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1、煤炭开采论文及外文翻译河北工程大学外文翻译Coal Mining Technology煤炭开采技术院 校: 资源学院 专 业: 土木工程(矿建) 班 级: 2009级07班 学生姓名: 学 号: 时 间: 2013年5月 指导老师: 煤炭开采技术摘要:在当今科技经济发展的新形势下,煤炭开采技术的研究必须面向国内国外两个市场、面向经济建设主战场,立足于煤炭开采技术的前沿,立足于中国煤炭发展战略所必要的技术储备,立足于煤炭工业中长期发展战略所必须的关键技术的攻关,立足于煤炭工业工程实际问题的解决,重点从事中长期研究开发和技术储备,跟踪产业科技前沿,开发有自主知识产权的以煤矿开采技术及配套装备为主导

2、的核心技术,占领技术制高点。关键词:采煤方法,围岩控制,巷道布置1、采煤方法和工艺采煤方法和工艺的进步和完善始终是采矿学科发展的主题。采煤工艺的发展将带动煤炭开采 各环节的变革,现代采煤工艺的发展方向是高产、高效、高安全性和高可靠性,基本途径是使采煤技术与现代高新技术相结合,研究开发强力、高效、安全、可靠、耐用、智能化的采 煤设备和生产监控系统,改进和完善采煤工艺。在发展现代采煤工艺的同时,继续发展多层次、多样化的采煤工艺,建立具有中国特色的采煤工艺理论。我国长壁采煤方法已趋成熟,放顶煤采煤的应用在不断扩展,应用水平和理论研究的深度和广度都在不断提高,急倾斜、不稳定、地质构造复杂等难采煤层采煤

3、方法和工艺的研究有很大空间,主要方向是改善作业 条件,提高单产和机械化水平。开发煤矿高效集约化生产技术、建设生产高度集中、高可靠性的高产高效矿井开采技术。以提高工作面单产和生产集中化为核心,以提高效率和经济效益为目标,研究开发各种条件下的高效能、高可靠性的采煤装备和工艺,简单、高效、可靠的生产系统和开采布置,生产过程监控与科学管理等相互配套的成套开采技术,发展各种矿井煤层条件下的采煤机械化,进一步改进工艺和装备,提高应用水平和扩大应用范围,提高采煤机械化的程度和水平。 (1)开发“浅埋深、硬顶板、硬煤层高产高效现代开采成套技术”,主要解决以下技术难题。 硬顶板控制技术,研究埋深浅、地压小的硬厚

4、顶板控制技术,主要通过岩层定向水力 压裂、倾斜深孔爆破等顶板快速处理技术,使直接顶能随采随冒,提高顶煤回收率,且基本顶能按一定步距垮落,既有利于顶煤破碎,又保证工作面的安全生产。 硬厚顶煤控制技术,研究开发埋深浅、支承压力小条件硬厚顶煤的快速处理技术,包括高压注水压裂技术和顶煤深孔预爆破处理技术,使顶煤体能随采随冒,提高其回收率。 顶煤冒放性差、块度大的综放开采成套设备配套技术,研制既有利于顶煤破碎和顶板控制,又有利于放顶煤的新型液压支架,合理确定后部输送机能力。 两硬条件下放顶煤开采快速推进技术,研究合适的综放开采回采工艺,优化工序,缩短放煤时间,提高工作面的推进度,实现高产高效。55.5m

5、宽煤巷锚杆支护技术,通过宽煤巷锚杆支护技术的研究开发和应用,有利于综采配套设备的大功率和重型化,有助于连续采煤机 的应用,促进工作面的高产高效。 (2)缓倾斜薄煤层长壁开采。主要研究开发:体积小、功率大、高可靠性的薄煤层采煤机、刨煤机;研制适合刨煤机综采的液压支架;研究开发薄煤层工作面的总体配套技术和高效开采技术。 (3)缓倾斜厚煤层一次采全厚大采高长壁综采。应进一步加强完善支架结构及强度,加强支架防倒、防滑、防止顶梁焊缝开裂和四连杆变形、防止严重损坏千斤顶措施等的研究,提高支架的可靠性,缩小其与中厚煤层高产高效指标的差距。 (4)各种综采高产高效综采设备保障系统。要实现高产高效,就要提高开机

6、率,对“支架围岩”系统、采运设备进行监控。今后研究的重点是:通过电液控制阀组操纵支架和改善“支架围岩”系统控制,进一步完善液压信息、支架位态、顶板状态、支护质量信息的自动采集系统;乳化液泵站及液压系统运行状态的检测诊断;采煤机在线与离线相结合的“油磨屑”监测和温度、电信号的监测;带式输送机、刮板输送机全面状态监控。 2、深矿井开采技术深矿井开采的关键技术是:煤层开采的矿压控制、冲击地压防治、瓦斯和热害治理及深井通风、井巷布置等;需要攻关研究的是:深井围岩状态和应力场及分布状态的特征;深井作业场所工作环境的变化;深井巷道(特别是软岩巷道)快速掘进与支护技术与装备;深井冲击地 压防治技术与监测监控

7、技术;深矿井高产高效开采有关配套技术;深矿井开采热害治理技术与装备。 3、“三下”采煤技术提高数值模拟计算和相似材料模拟等,深入研究开采上覆岩层运动和地表沉陷规律,研究满足地表、建筑物、地下水资源保护需要的合理的开采系统和优化参数,发展沉降控制理论和关键技术,包括用地表废料向垮落法工作面采空区充填的系统;研究与应用各种充填技术和组合充填技术,村庄房屋加固改造重建技术,适于村庄保护的开采技术;研究近水体开采的开采设计、工艺参数优化和装备,提出煤炭开采与煤矿城市和谐统一的开采沉陷控制、开采村庄下压煤、土地复垦和矿井水资源化等关键技术。 4、优化巷道布置,减少矸石排放的开采技术改进、完善现有采煤方法

8、和开采布置,以实现开采效益最大化为目标,研究开发煤矿地质条件开采巷道布置及工艺技术评价体系专家系统,实现开采方法、开采布置与煤层地质条件 的最优匹配。 总结推广神华集团大柳塔矿、潞安漳村矿实行全煤巷布置单一煤层开采,矸石基本不运出地面,生产系统大大简化,分别实现无轨胶轮、单轨吊辅助运输一条龙,从井口直达工作面,同时实现了综采与综掘同步发展,生产效率大幅提高的经验的同时,重点研究高产高效矿井开拓部署与巷道布置系统的优化,简化巷道布置,优化采区及工作面参数,研究单一煤层集中开拓,集中准备、集中回采的关键技术,大幅度降低岩巷掘进率,多开煤巷,减少出矸率;研究矸石在井下直接处理、作为充填材料的技术,既

9、是减少污染的一项有力措施,又简化了生产系统,有利于高产高效集中化开采,应加紧研究。 5、采场围岩控制技术(1)进一步完善采场围岩控制理论。以科学合理、优化高效的岩层控制技术来保证开采活动的安全、高效、低成本为目标,深入总结我国几十年的矿山压力研究成果,以理论分析(解析法)、现代数学力学(统计分析预测、数值法)和实测法相结合运用先进的计算机技术,深入研究各种煤层地质及开采条件,如急倾斜、大采高、大采深采场矿山压力显现规律及围岩 破坏与平衡机理,不断完善采场围岩控制技术。 (2)研究坚硬顶板与破碎顶板条件下应用高技术低成本岩层控制技术。目前,由于应用高压注水、深孔预裂爆破处理坚硬顶板和应用化学加固

10、技术存在工艺复杂、成本高的问题,因而需进一步研究开发新技术、新工艺、新材料来解决这些问题。 (3)放顶煤开采岩层和支架围岩相互作用机理。研究放顶煤开采力学模型、围岩应力、顶煤破碎机理、支架顶煤直接顶基本顶相互作用关系;运用离散元等方法研究顶煤放落规律,提出放煤优化准则和提高顶煤回收率的途径。 (4)支护质量与顶板动态监测技术。在总结缓倾斜中厚长壁工作面开展支护质量与顶板动态监测方面,应进一步在坚硬顶板、破碎顶板、急倾斜、放顶煤工作面开展支护质量与顶板动态监测,同时应不断完善现有的监测技术,发展智能化监测系统,改进监测仪表,使监测仪表向直观、轻便、小型化方向发展。(5)冲击地压的预测和防治。通过

11、计算机模拟研究冲击性矿压显现发生的机理;进一步完善冲击性矿压显现监测系统,发展遥控测量和预报技术,完善冲击性矿压综合防治措施的优化 选择专家系统。 (6)研究开发新型的支护设备。研究硬煤层、硬顶板放顶煤液压支架,完善液压支架性能和快速移架系统,开发耐炮崩、轻型化单体液压支柱和厚煤层巷道锚索和可伸缩锚杆。 6、小煤矿技术改造和机械化开采技术实施国家关闭小煤矿,淘汰落后生产技术和生产设备,提高平均单井规模技术政策,改进小煤矿的采煤方法和开采工艺,提高采煤工作面单产和工效;提高小煤矿顶底板控制技术水平,最大限度地减少顶底板事故率。7、煤炭地下气化技术煤炭地下气化技术是将处于地下的煤炭进行有控制的燃烧

12、,通过对煤的热化学作用而产生可燃气体的过程。煤炭地下气化技术属于一种特殊的采煤方法,它属国际首创。煤炭地下气化技术具有投资少、工期短、见效快、用人少、效率高、成本低、效益好等优点,尤其适合我国煤矿地质条件复杂、劣质煤比例高、“三下”压煤严重具体国情,具有广阔推广应用前景。应继续研究完善“长通道、大断面、两阶段”和“矿井式气化”两种典型煤炭地下气化工艺,进行较大规模地下气化试验研究,摸索实现“两个控制、三个稳定”的技术途径,并实现连续、稳定生产探索应用的途径。参考文献 1新编矿山采矿设计手册,2006年11月,中国矿业大学出版社2主编孙广义、郭忠平,采煤概论,中国矿业大学出版社Coal Mini

13、ng TechnologyThe Abstract:Nowadays science and technology the new situation of the economic development under, coals mining a technical research has to be faced to domestic foreign two markets and faced to was constuct by the main battlefield, have a foothold in the coal mine technical of before fol

14、low, have a foothold the development is in the Chinese coal strategy necessity of technique storage, have a foothold strategic in the long-term development in the coal industry have to of the key offends a pass technically, have a foothold the industrial engineering is in the coal is actual the prob

15、lem resolve, the point be engaged in the long-term research develop to store and technique, before following the industry science and technology follow, develop to have an independent intelligent property right of with the coal mine the technique and the kit material for predominant core technique,

16、capture technique system a little bit high. Keywords: Coal mining method,Control of surrounding rock, Roadway layout 1 Adopt the coal method and craft Adopt the coal method and the progress of the craft with perfect is the topic that the always opencast academics develop.The development that adopts

17、the coal craft will arouse the change that the coal mines each link, moderns adopting the development direction of the coal craft is high to produce,efficiently,high safety with high and dependable, the basic path makes to adopt a high new technique of the coal technique and modern to combine togeth

18、er studying to destrongdint efficiently safety credibility enduring,the intelligence turn of adopt the coal equipments and production to supervise and control system, improve with perfect adopt a coal craft.Continue to develop multilayers at the time of developping a modern to adopt the coal craft,d

19、iver sification of adopt the coal craft, the establishment has Chinese special features to adopt coal craft theories.The our country is long the wall adopt the coal method to have already tend mature, put a coal to adopt coal of the application Be expanding continuously, applying the depth of the le

20、vel and theories research with wide degree all Be raising continuously, nasty tilt to one side, unsteady,the geology structure complications etc. is difficult to adopt coal seam to adopt the coal method and the research of the craft contain very big space, the main direction improves the homework co

21、ndition, raising a list to produce with mechanization level. Develop coal mine efficiently intensive turn a production technique,the construction produce height concentration,high credibility of high produce efficiently the mineral well to mine a technique.Produce by raising the work noodles list an

22、d produce concentration to change into core, with lift high-efficiency with economic performance for target, study to develop under various condition of high performance,the high credibility adopt the coal material and craft, simple,efficiently,dependable production system with mine a decoration, pr

23、oduce a distance to supervise and control to manage etc. and science the kit is mutually of the set mine a technique, develop under various mineral well coal seam condition of adopt the coal mechanization, further improvement craft and material, raise applied level and extend an application, raise t

24、o adopt the degree and the level of the coal mechanization. (1) The developmentshallow cover up deeply, hard crest the plank,hard coal seam is high to produce efficiently modern mine a set a technique, mainly solve a following technique hard nut to crack. Hard crest the plank control technique, the

25、research covers up a depth,ground to press a small hard and thick crest the plank control technique, mainly pressing and tilting to one side deep bore to blow up through the rock strata definite direction water power etc. crest the plank dispatch a technique, make direct crest can with adopt with em

26、it, exaltation crest the coal recovery rate, and the basic crest can press certain step to be apart from to fall, since be advantageous to a coal broken up, promise the safe production of the work noodles again. Hard and thick crest the coal control technique, the research development covers up a de

27、pth and pays to accept a hard and thick crest of small condition of pressure the dispatch of coal technique, including high pressure to note the water pressure technique and crest coal deep bore to prepare to blow up the processing technique, make a coal physique with adopt with emit, raise its reco

28、very rate. Crest the coal emit to put sex bad,piece degree the big release to adopt a set the equipments kit technique, develop since be advantageous to a coal broken up with crest plank control, and then be advantageous to the new liquid that puts a crest coal to press a support, the empress of the

29、 reasonable assurance the department transport function dint. Under two hard conditions put a coal to mine fast push forward a technique, study suitable to release to adopt back to adopt a craft, excellent chemical engineering preface, shorten to put the coal time, exaltation the work noodles of the

30、 propulsion degree, carry out high produce efficiently.The 5-5.5 m breadth coal lane anchor man pole protects a technique, protecting the technical research development and application through the breadth coal lane anchor man pole, be advantageous to the adopts the kit equipments of the big power an

31、d heavy type turn, contributing to continuously an application of adopt the coal machine, promote the work noodles of high produce efficiently. (2) Tilt to one side long wall of thin coal seam to mine slowly.Main research development:The physical volume is small,power the thin coal seam ofwith big a

32、nd high credibility adopt coal machine and plane coal machine;The liquid that develops to suit to plane the coal machine to adopt presses a support;The research develops the total kit technique of the thin coal seam work noodles with mine a technique efficiently. (3) Tilt to one side thick coal seam slowly once to adopt whole thick adopt high and long wall to adopt greatly.Should strengthen the perfect support structure and strength further, add a strong support to defend to pour,antiskid,keep a beam from sew to open with four connect a pole

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