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1、阅读与写作素材外国作文选看外国人写的作文Pretty Dead One would never hear the following type of statements during a funeral: “Wow, for being dead, she sure looks good,” or “That woman has the prettiest face I have ever seen in a casket.” These types of statements just are not made. Why not? The family would be upset. Th

2、e deceaseds close friends would find the remarks rude and insensitive. However, if the deceased strived to look good all her life, where is the harm in making statements like those above? If a person put her physical beauty above her health, why can these thoughts not be expressed? Many people focus

3、 too much on their physical appearance, but they do not spend time thinking about their health. These people spend hours adorning themselves and making themselves look a certain way. They cannot, however, spend thirty minutes exercising. Another problem that people have is that they want to lose wei

4、ght but do not go about it in the right way. People try many unhealthy methods of losing weight, but while losing weight they are actually hurting their bodies. The woman who starves herself instead of balancing her diet and exercising harms her body more than she knows. The man who focuses solely o

5、n building muscle could have heart problems because he is not doing cardiovascular exercises. If people would exercise regularly and eat healthily, they would not need to lose weight. They would be healthy. If people would spend the amount of time taking care of their bodies as they do taking care o

6、f their appearance, doctors and hospitals would not be as busy. People should also learn about their bodies. If one knows that he cannot get less than eight hours of sleep a night without getting sick, then he should get those eight hours of sleep. If a person knows that his body cannot handle drink

7、ing coffee, then he should not drink coffee. Ones body can tell him a lot. People just need to listen to their bodies. Society could also be playing a large role in why people do not take care of their health. Society does not give people a reason to take care of their physical health. Appearance is

8、 viewed as more important than a persons health. While there are magazines that are all about health, there are more magazines that promote physical appearance. People need to start taking their health more seriously. Physical appearance is not going to last. One day the supermodels are going to wak

9、e up sixty years old with wrinkles and fat. They will not be who they were when they were twenty. Age happens; it is inevitable. Physical appearances will eventually fade, and while health will not last forever, ones life will be more fulfilling if one has good health.My Dream I am thirty-five years

10、 old, and I am sitting in a classroom for the first time in sixteen years. When I think back to my high school days, I remember working very hard to make good grades so that I could be admitted into a good college. In my senior year I realized that my parents were not going to allow me to go away to

11、 school. I had been admitted to UCLA and the University of Illinois in Champaign. I had received scholarships to both school, but I realized I would need some financial support from my parents. I remember rushing home to tell them the news. My father was not home, so I told my mother. After hearing

12、my news, she proceeded to tell me that I would not be going to college. I was informed that as a woman I did not need an education. My place was as a wife and mother. I was also informed that because I was a woman, I could not go to a strange city and live among strangers. I remember the shock I fel

13、t upon hearing her words. For the first time in my life I raised my voice to one of my parents. I argued that being a woman was precisely the reason why I needed to further my education and have a chance to be someone. I tried to compromise. I told them I could go to school here in Chicago, but they

14、 argued that I couldnt go around on buses and trains, especially in winter when it became dark earlier. I considered disobeying and going without their blessing or consent. I was, after all, eighteen years old. If I was considered an adult by society, I should be able to make my own decisions. Unfor

15、tunately, I was raised in the old school of Mexican culture. I was expected to go from my fathers house and care to my husbands house and care. I am proud of my Mexican heritage, but I have been in the United States since the age of six. I grew up with teachers telling me that with hard work and a g

16、ood education I could be anything I wanted. I had such dreams. I could be a doctor or a lawyer. I just had to work very hard and study. I did not become a doctor or a lawyer. As much as I wanted to defy my parents, in my heart I knew that they would view my going to school as a personal attack to th

17、eir beliefs. I could not live with the gap that my actions would cause in my family. I was the oldest. I had to set the example of respect towards my parents to my younger siblings. So I gave up my dream and settled down to become the good wife and mother that they expected me to be. I believe I am

18、a good wife and mother, but as fulfilled as I felt my life was, there has always been a yearning in it. I might have lived my life without realizing what that yearning was. Fortunately for me, my husband, though Mexican, has very American ideas and ambitions. He persuaded me to take the entrance exa

19、m and apply. He knew I was scared to come back, scared of coming back and failing at something Id wanted throughout my entire life. He pushed, he bullied, and he threatened until I realized that I couldnt deny myself my lifes dream. I had always been afraid that my parents had been right, that I cou

20、ld not be anything else but what I already was. My mother now brags and tells everyone that I am in school studying to be a legal assistant. She is currently trying to talk me into going pre-law. Im thinking about it.No Easy Way Out Nowadays, it seems as though getting divorced is not as significant

21、 as it was before. Back then, people were strongly discouraged from getting divorced, and most of them stayed married even though there was no love. Now for every little thing gone wrong, people think that the easy way out is through a divorce. In my opinion, most of those relationships that ended u

22、p in a divorce lacked communication, or even better, a friendship. In every relationship, the couple should develop a friendship before getting intimate with each other. Many people may get too deep into the relationship too soon. Instead, they should take the time to get to know each other better a

23、nd decide whether or not they are suitable for each other. For example, one of my friends had recently started dating an individual, and they kissed on their first date. I am not saying that kissing on the first date is bad, but I would not encourage it because this makes my friend more physically a

24、ttached to that individual. If one day my friend realizes that he is a lousy man and she does not really like that, she is more willing to stay with him because he is a good kisser than to let him go. Creating a friendship within the relationship will only help the relationship get stronger. While w

25、orking on the friendship in the relationship, a couple is also building the trust. This trust allows couples to put no restrictions on each other because they do not wonder what their significant-other is doing when the other is not present. They should be able to do whatever they want to do, but ea

26、ch person should have her and his own restrictions on what is acceptable in a relationship. Of course, if either person breaks the trust, then the relationship would end right there. Whenever there is trust, there also needs to be support. Just as friends want to be there when one needs them, ones s

27、ignificant-other should be the one to provide that emotional and physical support when one needs it. Everyone needs a shoulder to lean on when one is down, and ones significant-other should be one of the first people whom one turns to for that support. It can be said that one can always talk about a

28、nything and everything with a best friend. It should be the same way in a relationship. One should be able to confide in ones partner with almost everything. Not only should a couple talk about the relationship but also about other important matters such as world events and how these events affect t

29、heir everyday lives. The relationship would not last if the couple talked only about the relationship all of the time. It would be boring. This brings me to my next point that a relationship should not depend on the intimacy, but rather on the friendship. For example, perhaps a couple bases their re

30、lationship on sex. Then one of them develops a condition where he can longer have sex. Because the couple can no longer have sex, the couple does not have that much left that would keep them together. A friendship would help them through the condition even though intimacy is an important part of the

31、 relationship. In conclusion, in order to have a long-lasting love, two individuals should develop a friendship before getting intimate with each other. I am not saying that a friendship would solve any relationship-problems, but a friendship does help to ensure the longevity and strength of the rel

32、ationship. Just like a friendship, a relationship needs a lot of work, but in both cases neither person should want to take the easy way out.Ignorance Is Bliss? I wake up every morning and head off to the South Suburban College campus. I attend all my classes, study hard, and turn in all my assignme

33、nts. Each passing grade I receive brings me a step closer to my degree. This degree is my golden ticket to a better life for myself. With this document, I can obtain a better-paying job in a field that I want to work in. With this golden ticket, I can buy my happiness. Or can I? My late grandfather was miserable in his back-breaking

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