量,许多;vt.装载,装上,装入loaded adj.有负载的unload v卸(货)12brake n刹车,车闸;vt.用车闸减速,刹车13tyre n轮胎14crossing n人行横道;十字路口,交叉点;穿越cross vt.越过,横过,渡过.短语自测1arise_from起因于,由引起2be_aimed_at旨在,目的是3be_aware_of意识到4be_true_of符合,对适用5in_connection_with和有关6result_in导致7be_crowded_with挤满,拥塞

3、8watch_out_for密切注意9in_good_condition状况良好10listen_for留心听.阅读课文,选出最佳答案1The purpose of this passage is mainly to _.Aanalyze the causes of traffic problemsBconclude the solutions to traffic problemsCmake people aware of traffic problems and give advice on how to solve themDblame the traffic problems on v

4、ehicle drivers答案C2Which of the following is NOT drivers fault to lead to traffic problems?ASpeeding.BHeavy traffic.CBeing impatient in a traffic jam.DNot paying attention to surrounding traffic.答案B3What does “This lack of control is an invitation to accidents.” in Line 43 most probably mean?AThis la

5、ck of control can prevent traffic problems.BThis lack of control can result in traffic problems.CThis lack of control proves successful to prevent traffic accidents.DTraffic accidents happen every day without any control.答案B4How can a cyclist prevent a traffic accident?ARiding too close to vehicles.

6、BSignalling when turning onto the correct side of the road.CRiding along the pavement.DRiding with overloads.答案B5What shouldnt a pedestrian do when he crosses the road?ALooking both ways.BListening for cars.CRunning across the road.DWaiting for green lights.答案C.细读课文,完成表格,每空一词Title:Traffic Accidents

7、and Road SafetyMain ideaThe number of road accidents and deaths 1.arising from those accidents has increased over the past year.Drivers of vehicles as well as 2.cyclists and pedestrians must be aware of the 3.potential causes of traffic accidents to prevent them.Potential causes about driversDrivers

8、 not paying attention. Drivers getting 4.annoyed in a traffic jam.Drivers speaking on mobile phones.5.Drinking and driving.Drivers 6.speeding.Potential causes about cyclists and pedestriansCyclists not paying attention. Riding bicycles on the 7.pavement.Cyclists carrying a passenger.Bicycles without

9、 lights.Bicycles in need of crossing the road in the wrong way.9.Ignoring traffic lights.ConclusionIt is up to all of us road users to make sure that we 10.avoid accidents by paying attention to road safety.1arise语境感悟(1)(教材P62)The number of road accidents and the deaths arising

10、from those accidents has increased over the past year.在过去的一年里,道路事故及由此造成的死亡人数有所增长。(2)When problems arise,Chinese people have a way of coming together.一旦出现问题的时候,中国人民就会团结在一起。(3)When I arose from the chair,my father and Eleanors father were in deep conversation.当我从椅子上站起来时,我父亲和埃莉诺的父亲谈兴正浓。归纳拓展arise vi.发生,

11、产生;形成;起身;起义arise from sth.因某事而产生,因某事而引起;来自,出身于。还可用作arise out of sth.表示“因某事而产生/引起”。其主语常用抽象名词等,例如argument/problem/question/quarrel/movement。易混辨析 arise,rise,raise(1)arise(arose;arisen) vi.意为“出现,产生”;表示“起床;起身”时较正式。(2)rise(rose;risen) vi.表示“升起;增高”。(3)raise(raised;raised) vt.表示“举起;提出;抚养;筹集”等。即时跟踪用arise,ris

12、e,raise的正确形式填空Chinas exchange rate has_risen faster than you think.The market will find a solution to any problems that might arise.She visited AIDS victims,and sold her dresses to_raise money for charity.The Chinese government is trying to_raise education standards.When the question arose at the me

13、eting,no one could answer it.2crash语境感悟(1)(教材P62)These are both very dangerous because they can result in crashes.这两种情况都非常危险,因为它们可能导致撞车。(2)The company crashed with debts of 50 million.那家公司由于负债5 000万英镑而宣告破产。(3)Three people were killed when their car crashed into a tree.他们的车撞到了树上,导致了三人死亡。归纳拓展crash n.&

14、 vi.& vt.撞车;碰撞;倒闭;崩溃in a crash在猛撞中crash into撞上即时跟踪完成句子一辆双层客车撞上一辆载有危险化学品的卡车,造成36人死亡3人受伤。A twostorey bus crashed_into_a_truck with dangerous chemicals,causing 36 deaths and 3 injuries.(2)你能来帮我吗?我的电脑又死机了。Would you be kind enough to help me?My computer has_crashed_again.3fine语境感悟(1)(教材P62)Recently the n

15、umber of people fined for speaking on their mobile phones while driving has increased by 30 per cent.近来,因驾驶时用手机打电话而被罚款的司机人数增长了30%。(2)She was fined 250 for speeding.她因超速而被罚款250美元。(3)Firms could face fines of up to 5,000.公司可能面临多达5 000美元的罚款。归纳拓展fine vt.处以罚金;n.罚金,罚款fine sb.some money罚某人多少钱fine sb.for (d

16、oing) sth.因某人(做)某事而处以罚金a heavy fine重金罚款即时跟踪单句语法填空/完成句子The man in uniform fined(fine) me 20 because I parked my car in the noparking area.The policeman stopped him when he was driving home and fined him for speeding.违者须付巨额罚金。Offenders will be liable to a_heavy_fine.4load语境感悟(1)(教材P63)Carrying more th

17、an a light load on your bicycle makes it more difficult to control.自行车过分负载会使你的自行车更难以控制。(2)They are loading fresh fruits onto the truck.他们正在往卡车上装新鲜水果。(3)The air is loaded with smoke and dirt.空气里弥漫着烟雾和尘埃。归纳拓展(1)load n负荷,负载,装载;大量;vt.装载;输入;大量给予take a load off ones mind除去某人的思想负担load.with用装载load sth.into/

18、onto.把装入到许多,大量(2)loaded adj.装载的be loaded with装满的即时跟踪完成句子我们帮助他消除了思想负担。We have helped to take_a_load_off_his_mind.我们的生物蓝图里有大量的脂肪。There is_a_load_of/loads_of_fat in our biological blueprint.因为我们要搬到乡下去,运输公司用卡车装载了我们的全部家当。The transportation company loaded_the_truck_with all of our household effects becaus

19、e we are moving to the countryside.学生的负担是多年来的热门话题,但是家长的负担几乎没受到关注,尤其没受到他们自己的孩子的关注。The burden of students has been a hot topic for years, but the_load_of_parents has received little attention, especially from their own children.1be true of语境感悟(1)(教材P62)This is true of everyone as accidents affect driv

20、ers of vehicles as well as cyclists and pedestrians.这对每个人都一样(重要),因为事故不只是影响到车辆驾驶员,并且还影响到骑自行车的人和行人。(2)The film is frighteningly true to life and very funny.这部电影拍得非常真实,而且十分搞笑。归纳拓展be true of符合于,适用于true to life (电影、戏剧、书等)真实的,逼真的come true (愿望、梦想等)实现,成真即时跟踪完成句子这部电影开场的几幕真是太假了。The opening scenes of this movi

21、e are just not_true_to_life.他聪明而且刻苦。他的妹妹也是这样。He is clever and works hard. This is_true_of_his_sister.2in connection with语境感悟(1)(教材P62)Below are some of the major causes of road accidents in connection with vehicles such as cars,minibuses and lorries,and what drivers should do to prevent them.以下是涉及车辆

22、比如汽车、中巴和货车的一些道路事故的主要原因,以及司机们为防止事故发生应做的事。(2)His illness must have some connection with his diet.他的病一定与他的饮食有关。归纳拓展in connection with和有关have (a direct/close) connection with与有(直接的/密切的)联系have no connection with与无关注意:表示“与有关(联)系”的短语还有:be connected with be linked tobe related to be associated with即时跟踪完成句子一

23、名男子因与谋杀少年案有关而被捕。A man has been arrested in_connection_with_the_murder of the teenager.不但书被分享,而且能够架起一座联结读者和世界各地的桥梁。Not only are books shared but also it can build up a bridge connecting_readers_from different_parts of_the_world_as_well.他问的问题和我们的讨论没有直接关系。The question which he asked had_no_direct_conne

24、ction_with_our_discussion.Its up to do sth.语境感悟(1)(教材P63)It is up to all of us road users to make sure that we avoid accidents by paying attention to road safety.我们要注意路面安全,从而确保避免事故,这一切都取决于我们所有的道路使用者。(2)I can take up to four people in my car.我的汽车最多能带四人。(3)Hes not up to the job.他无法胜任这项工作。归纳拓展Its

25、 up to do sth.表示“由某人决定做某事”。up to用法归纳:(1)“多达某个数量”;(2)表示时间限制,意为“直到为止”,相当于until/till;(3)“有资格做,能胜任”。即时跟踪写出下列句子中up to的汉语意思Its up to you to decide when we will start.由决定,取决于She continued to care for her grandfather up to the time of his death.直到He is not up to the job.能胜任,有资格做Drought and famines(饥荒)

26、 have killed up to two million people here.多达.单句语法填空1A similar situation appears to be true of other planetary systems as well.2The workers are loading the goods into a car;that is,theyre loading the car with goods.3He was so drunk(drink)that he had lost the power of speech.4The cyclist(cycle) was h

27、eavily injured when the bicycle skidded(打滑)5They are talking about the problems arisen(arise)as a result of change over a new type of fuel.选词填空1The book is_aimed_at very young children.2The avenues of the city were_crowded_with shoppers.3The police fined me for driving too fast.4He was injured in th

28、e accident arising_from carelessness.5They were_aware_of another torch drawing near from another direction.完成句子 1.那就是那台零部件小得几乎看不见的新机器。Thats the new machine whose parts are too_small_to_be_seen.2广场中央矗立着一座纪念碑。In the center of the square stands_a_monument.3她指责她的母亲侵犯了她的隐私。She accused her mother of_viola

29、ting_her_privacy.4那位教授的演讲很成功。The speech given_by_that_professor was a great success.5还轮不到你来告诉我怎么做我的事。Its_not_up_to_you_to_tell_me how to do my job.语境填词A)根据首字母或汉语提示,写出所缺单词1The cyclist was heavily injured when he was run down by a lorry.2The bus crashed into a tree when it tried to avoid the pedestria

30、ns.3The drunk(喝醉的) man lost his watch in the bar.4The car in front of me stopped suddenly and I had to brake(刹车)5Our company is at the crossing(十字路口);it is easy to find it.B)填写空白处所需的内容(1个单词)或提供单词的正确形式6They started an aggression(aggressive) upon us.7He should be punished for violating(violate) human rights.8The company was_fined(fine) 2,000 for breaking safety regulations.9Are there any problems loading(load

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