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1、八年级英语下册单元达标测试试题doc新目标英语八年级下册Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived ?SectionA (1a一2c)A 卷一、翻译下列词组1一个飞碟_ 2.在图书馆前面 _ 3在理发店_ 4冲澡出来 _ 5电话聊天_ 6. 理发 _ 7睡懒觉_ 8飞行博物馆 _二、用所给词的适当形式填空1. He usually _ (read) a newspaper after supper.2. The woman _ (finish) cleaning the house just now.3. What _ they _ (do)

2、 at this time yesterday?4. Do you find it easy _ (ride) a bike.5. I _ (fly) a kite when it began to rain.三、用when或while填空1_ the girl was shopping,the alien got out2The boy was walking down the street _the UF0 arrived 3_the teacher came in,we were talking4._the twins were watching TV somehody knocked

3、on the door5Han Mei was cooking dinner _his father was listening to musicB 卷一、单项选择( ) 1When will the young man_the shopping center? Aget Barrive to Creach at Darrive at( ) 2What_you_when l came in? Aare;doing Bdid;do Cwas;do Dwere;doing( ) 3-_was she when it started to rain? -At schoo1AWhat BWhere C

4、How DWhy( ) 4Teachers always stand _ the classroomAbehind B in front of Cin the front of Din二、补全对话 A:So can you_me_you saw here today? B:Well,I was walking down Center Street _ a UFO _. A:_ did it land? B:_ here A:So what _ next? C:An alien got _ the UFOA:What _ you _ ? C:When the alien got out of t

5、he UFO? I_shopping三、句型转换1. I was eating lunch when the UFO arrived.(否定) I _ _ lunch when the UFO arrived.3. The girl was shopping when the alien got out.(一般疑问句)_ the girl _when the alien got out?4. I was cutting her hair when the accident happened.( 提问) _ _ you _ when the accident happened?5. The Gr

6、eens were watching TV at 8:00 yesterday.(提问)_ _ the Greens_ at 8:00 yesterday?6. The man was walking down the street. The weather began to snow.(用When和while把两个句子连成一个复合句) (1)_(2)_C 卷 一、翻译下列句子 1. 当我在厨房做饭的时候,我听见有人敲门。 _ 2. 那时,我正站在图书馆前面。 _ 3. 当那个女孩正在买东西的时候,外星人出来了。 _二、任务性阅读:根据短文内容用适当形式填空。 Dr Martin Luther

7、 Kings murder_(take)place about thirty years ago,before many Americans _(出生)However,in more recent times most Americans remember what they _(do) when the world Trade center in NewYork was destroyed by terrorists(恐怖分子). Even the dateSeptember l1,200l h_ meaning to most Americans Not all events in his

8、tory_(be) as terrible as this, of course many Americans also _(say) they remember (当人类第一次在月球上走时,他们在干什么)_ on the moon on July 20,1969In more recent history,most Chinese remember what they they were doing when Yang Liwei b_ the first Chinese astronaut in spaceYang went into space on October 15,2003 Hi

9、s flight around the Earth l _ 22 hoursWhen he _(return),he became a national hero in China,and became famous all over the world 英语学科八年级下册第三单元SECTION A 第二课时达标测试题A一、用介词或介词短语填空。 They were talking the phone . I was the barbers chair . The boy was walking the street when a UFO landed . I had a very unusu

10、al experience Sunday . The alien visited the Museum Flight 二、选择正确答案填空。1. in front of in the front of(1) My sister is sitting _ the classroom to see the sun.(2) My sister is sitting _ the classroom to read English with her classmates.2. when while as(1) _ I was walking on the street, I met my old fri

11、end.(2) She was singing _ she was walking.(3) I was walking on the street _ I met my old friend.(4) They were reading English _ I stayed at home.(5) They were talking _ I arrived.3. get out of get into get on get off(1) After he _ the taxi, he _ a car to the school.(2) We _ the bus and _ another one

12、 to train station.(3) When I _ the shop, I saw an old woman _ the restaurant.4. take off land take down put on(1) I _ my clothes after getting up.(2) The plane _ when people came in.(3) A UFO _ on the playground, many children ran to see it.(4) Please _ your coat, it is very hot outside.(5) The pict

13、ure is too old, please _ it _.5. in the tree on the tree(1) There are some apples _. (2) There are a few birds _.6. every day everyday(1) They read English _.(2) They read _ English after work.7. hear about /of hear from hear(1) He _ his brother was ill yesterday.(2) He _ his brother last week, beca

14、use his brother _ his illness in hospital.英语学科八年级下册第三单元SECTION A 第二课时达标测试题参考答案1. in front of, in the front of 2. While, as /while, when, when /while, when 3. got out of got into, got off got on, got out of get into /getting into; got into get out of /getting out of 4. put on, took off, landed, take

15、off, take down 5. on the tree, in the tree 6. every day, everyday 7. heard, heard from heard of/about英语学科八年级下册第三单元SECTION B第二课时达标测试题B一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. We know many _ (hero) in the movie.2. We know the two _(kid) _ (kid) us.3. The teacher asked us _ (keep) the windows _ (close).4. The shop is _ (clos

16、e) today.5. I had my hair _ (cut) in the barber shop yesterday.6. My parents _ (fly) to Shanghai last week.7. I _ (shop) when I saw A UFO _(land).8. Please read the _ (follow) sentence.9. The students sit on the chairs _(silence).10. I _ (buy) some fruit just now.11. I happened _ (see) my teacher on

17、 the way to school.12. I was _ at the _news very much (surprise).13. When Mr Green was in his room, his family _(be) with him.14. The boy was sitting at the _ (doctor).英语学科八年级下册第三单元SECTION A 第二课时达标测试题参考答案一、1. heroes 2. kids, kidded/are kidding 3. to keep, closed 5. closed 6. cut 6. flew 7. was shopp

18、ing, land 8. following 9. silently 10. bought 11. to see 12. surprised, surprise /surprising 13. were 14. doctors英语学科八年级下册第三单元SECTIONC 第二课时达标测试题C一、同义句转换1. A car accident happened to the man just now. A car accident _ _ to the man just now.2. Please stay silent in class. Please stay _ _ in class.3. T

19、he school closed yesterday. The school _ _ _ yesterday.4. They flew to Beijing. They _ to Beijing _ _.5. When I arrived, he was eating supper. _ he was eating _, I arrived.6. Whats the meaning of this word? What _ this word _? What do you _ _this world?7. He asked someone to cook the lunch. He _ the

20、 lunch _8. He bought some clothes from the shop. He _ _ _ in the clothes shop.二、单项选择1. When I returned, I saw him _ on the bed. A. laying B. lying C. laid D. lie2. You can see many beautiful flowers _ in the park. A. somewhere B. anywhere C. over there D. here and there3. Xiao Hong is scared of _ En

21、glish. A. learn B. learns C. to learn D. learning4. When it _ tomorrow, I will stay at home. A. rain B. rains C. will rain D. rained5. There are ten _ young people in the playground. A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of6. What _ she _ this time last Friday? A. did, do B. is, doing C.

22、was, doing D. were, doing7. Lucy _ out of her room _ I arrived. A. got, when B. was getting, while C. got, while D. was getting, when8. _ strange man he is! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a9. He left the room and then _ into another one. A. gets B. got C. was getting D. to get10. He is _ seeing the

23、 UFO. A. surprised at B. surprised of C. surprising at D. surprising of11. Lets not go _. Its dangerous outside. A. to anywhere B. anywhere C. somewhere D. to somewhere12. Who will _ the sick children? A. look for B. look up C. look after D. look out13. -_ did it arrive here? - Last night. A. When B

24、. While C. Where D. How14. Shanghai is a very beautiful city and I _ it very soon. A. fall in love with B. fall in love about C. felt in love about D. feel in love with15. He runs as _ as his brother. A. fast B. faster C. quick D. quicker16. What happened _ you? A. to B. with C. in D. for17. I didnt

25、 think _ making _ with him. A. out, friends B. about, a friend C. up, a friend D. of, friends18. - I was doing my homework at nine yesterday evening. What about you? - I _. A. sleep B. slept C. was sleeping D. am sleeping19. _ cold weather it is! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a20. I was surprised

26、_ the accident. A. hear B. heard C. to hear D. hearing21. I first met Mary three years ago. She _ at a radio shop at the time. A. has worked B. works C. was working D. will work22. What is she _ English over there, Tom? A. saying in B. speaking in C. telling about D. talking with英语学科八年级下册第三单元SECTION

27、C 第二课时达标测试题参考答案一、1. took place 2. in silence 3. didnt have lessons; had no classes; didnt open up 4. went by air /plane 5. While, dinner 6. does mean, mean by 7. had, cooked 8. did some shopping二、1-5 BDDBA 6-10 CDBBA 11-15 BCAAA 16-20 ADCAC 21-22 CAUnit 3 SectionB(1-2c)A卷一单项选择1 The cat isthe tree.A in B on C at D sit2 I come to your home yesterday

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