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本文(雅思英语范文有些人天生就有某些天赋比如音乐和体育而另一些人则不然 你觉得呢.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

雅思英语范文有些人天生就有某些天赋比如音乐和体育而另一些人则不然 你觉得呢.docx

1、雅思英语范文有些人天生就有某些天赋比如音乐和体育而另一些人则不然 你觉得呢Its generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for music and sport, and others are not. However, its sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musician. Discuss both ideas by giving your

2、opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.Model Answer 1: Many artists or football players claim that their talent is of genetic origin. They did not have to learn music or sport to become that talented. Ha

3、ving said that, a growing number of people believe they any child can be the best chess player or the fastest swimmer in the world as long as he receives the right teaching and proper direction. In this essay, I will look at both sides of the argument and give my opinion. First and foremost, many be

4、lieve that any child can be a genius one. It is only about how much his parents are paying attention to his needs and what do they do to develop these hobbies. For example, a psychology professor agreed with his wife to raise their children as the books of development and psychology say, and now the

5、ir daughter is the second best chess player in the world. In my view, it all starts from home when a mother tries to show her baby various options and different areas of play. Therefore, he will identify the available components around him and try to discover his own interests. As the children grow

6、up, they need continuous support and encouragement to keep his certain hobby, such as music, more developed. This will not happen without professional help to have the famous talented artist at the end. On the contrary, there is a common belief that many celebrities are famous because they were born

7、 with specific talents not because they were taught to practice these talents. To sum up, I strongly believe that either born talented or not, any person can be whatever he wants only by the continuous hard work and practice, not by genetics. Sample Answer 2: People have various opinions regarding w

8、hat truly makes a person a good performer or a talented individual. Some people contend that the talent is a natural gift, whilst others, including myself, have a different opinion since we believe that any person can become an excellent achiever by guidance, dedication and hard work. On the one han

9、d, it is believed that some people are gifted and they naturally master musical instruments or sports as if they had been taught for years. For instance, my son, who is a big fan of football, was admitted to a higher level on his first training session because he could easily perform all the require

10、d skills of the previous levels. Had he been trained earlier, he would have joined the club official team. Therefore, it can be deduced that some people are more talented than others. On the other hand, it can be argued that some people have a passion for a certain leisure activity and it is benefic

11、ial that educational institutions and family members exert effort to realize this. An example for this is a questionnaire administered to an American elementary school where the results revealed that around 75% of the students master playing different musical devices after rigorous training by their

12、 music teachers. Accordingly, it can be argued that hobbies can be taught as well as being a natural talent. Having manifested the aforementioned points of view and examples, it can be recapitulated that people can either learn to play music or sports, or they can be naturally talented. However, in

13、my humble opinion, both cases should receive guided training, encouragement and an appropriate environment to perform efficiently. It is recommended that the governments should invest more to add extra skills to the students apart from education. Model Answer 3: Its well known that some children are

14、 born with talents and skills which are very obvious like those who are very talented in playing music from the very early age, or those who have physical and mental power which in fact exceeds their age. In the same context, some people say that these talents are not only found in some children, bu

15、t in all. They claim that these skills dont appear clearly unless treated in proper ways. While other people believe in natural talents and they opine that talents are something people are born with and what people learn are experience and skills. In my opinion, every child is good more specifically

16、 extremely good, in a specific thing, but what is that talent? How can we develop it? Or can we at all develop it? He doesnt have an extra foot or hand to be better than you! - this is a well-known saying which encourages children to develop their skills to catch up with those who are supposed to be

17、 talented. Parents and teachers use this common saying just to indicate that someone is not better just because he was chosen at the time of his birth. With efforts, anything can be achieved. Psychologically, all children have the ability to be good at music or sports, for instance, if they are give

18、n appropriate teaching and wise guiding. This doesnt contradict with what is known as natural talents. I believe that these natural talents play an important role in manifesting talents; this can be seen in the fields of music and sports. We can see that most of the stars of sports and the brilliant

19、 musician had a natural talent; however, it was treated correctly and finally gave that success. In conclusion, I completely agree with the idea that any child can excel when he gets enough encouragement, guideline, opportunity and proper environment. Model Answer 4: These days a talent hunt shows a

20、re very popular in India. Some people have quite unique talents which are difficult to imagine. For example, a person can create a shadow of different faces of the freedom fighters of India by just using his two hands. It is a debatable topic whether such talents are learned or it is God gifted. Few

21、 people are born with a talent. For instance, a two years old child can play multiple drums parallel like a professional musician. I am confident that a child cannot learn such skills at the age of two. Sometimes you inherit such skills from your ancestors. For instance, it is not surprising if a gr

22、eat singers son can also sing very well. On the other hand, we have a considerable amount of people who are different from their family. For example, a golf world champion belongs to the wrestlers family. A champion confirmed that his father wanted him to be different than his family. With rigorous

23、training he became would champion at the age of nine. If talent is acquired only by birth than a coaching concept would not have been accepted so widely. It is said that China won 15 medals in one of the Olympic Games. After that, the government started a training program nationwide where kids are b

24、eing trained in different sports. In two decades China won 15 medals and became number one in that Olympic game. I truly believe that talent can be learned by passion and dedication. We would not have got some of the greatest talents in India like Lata Mangeshkar and Sachin Tendulkar if they stopped

25、 trying after their initial failures. If talent is acquired by birth then Mr Amitabh Bachchan would have stopped the acting after continuous nice flop films in the starting of his career, thinking he does not have any inherent acting skill. Model Answer 5: The statement states the old discussion of

26、the role of nature and nurture. The first group believes that the innate capacities, inherited genes, or born talent play a key role in the professions like sports and performing arts such as music. Its true that there are people who born with certain talents can perform exceptionally well in their

27、fields. Its also a general belief that musicians and artists are born with the ability of music and arts or sports. The other groups of people have confidence in the learning. For them, any talent can be acquired be it a music or sports and any person can achieve anything through hard work and deter

28、mination. They believe that the man is an architect of his own fate. In my opinion, I support the second statement, though no one can rule out the role of natural talents. A person can be born with good voice tone and quality but he cannot achieve harmony, scale and rhythm without learning. And beyo

29、nd ones primitive ability, every innate talent is basic in nature and for its development, it requires encouragement and teaching. The consistency and hard work can then make you perfect. The poets and writers, though born with the talent, do not let out their work before making it perfect through s

30、everal alterations. For example, William Wordsworth, the famous poet, revised and amended his poem daffodils. As it is said, “draft while drunk, but revise when sober.” On the whole, innate abilities do provide an aptitude for art and sports but success and perfection require trial and error method.

31、 Model Answer 6: People have differing opinions as to what makes a high achiever. Some believe that a person has got to possess certain innate traits to become an excellent performer while the other school of thought is that anyone can become an excellent performer if being taught in a right way. I

32、tend to gravitate towards the latter school of thought. Firstly, we have to admit that in certain realms in life, to achieve greatness, you have got to have the right genetics, to illustrate; a shorter person will always be at a disadvantage against a taller person in basketball. Secondly, many chil

33、dren display phenomenal qualities at sports and music that it wouldnt be irrational to believe that they were born with these characteristics, enabling them to excel in their chosen fields. However, I strongly believe that talent is massively overhyped in our culture. If we examine the lives of top performers in an

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