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1、高考英语语法知识情态动词和虚拟语气复习2013届高考英语语法知识情态动词和虚拟语气复习(原创精品)2013年普通高考英语科语法知识网络专题08 情态动词和虚拟语气I.情态动词基本用法情态动词用 法否定式疑问式简答式can能力(体力,智力,技能)允许或许可(口语中常用)可能性(表猜测,用于否定句或疑问句中)can not / cannot /cant doCando?Yes,can.No,cant.couldcouldnt domay可以(问句中表示请求)可能,或许(表推测)祝愿(用于倒装句中)may not doMaydo?Yes,may.No,mustnt/cant.mightmight n

2、ot doMightdo?Yes,mightNo,migust必须,应该(表主观要求)肯定,想必(肯定句中表推测)must not/mustnt doMustdo?must.No,neednt/dont havehave to只好,不得不(客观的必须,有时态和人称的变化)dont have to doDohave to do?Yes,do.No,dont.ought to应当(表示义务责任,口语中多用should)oug/oughtnt to doOughtto do?Yes,ought.No,oughtnt.shall用于一三人称征求对方意见用于二三人称表示许诺、命令、警告、威胁等shall

3、 not/shant doShalldo?Yes,shall.No,shant.should应当,应该(表义务责任)本该(含有责备意味)should not/shouldnt doShoulddo?will意愿,决心请求,建议,用在问句中would比较委婉will not/wont doWill/Woulddo?Yes,will.No,wont.wouldwould not/wouldnt dodare敢(常用于否定句和疑问句中)dare not/darent doDaredo?Yes,dare.No,darent.need需要,必须(常用于否定句和疑问句中)need not/neednt d

4、oNeeddo?Yes,must. No,neednt.used to过去常常(现在已不再)used not/usednt/usent to dodidnt use to doUsedto do?Diduse to do?Yes,used.No,use(d)ndid.No,didnt.II.情态动词的重点知识表示“能力、许可”的can和may表示能力的情态动词用can/couldA computer_lf; it must be told what to do.A.cant B.mustnt C.may not D.mig表示许可时用may/might ,can/could 都可以,但在问句中

5、用could?或might? 以使口气委婉客气,其回答一定要用can或may,以使回答口气明确(must表示一定,必须,mustnt表示禁止,不许可)。Could I call you by youame? Yes, you_A.will B.could C.may D.mightu_play wu_hurt yourself.A.wont/cant B.mustnt/mauldnt/must D.cant/shouldnt在肯定句中could不可以用来表示过去某一特定场合的能力,而要用was/were able to。Tad througl very quickly buteveryone_

6、get out.A.had to B.would C.could D.was able to表示“推断、判断”的canmay,must在肯定句中都可以用来表示可能。在含义上must语气最肯定,may表示的是事实上的可能性。Peter_come with us tonight, but very suA.must B.may C.can D.will而can表示的是逻辑上的可能性:Maalan be ill at a在否定句中只能用can和may。所以cant时用以代替mustnt,语气比may更肯定。中文可以翻译为不可能。Michael_be a policemas muA.neednt B.

7、cant C.should D.may在疑问句只能用can,不能用may和must。He may be very busy now. Can he be very busy now?He must be very busy now. Can he be very busy now?needneed作为情态动词只有一种形式,只用于否定句和疑问句。daredare作为情态动词用时有两种形式:dare和dared两个词形,除了可以用于否定句和疑问句外,还可以用于条件从句或表示怀疑的句子中。If he daI willut. I dont know wdare say.注意:He doesnt dar

8、e(to)answer the question.(否定句)Ddare(to)dark room?(疑问句)shall用于第一人称:征求对方的意见。What shall we dvening?用于第二、三人称:警告、命令、允诺、威胁等。You shall fail if you dont work harder. 警告He shall have the book when Iading.允诺He shall be punished.威胁should劝告、建议、命令、应该做、道义上的责任。You should(ought to) go to class right away.I should(o

9、ught to) help him becauuble.will/would请求、建议,would比will委婉客气。Would you pabook?表示意志、愿望和决心。I will never do that again.They asked us if we would do that againwould可表示过去反复发生的动作或某种倾向。During the vacawould vvery weekThe wound would not heal.(伤口老是不能愈合)would表示估计或猜想。It would be about ten when he lWhat would she

10、 be doing there?情态动词+have done的用法could+have done:本可以做而实际上未能做。You could have done better, but you didnur best.cannot+ have done:表示对现在或过去行为的否定推测。He cannot have bat town.can+主语+ have done:表示对过去行为的怀疑或不肯定(用在疑问句中)。Can he have got the book?might(may)+ have done:对过去发生的行为不太肯定的推测。He may not havd the work.If w

11、e had taad, we might have arrived earlier.must+ have done:对过去发生的行为肯定的推测。其否定式为:cannot have done。You must havlm.You cannot havlm.neednt+ have done:本来不必要做的而实际上又做了。You neednt have watered the flowgoing to rain.注意:didnt need to(have to)do:没有必要做而实际上也没有做I didnt need to clean the windowdid it 2 hours

12、ould(ought to)+ have done:本来应该做而实际上又没有做。其否定形式表示某中行为不该发生却发生了。You should have started earlier, but you didnuldnt have taken away my measuring taI worked to use it.注意:He should havd the work by now.(表推测)虚拟语气类 别用 法例 句If引导的条件从句与现在事实相反从句动词:过去式(be用were)主句动词:should/would/could/might+doIf he wwould help us.与

13、过去事实相反从句动词:had+done主句动词:should/would/could/might+have+doneIf I had bI would have visited you.与将来事实相反从句动词:过去式/should+动词原形/were+to do主句动词:should/would/could/might+动词原形Iuld raw, we would not go camping.省略if的虚拟条件句将虚拟条件从句中的were,had,should放到主语之前,构成主谓倒装Shouldllg me up.Were I you,I would not do it.Had I bI

14、would have visited you.混合虚拟条件句不同时间的虚拟:各遵守各的规则If he had listenedwould not buble now.If he had toldday,I should know what to do now.If I were you, I would have gbirthday party.虚拟与陈述的混合:各遵守各的规则He could have passed the exam,but he wasnt careful enough.You should havarlier.The bus left aago.含蓄虚拟条件句but fo

15、r+名词表示虚拟条件句子或主句中的谓语动词的形式视具体情况而定。这是考查考生应变能力的最佳试题。-Buur timely warning,we _ into great trouble.-You know weds.A. would get B. must have gotC. would have got D. cant have gotwithout+名词表示虚拟条件Without the alduns heaarth at night would bg cold.动词不定式表示虚拟条件It would be only partly rigllowway. 如果用这种方式,仅仅对了一半。

16、现在分词表示虚拟条件Having knowwe might have prevented the accident.要是及时得知的话,我们也许能阻止这场事故。过去分词表示虚拟条件Givauld have grown b如果多留心的话,这树本来可以长的更好。副词otherwise表示虚拟条件I was too busy at thawise,I would have called you.我当时太忙,否则我就给你打电话了。连词but连接的句子表示虚拟条件He _fatter but he eats too little .A. would become B. would have bust be

17、come D. must have b其它状语从句as if/as though引导的状语从句中动词用did或haddone或wouldcouldmightdo。注意:as if/as though引导的状语从句中也可以用陈述语气:当说话者认为所述的是真实的或极有可能发生或存在的事实时:It sounds aaining听起来像是在下雨。 He talks adrunk从他谈话的样子来看他是醉了。 与现在事实相反He talks aw wwas与过去事实相反He talks about aad bbefore.与将来事实相反He opened his mouth awould sagder t

18、hat/so that引导的状语从句中动词用can/could/may/ might/ would等+doTuligat we calearly.宾语从句demand, suggest, ord后接的从句中动词为should+doHe suggested that wange our mind.wish后的从句中分别用过去式,过去完成式和should/would+do表示与现在,过去和将来情况相反I wish I could be ager.I wish I would have gone to la主语从句在Iary / important / strange thatIt is suggested / demanded/ ordered / requested that等从句中,谓语动词用should+doIange that such auld be our friends.其它句型中Iat句型中动词用过去式或should+doIts higat we left/should leave.would rather所接的从句中动词用过去式或者过去完成式I would rather you stayed aw.If only句型中动词常用过去式或者过去完成式,表示强烈的愿望If only our dream hadue!

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