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1、徐州六年级英语阅读理解及解析10题徐州六年级英语阅读理解及解析【10题】1 One day, Miss Li sees that Ann is not happy. She asks Ann, Whats wrong with you? Ann answers, I want to buy a new pair of shoes, but my parents dont have enough money. Then Miss Li says, Today I have some homework for youcount your parents shoes and tell me the

2、number tomorrow. The next day, Miss Li asks Ann, Do you count your parents shoes? Yes. My father has three pairs of shoes and my mother has four pairs of shoes. How many pairs of shoes do you have? Twenty. Anns face turns red. Are you still unhappy now? No, Im not. I want to save(节省) some money to b

3、uy new shoes for my parents.1Ann is not happy because .A.she doesnt like her new shoesB.she thinks her shoes are too oldC.her mother has more shoes than herD.her parents dont have enough money to buy her a new pair of shoes2What does the underlined word count mean in Chinese?A.数 B.擦 C.整理 D.清洁3Miss L

4、i asks Ann to her mother some shoes B.clean her fathers shoesC.count her parents shoes D.sell her parents shoes4How many pairs of shoes does Ann have?A.Three. B.Four. C.Seven. D.Twenty.5Finally, Ann wants to save some money to buy shoes for herself shoes for her parentsC.beautifu

5、l things for herself D.beautiful things for her teacher【答案】1D2A3C4D5B【解析】【分析】文章大意:安因为父母不给她买新鞋子而伤心,Li小姐让她回家数一数父母的鞋子的数量,安发现父亲有三双鞋,母亲有四双鞋,而自己却有二十双鞋,她决定攒钱给父母买鞋子。1细节理解题,根据:“Ann answers, I want to buy a new pair of shoes, but my parents dont have enough money. 安回答说:“我想买一双新鞋,但是我的父母没有足够的钱。”,可知安娜不开心的原因是没有足够多

6、的钱买鞋,故选:D2词义猜测题,句意:“今天我有一些作业给你-数一下你父母的鞋子,明天告诉我数量。”,我们根据“tell me the number tomorrow.告诉我数量”,可以推断应该是数鞋子的数量,故选:A。3细节理解题。根据:“Then Miss Li says, Today I have some homework for youcount your parents shoes and tell me the number tomorrow. 然后李老师说:“今天我有一些作业给你-数一下你父母的鞋子,明天告诉我数量。”,故选:C。4细节理解题,根据:“-How many pai

7、rs of shoes do you have?-Twenty. Anns face turns red. “你有几双鞋?”“二十” 安的脸变红了。”,故选:D。5细节理解题,根据:“I want to save(节省) some money to buy new shoes for my parents. 我想存点钱给父母买新鞋。”,故选:B。2People eat different things in different countries.In some countries, people eat rice every day. Sometimes they eat it twice

8、or three times a day for breakfast, lunch and supper. Some people do not eat some kinds of meat. Muslims, for example, do not eat pork.Japanese eat lots of fish. They are near the sea. So it is easy for them to get fish.In the West, such as England and the USA, the most important food is potatoes. P

9、eople there can cook potatoes in many different ways.Some people eat only fruit and vegetables. They do not eat meat or fish or anything else from animals. They eat food only from plants(植物). They say the food from plants is better for us than meat. These people are called vegetarians.1In some count

10、ries, people eat _ every day.Afish BvegetablesCfruit Drice2Why do Japanese eat lots of fish?ABecause they like fish better than the other food.BBecause it is easy for them to get fish.CBecause fish can give them lots of calories.DBecause there is no other food.3What is the most important food in som

11、e Western countries?AFish BPotatoesCVegetables DFruit and vegetables4The underlined word “ vegetarians” means “ _” in Chinese.A只吃素食的人 B只吃荤食的人C研究素食的人 D种植蔬菜的人5Which of the following is TRUE?APeople in different countries eat different food.BFood from plants is better for us than meat.CMuslims are vege

12、tarians.DPeople in some Western countries can cook tomatoes in many ways.【答案】1D2B3B4A5A【解析】【分析】试题分析:本篇文章主要讲述了不同的人们在不同的国家吃不同的东西,在一些国家里人们每天吃许多米饭;在日本人们吃许多的鱼;还有一些人们吃许多蔬菜和水果。1细节理解题。根据文中In some countries, people eat rice every day在一些国家里人们每天吃米饭;;可知选D2细节理解题。根据文中Japanese eat lots of fish. They are near the s

13、ea可知日本人吃许多的鱼肉,因为他们住在海边, 可知选B3细节理解题。根据文中In the West, such as England and the USA, the most important food is potatoes.可知选B4细节理解题。根据文中These people are called vegetarians句意是这些人们是素食主义者.可知故选A。5细节理解题。通读全文可知本篇文章主要讲述的是不同国家的人们吃不同的食物,故选A考点:文化类短文阅读。3Good morning. My name is Eric. This is my schoolbag. What col

14、or is it? Its blue and white. And whats this in English? Its a pen. It is a black pen. This is a ruler. Its yellow.1Im _.A.Eric B.CindyC.Dale D.Frank2The schoolbag is and white and and white and red3The pen is B.blackC.white D.yellow4The ruler is _.A.gree

15、n B.whiteC.yellow D.purple5There are(有)_ colors in the passage(文章中).A.3 B.5C.2 D.4【答案】1A2C3B4C5D【解析】【分析】试题分析:这篇短文中Eric给我们介绍了他的一些文具,他的书包是蓝白相间的,他的钢笔是黑色的,他的尺子是黄色的。1A 细节理解题。根据短文的开头Good morning. My name is Eric可知,作者的名字叫Eric。因此应选A。2C 细节理解题。根据短文中This is my schoolbag. What color is it? Its blue and white可知,

16、作者的书包是蓝白相间的。故应选C。3B 细节理解题。根据短文中And whats this in English? Its a pen. It is a black pen.可知,钢笔是黑色的。故应选B。4C 细节理解题。根据短文中This is a ruler. Its yellow可知,尺子是黄色的。故选C。5D推理判断题。根据短文中Its blue and white. 、It is a black pen. 、This is a ruler. Its yellow可知,这篇短文中提到了蓝色、白色、黑色和黄色共四种颜色。故选D。考点:日常生活类短文阅读。4阅读理解。Hello, Im J

17、ack. Please look at the picture of my classroom. On the front wall, there is a blackboard. Its very big. In front of the blackboard, there is a yellow desk. Its for our teachers. There is a computer on it. On the right wall there is a map of China. On the black ( 后面 ) wall of our classroom is a blac

18、kboard. We can write and draw on it. There are forty students in my class. Everyone has a desk and a chair.In my classroom, my desk is next to Li Fangs desk. She is on my left . And Tim is on my right. In front of me is John . Who is behind me ? Its a girl, Amy. They are my good friends.1This is a p

19、icture of Jacks _.A.Family B.classroomC.friends D.school2How many blackboards are there in the classroom ?A.One B.TwoC.Three D.Four3Whats on the right wall?A.A clock B.A map of ChinaC.A map of the world D.A picture4There are _ desks in Jacks classroom .A.20 B.21C.40 D.415Where is Jack in the classro

20、om?A.He is on Li Fangs left.B.He is in front of John.C.He is behind Amy.D.He is between Tim and Li Fang.【答案】1B2B3B4D5D【解析】【分析】试题分析:本文叙述了杰克教室的情况,在教室的前后墙上都有一块黑板,有40个学生,每人一张桌子,黑板前面还有一张桌子,约翰的座位在李芳和Tim 的中间。1细节理解题。根据Please look at the picture of my classroom. 可知,这是教室的照片,故选B。2细节理解题。根据On the front wall, the

21、re is a blackboard. On the black ( 后面 ) wall of our classroom is a blackboard.可知,在教室的前后墙上都有一块黑板,故选B。3细节理解题。根据On the right wall there is a map of China.在右边的墙上有一张中国地图,故选B。4细节理解题。根据There are forty students in my class. Everyone has a desk and a chair.In front of the blackboard, there is a yellow desk.

22、有40个学生,每人一张桌子,黑板前面还有一张桌子,共41张课桌,故选D。5细节理解题。根据my desk is next to Li Fangs desk. She is on my left . And Tim is on my right.可知约翰在李芳和Tim 的中间,故选D。考点:日常生活类短文。5阅读理解。This is the twins room. Its a nice room. The two beds are in the room. One is Lucys and the other (另一个) is Lilys. They look the same. Their c

23、oats are on their beds. We cant see their shoes. Theyre under their beds. The twins have two desks and chairs. Their clock, books and pencil-boxes are on the desks. Their schoolbags are behind the chairs.1What kind of room (哪一种屋子) is it? -Its _.Aa classroom Ba bedroom Ca big room2Which (哪一个) one is

24、not right?ALilys coat is on the bed.BLucys shoes are under the chair.CLucy and Lily are students.3Lucy and Lily are _.Aboys Bsons Csisters4Wherere their schoolbags? _.AOn the chairs BIn their desk CBehind their chairs5Which one is right?ATheir beds look the same.BTheir clock, coats and pencil-boxes

25、are on the desk.CTheir classroom is nice.【答案】1 B 2 B 3 C 4 C 5 A 【解析】【分析】试题分析:这篇短文中作者给我们介绍了Lucy和Lily的卧室,里面有两张一样的床,卧室里还有他们的衣服、鞋,有两张桌子和一些椅子,桌子上面有闹钟、书和铅笔盒,他们的书包在椅子后面。1推理判断题。根据短文的开头中The two beds are in the room可知,在这个房间里有两张床,因此我们推断这是一间卧室。故选B。classroom 教室;a big room一个大的房间。2推理判断题。根据短文中Their coats are on th

26、eir beds可知A是正确的;根据Their clock, books and pencil-boxes are on the desks. Their schoolbags are behind the chairs 可以看出,Lucy和Lily都是学生,故C是正确的;根据We cant see their shoes. Theyre under their beds.可知B不对,他们的鞋在床底下。故选B。3推理判断题。根据短文的开头This is the twins room.可知这是双胞胎Lucy 和Lily的房间,这两个名字都是女名,故选C。4细节理解题。根据短文的最后一句Their

27、 schoolbags are behind the chairs.可知,他们的书包在椅子的后面。故选C。5推理判断题。根据短文中The two beds are in the room. One is Lucys and the other (另一个) is Lilys. They look the same. 可知A是正确的;根据Their coats are on their beds 可知B选项不对;根据短文开头Its a nice room. The two beds are in the room可知,这是他们的卧室,不是教室,故C不对。考点:日常生活类短文阅读。6Ginas No

28、te (记事本) in October1st basketball game2nd3rd4th5th Lindas birthday party6th school trip7th8th9th volleyball game10th11th12th13th Marys birthday party14th Bobs birthday party15th16th17th School Day (Parents can come to school)18th19th20th21st22nd English Day23rd24th25th Sports Day26th27th28th29th30th

29、 Jacks birthday party31st1When is the school trip?AOn October 1st. BOn October 6th.COn October 17th. DOn October 25th.2What does Gina have on October 9th?AShe has a basketball game. BShe has a volleyball game.CShe has a school trip. DShe has an English party.3When is Marys birthday party?AOn October

30、 5th. BOn October 14th.COn October 30th. DOn October 13th.4School Day is on October 17th.Ginas _ can come to her school.Aparents Bteachers Cfriends Dstudents5Gina likes English.Which activity does she like best (最)?ASchool Day. BSports Day.CEnglish Day. DJacks birthday party.【答案】1B2B3D4A5C【解析】【分析】蒂娜10月的记事本。1句意:学校旅行是什么时候?根据6th school trip;故选B2句意:蒂娜在10月9号有什么?根据9th volleyball game ;故选B3句意:玛丽的生日聚会是什么时候?根据13th Marys birthday party;故选D4句意:学校日是在10月17号,蒂娜的父母能来学校。根据17th School Day (Parents can come t

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