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1、全球化Globalization A fundamental shift is occurring in the world economy. We are moving rapidly away from a world in which national economies were relatively self-contained entities, isolated from each other by barriers to cross-border trade and investment; by distance, time zones, and language; and b

2、y national differences in government regulation, culture, and business systems. And we are moving toward a world in which barriers to cross-border trade and investment are tumbling; perceived distance is shrinking due to advances in transportation and telecommunications technology; material culture

3、is starting to look similar the world over; and national economies are merging into an interdependent global economic system. The process by which this is occurring is commonly referred to as globalization.Correspondent: Globalization has been one of the most important factors to affect business ove

4、r the last twenty years. How is it different from what existed before? Companies used to export to other parts of the world from a base in their home country. Many of the connections between exporting and importing countries had a historical basis. Today, to be competitive, companies are looking for

5、 bigger markets and want to export to every country. They want to move into the global market. To do this many companies have set up local bases in different countries. Two chief executives will talk about how their companies dealt with going global. Percy Barnevik, one of the worlds most admired bu

6、siness leaders when he was Chairman of the international engineering group ABB and Dick Brown of telecommunications provider Cable & Wireless.Cable & Wireless already operates in many countries and is well-placed to take advantage of the increasingly global market for telecommunications. For Dick Br

7、own globalization involves the economies of countries being connected to each other and companies doing business in many countries and therefore having multinational accounts.Dick Brown: The world is globalizing and the telecommunications industry is becoming more and more global, and so we feel wer

8、e well-positioned in that market place. You see currency markets are more global tied, economies are globally connected, more so nowadays with expanded trade, more and more multinational accounts are doing business in many, many more countries. Were a company at Cable & Wireless now, well-positioned

9、 to carry the traffic and to provide the services to more and more companies that now need to get to five countries or twelve countries, were often there.Correspondent: When Percy Barnevik became head of the international engineering group ABB, his task was to make globalization work. He decided to

10、divide the business into over a thousand smaller companies. In this way he believed the company could be both global and local. In answering the question “How do you make globalization work?”, Percy Barnevik describes the “global glue” that keeps the many different people in ABB together. He then lo

11、oks at the need to manage the three contradictions of company: it is decentralized but centrally controlled, it is big and small at the same time and it is both global and local.Percy Barnevik: We have now for ten years after our big merger created a “global glue” where people are tied together, whe

12、re they dont internally compete, but support each other, and you have global leaders with global responsibility and your local managers working with their profit centers, and if you have the right, so to say, agenda for these people and the right structure, you can use a scale of economy and your ad

13、vantages of bigness but being small. We used to say you have three contradictions: decentralized and still centrally controlled, big and small, global and local, and, of course, to try to make these contradictions work together effectively, then I think you have a big organizational competitive edge

14、.Correspondent: Globalizations can bring advantage to a business, but how does a company go global? Dick Brown mentions three ways companies can achieve “globalness”. Firstly, companies can work together in alliances. Secondly, they can acquire or buy other companies, and thirdly they can grow organ

15、ically by expanding from their existing base.Dick Brown: Well, as you go global, and a handful or more of companies are going to really push out, in my view, to be truly global companies, and some of them, maybe all of them, will also work to be local. Theyll be local in chosen markets and global in

16、 their ability to carry their customers needs from continent A to continent B. We want to be one of the companies thats both global and local. Alliances are one way to be global, its not the only way to be global; you can acquire your way to “globalness”, you can organically grow your way to “global

17、ness”, you can have alliances which help you get global quicker, so you take your pick.Percy Barnevik: You have to start from the top with local people who understand language, culture and so on, and I think in this global world where the East is coming up now, thats a winning recipe.Correspondent:

18、ABB already found the winning recipe. Its theory of globalization has become the companys working practice. So how do you make theory work in practice? Percy Barnevik believes that successful globalization involves getting people to work together, overcoming national, cultural barriers and making th

19、e organization customer-driven.Percy Barnevik: You see the easy thing is to have the theory, but then to make the systems work, to make people really work together, to trust each other Americans, Europeans, Asians, to get over these national cultural barriers and create a common glue, ABB, and then

20、make them customer-driven. If you can achieve that, and create that culture deep down then I think you have an important competitive edge.Correspondent: What Dick Brown and Percy Barnevik have shown is that there are different routes to globalization and that companies have to work hard to succeed i

21、n going global. Actually one of the disadvantages of the Global Strategy is that integrated competitive moves can lead to the sacrificing of revenues, profits, or competitive positions in individual countries especially when the subsidiary in one country is told to attack a global competitor in orde

22、r to convey a signal or divert that competitors resources from another nation. The challenges managers of transnational corporations face are to identify and exploit cross-border synergies and to balance local demands with the global vision for the corporation. Building an effective transnational or

23、ganization requires a corporate culture that values global dissimilarities across cultures and markets.汉译英竞赛原文:传统百货会否成为“消失的行业” 数据显示,2011年中国电子商务市场整体交易规模达到7万亿元,同比增长46.4。电商营销取得的成绩,对传统百货行业的市场占有率是极大的挑战。越来越多的人去网购,在需求短期之内没有大幅变化的情况下也就意味着相应的百货商场客源流失。业内人士表示,近年来百货业销售下滑较大的品类也正是方便网络购买的品类,比如家电、IT产品和纺织品,甚至是奢侈品。同时,



26、,传统百货应该借助购物中心的发展势头趁机转型。据了解,零售业的业态构成与人均GDP水平存在一定的对应规律。人均GDP处于3000美元至5000美元,以大型综合超市为主,在5000美元至1万美元则以购物中心、专卖店、专业店、便利店为主。而2011年我国人均GDP已经超过5000美元,传统百货业可以趁机向购物中心等方向转变。Its Time to Rethink Temporary现在该反思“临时性”了We tend to view architecture as permanent, as aspiring to the status of monuments. And that kind of

27、 architecture has its place. But so does architecture of a different sort. 人们倾向于视建筑为永恒,期望它具有丰碑似的地位。这类建筑确当其位,但是其他类别的建筑也同样占有一席之地。For most of the first decade of the 2000s, architecture was about the statement building. Whether it was a controversial memorial or an impossibly luxurious condo tower, arc

28、hitectures raison dtre was to make a lasting impression. Architecture has always been synonymous with permanence, but should it be? 21世纪最初十年的大部分时间里,宣言式建筑大行其道。无论是一座颇有争议的纪念碑,抑或是一栋极尽奢华的公寓塔楼,建筑存在的理由就是让人永远铭记。建筑一直以来就是永恒的代名词,然而理当如此吗?In the last few years, the opposite may be true. Architectural billings ar

29、e at an all-time low. Major commissions are few and far between. The architecture thats been making news is fast and fleeting: pop-up shops, food carts, marketplaces, performance spaces. And while many manifestations of the genre have jumped the shark (i.e., a Toys R Us pop-up shop), there is undeni

30、able opportunity in the temporary: it is an apt response to a civilization in flux. And like many prevailing trends collaborative consumption (a.k.a., “sharing”), community gardens, barter and trade “temporary” is so retro that its become radical. 在最近几年里,情况或许正好相反。建筑投资空前低迷,重要的委托项目少之又少。引人注意的总是那些进展快、寿命

31、短的建筑:品牌游击店、食品车、集贸市场、表演场所。尽管这类建筑许多已风光不再(玩具反斗城即是一例),但临时性建筑仍有其不可否认的机遇:它灵敏地应对不断变化的文明。恰如诸多流行趋势协作消费(亦称“共享”)、社区花园、易货和贸易“临时性”重新盛行以致变得重要起来。 In November, I had the pleasure of moderating Motopia, a panel at University of Southern Californias School of Architecture, with Robert Kronenburg, an architect, profes

32、sor at University of Liverpool and portable/temporary/mobile guru. Author of a shelf full of books on the topic, including “Flexible: Architecture that Responds to Change,” “Portable Architecture: Design and Technology” and “Houses in Motion: The Genesis,” Kronenburg is a man obsessed.11月,鄙人有幸与罗伯特克罗嫩伯格一起组织了南加州大学建筑学院的一个名为“理想都市环境”的专家小组,克罗嫩伯格是一位建筑师,同时也是利物浦大学的教授和便携式、临时性、可移动建筑领域的权威。他对这个领域着迷不已,在这方面著述颇丰,其中包括灵活性:应对变化的建筑、便携式建筑:设计与技术以及移动式房屋:创世纪等。Mobility has an innate potency, Kronenburg believes. Movable environments are more dynamic than static ones, so why should architecture be so static? The i

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