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1、八年级英语下册期末复习Unit1单元总结牛津深圳版八年级英语下册期末复习Unit1单元总结(牛津深圳版) Helping thse in need Ditatin-牛津版八年级下 dule 1 Unit 1 ad 志愿的;自发的n 志愿行动拓展:vlunteern 志愿者 rds and phrases ad 丧失能力的;有残疾的构词方法:dis+able+ed【否定前缀】 【能够的】 【形容词后缀】 常用词组:the disabled残疾人Disabled nl 残疾人专用Disabled Rap残疾人坡道拓展:disablev 使残疾ablead 能够的有些以-ble 结尾的形容词,转变成

2、名词时,名词后缀为-bilit,1 abilitn 能力如:respnsible (ad负责任的)-respnsibilit (n 责任)raising; raised; raised v 筹集例:e have raised a five-thusand-pund fund fr the Red rss我们为红十字会筹集了一笔五千镑的资金。 v 增加;提高例:All the students raised their hands所有的学生都丼起手。本词组:raise nes spirits使振奋;使鼓起勇气 常考近义词:raiseVS rise(rising; rse; risen)ɦ

3、8;raise reɪz; 为及物劢词,强调外力将某物抬起戒抬高᠄rise raɪz; 为丌及物劢词,强调某物依靠自身力量升起例:iltn raised the glass t his lips 米尔顿丼起杯子放到嘴唇边。 The river is rising after the rain雨后河水正在上涨。suffering; suffered; suffered (本释义)vi (因疾病等)受苦;受折磨(后接 fr) He is suffering fr the lss f his ld friend 他正遭受失去老朋友的痛苦。 受难Ther

4、e are fe h have nt suffered几乎无人免亍受难。 vt 经受 (痛苦); 受苦ithin a fe das she had bee seriusl ill, suffering great pain and disfrt在几天时间里她已病得很重,经受了极大的痛苦和丌适。n 疾病常混淆近义词:illness VS siness VS disease᠄illness 和 siness 用亍指生病的状态戒持续的时间,如:He ant e beause f illness 他因病丌能。 He died after a lng illness 他死之前病了很丽。 另外

5、, siness 还可指“恶心”、“呕吏”等Hes suffering fr siness and diarrhea 他上吏下泻。᠄disease 用亍指具体的疾病戒疾病的总称,如:heart disease 心脏病lung disease 肺病Disease is usuall aused b gers 疾病多由病菌引起。ad 组织;筹备例:In the end, e all deided t rganize a nert fr Easter最后,我们一致决定为复活节组织一场音乐会。 拓展:rganizatin组织常见组织名:rld Trade rganizatin (T)世界贸

6、易组织Fd and Agriulture rganizatin f the United Natins (FA) 联合国粮食及农业组织rld Turis rganizatin (T)世界旅游组织rld Health rganizatin (H)世界卫生组织ad 孤单的;寂寞的 常考易混近义词:lnel VS alnelnel 强调人内心孤单、寂寞的感受,alne 强调某人一个人做某事的状态。 例:He lives alne and feels lnel他一个人住,感觉很孤单。n 友谊构词法:friend(朋友) + ship(表示的状态) 如:hardship 困苦partnership伙伴i

7、n rder t 后接劢词原形,表示“为了; 目的是“例:He eeps taing exerise ever da in rder t eep health为了保持健康,他每天坚持锻炼。拓展:in rder that 后接目的状语从句(2013 寒假第四讲-状语从句),从句中通常有 uld, an, ust, ight 等情态劢词。例:He eeps taing exerise ever da in rder that he an eep health为了保持健康,他每天坚持锻炼。10 pa 的相关搭配᠄pa sb fr sth 付钱给某人I paid the ilan 200

8、uan fr the il我付了 200 元给送奶工。᠄pa attentin t 关注;仔细听某人说的话Pa attentin t hat I a ging t sa! 注意我接下要说的话。 ᠖不定式的用法Graar一、一些动词常接动词不定式作宾语,如 ant, deide, hpe, as, agree, hse, learn, plan, need, teah, prepare 等。例:I lie t g ut fr als in the ar sunshine in spring ther hates t ve fr plae t plae, fr she fe

9、els tired I deide t r hard and get dtrs degree注:有些动词后面可接不定式作宾语,也可接动名词作宾语,但所表达的意义不同。常见的有:(1)stp t d sth停止正在做的事,去做另一事;stp ding sth 停止正在做的事(2)g n t d sth 做完一事后,继续做另一事;g n ding sth继续做同一事(3)reeber/frget t d sth记住忘记去做某事; reeber/frget ding sth 记得忘记做过某事二 、 不 定 式 结 构 中 , 不 定 式 前 加 一 个 疑 问 代 词 ( hat, hih, h,

10、h, hse ) 或 疑 问 副 词(here, hen, h, h),以及连词 hether 构成特殊的不定式短语,其作用相当于一个从句,这样的 不定式短语常在某些动词后面作宾语。常见的可以接这种不定式短语的动词有: n, see, deide, tell, as, nsider, disver, explain, find ut, frget, guess, hear, iagine, learn, reeber, thin, understand, nder 等。例:I uldnt deide hih b t hse I an tell u here t get this bThe fu

11、nd it hard t deide hether t g siing next Sunda r t visit Aunt Sall in Ne ear三、有些动词,如 tell, as, ant, invite, teah, lie, all 等可接带 t 的动词不定式作宾语补足语,构成tell/as/ant /all/invite sb t d sth结构。 例:He ased u t all hi at ten lId never all hildren t behave lie that注意:劢词丌定式作使役劢词和感官劢词的宾语补足语时应省去 t,在被劢语态中应加上 t。这些劢词可归纳

12、为“一 感(feel),二听(listen t, hear),三让(let, ae, have,,四看(l at, see, ath, ntie),半帮劣(help)(即在劢词 help 后面作宾语补足语时,t 可有可无)”。另有口诀帮劣记忆:“感使劢词真奇怪,t 在句中像妖怪, 主 劢句中 t 离开,被劢句中 t 回。”(let 丌用亍被劢语态)例:henever sething is rng ith u, please let e n I ill have the students rite a passage abut Internet四、动词不定式还可表目的例:In his third

13、 ear,he left Harvard t r fr a pan alled irsft在三年级时,他为了去微软公司工作而离开了哈佛大学。4 ultiple hies1Last suer I t a urse n_Ah t ae dressesB h dresses be ade h t be ade dressesD h dresses t be ade2-here did he g?-He ent t anther streAt bu penilsB fr buing penils bu penilsD buing penils3-D u get seneur lthes?-es, I

14、ften have the_Aash; ashedB t ash; ashed ashing; ashD ashed; ashing4Rbert ften ass us _ _his hinese, s his hinese is uh better than befreAhelp hiB t help hi t help ithD helps hi ithTheve up t 20,000 uan fr the Hpe PretArseB raise raisedD risen6-The T-shirt ls nie n u H uh des it?-I ustten dllars fr i

15、tAtae; affrdedB st; paid st; spent7His grandparents live in a sall huse, but the dnt feelAlnel; alneB alne; lnel lnel; lnelD alne; alne8aner patients suffergreat pain hen the are dingA/B fr fD fr9He started earlget there befre nineAin rder thatB beause s as tD in rder t10I aught thefr uAdiseaseB ill

16、ness sinessD ill᠄Fill in the bla ith the prper rds learned in Unit 1 The first letter f eah rdhas alread been given1The annt leave the untr ithut p_2Sine his parents died earl, he had t earn his n living hen he as a t_3rld Pis iprtant fr ever untr4Spending evenings utside is ne f the f suerI a

17、nnt et u h grateful I a6Sene 10,000 punds fr an ld ar7N p_, n gains8She fell dn the stairs and hher leg9The ill _a Bridge lub10She taes gd are f her d_father plete the flling sentenes1 当人们需要帮劣的时候,佝是否经常主劢提供帮劣?D u ften ffer t help peple hen the are 2 佝常头痛吗?D u ften headahes? 3 为了得到个好座位,她到得很早。 help?She arrived earl seat 4 我们在选择剧目上有一些困难。e get a gdhsing the pla

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