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1、安徽省皖北名校联盟高二英语下学期期中试题扫描0“皖北名校”联盟2015-2016学年第二学期期中考试卷高二英语参考答案第一部分:1-5 BBCBB 6-10 ACCAC 11-15 ACABB 16-20 BBACB第二部分:第一节: 21-25 BABAC 26-30 BABCA 31-35 BCACD 第二节: 36-40 BCGDA第三部分:第一节: 41-45 CDABC 46-50 ADACB 51-55 CCBDD 56-60 AADCB第二节: 61. concerned 62. to repair 63. killed 64. surprised 65. had been to

2、ld 66. discouragement 67. had blown 68. with 69. It 70. but 第四部分:第一节: Most students feel nervous before taking important exams. Some feel dizzy or tiring tired, some have no appetite for food and others even suffered sufferfrom sleep problems. All the symptoms have terrible effects in on their exams

3、.How can they get rid of these bad symptoms? Personally, I think its important to make a careful plan in the advance to review what they have learned, what which will help them reduce the pressure. Besides, we they should arrange their time in a proper way. Its no use stay staying up too late becaus

4、e only by having enough sleep will/can they feel energetic and perform well in exams. Whats more, a balance balanced diet can contribute to their excellent performance in exams. They are supposed to eating eat various foods such as eggs, milk, meat, carrots, walnuts, etc.第二节:Possible versionHello, e

5、veryone!Considering the whole world is short of energy, I think it very important to learn to save. As senior high school students, what can we do to save the energy in our daily life?Firstly, never leave the lights on unless we are using them. Secondly, wed better take a shower instead of taking a

6、bath to save water. Avoid keeping the tap running while washing our faces or brushing our teeth. As can be seen, a great number of students write on only one side of their paper and throw them away. Why not try using both? Meanwhile, we should also reduce pollution to save the energy. When shopping,

7、 we can take cloth bags along with us instead of using plastic bags. Recycling old newspapers, glasses, cans and waste paper is equally important to protect the environment.In a word, I think one thing we should keep in mind is that no matter what a small effort we make, it does make a big differenc

8、e. Lets work hard together to save the energy!【参考答案解析】阅读理解21. B。推理判断题。根据文章第一段的“they considered Hawaiians extremely generous and kind”可知,欧洲人认为夏威夷人非常友好、有礼貌,因此B项正确。22. A。细节理解题。从第三段中的At first, translators used the Hawaiian word“hoomakai”, which means“congratulations”. 可知,翻译人员刚开始用夏威夷语中的hoomakai来表示感谢。23.

9、B。细节理解题。根据文章第三段中的句子“The language might have continued without a word for thanks,but the twentieth century tourism changed all that,”以及第四段中的句子“When tourists arrived,greeting with aloha and giving thanks with mahalo, both took on more meaning”可知,随着旅游业的兴起和发展,人们开始使用mahalo来表示感谢。24. A。主旨大意题。本文主要讲述mahalo在夏

10、威夷的由来,因此A是最佳答案。文中的ways to express thanks in Hawaiia会使考生局限在夏威夷人表达感谢上,忽略了文章的主题,从而误选C项25. C。细节理解题。文章第一段最后一句告诉我们第一次Josh向Todd索要了50美元,第二段告诉我们两周后,又要了100美元,紧接着的那个月又要了五次(300美元),合计450美元。26. B。细节理解。由文章第一段的叙述及第三段的句子“By claiming to be poor or sick, Klein had received more than $3,000 from these students.”可知,Davi

11、d Klein先后采取“谎称家境贫寒和家人生病”的手段讹诈学生3000多美元。27. A。细节理解。根据文章倒数第二段的句子“but he was beginning to think it strange that a friend he met in a chat room would ask for so much money. He decided to talk to Bob Howard”可知,Todd发觉他在(网络)聊天室结交的朋友居然问他索要很多钱的时候,他觉得很奇怪,于是就向Bob Howard报了警。28. B。本文主要讲述了一件令人不可思议的利用网络讹诈学生的犯罪行为。这

12、是一篇议论文,介绍了快乐行动中关于快乐生活的一些建议,包括热心助人,留心周围的世界,不断学习,制定目标,乐观态度等。凡此种种,对人们的开心生活绝对大有裨益。29C。细节理解题。根据文章第三段to be more mindful and aware does wonders for our wellbeing可知,留意外部世界,对我们的幸福生活有着奇妙的效果。30A。细节理解题。根据文章第四段It exposes us to new ideas and helps us stay curious and engaged.可知,不断学习将使人们产生新的思想,保持对外部世界的好奇心。31B。推理判断

13、题。根据文章最后一段we need to focus on the good aspects of any situation the glass half full rather than the glass half empty.可知,作者建议人们用积极乐观的观点看待任何事情,由此判断,乐观的态度使人们更开心。32C。作者意图推断题。综合全文可知,作者写本文旨在向我们介绍一本新书快乐行动。本题易误选A项。乍一看文章的内容,好似是作者为我们提供的各种开心的忠告,但文章一开头就说了快乐行动是一部新书,是综合近期研究得出的快乐宝典,下面的忠告其实是该书的节选。本文主要介绍了日本艺术家Kogoro

14、 Kurata设计的一款机器人及其特点。33A。推理判断题。由第一段中的it would be like to pilot one of those big fighting robots from the movie Avatar和youve watched the Transformers movies可知,机器人在这类电影中扮演了重要的角色。34C。词义猜测题。由画线词后面的the pilot needs to be careful,Kuratas could still cause serious damage可知,这一武器虽然不是致命的,但是也会造成严重的伤害。35D。 细节理解题。

15、由倒数第二段末句Kurata says his creation is an “art piece” that will serve as an inspiration for other artists and inventors.可知,他把自己发明的机器人看作是一件艺术品。3640 BCGDA本文是一篇说明文。随着科技的发展,许多过去曾以为不可能实现的预言实现了,但是有一些却没有。也许将来的某一天,这些预言就会实现。36. B。前一句说并非所有过去的预言都是错误的。后面就举了几个已经实现的预言的例子,故此处选B。37. C。接下来三段介绍了家用机器人的预言及其未实现的原因,故此处选C作该部

16、分的标题。38. G。接下来讲了可视电话的预言及其未能实现的原因,故选G。39. D。根据后一句可知此处应该是人们渴望拥有自己的隐私权。40. A。前一句说“会飞的汽车”是一个疯狂的预言,后面说它有可能在将来实现,故这一预言一点也不疯狂,选A。完形填空4160 CDABC ADACB CCBDD AADCB41. C。根据下文my friend offered me her 46 to protect grandchildren from few mishaps可知,此处应是safe“安全”。42. D。通读全文可知儿子一家来和父母共度感恩节,故填visited。43. A。此处是说儿子开了一

17、天的车,故很不耐烦,发脾气了。44. B。此处work意为“起作用”;而且下文在47空后,也有类似的句子结构。45. C。根据上下文可知此处表示时间关系,故选when引导时间状语从句。46. A。根据文章此处是指朋友给我保护孙儿们不出事故的“秘诀”。47. D。此处proved 意为“证实”这招很管用。48. A。此句的主语是All of her five grandchildren 故应与mine,也就是my grandchildren相比较。49. C。此处表达作者“抱起”孙女。50. B。通读全文后可知此处应填touch“触摸”。51. C。此处指作者教孙女用食指触摸雕塑的“技巧”。52

18、. C。孩子学着我的样去做,故用example。53. B。孩子伸出“手指”去触碰灯。54. D。作者让孙女用食指触碰她“能看到的,视野内的”任何东西。55. D。当孙女开始抓而不是摸时,作者便“轻声地”提醒她用一个手指。56. A。作者轻声提醒,孙女总是很“听话”,故选obeyed。57. A。Hannah是独生子女,拥有“冒险的”个性。58. D。小女孩的爸爸预言Hannah不会“接受”这一规则。59. C。此处意为“帮助”Hannah记住这一规则。60. B。几个月后,作者看到儿子仍继续在孙女身上“实践”这一规则。61. concerned 62. to repair 63. kille

19、d 64. surprised 65. had been told 66. discouragement 67. had blown 68. with 69. It 70. but本文通过一个小故事阐明了流言蜚语传播容易,收回难的道理。61. 因流言而受伤的人肯定是与流言相关的人,此处表示“有关的,相关的”,故需使用形容词形式concerned修饰“the person”,作后置定语。62. 此处需使用不定式作目的状语。63. have it killed把它(鸡)杀掉。64. 尽管对这个建议感到吃惊,还是全盘照做。此处考查让步状语从句的省略形式,相当于让步状语从句Although she w

20、as surprised by this advice, the woman.65. 她(the woman)按照别人要求的那样去做。故需使用被动语态形式。66. “to ones +情感类名词”结构表示“令/让她泄气的是”。67. 风早已把羽毛都刮跑了。68. 考查with的复合结构形式。69. 此处考查take表示“花费”的句型。70. 此处表示转折关系,故填but。但是你一旦传播了流言蜚语,就无法消除其影响。附:听力录音稿Text 1W: Would you call a taxi to take me to the hospital? I cant take a bus that la

21、te.M: In that case, I will drive you there by motorcycle.W: OK, thanks.Text 2M: I cant believe that all your rooms are occupied.W: Dont you know the wine festival? The countryside is really pretty in the fall, so a lot of tourists come for sightseeing.Text 3W: Ive got a new job. Im really pleased, t

22、hough the moneys the same. But it means I can visit lots of different countries.M: Wow! Fantastic!W: I know. But I have to work most weekends.Text 4M: That was really an excellent meal but we ordered too much.W: We cant let it go to waste. I will ask the waitress to put the rest in a box for us.Text

23、 5W: The car is very nice. Did you buy it last month?M: No, I rented it for a holiday last week. Believe it or not, my own car, which I bought three years ago, is better than this one.Text 6W: Lets go to the Bumper Car.M: I thought it was dull.W: Yeah, so did I. Lets just go back to the food section

24、.M: Dont they have some cool gift shops, too?W: Yeah, I think they do. I want a necklace.M: I want to get some souvenirs.W: Yeah, I want to get some cool things for my friends.M: Maybe we should go play some games and win something for our friends.W: That would be fun! Those games are hard, though.M

25、: Its worth a shot!W: Alright. Lets go!Text 7W: Hello, Mr. Green. This is Wanda speaking.M: Oh, Mrs. Reed. Whats the matter? I am waiting for you here.W: Good morning. I am driving to your house now, but it looks like it will be impossible for me to get there by eight oclock because of the traffic.

26、Thats why Im calling you to apologize.M: Thats too bad. Where are you now? How long do you think it will take you to get here?W: Im near Yorkshire Station. I think it will take at least one hour, so I should be there around 8:30. I am very sorry to keep you waiting. I should have left the hotel a li

27、ttle bit earlier.M: Thats quite all right, Mrs. Reed. Dont worry about it. Take your time.W: Thank you, Mr. Green.M: Bye.Text 8W: Did you see this report? I found that the way people spend their vacations has changed a great deal in the past ten years.M: Yes, I saw that. I thought it was interesting

28、 that ten years ago 90% of people spent their vacations at home, but today that figure has dropped by 40%.W: I guess that people are becoming more and more mobile. Most of us want to find entertainment in the outside world. After all, people have more money to spend than they used to.M: Where do you

29、 think most people like to spend their vacations now?W: Oh, the seaside, of course. No one prefers big cities any more.M: Yeah, thats true, though it seems to me that the rate of people going to the seaside has dropped, even though people still love to go there.W: Well, Ive heard that camping is bec

30、oming more and more popular. I guess people are now heading to the mountains to relax.M: I suppose we city folk are finding the real beauty of nature again. People are getting more adventurous, wanting to get close to nature.Text 9W: Why dont we first visit the art museum in the morning?M: OK. I lik

31、e that idea. And where do you want to eat lunch?W: How about going to an Indian restaurant?M: Hmm.W: The guide recommends one downtown a few blocks from the museum.M: Now that sounds great. After that, how about visiting the zoo? It says here that there are some very unique animals not found anywhere else.W: Well, to tell you the truth, Im not really interested in going there.M: Really?W: Yeah. Why dont we go shopping instead? There are supposed to be some really nice places to pick up souvenirs.M: Nah, I dont think thats a good idea. We only have few travelers checks left, and I only have f

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