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必修3Unit 6Perseverance and Success.docx

1、必修3 Unit 6 Perseverance and SuccessUnit 6Perseverance and Success一、单词写 得 准用 得 活(用所给词的适当形式填空)1.award vt.颁发,授予2.react vi. 反应3.govern vt. 统治,控制4.cure vt. 治愈;治好5.switch n. 开关 vt. 按,摁 n. 按;报道;出版社7.masterpiece n. 杰作;名作8.point n. 道理,观点 n. 患者;病例;病症;案件10.astronomy n天文学astronomer n天文学者;天文学家

2、ly vt.应用vi.申请applied adj.应用的;实用的applicant n申请人application n申请,申请书12.operate vi./vt.开动(机器);操纵;起作用;经营;动手术operator n操作者;经营者;电话接线员operation n手术;操作13.different adj.不同的differently adv.不同地14.soft adj.柔软的;软的soften vt./vi.变软,软化15.theory n理论theoretical adj.理论的 n科学scientific adj.科学的1. There is scient

3、ific (science) evidence to support our instinct (直觉) that being surrounded by plants is good for health.2.In conclusion, more theoretical (theory) and experimental research must be conducted.3.The Americans spell some words differently from the British.That is to say, American English is different f

4、rom British English.(different)4.All applicants who have applied for the job must hand in the application forms before next Monday.(apply)5.The doctors are operating on an operator of a factory who got injured when operating a machine, and the operation is said to last over ten hours.(operate)6.Wang

5、 Lin shows great interest in astronomy,_hoping to be an excellent astronomer in the future.(astronomy)7.The dough (面团) for making bread isnt soft enough.Can you think of a way to soften it?(soft)1.“奖项”种种award奖;奖品prize奖金;奖品reward悬赏,回报,酬谢distinction荣誉;奖励2.-y结尾学科名词展示astronomy天文学chemistry化学biology生物学psy

6、chology心理学philosophy哲学3.由masterpiece想到的biography传记drama剧本;戏剧essay散文;小品文fiction (虚构)小说original 原作4.-ic结尾形容词小结scientific科学的enthusiastic热情的energetic精力充沛的dramatic戏剧(性)的sympathetic同情的romantic 浪漫的二、短语写 得 准用 得 活(选用左栏短语填空)1.point_to指向2.do_research 作研究3.pull_out 使分离;拔掉某物4.keep_on_doing_sth. 继续5.pull_off 做成某事

7、6.turn_off 关(灯;火等)7.look_out 往外望8.only_if 只要;只有9.be_covered_with 覆盖10.pull_up 向上拉;拉起11.hold_the_post_of 担任(某职位)12.have_a_very_poor_chance_to_do 做没多大希望13.catch_a_disease 得病;生病14.award_cup 奖杯15.get_interested_in 对感兴趣1.You will pass your exams only_if you really apply yourself to your study.2.He didnt

8、come at all.It was silly of us to keep_on waiting for him.3.Turn_off the switch when anything goes wrong with the machine.4.She is not only good at mathematics, but she gets_interested_in English as well.5.A large proportion of the earths surface is_covered_with water.6.Youd better have your bad too

9、th pulled_out as soon as possible before the toothache becomes worse.7.Turn the hands of the clock until they point_to 9 oclock.8.Im hoping that I may pull_off a scholarship to Oxford.1.“生病”短语点滴catch a diseasefall/become illbecome/get sickcatch a coldhave a fever2.“继续做某事”短语速记keep on doing sth.go on

10、doing sth.carry on doing sth.continue doing/to do sth.3.point短语集合point to指向point at 指着point out 指出,指明at that point 在那时to the point 中肯的三、句式背 原 句明 句 式学 仿 写1.She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up.她不知道如何去面对,想要放弃。make it意为“对付,面对; 能够出席或到场;获得成功”。你决不应该灰心丧气。继续努力,你迟早会成功的。In no ca

11、se should you lose heart; keep trying and you_will_make_it_sooner_or_later.2.He told her that Johnsy had a very poor chance to get well again.他告诉她琼瑟恢复的可能性很小。动词不定式作后置定语。志愿工作给了你改变生活的机会,包括你自己的生活。Volunteering gives you a_chance_to_change_lives,_including your own.3.When Sue went into his room, he was al

12、one, drinking.当苏走进他的房间时,他独自一人在那儿,喝着酒。现在分词短语作伴随状语。他整夜躺在床上睡不着,思考着那个问题。All night long he lay awake, thinking_of_the_problem.第一板块核心单词归纳集释1award vt.颁发,授予n.奖,奖品;奖金高考佳句The gold medal will be awarded to whoever wins the first place in the bicycle race.(2018天津高考单选)金牌将被授予在自行车比赛中获得第一名的任何人。(1)award sb.sth.(for

13、sth.) award sb.(for sth.) (因某事)奖给某人某物(2)win the first award for sth. 因某事获得一等奖win/receive/get/obtain/gain an award 得奖He won/received/got/obtained/gained_an_award_for his excellent performance in the film last year.去年,他因为在电影中的出色表现获得了一个奖项。As we all know, the Nobel Prize for Medicine was_awarded_

14、to Chinese scientist Tu Youyou in 2015.众所周知,中国科学家屠呦呦在2015年被授予诺贝尔医学奖。辨析比较award, reward, prize试一试选用上述单词填空Now you have some chances to get money.First, if you can help find the stolen painting, you will be offered a $1,000 reward.Then, you can win a prize if you are able to answer this question about t

15、he painting.The question is what award the painter has got for this painting.辨一辨award指为鼓励在工作中达到或完成所提出要求或条件的人进行的授奖行为,更注重荣誉,而不在乎奖品或奖金reward指对别人的工作、服务或帮助的奖赏与报答,可以是酬金,也可以是物品;用于讽刺语气,可指“对坏事的报应”prize“奖金、奖品、战利品”,指竞赛获奖,竞争、抽奖或工作学习中的优胜者获得的奖励,可以是钱,也可以是物2cure vt.治愈;治好n.疗法;治疗高考佳句To make matters worse, Moth was di

16、agnosed (诊断) with a serious disease.There was no cure, only pain relief.(2018江苏高考)更糟糕的是,Moth被诊断出患了一种严重的疾病。没有治疗方法,只能缓解疼痛。cure sb.of sth. 治好某人的病;矫正某人的不良行为a cure for sth. 的治疗方法The fact is that the medicine cant cure his father of his cancer.事实是这种药并不能治愈他父亲的癌症。Chinese scientists are absorbed in further r

17、esearch to find a cure for cancer.中国科学家致力于进一步研究以找到治愈癌症的方法。辨析比较cure, treat, heal试一试选用上述单词填空He was sent to hospital after the accident.Fortunately, it didnt take a long time for the wounds to heal.However, he still suffered from headache.The doctor treated his headache with a new drug but didnt cure h

18、im.辨一辨cure意为“治愈,治好”,可直接跟人或疾病作宾语,有时用来指突然地、出乎意料地痊愈;也用于指人的生活习惯的纠正、矫正等,与介词of搭配,强调结果treat只指治病,不包括治疗的效果如何。其宾语可以是人也可以是病;以人作宾语时,病用for短语表示。它强调“治疗”这一动作heal多用于治愈外伤,指伤口愈合3operate vi./vt.开动(机器);操作;经营;运转;工作;动手术;起作用经典例句The car parks operate a payasyouleave system.这些停车场按“离开时付费”的收费方式运作。一词多义写出下列句中operate的含义Such syste

19、ms do not need to operate face-to-face.运转What skills are needed to operate this machinery?操作The doctors operated on the patient last night.动手术Solar panels can only operate in sunlight.起作用My parents used to operate a small restaurant near the train station.经营(1)operate on/upon sb. 给某人动手术(2)operation

20、n. 运转;手术come/go into operation 开始工作/运转;生效put sth.into operation 实施/施行Its reported that the local government will put the new law into operation (operate) next month.据报道当地政府将于下个月实施这部新法律。4case n患者;病例;病症;案件经典例句The lawyer wants to know all the details related to the case.律师想知道与该案件有关的全部细节。in case (that)

21、假使;以防万一in case of 假如发生;万一发生in no case 决不(放在句首时,用部分倒装)in this/that case 假使这样/那样的话as is often the case 这是常有的事The traveler may fire at a wild beast to defend himself in_case he is attacked.旅游者可能朝野兽开火来保护自己以防受到攻击。In_that_case,_ I shall direct many good movies for the audience.那种情况下,我将为观众导演很多好电影。We must a

22、pply what we have learned to our daily work because in_no_case should theory be separated from practice.我们必须把所学的知识应用到日常工作中去,因为理论与实践绝不能分开。As is often the case with language learning, Mandarin learning also asks for lots of practice.(2015四川高考满分作文)普通话学习也需要大量的练习,对语言学习来说这是常有的事。联想发散表达“决不”的短语还有:at no time,

23、 by no means, under no circumstances, on no account, in no way, on no condition, in no sense等。.基础点全练(单句语法填空/补全句子)1She won an award for her outstanding performance.2He was surprised that his answer should have caused such a strong reaction (react)3The more you soften (soft) a request, the more polite

24、 it becomes.4This book is too theoretical (theory); I need a practical one.5Chinese citizens are to have their fingerprints recorded when applying (apply) for or changing their identity cards.6Professor Wang said the reason of shortsightedness is complicated and that there is still no excellent cure

25、 for it.7Be sure to_switch_off_the_light (关掉灯) when you leave the office.8Conditions in your country are_different_from_ours (与我们国家情况不同).重难点多练1operate点点练(1)用operate的适当形式填空The parents were shocked by the news that their son needed an operation on his knee.This machine is very easy to_operate.Anybody

26、can learn to use it in a few minutes.She was very anxious while her husband was_being_operated on.(2)翻译句子这些工厂的经营者非常关心环境。The_people_operating_these_factories_are_deeply_concerned_about_the_environment. (用operate的现在分词作后置定语) 2case面面观(1)句型转换Youd better take an umbrella in case of the rain.Youd better ta

27、ke an umbrella in_case_it_rains.(2)根据汉语提示完成片段As_is_often_the_case (这是常有的事), fire breaks out because of carelessness.In_that_case (在那种情况下), remember to keep calm.In_no_case (决不) can you jump from the top of a high building, which is dangerous.You may call 119 or 110 in_case_of (万一发生) an emergency and

28、 try to take some effective measures before the arrival of rescue in_case (以防) you get burnt.阅读词汇专练根据语境选出point的词性和词义(A)n.分(B)n.观点(C)n.意义(D)n.尖 (E)n.地点 (F)v.指,指出1She needs to win this point to level the score._A_2Theres really no point in arguing about this matter._C_3Do you have a pencil with a shar

29、per point?_D_4From my point of view, teachers are not well paid._B_5The ground falls away from the highest point._E_6No matter who points out our shortcomings, we will correct them._F_第二板块短语句型归纳集释1pull out使分离;拔掉某物;驶出教材原句She pulled the eggs out and put them in a bowl.她掏出鸡蛋,并把它们放在一个碗里。pull away (汽车等)开

30、走pull down 拆毁;摧毁pull in (火车)进站停靠;(汽车)靠边停靠pull through 康复;痊愈pull up 拔起(树、桩)等;停下来;阻止Whether the buildings in this area should_be_pulled_down has remained controversial; people are still looking for other possible solutions.这个地区的建筑物是否需要拆毁还存在争议,人们还在寻找着其他可能的解决方法。Everyone was very concerned whether he would pull_through or not.每个人都很关心他是否能痊愈。2look out往外望;注意;留意;留神经典例句She happened to look out of window and saw him pass by.她偶然往窗外一望,看见他走了过去。look out for 注意/当心look up to 尊敬;仰视look into 调查;观察;窥视look back (on/at) 回顾;回忆N

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