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1、高考英语专题复习动词的时态和语态专题一 动词的时态和语态考点1 一般时1.2016乙卷(全国)So it was a great honour.I _ (allow) to get up close to these cute animals at the 600-acre centre. 2.2015新课标全国It was raining lightly when I _ (arrive) in Yangshuo just before dawn.3.2015江苏The real reason why prices _ (be), and still are, too high is com

2、plex, and no short discussion can satisfactorily explain this problem. 4.2015湖南I wasnt able to hide my eagerness when I _ (ask),What do you wish me to do now?5.2015湖南Thats why I help brighten peoples days. If you_ (do), whos to say that another person will?6.2015重庆Is Peter coming?No, he _ (change) h

3、is mind after a phone call at the last minute.7.2014新课标全国In 1969,the pollution was terrible along the Cuyahoga River Cleveland, Ohio. It _ (be) unimaginable that it could ever be cleaned up.8.2014湖南Whenever you _ (buy) a present, you should think about it from the receivers point of view.9.2014重庆You

4、d better write down her phone number before you_ (forget)it.10.2014福建Havent seen you for ages! Where have you been?I went to Ningxia and _ (stay) there for one year, teaching as a volunteer.11. 2013安徽Im calling about the apartment you _ (advertise) the other day. Could you tell me more about it?12.2

5、013重庆I felt very tired when I got home, and I _ (go)straight to bed.13.2013陕西On Monday mornings it usually _ (take) me an hour to drive to work although the actual distance is only 20 miles.14.2013湖南Around two oclock every night, Sue will start talking in her dream. It somewhat _ (bother) us.15.2013

6、山东I didnt think Id like the movie, but actually it _ (be) pretty good.16.2012新课标全国Life is like walking in the snow, Granny used to say, because every step _ (show).17.2012天津The three of us _ (travel) around Europe for about a month last summer.18.2016乙卷(全国)改错It is always crowded with customers at me

7、al times. Some people even had to wait outside.19.2016甲卷(全国)改错The summer holiday is corning.I thought that it is a good idea.20.2016丙卷(全国)改错They always tell me what to do and how to do it. At one time, I even felt my parents couldnt understand me.21.2015新课标全国改错When I was a child, I hoped to live in

8、the city. I think I would be happy there.22.2015新课标全国改错Tony was scared and begun to cry.23.2015新课标全国改错A woman saw him crying and telling him to wait outside the shop. 24.2014 新课标全国改错My dream school starts at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m. . We didnt need to do so much homework. 【参考答案】1.was allowed

9、考查时态和语态。分析句子结构可知,主语I与动词allow之间存在被动关系,且前一句的was表明此处应用一般过去时,故填was allowed。2.arrived 考查动词时态。主句为过去进行时,因此when连接的时间状语从句应用一般过去时,故本空填arrived。3.were 根据句中的and still are 可知,空处应该指价格过去也很高。故用一般过去时。4.asked 句意:当我问现在你希望我做什么?时,我掩饰不住内心的急切。when引导时间状语从句;通过I wasnt able to hide my eagerness的时态可知,ask这个动作发生在过去,故填asked。5.dont

10、 句意:那就是我帮助人们天天心情愉快的原因。如果你不去做,谁又会说有其他人会去做呢?主句whos to say that another person will用了一般将来时,If引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时表将来,故填dont。6.changed 依据答语中的No可知,他在最后一刻改变了主意。语境表明change这一动作已经发生, 故用一般过去时。7.was 前句有时间状语In 1969,因此此处描述的是过去的情况。故用一般过去时,本空填was。 句意:无论何时你购买礼物,你都应该从接收者的角度去考虑这个礼物。根据句意可知,该句叙述的是一般的客观情况,故此处的让步状语从句中应用一

11、般现在时。9.forget 在时间状语从句中应该用一般现在时表示将来。【易错点拨】如果不知道时间状语从句、条件状语从句或让步状语从句中动词的时态应该用一般现在时表将来,则很容易误填will forget。10.stayed 此处与前半句中的went相呼应,表示过去的动作,所以用一般过去时。【易错点拨】受时间段状语for one year的影响,本题容易误填had stayed。问句使用的是现在完成时,而不是过去完成时。11.advertised 根据题干中的Im calling可知,时间的定位为现在,空格处为定语从句的谓语动词,根据其中的时间状语the other day可知,此处应用一般过去

12、时。【易错点拨】本题易误用过去完成时,过去完成时表示过去的过去,而本句中没有过去的某个时间作为参照点。12.went 句意:回到家时我感觉非常累,于是就直接去睡觉了。回家和直接去睡觉都是过去发生的动作,因此用一般过去时。13.takes 句意:在星期一的早上,开车上班通常要花费我一个小时,虽然实际距离仅仅有20英里。根据句意可判断出,这里叙述的是经常性的情况,所以用一般现在时。 14.bothers 句意:每晚两点左右,Sue就开始说梦话。这弄得我们有点儿烦。根据every night可知,此处指经常发生的动作;句中的will是情态动词,表示习惯发生的动作。故此处用一般现在时。15.was 句

13、意:我原以为我不会喜欢这部电影,但是实际上它非常好。根据句意及句中的didnt可知,此处指的是过去的事情,所以用一般过去时。16.shows 句意:人生就像在雪中走路,奶奶过去经常说,因为每一步都留有足迹。本句叙述的是客观事实,所以用一般现在时。此处show用作不及物动词,意为露出,显出。 句意:去年夏天,我们三人在欧洲旅行了一个月左右。根据句中的last summer可知用一般过去时。18.hadhave 考查时态。 整篇文章都是以现在时态写的, 所以需将一般过去时改为一般现在时。19.thoughtthink 考查动词的时态。全文的时态均以一般现在时为主,故此处

14、应用一般现在时。20.telltold 考查语篇中时态的一致性。全文中心时态为一般过去时,故应将tell改为told。21.thinkthought 前两句是回忆童年的事情,因此应用一般过去时,把think改为thought。22.begunbegan 这里是对过去发生的事情的客观叙述,应用一般过去时,故应把begun改为began。23.tellingtold 此处and连接的两个先后发生的动作在时态上应保持一致,故应把telling改为told。24.didntdont 考查动词时态。文章主体时态为一般现在时,此处表示我们(每天)不需要做如此多的家庭作业,所以要用一般现在时。故把didnt

15、改为dont。考点2进行时25.2015 天津Jane cant attend the meeting at 3 oclock this afternoon because she _ (teach) a class at that time.26.2015湖南He must have sensed that I _ (look)at him. He suddenly glanced at me and said quietly, Why are you staring at me like that?27.2014重庆James has just arrived, but I didnt k

16、now he _(come)until yesterday. 28.2014北京Hi, lets go skating.Sorry, Im busy right now. I _ (fill) in an application form for a new job.29.2014四川She _ (phone) someone, so I nodded to her and went away30.2013陕西Jim _ (watch) a late-night film at home when, right in the middle of a thrilling scene, the t

17、elevision went blank.31.2013湖南I dont understand why you didnt go to the lecture yesterday afternoon.Im so sorry. But I _ (do) my homework.32.2013四川Hurry up, kids! The school bus _(wait)for us!33.2013天津The water supply has been cut off temporarily because the workers _ (repair) one of the main pipes.

18、34.2012湖南The moment _ (come) soon,he thought to himself,waiting nervously.35.2012福建When did the computer crash?This morning, while I _ (sort) the reading materials downloaded from some websites. 36.2012四川Did you catch what I said?Sorry. I _ (answer) a text message just now.37.2012陕西Can I call you ba

19、ck at two oclock this afternoon? Im sorry, but by then I _ (fly) to Beijing.How about five?38.2012辽宁I feel so excited! At this time tomorrow morning I _ (fly) to Shanghai.【参考答案】25.will be teaching 句意:今天下午三点Jane不能出席会议,因为那时她将正在上课。由时间状语at 3 oclock this afternoon和at that time可知,空处表示的是将来某个时刻正在进行的动作,故用将来进

20、行时。26.was looking 句意:他一定感觉到了我正在看着他。他突然瞥了我一眼,轻轻地说,你为什么那样盯着我?must have done表示对过去事情的肯定推测,that引导的宾语从句应用过去时态。由句意可知,他感觉到的时候我应该是正在看他。27.was coming 前一句说James已经到了,然后用but语意一转说直到昨天才知道他要来,据此可知应该填表示将来含义的时态。因为主句用了过去时所以从句不能用一般将来时,因此用过去进行时表将来。 filling 嗨,我们去滑冰吧。对不起,我现在很忙。我正在填一份新工作申请表。由答句中的时间状语right now和上下文语境可知,

21、此处表示正在发生的事,应用现在进行时。29.was phoning 句意:当时她正在给别人打电话,所以我对她点了点头,离开了。过去进行时表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间内正在进行或发生的动作,其形式为was/were+现在分词。根据句意可知,空格处用过去进行时表示在过去某一时刻正发生的动作。30.was watching 句意:Jim正在家看一部午夜电影,正看到令人毛骨悚然的场景时,电视变成空白了。根据句意可知,此处表示过去某时间正在进行的动作。31.was doing 句意:我不解的是你昨天下午为什么不去听讲座。对不起。但是(当时)我正在做家庭作业。很显然,答话者没有去的原因是当时正在做家庭作

22、业,因此此处要用过去进行时。 waiting 句意:孩子们,快点!校车在等我们!根据句意可知,空处表示正在进行的动作,所以用现在进行时。33.are repairing 句意:水供应已经被暂时切断了,因为工人们正在修其中一条主管道。根据主句时态可知,从句应用现在的某种时态,再根据语境可知此处要用现在进行时,表示正在修。 coming 句意:他紧张地等待着,心里想,这一时刻很快就要来临了。根据空处后面的soon可知,此处表示将来,所给提示词为come且引号中的内容是他当时想法的直接表达,故应用现在进行时表示将来。【易错点拨】本题易受句子中thought一词的影响,错误地认为空

23、白处应使用与过去相关的某一时态。35.was sorting 句意:电脑什么时候死机的?今天上午,当我正在把从一些网站上下载下来的阅读材料进行分类的时候。根据句意可知,死机发生在我正在做某事时,也就是说发生在过去的某个时间点,故应用过去进行时态。36.was answering 句意:你听懂我的话了吗?很抱歉,刚才我在回短信。此处用过去进行时表示过去某时正在进行的动作。37.will be flying 句意:今天下午两点我能给你回电话吗?不好意思,那时我正飞往北京。五点怎么样?由by then可知,此处用将来进行时表示将来某时正在进行的动作。38.will be flying 句意:我感到非

24、常兴奋!明天早上这个时候我将正在飞往上海的途中。语境强调将来某个时候正在进行的动作,因此用将来进行时。【易错点拨】本题易误填will fly。一般将来时表示将来的动作或状态,而将来进行时强调将来的某个时候正在进行的动作,两者相比较,本句应用将来进行时,与语境中的时间状语At this time tomorrow morning相呼应。考点3完成时39.2016北京I _(read) half of the English novel, and Ill try to finish it at the weekend.40.2016浙江Silk _(become) one of the prima

25、ry goods traded along the Silk Road by about 100 BC.41.2015北京 Did you have difficulty finding Anns house?Not really. She _ (give)us clear directions and we were able to find it easily.42.2015北京In the last few years, China _ (make) great achievements in environmental protection.43.2015安徽Just as I got

26、 to the school gate, I realized I _ (leave) my book in the cafe.44.2015天津Despite the previous rounds of talks, no agreement _ (reach)so far by the two sides.45.2014山东Writing out all the invitations by hand was more time-consuming than we _(expect).46.2014江苏How much do you know about the Youth Olympi

27、c Games to be held in Nanjing?Well, the media _ (cover) it in a variety of forms.47.2014浙江Sofia looked around at all the faces: she had the impression that she _ (see) most of the guests before.48.2013浙江During the last three decades,the number of people participating in physical fitness programs _ (

28、increase) sharply.49.2013辽宁He was unhappy when he sold his guitar. After all, he _ (have) it for a very long time.50.2013新课标全国When I first met Bryan I didnt like him, but I _ (change) my mind.51.2013山东Oh no! Were too late. The train _ (leave).Thats OK. Well catch the next train to London.52.2013湖南Ha

29、ve you heard about the recent election?Sure, it_ (be) the only thing on the news for the last three days. 53.2012浙江Alvin, are you coming with us?Id love to, but something unexpected _ (come)up.54.2012江苏The manager is said to have arrived back from Paris where he _ (meet) some European business partn

30、ers.55.2012江西Look! Somebody _ (clean) the sofa.Well, it wasnt me. I didnt do it.【参考答案】39.have read 句意:这本英文小说我已经读了一半了,这个周末我将尽力把它读完。语境表示已经读了一半,应该用现在完成时表示说话之前已经完成的动作,并且这个动作的结果对现在的情况仍有影响。40.had become 句意:到大约公元前100年,丝绸已经成为丝绸之路上最主要的交易商品之一。根据句意及by about 100 BC可知,become的动作发生在过去的过去,故用过去完成时。41.had given 你们找到Ann的家有困难吗?算不上难。她已经告知了我们她家的详细方位,我们很容易找到。根据语境可知,give这一动作发生在were able to之前,故此处应用过去完成时。42.has made 句意:在过去的几年里,中国在环境保护方面已经取得了很大的成就。根据时间状语In the last few years可知,这里应用现在完成时。43.had left 句中realized为一般过去时,我把书忘在咖啡馆的动作发生在realized之前,即为过去的过去,因此用过去完成时。句意:就在我到达学校门口时,我意识到我把书忘在咖啡馆里了。44.has

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