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1、深析高速公路电子监控系统应用深析高速公路电子监控系统应用摘要:随着社会经济的发展,高速公路运输需求日益增长,交通拥挤严重,安全事故频频发生。这一问题己成为长期困扰人们的难题。高速公路电子监控系统作为智能交通运输系统的一部分,对该问题的解决给出了可行的方案。Abstract: with the development of social economy, highway transportation demand is growing, traffic congestion is serious, the safety accident occurred frequently. This pro

2、blem has become a long-term problem in people. Highway electronic monitoring system as part of the intelligent transportation system, the feasible scheme is presented to resolve the problem.关键词:高速公路;电子监控系统;应用Key words: the highway; Electronic monitoring system; applicationAbstract:With the social an

3、d economic development, highways, the growing transport demand, traffic congestion serious security incidents occur frequently. It has been a long plagued the people problem. Highway electronic monitoring system as part of intelligent transport systems, the solution to the problem gives a feasible s

4、olution.Abstract: With the social and economic development, highways, and the growing transport demand, traffic congestion serious security incidents occur frequently. It has had a long plagued the people problem. Taking electronic monitoring system as part of intelligent transport systems, the solu

5、tion to the problem gives a feasible solution.Key words:freeway; electronic monitoring system; applicationKey words: freeway; Electronic monitoring system; Application1高速公路监控系统概述1 summary of expressway monitoring system高速公路交通工程机电系统由收费系统、监控系统、通信系统三大系统,以及照明通风系统和供配电系统组成。收费系统对道路的使用者按既定的费率征收通行费,以回收道路建设投资

6、。通信系统为收费和监控系统提供信息传输的通道。监控系统作为三大系统的重要组成部分之一,对高速公路交通流状态和交通环境进行监测,并根据需要对交通流进行诱导和控制,保证车辆运行畅通、减少交通事故、降低事故的危害性。高速公路监控系统由外场监控设施、站场监控室和各级监控中心组成,是实现高速公路运行管理的重要手段。Highway traffic engineering mechanical and electrical system consists of charging system, monitoring system, communication system, the three system

7、s, ventilation and lighting system and power supply and distribution system. Charge system for road users according to the established rate collecting tolls, recycling road construction investment. Communication system for charging and monitoring system of information transmission channel. Monitorin

8、g system as one of the three systems is an important part of highway traffic flow state and the traffic environment monitoring, and according to the need for traffic flow guidance and control, ensure vehicle running smooth, reduce traffic accidents, reduce the risks of accidents. Highway monitoring

9、system composed of field monitoring facilities, the station control room and the monitoring center at all levels, is an important means of realization of expressway operation and management.2高速公路交通电子监控系统的目标及作用2 goals and functions of highway traffic electronic monitoring system2.1监控系统的目标2.1 monitori

10、ng and control system of target高速公路交通状况受车流时空分布、气候、道路线形和地形等的影响,高速公路监控系统的目标在于减少上述因素的影响,解决气候异常、事故和车辆故障等造成的交通拥挤和阻塞。具体而言,高速公路监控的主要目标有4个方面。Highway traffic flow space-time distribution, the influence of climate, topography and road alignment, highway monitoring system goal is to reduce the influence of the

11、se factors, and address climate anomalies, accidents and vehicle failure caused by traffic congestion and jams. Specifically, highway monitoring the main goal of the four aspects.(1)准确地检测道路交通流参数和气象数据。(1) accurately detect road traffic flow parameters and meteorological data.(2)有效地监视道路交通和气候变化,及时掌握道路运

12、营状况。(2) the effective monitoring of road traffic and climate change, timely grasp the road operating conditions.(3)及时发现和处理安全隐患,减少交通事故,降低事故的严重性。(3) find and deal with the security hidden danger in time, reduce the number of traffic accidents, to reduce the severity of the accident.(4)减少偶发事件、交通事故及恶劣气候

13、对道路交通的影响。(4) to reduce accident, traffic accidents and severe weather impact on road traffic.(5)当交通量达到饱和时,利用交通流模型理论分析交通状态,对交通流进行诱导和控制,以提高路网通行能力。(5) when the traffic reaches saturation, the analysis traffic condition, using the theory of traffic flow model for traffic flow guidance and control, in or

14、der to improve the road network traffic capacity.2.2监控系统的作用2.2 the role of monitoring and control system车辆行驶高速、快捷、安全、舒适是高速公路交通的本质特征。然而,偶发事件如:交通事故、车辆抛锚、货物散落和气候变化却不可避免,如果得不到及时处理,势必引起交通堵塞甚至成为安全隐患。高速公路监控系统的主要功能就在于实时检测这些异常信息,并采取及时有效的控制措施。具体而言,其主要作用如下:Vehicle speed, quick, safe, comfortable is the essenti

15、al characteristics of highway traffic. However, contingencies, such as: traffic accident, the car broke down, scattered goods and climate change is inevitable, if not handled in time, certainly will cause traffic jams and even become a safety hazard. Highway monitoring systems main function is to re

16、al-time detect the anomaly information, and take timely and effective control measures. Specifically, its main function is as follows:(1)准确及时采集交通流、交通环境和主要交通设施的各种状态信息。(1) accurate and timely collection and traffic flow, traffic environment and main facilities of all kinds of status information.(2)根据已

17、掌握的信息,通过交通流模型分析,迅速做出有针对性的处理和优化控制方案,并立即执行。(2) according to the information we have to master, through the analysis of the traffic flow model, quickly make a targeted processing and optimization control scheme, and immediate execution.(3)建立多种信息发布渠道,为用户提供信息服务,通过驾驶员调整驾驶行为,使交通流动态平衡。(3) establish a variet

18、y of information distribution channels, to provide users with information service, via the adjustment of driving behavior and traffic flow dynamic balance.(4)进行专项监控,如用视频系统监视某大桥的车流通过情况,探测和确认交通事件及路面使用状态检测等。(4) for a special monitoring, such as use of a bridge traffic video monitoring system through th

19、e case, the traffic incident and pavement condition detection and inspection, etc.(5)对交通事故作出快速响应,迅速排除事故根源和提供救援服务。(5) make a quick response for the traffic accident, rapid rule out accident root cause and provide rescue service.(6)建立道路交通数据库,用以支持道路运行状况评价,为改善道路经营和交通管理的决策提供数据分析。(6) establish road traffi

20、c database to support road performance evaluation, in order to improve road management and traffic management decision to provide data analysis.3高速公路监控系统的构成及功能3 highway monitoring system structure and function根据监控系统的功能要求和设备特点,监控系统又分为交通信息采集子系统、交通状态检测子系统、交通控制子系统、交通诱导子系统和计算机网络子系统。According to the requi

21、rements of the monitoring system functions and characteristics of the equipment, monitoring and control system is divided into traffic information collection subsystem, the subsystems of traffic state detection, traffic control, traffic inducement subsystem and computer network subsystem.3.1交通信息采集子系

22、统3.1 traffic information acquisition subsystem该系统的功能是获取交通信息原始数据,通过车辆检测器、检测线圈、通讯设备等形成的交通量采集子系统,获得各段道路的交通量数据。通过设在重要地段的摄像机和视频传输设备获取该地段的视频实时数据;通过设在路边的紧急电话获取紧急救援信号;通过气象信息采集系统采集高速公路各个地段的能见度、温度、湿度、风向、风速、雨雪等气象条件。在这些信息中,视频数据可在计算机或电视墙上显示,并根据需要对视频数据进行抓拍记录,其他交通流数据、气象信息数据和紧急救援信号数据一般通过电子地图板或大屏幕投影的方式显示。Function of

23、 the system is to obtain traffic information raw data, through the vehicle detector, detection coil, formation traffic acquisition subsystem, such as communications equipment for segmentation of road traffic flow data. Through the important location of cameras and video transmission equipment to get

24、 the location of video data in real time; Through the roadside emergency telephone access to emergency signal; Through each section of meteorological information collection system collecting highway visibility, temperature, humidity, wind direction, wind speed, precipitation and other meteorological

25、 conditions. In this information, the video data can be displayed on a computer or TV on the wall, and to capture video data record, according to need to other traffic flow data, weather information and emergency signal data through electronic DeTuBan or large screen projection display.3.2交通控制子系统3.2

26、 traffic control subsystem根据各路段的交通状态和气象条件,选择或配置交通控制方案。交通控制子系统包括:交通控制目标、交通控制参数。控制参数以一定的控制形式作用于交通流。交通控制方式可分为匝道控制、主线控制和通道控制三大类。在控制算法上,有基于稳态交通模型和动态交通模型的推导方法、基于模糊理论的算法、基于神经网络原理的算法等,这些算法在实践和交流中不断得到完善和发展,为交通控制奠定了良好的理论基础。According to each traffic state of road and weather conditions, select or configure the

27、 traffic control scheme. Traffic control subsystem, including: the traffic control objectives, control parameters. Control parameter in the form of certain control effect on traffic flow. Traffic control mode can be divided into the ramp control, mainline control and channel control three categories

28、. On control algorithm, is derived based on static traffic and dynamic traffic model method, the algorithm based on fuzzy theory, based on principle of neural network algorithm, these algorithms was perfected continuously in the practice and communication and the development, laid a good theoretical

29、 basis for traffic control.3.3计算机网络子系统3.3 computer network subsystem计算机网络子系统将其他各个子系统通过计算机网络连接为一个整体,使之真正成为一个功能强大的有机系统。计算机网络系统包括:计算机设备、网络连接设备、计算机操作系统、数据库系统、计算机网络管理、监控系统应用程序。Computer network subsystem connect other subsystems through the computer network as a whole, to make it really become a powerful

30、organic system. Computer network system, including: computer equipment, Internet connection, computer operating system, database system, computer network management, monitoring and control system applications.4高速公路监控系统技术分析4 highway monitoring system of technical analysis4.1监控的目的和功能4.1 monitor the pu

31、rposes and functions高速公路监控系统由信息采集、数据传输、中心控制和信息发布等组成。在中心控制子系统的统一管理下,通过公路沿线的车辆检测器、气象检测器、能见度检测器、摄像机等信息采集设备,准确计算道路交通数据,有效监测道路的交通、气象状况,及时掌握道路运营状况,将交通量分布、气象参数、车辆运行情况等信息即时采集到监控分中心,经计算机处理形成交通控制方案,再经过可变信息标志、可变限速标志发布诱导信息,不仅有利于交通管理部门针对已经出现或即将出现的拥堵情况进行交通分配、诱导和控制,避免和疏导交通拥堵,同时也为出行者提供有意义的参考,协调道路使用者在合适的时间选择最佳路径,最快的

32、到达目的地,避免时间和金钱的浪费,使高速公路的交通流始终保持在最佳的运行状态,及时发现和处理交通事故并减少事故的发生率,提高道路通行能力。Highway monitoring system by information collection, data transmission, center control, and information release, etc. Under the center control sub-system of unified management, through along the highway vehicle detector, detector, meteorological visibility detector, information collection equipment such as cameras, accurate calculation of road traffic data, the effective monitoring of road traffic, weather conditions, timely g

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