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1、中考英语模拟试题汇编非谓语动词及相关短语【2016四川广安一诊卷】()10.Its very hot today. Would you mind _ the window? Of course not.A. opening Bnot to open Cnot opening Ddont open【2016上海市杨浦区三模】38. Why dont we encourage our children _ off the video games and pick up a book? A) turn B) turning C) to turn D) to turning【2016上海市杨浦区三模】

2、39. Thomas story about _ a bear attack was really exciting. A) survive B) surviving C) to survive D) to surviving【2016上海市徐汇区二模】40.The heavy rain made the headmaster_ the school sports meeting.A. to cancel B. cancel C. canceling D. canceled【2016上海市徐汇区二模】41.The new App allows us to use voice to create

3、 notes instead of _ all the words.A. to type B. type C. typing D. typed【2016上海市浦东新区二模】38. Mother encouraged the little Tom _ his special experience in the blog. A) share B) to share C) shared D) gain【2016上海市浦东新区二模】39. People should _ into the habit of garbage sorting(垃圾分类) in neighborhood.A) get B)

4、give C) go D) grow【2016上海市浦东新区二模】41. Rio de Janeiro still has a lot of things _ to prepare for the 2016 Olympics. A) do B) did C) to do D) does【2016无锡市锡山区一模】12. _ more about Chinese culture, Jack has decided to take Chinese folk music as his second course.A. Learn B. Learned C. To learn D. To be lea

5、rning【2016山东省临沂市中考模拟】25. Dad, why must I stop _ computer games?For your health, my boy.A. play B. to play C. to playing D. playing【2016济南市天桥区二模】53.My father encourages me_ to clean Quancheng Park on weekends.Its great! I would like to join you.A. volunteer B. volunteering C. to volunteer D. voluntee

6、red 【2016南京师大附中一模】( )7. Hong Kong Disneyland is well worth _ . A. to visit B. visiting C. visit D. visited【2016江苏无锡市新区一模】7. He _ to get to the top of the Himalaya Mountains after _ several times. A. managed; to trying B. tried; to trying C. managed; trying D. tried; trying【2016江苏宿迁市中考模拟】( ) 22. We s

7、hould devote all our time _ poor people. A. to helping B. helping C. to help D. help【2016江苏宿迁市中考模拟】( ) 28. Its important English well. A. of you to learn B. of you learn C. for you to learn D. for you learning【2016江苏苏州市一模】11. I believe youll regret _ up the chance. Then I regret _ you that I wont ch

8、ange my mind.A. giving; telling B. to give; to tell C. giving; to tell D. to give; telling【2016江苏苏州市二模】( )10. Could you tell me who to ask for advice about my trip next week? Can you see the girl is in red? She knows whether the place is worth . A. who; visiting B. whom; enjoying C. that; playing D.

9、 which; seeing【2016江苏苏州市二模】( )12. You dont know what great difficulty I had to get the two tickets. A. managing B. to manage C. with managing D. managed【2016南京市江宁区一模】5. Andy made a big bamboo box the little sick bird until it could fly again. A. keep B. kept C. keeps D. to keep【2016江苏省昆山市二模】14.I pre

10、fer _ outside for a trip rather than _at home this May Day holiday.A. to go, staying B. going, to stay C. to go, stay D. going, staying【2016湖北鄂州四校一次联考】33China is getting better and better at making high technology productsThats rightPeople around the world can hardly avoid_ products made in ChinaAno

11、t buying Bnot to buy Cto buy Dbuying【2016齐齐哈尔市模拟卷】Mary is a little poor at English . I think she needs _ it every day. A. practise to speak B. to practise speaking C. practise speaking【2016齐齐哈尔市模拟卷】( ) 17. Its kind _ you _ so much for us.A. of, to think B. for, to think C. of, thinking【2016齐齐哈尔市模拟卷】

12、( ) 18. The students and their teacher _ eagerly looking forward to _Spring Festival. A. is; come B. are; coming C. are; the coming【2016齐齐哈尔市模拟卷】( ) 20. It takes me half an hour _ the piano every day. A. play B. playing C. to play【2016齐齐哈尔市模拟卷】( ) 24. Im sorry, Mr. Li. I_ my English homework at home

13、.Dont forget _ it to school tomorrow.A. left, to bring B. forgot, to take C. lost, to bring【2016河北石家庄一模】( )39.Ling Feng makes the baby .A. stops crying B. stop to cry C. to stop crying D. stop crying【2016石家庄二模】( )39. I think the short stories _ by Dickens are very popular _ the children.A. are writt

14、en; for B. are written; among C. written; among D. written; between 【2016石家庄二模】( )40. We soon found him _.A. easily to get on with B. hard to get on C. difficult to get on with D. hardly to talk to【2016石家庄二模】( )44. Im sorry I my homework at home.Dont forget it to school tomorrow.A. forgot ,to take B

15、. left ,to bring C. forgot to bring D. left, to take【2016石家庄三模】29. Knives are used to _ things and glasses are used for _.A. cut, drinking B. cutting, drinking C. cut, drink D. cutting, drink【2016石家庄四模】( )39. If you keep _,Youll be a very good swimmer one day . A. practise to swim B. practising swim

16、ming C. to practise to swim D. practise swimming 【2016海南侨中中考模拟】( ) The summer holiday is coming. They decide _ to Harbin. A. going B. go C. to go【2016潮州市高级实验学校模拟】- Its time for dinner, Linda. Lets _out this evening.- Nice. But I prefer Chinese food _western food. A. eat, to B. to eat, than C. eat, t

17、han D. to eat, to【2016潮州市高级实验学校模拟】43. We have two rooms _, but I cant decide _. A. to live; to choose which one B. to live; choose which oneC. to live in; which one to choose D. to live in; choose which one【2016郑州市适应性测试】33. - Why did Vivian keep practicing speaking in front of the public?-_ more con

18、fidence. I think. A. Get B. Gotten C. Getting D. To get【2016天津市红桥区二模】36. All the students in our class promised _ the school rules.A. follow B. follows C. following D. to follow【2016新乡市一模】( ) 8. -How much difficulty did you have this chemistry problem? -None. Its quite easy. A. solve B. solving C. t

19、o solve D. solved【2016新乡市一模】( ) 3. The old man has something wrong with his legs and has to have them . A. operate B. operated C. operate on D. operated on【2016新乡市一模】( ) 5. It is dangerous children a close look at the lions in the zoo. A. for, having B. for, to have C. of, to have D. of, have【2016新乡

20、市一模】( )6. people are looking forward to Running Man III. A. Two thousand a watch B. Thousands of; watch C. Thousands of; watching D. Two thousands of; watching【2016新乡市一模】( ) 12. - harder, and youll do better next time. -OK, I will. Im looking forward good grades. A. Work, to get B. Work, to getting

21、C. Working, to get D. Working, to getting【2016上海普陀区质量调研】38.As it goes cooler ,you had better a coat over your sweater.A wearing B wear C to wear D wears【2016上海普陀区质量调研】39.In order to finish the task in time, John kept for four hours without rest. A work B to work C works D working【2016广东河源中英文学校一模】( )

22、32It took _ people _ the work. A. hundreds of, finishing B. hundred of, to finish C. hundreds of, to finish D. hundred of, finishing 【2016广东河源中英文学校一模】( )34-How about going hiking this weekend? -Sorry, I prefer _rather than _.A. to stay at home, go out B. to go out, stay at home C. staying at home, g

23、o out D. going out, stay at home.【2016广东河源中英文学校一模】( )35The teacher told the students _in class.A. not B. dont talk C. didnt talk D. not to talk 【2016广东河源中英文学校一模】( )41. Grandpa is getting old and he has trouble _ what others say to him.A. hear B. to hear C. hearing D. heard【2016广东河源中英文学校一模】( )42.Do y

24、ou know who invented Chinese chess? Sorry. I dont know. Lets _ the Internet _ . A. search; find out it B. to search; to find it out【2016河师大附中决战四模】( ) 2. Recently I have read some books by Verne, a famous science fiction writer. A. were written B. written C. wrote D. write【2016河师大附中决战四模】( ) 15. The w

25、ind is blowing strongly. Youd better outside long. A. stay B. not stay C. not to stay D. to stay【2016河师大附中决战四模】( ) 17. I used to late, but now Im used to early.A. staying up; get up B. stay up; getting up C. stay up; get up D. staying up; getting up【2016河师大附中决战四模】( ) 18. He is often seen others in n

26、eed. A. help B. to help C. helps D. helping excitedly. A. waving; to shout B. to wave; shouting C. to wave; to shout D. to waving; shouting【2016河师大附中二模】( ) 12. We talked until Mr. Wu asked us . A. happily; to be quiet B. happy; to be quiet C. happy; be quiet D.happily; be quiet【2016苏州一模】( )2. I want

27、ed to do my homework last night, but ended up to the cinema.A. go B. to go C. going D. went【2016苏州一模】( )5. He preferred to sit rather than .A. sleep B. sleeping C. sleeps D. to sleeping【2016南京市扬子一中一模】( )10. Today the forests are getting fewer and fewer. We must _ down too many trees. A. keep people

28、cutting B. prevent people from cutting C. stop people to cutting D. all the above 【2016南京市扬子一中一模】( )12. -How about going hiking this weekend? -Sorry, I prefer _ to _. A. to stay at home; go out B. going out; staying at home C. staying at home; going out D. to go out, stay at home【2016郑州一模】33. To imp

29、rove my writing skills, my mother made me the English texts one by one. A. recite B. reciting C. recited D. to recite【广东深大附中等五校一次联考】25. The _ of this film was once a _actor. So lots of his fans want to see the new film. A. direct; famous B. director; celebrated C. direction; humorous【广东深大附中等五校一次联考】2

30、8. The mothers advice fell _deaf ears again. Its no use _ to her. A. on; talking B. with; to talk C. to; talk【2016内蒙古二模】( )48. Lets play football on the playground.Its so hot outside. I would rather _ at home than _ out.A. to stay; go B. staying; going C. stay; to go D. stay; go【2016合肥十校大联考三】40I hear someone _at the doorP1ease go and see who _is Aknock;he Bknocking;he Cknock;it D. knoc

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