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1、12篇作文范文1. DirectionsFor this part you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Is Outer Space Worth Exploring?You should write no less than 150 words and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1.有的人认为有必要进行空间探索 2.有的人认为空间探索不值得 3.我的看法 范 文Almost everyday we

2、may see something in the newspaper or TV about the latest exciting developments in space exploration.There is an immense pride in our science and technology and a sense of its importance for the welfare of mankind. Not everyone, however, shares this feeling.Ever since space research began, it has be

3、en criticized as a huge waste of money and other resources which might be used to help to relieve the suffering of the earths starving millions.It has been also felt that the space program might lead to the development of space weapons which, in case of war, may cause the total destruction of earth.

4、Despite these disadvantages and potential dangers, the advantages are far greater.We have already succeeded in using satellites for communications, weather forecast and oil exploration, and with further space research, more problems we are having now can be solved.For instance, with the success of s

5、pace shuttles and the feasibility of living in other planets, we may solve the population problem on earth.Space projects will also enable us to find new sources of energy to solve the energy problem and discover new chemical elements to cure presently incurable diseases. Space exploration contribut

6、es not only to the improvement of the quality of human life, but also to our understanding of the interdependence of all beings; and therefore, of the need to take better care of each other. 讲评太空探索一直是一个有争议的问题。写这种议论型文章,作者的态度一定要鲜明,或赞成或反对,不能含糊不清。文章结构的安排和措词的考虑同作者的观点或态度密切相关。一般说来,如正文要叙述反对的观点和赞成的观点,往往是先说作者

7、不同意的反对意见,然后在承上启下的过渡句后,才说作者自己的观点。这样安排符合人们先“破”后立的思维规律,又能顺利地过渡到最后一段,因为最后一段往往是作者承上一段最后几句的意思,从更高的层次上指明意义。这篇文章就是按这一结构布局的,因此中心突出,观点鲜明。 在措词上,作者也十分讲究。如作者在叙述对方的观点时,尽量用抽象笼统的词。例如用“It has been criticized ”“It has been also felt ”,这些泛指笼统的说法;用“might be used”、“might lead to”、“may cause”这类不确定的语气来冲淡对方的论说。而在阐述自己的观点时,则

8、用很具体的语言和肯定的语气。措词最能反映作者的态度,是肯定,否定,还是中立等等。同样一个“便宜”,用inexpensive或cheap表明作者两种立场态度。例如,比较下面一组句子,不难看到a)是肯定的,至少是中立的,而b)是批评的,或至少是否定的。而这两种态度仅仅是通过几个词反映出来的: a) The sales of vitamin C, helped by reports from health food enthusiasts and doctors, have doubled in the past five years. b) The sales of vitamin C, help

9、ed by the claims of health food faddists and some doctors, have doubled in the past five years. reports是和科学实验连在一起的,而claims有一种没有根据声称的感觉;enthusiasts有热情倡导者的意思,faddists给人感觉是没有头脑的狂热者;some加不加更大不一样,用了some后,表示只是一部分医生的看法,而没有some,就没有这个意思。可见措词非常重要。 在用词变化上,作者也注意避免简单重复,千篇一律。例如“太空探索”是在文章中肯定要多次出现的词,作者用space explor

10、ation, space projects, space research, the space program, the exploration of outer space等不断变换。 文章中的名词化运用也较多,这种抽象化的表达是和文章叙述太空高精尖技术一致的: S There is an immense pride in (=We are very proud of ) S and a sense of its importance (=We sense the importance ) S it has been criticized as a huge waste of money

11、(=it has been criticized to waste a lot of money) S might lead to the development of (= might cause space weapons to develop) S may cause the total destruction of (= may totally destroy ) S With the success of space shuttles and the feasibility of living in other planets, (As space shuttles become s

12、uccessful and living in other planets will be feasible, ) S contributes not only to the improvement of but also to our understanding of (= help not only to improve but also to understand ) 2. DirectionsFor this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a letter in response to the editorial whose

13、 main ideas are quoted as follows.The letter should be no less than 150 words. 1.无人售票公共汽车在一些大城市相继出现 2.这种公共汽车的出现标志着社会文明的进步 3.同时也反映了技术的发展 范 文Dear editors: I cant agree with your editorial writers praise of the automated collection bus as a great advance in technology and a sign of a highly civilized s

14、ociety.On the contrary, I believe that this kind of bus wont work in our nation, at least in our city of Shanghai. Automated collection buses dont fit the socioeconomic circumstances of our country.To judge a particular technology, appropriateness is a sole criterion.Thats to say, any technology int

15、roduced or solution adopted should take into account the unique economic, ecological, cultural and social conditions within which a specific problem exists.For example, bicycles can provide more efficient transportation than automobiles in congested cities, and barefoot doctors in large rural areas

16、may meet more health needs than highly sophisticated hospitals.The same applies to automated collection buses.In a labor-rich country where more and more people are laid off because there are not enough jobs available, people-oriented machines are more suitable than technology-oriented ones.Ordinary

17、 buses can not only offer a large number of job opportunities but also prove to be more efficient in densely populated cities where nearly every bus is so fully packed that passengers have to push and shove each other to get on or off the bus, much less fight a way to the ticket machine. The high co

18、st it has incurred and great inconvenience it has brought about confirm me in the view that the automated collection bus is a failure rather than a wonder. 讲评这篇作文要求以给编辑写信的形式(Letters to the Editor)就无人售票公共汽车这一事物发表看法。这种形式的作文如同求职信一样具有很大的实用价值。在英美报刊上专门有一个Letters to the Editor的专栏,读者利用这种形式可就报上的文章发表自己不同的看法。因

19、此这种作文常给学生练习,并在考试中出现:从报上摘录,或“杜撰”一段材料,要求学生写一篇文章。这种作文往往是开门见山,以下列句型开头: 1. I have been reading your newspaper for many years with a great enthusiasm, but your recent article . 2. Generally I go along with your ideas, but your editorial . 3. I read with great delight your editorial , but I cant agree with

20、 your . 引出自己的观点后,接下去就阐述不同意或反对的理由,一针见血,言简笔利。例如,这封信的作者在开头两句用简洁明快的语言引用他在信中要批评的原话原句和亮出自己的看法:无人售票汽车行不通。而后就围绕他这一看法,组织大量论据,加以阐述。最后一段作者再一次重复自己的看法:the automated collection bus is a failure rather than a wonder. 说明观点的细节可以用各种各样方法组织,除了比较对照、因果分析、权威作证、还有类比推理法,即通过在两个不同事物之间找共同点来证明某事物或某观点的正确。具体地说,由于两者具有相同的性质,因此只要证明A

21、事物正确,就可推断B事物也正确。例如,在本文中,作者首先证明在交通非常拥挤的城市里,自行车的效率要比小汽车高;在广阔的农村地区,“赤脚医生”的作用要比几所高级医院更大,然后就推理说:同样,在劳动力大量过剩,每天都有许多人由于没有事可做只得下岗待业的社会里,在每辆公共汽车都挤得像沙丁鱼罐头一样,根本无法挤到自动售票机前的情况下,用售票员的公共汽车肯定要比无人售票公共汽车更切合实际。可见,这种类比推理法,说服力较强。在运用类比推理法时,我们可运用这样的句型:The same applies to (goes for, is true of )。例如: A man may take to drink

22、 because he feels himself to be a failure, and then fails all the more completely because he drinks heavily.The same applies to our language.It becomes inaccurate because our thoughts are foolish, but the slovenliness of our language makes it easier for us to have foolish thoughts. 在英语写作中还有一个问题非常关键,

23、这就是如何克服汉式英语。我们的作文,从题目到举例,内容多少和中国国情有关。此外,虽是用英语作文章,但仍用汉语思维,因此汉式英语总要顽强地表现出来。最简单的药方就是尽量使用你在英美书籍报刊上读到过的句子和说法,不生造。例如,本文中的barefoot doctors(赤脚医生)虽然是中国社会生活中的一个独特的概念,但如同paper tiger(纸老虎)已收入英美词典一样,也已出现在他们的文章中,当然可以使用。然而,自己生造词组就易出现汉式英语。例如,下面各句的括弧中表示的词组就有汉式英语之嫌,不宜提倡: We should (put our hearts into) studies.(我们应把心在

24、学习上。) We young people are now living (in sugar water).(我们现在是生活在糖水中。) People set off firecrackers to (congratulate red and white happy things).(人们放鞭炮庆祝红白喜事。) In a society where (men are heavy and women are light), it is difficult for girl students to find a good job.(在重男轻女的社会里) We should advocate (fi

25、ve talks and four beauties).(我们应提倡五讲四美。) (Good good study, up up everyday.)(好好学习,天天向上) 因词义误解和表达方式不同而造成的汉式英语更加普遍,例如: 1.变化的原因有三点。 (误)The reasons for this change has three points. (正)There are three reasons for this change. 2.人们开始吃米饭越来越少,而吃水果越来越多。 (误)People begin to eat rice less and less, while they e

26、at fruit more and more. (正)People begin to eat less rice, but more fruit. 3.这样我的英语水平就提高了。 (误)My level of English has thus improved. (正)My English has thus improved. 4.打开电视机,就能知晓天下事。 (误)Just open the TV set, you can know everything. (正)Just turn on the TV set, you can know everything. 5.看电视能开阔眼界。 (误)

27、TV can widen our eyes. (正)Watching TV can widen our mind. 6.我不怕热天。 (误)Im not afraid of the hot weather. (正)I dont mind the hot weather. 7.我感到书越来越重了。 (误)I feel the books become heavier and heavier. (正)The books feel heavier and heavier. 因此,提高写作水平主要还是多读,多练,多模仿。在阅读中细心汲取各种表达法的优点,日积月累,就一定能写出好的文章。3. Direc

28、tionsFor this part you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic The Growth of College Athletics.Your composition should be no less than 150 words and based on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1.大学里体育活动的现状 2.开展大学体育活动的重要性 3.结论 范 文In recent years there has been a big growth i

29、n the area of college athletics.Sports are so popular on campus that they have become an indispensable part of college education. College athletics contribute both to students physical well-being and to their mental well-being.There is a new appreciation of the importance of sports as students bodie

30、s are increasingly weak and vulnerable to disease because of inactivity.School authorities, as well as students themselves, have realized that sports are especially necessary to a person who works with his brain most of the day.Besides, sports offer a healthy form of escape from their monotonous rou

31、tine studies.Taking part in swimming, jogging and ball games can make their academic life richer and fuller.And most importantly, sports help to promote the development of a students personality.Such traits of character as competitiveness, self-discipline, teamwork and endurance-the things much needed in their later career and life-are encouraged and cultivated in sports. College athletics plays a vital role in a students life, and it deserves fu

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