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1、5B牛津英语Unit 1 A new term 四会单词: Chinese汉语,中文;中国人English英语;英国的;英国人的week星期,周Monday星期一Tuesday星期二Wednesday星期三Thursday星期四Friday星期五subject科目,学科PE缩写体育课;体育教育Art美术,艺术 三会单词:Science科学,自然科学Social Science社会科学Computer Studies计算机课程interesting有趣的minus减well用于接话语或表示犹豫、惊讶或同意等恩,哎呀tell告诉;讲述at once立刻,马上er表示说话时犹豫、沉吟等哦Saturd

2、ay星期六Sunday 星期天trick窍门;诡计 01:08.26A Read and say01:13.12It is Monday morning.现在是星期一早上。01:16.88Miss Li and her students are having a lesson. 李老师和她的学生正在上课。01:23.04This is the first lesson of the new term. 这是新学期的第一节课。01:28.89Welcome back to school, boys and girls. 孩子们,欢迎回到学校。01:34.35Nice to see you,Mis

3、s Li. 李老师,很高兴见到你。01:39.63What day is it today,Yang Ling?Its Monday. 杨玲,今天星期几?星期一。01:46.48What lessons do you have in the morning,Gao Shan? 高山,今天上午你们有什么课?01:52.25We have Chinese, English, Maths and Science. 我们上语文、英语、数学和科学。02:00.01We have eight subjects this term. What are they,Liu Tao? 这个学期我们上八节课。刘涛,

4、它们是什么?02:07.66Theyre Chinese,Maths, English,Social Science, Science, Art,Computer Studies and PE.它们是语文、数学、英语、社会、科学、艺术、信息和体育。02:21.87What subject do you like,Su Hai? 苏海,你最喜欢什么学科?02:27.04I like Maths.How about you,Su Yang? 我喜欢数学。苏阳,你呢?02:33.81I like English. Its interesting. 我喜欢英语。它是有趣的。02:39.56How ma

5、ny English lessons do we have in a week?Four.I hope we have more. 我们一星期有多少节英语课四节。02:57.42B Look,read and learn03:05.68Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday03:19.24Thursday Friday Saturday Chinese Maths English03:39.51Science Social Science Art PE Computer Studies04:07.67E Look and read04:15.24I like Maths

6、 very much.Its interesting. Is it?04:23.89Ill show you.Whats 321 minus 123?04:34.55Well,let me see. I can tell you at once. Its 198.04:44.89Whats 543 minus 345? Can you tell me at once?04:55.94Er. Its 198. Whats the trick?05:12.11G Listen and repeat05:19.76clock coffee doctor hot05:32.93The hot coff

7、ee near the clock is for the doctor.05:54.17H Sing a song Wish you are happy every dayUnit 2 A telephone call 四会单词:her用作宾语她speak说,讲bad坏的,严重的get变的;得到;购买feel感觉,觉的cold伤风,感冒fine健康的,极好的wrong有毛病的,不正常的Whats wrong with you?你什么地方不舒服? 三会单词: call通话,打电话给why为什么absent缺席stay停留,呆stay in bed待在床上hear听到,听见hope希望better

8、好些soon不久,很快still仍然,还take服用medicine药headache头痛cough咳嗽fev er发烧toothache牙痛 earache耳痛backache背痛stomach ache胃痛say说,讲rest休息number数字choose选择 00:13.69A Read and say00:18.36It is Wednesday.00:21.84Helen is not at school.She is ill.00:28.19Su Yang calls her after lunch.00:33.15Hello! Hello,may I speak to Hele

9、n?00:39.00This is Helen speaking.00:43.26Hi,Helen.This is Su Yang.Why are you absent today?00:50.42Im ill.Im staying in bed.Whats wrong with you?00:58.78Ive got a headache and a bad cough.01:04.73Im sorry to hear that.I hope you get better soon.01:10.69How do you feel now? I still feel ill.01:17.95A

10、re you taking any medicine? Yes,a lot.01:24.22Classes are over.I can get some fruit for you.01:30.07Thank you. See you soon.01:43.73B Look,read and learn01:52.40a toothache an earache a backache02:05.15a headache a stomach ache a fever a cold a cough02:33.52E Read and act02:41.18Whats wrong with you

11、? Ive got a fever.02:48.44Anything else? Ive got a bad cough,too.02:57.37Open your mouth and sayAh.Ahhh.Youve got a cold.03:08.24Take some medicine and have a lot of rest.03:14.59OK.Thank you,doctor.03:29.76G Listen and repeat03:37.42brother love monkey mother03:50.30My mother and my brother love th

12、at fat monkey.04:04.85H Say a rhyme Im ill04:21.93Whats the matter?Ive got a high fever.04:28.77Lets go to see a doctor.No,no,Im feeling better.04:36.14I just want my mother.Unit 3 Hobbies 四会单词:collect收集stamp邮票many许多ship船,轮船go shopping购物every每一aunt伯母;舅母;婶;姨;姑uncle叔;伯;舅;姑父;姨夫 三会单词:hobby业余爱好(复数hobbies

13、) beautiful美丽的,漂亮的classmate同班同学Chinese中国的;中国人的animal动物take photos拍照coin硬币grow种植keep饲养goldfish金鱼clothes衣服water浇水same相同的 00:12.98A Read and say00:17.95Bens hobby is collecting stamps.00:23.22He has many beautiful stamps.00:28.26He is showing them to his classmates.00:33.33I like collecting Chinese sto

14、mps.00:38.90Theyre interesting.I like this ship stamp.00:45.98I think these flower stamps are beautiful.00:51.62My brother likes collecting animal stamps.00:57.36Show us his stamps,please. Here they are.01:03.71Do you have any hobbies,Mike?01:08.15Yes,I do.I like taking photos.01:14.34Helen likes ta

15、king photos,too.Right?01:19.99No,she doesnt. She likes cooking and growing flowers.01:27.85She cooks nice food and grows beautiful flowers.01:35.43Do you like cooking, Yang Ling?01:40.28No,I dont.I like making clothes.01:46.45I can make pretty dresses for my doll.01:51.41Can you make a T-shirt for m

16、y dog? Sure.02:06.17B Look,read and learn02:14.22take photos go shopping02:23.96collect stamps collect coins02:36.11grow flowers keep goldfish02:47.26make model ships make clothes03:07.43E Read and act03:14.59Liu Tao, where are you?Im in the garden.03:20.83What are you doing there?03:24.90Im waterin

17、g the trees and flowers.Come here and have a look.03:31.15Wow,theyre beautiful.03:35.30Do you water the trees and flowers every day?03:41.18Sometimes I do. Sometimes I dont.03:46.51My aunt likes growing flowers,too.03:51.47She looks after them carefully.We have the same hobby.04:06.52G Listen and re

18、peat04:14.67computer music student use04:30.55The student uses a computer to write music.04:51.29H Sing a song HobbiesUnit4 An English friend 四会单词:e-mail电子邮件busy忙(碌)的 town城镇,城usually通常well好fast快地;快的high高地;高的from从;来自fromto 从到 三会单词: age年龄surf浏览;在网上冲浪 Internet互联网,英特网London伦敦loudly大声地beautifully美地carefu

19、lly小心地,仔细地quietly安静地,静静地cannot=cant不能 00:13.87A Read and say00:18.52Wang Bing is writing an e-mail to his English friend in the computer room.00:26.98Gao Shan comes in.00:30.75He wants to play table tennis with Wang Bing.00:36.31Wang Bing,lets go and play table tennis.00:41.87Sorry,I cant. Im busy.0

20、0:46.92Are you surfing the Internet?00:51.07No.Im writing an e-mail to my English friend,Tom.00:58.15Does he live in London?01:02.59No,he doesnt.He lives in a small town near London.01:09.67How old is he?Hes eleven.Were the same age.01:17.53What subjects does he studay at school?01:24.01He studies E

21、nglish, Maths,Science and Art.01:32.16Does he study Chinese?No,he doesnt.01:38.43What does he usually do on Sunday?01:43.08He usually plays football.Does he play well?01:49.84Yes,he does.He swims well,too.02:04.40B Look,read and learn02:12.55speak loudly run fast02:23.62jump high dance beautifully02

22、:34.25walk carefully sit quietly02:54.39E Look and read03:01.97I go to school from Monday to Friday.03:07.22He goes to school from Monday to Friday.03:13.57I have seven lessons every day.03:18.24He has seven lessons every day.03:23.70I like Art very much. He likes Art very much.I dont like PE.03:34.

23、05Im not strong.I cant do exercise well.03:39.40He does not like PE. He is not strong.03:46.35He cannot do exercise well.03:58.99G Listen and repeat04:06.86bus jump puppet run04:20.60The puppet jumps and runs in the bus.04:39.85H Say a rhyme A letter for me04:50.40Im rowing in the sea.A bottle is ne

24、ar me.04:56.96Theres a letter for me.Its from my Uncle Lee.05:03.80It says,Lets meet at three On the beach under the tree.Unit 6 At a PE lesson 四会单词: foot脚(复数feet)time次turn旋转;转left左,左边;左边的right右,右边;右边的;向右hand手leg腿arm手臂touch触摸,接触 三会单词:follow遵照;服从order常用复数命令line排,行exercise锻炼;做操up向上;起来down向下up and down

25、上下stop停;停止lie躺lie on ones back仰躺back背lift up抬起with以;用;随身knee膝盖bend使弯曲everybody每人,人人neck颈,脖子shoulder肩膀finger手指toe脚趾 00:14.29A Read and say00:19.15The students are in the sports hall.00:24.11They are having a PE lesson.00:28.97The teacher is giving orders.00:33.44The students are trying to follow the

26、orders.00:38.79Stand in a line,please.Lets do some exercise.Yes,Mr Ma.00:49.35Put your feet together.Jump up and down ten times.Yes,Mr Ma.01:00.21Now,listen carefully.01:04.47Put your hands on your head and turn left and right.01:12.83Do this ten times.Yes,Mr Ma. Good.Stop!01:22.29Boys and girls,lie

27、 on your back.01:26.94Put your knees together.Bend your knees.01:33.18Move your legs to the left,then move them to he right.Yes,Mr Ma.01:41.93Now,lift up your left leg and touch it with your right hand.01:51.28Then lift up your right leg and touch it with your left hand.Do this ten times.02:02.23Yes

28、,Mr Ma.Now,stand up everybody!Do you feel tired?Yes,we do.02:23.60B Look,read and learn02:32.14neck shoulder arm hand finger leg knee toe foot03:11.61E Look and read03:17.96Can you put this pineapple on your head? Look!03:25.01Can you put this big grape on your mouth? Look!03:31.49Wheres my grape? I

29、ts in my mouth.03:37.73Can you put this egg on your finger? Oh,dear!03:52.28G Listen and repeat03:59.83waiter waitress day play04:13.88The waiter and the waitress play table tennis every day.04:34.13H Sing a song Do some exercise with meUnit 7 A busy day 四会单词: night夜;夜间half半;一半;半个past过ready准备好的take服

30、用;做;拿really真正地;确实begin开始face脸game游戏;运动;比赛 三会单词:yet尚;还brush刷tooth牙齿(复数teeth)with以;用;随身a quarter一刻钟,四分之一on duty值日quick快的;快地 00:13.58A Read and say00:18.55It is Thursday.David has a busy day.00:25.52From seven in the morning to ten at night,he has no time for to take a rest.00:35.27David,get up. Its half past six. OK.00:43.21Are you readay for breakfast,David?00:48.07Not yet,Mum.Im washing my

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