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1、期末英语复习资料1 TThey bound捆绑 his hands and legs with a rope so he couldt escape.他们有一根绳子把他的手、脚捆了起来,这样他就逃不了了。2 His bright clothes were hardly appropriate适合的 for such a solemn occasion.他的衣着颜色鲜艳,不太适合这样一个庄严的时刻。3 Hes been charged with possessing占有 guns and attempting to attack the police.他被控持有枪支,并意图袭警。4 Is thi

2、s your permanent永久的 address,or are you only staying there for a short time?这是你的固定地址?还是你只在那儿暂住一段时间。5 Ten minutes before the appointed 约定time,he sat nervously outside her office.离约定时间还有十分钟,他就紧张地坐在她办公室外了。6 We parted分开three years ago and havent met each other ever since.How I miss her!我们三年前分开后就再也没见过面。我多

3、想她啊!7 Janet and Bob had corresponded通信with each other for many years before they finally met in Paris.珍妮和鲍勃通信多年后,最终在巴黎见面了。8 Tina gazed盯着steadily at the famous singer,unable to believe she was so close to him.蒂娜目不转睛地注视着那位著名的歌手,不敢相信自己离他这么近。9 The notion概念that women should serve as homemakers has alresd

4、y gone out of fashion.认为妇女应该在家里操持家务的观念已经过时了。 10. My grandfather still has keen敏锐的eyesight-he is able to read road signs in the distance.我祖父的视力还是很好-他能看清远处的路牌。11.They try to preserve保护their interesting old customs against the impacts of the modern world!他们力图保护一些有趣的古老风俗,使之免受现代社会的冲击。12.The old man grasp

5、ed握住my hand warmly and shook it,saying, “Congratulations.Youve won.老人热情地握住我的手,说道,祝贺你,你获胜了。13.When I saw what a poor driver he was,I figured认为he was probably not the best instructor for me.当我看见他开车有多差劲后,我想他大概不能当我的最佳教练。14.The lawyers arguments are well grounded根据because he has collected enough proof co

6、ncerning the case.律师的论证充分,因为关于这起案件他已搜集了足够的证据。15.It is very sensible明智的 to bring your umbrella to Kunming at this tine of the year-it rains so frequently here.在这个时间带伞到昆明是很明智的做法-这里经常下雨的。16.Her greatest attribute特征is her kindness which has earned her lots of friends in the neighbourhood.她最大的特点就是好心,这为她这

7、一带赢得了很多朋友。17.The two countries are united统一by common interests;so I think their relationship is likely to remain stable in the coming years.这两个国家由共同的利益联结在一起;因此我认为它们的关系在今后的日子里会保持稳定的。18.My cousin is leaving the company to pursue寻找his own fortune even though he has a light workload and is on a very goo

8、d salsry now.虽然我表兄目前工作负担不重、薪水很高,但他还是要离开公司去寻找发财的机会。19.The President failed in his attempts to win the second term because he hadnt fulfilled his commitments完成实现承诺made in the previous election. 总统没有履行选举时的承诺,所以竞选连任时败选了。20.Even though there are strict rules regulating控制the use of chemicals in food,some

9、food producers disregard them intentionally in order to gain more profits.虽然有严格的条例限制食物中化学剂的使用,但还是有一些食品制造商为了谋取更多的利润,有意对其视而不见。1.I regret to inform通知you that theres nothing we can do to help you. -But I think you should have told us earlier.很遗憾的告诉你,我们无法帮助你。-但是我认为你们该早点说。2.The school has been open for me

10、rely six months,so its hard to evaluate评估its success.学校才开办了六个月,因此难以评估其是否成功。3.Shes not beautiful,but I find her very attrictive吸引力的because she seems so full of life and full.她长得不漂亮,但我觉得她很吸引人,因此她看起来充满活力、幽默风趣。4.The young womans hopelessness and lack of energy were symptoms of a severe emotional depress

11、ion抑郁.这位年轻女子很绝望、没精打采,这些都是严重情感抑郁的症状。5.Sara has made up her mind that her leisure空闲activities will never get in the way of her career.萨拉打定主意不让自己的休闲娱乐活动妨碍职业发展。6.Collective集体的action is needed to solve the problem of environmental pollution.We cannot do it alone.解决环境污染问题需要集体行动。光靠我们是不行的。7.The number of pe

12、ople borrowing from public libraries has decreased下降,but book sales are rising.从公共图书馆借阅图书的人数下降了,但图书销售额在增长。8.Our friendship is strictly spiritual精神的we never seek material benefits from each other.我们的友谊完全是精神层面上的;我们从不在对方身上寻求物质利益。9.Johnsparents were both deeply religious宗教的people,who believed it was sin

13、ful to work on Sundays.约翰的父母都是有虔诚宗教信仰的人,他们认为在星期天工作是有罪的。10.The doctors came to the conclusion that the patients blindness was temporary暂时的and hed be able to see again after some treatment.医生们得出结论,认为这个病人失明是暂时的,经过一些治疗后他能恢复视力。11.I want a thermometer that has two scales刻度marked on it,one in Fahremheit an

14、d the other in Centigrade.我需要一个有两种刻度的温度计,一种是华氏刻度,另一种是摄氏刻度。12.The teachers in the training center are making great efforts to cultivate培养in their students the habit of speaking English.培训中心的老师们竭尽全力,培养学生说英语的习惯。13.Hesapplied for a lot of jobs recently,which suggests表明that hes not altogether satisfied w

15、ith his present position.他最近申请了很多份工作,这表明他并不十分满意目前的职位。14.My parents offered me an amount of money adequate to purchase购买an apartment,but Ive decided to buy one myself.我父母主动提出给我一笔钱,足够我买套公寓,但我决定自己来买。15.He said he was unlucky,but I believed that the accident was the inevitable必然的consequence of his carel

16、essness.他说自己不走运,但我认为这起事故是他自己粗心大意造成的必然结果。16.This dictionary provides simple explanations and a lot of examples,which will enable使能够you to understand English words better.这本字典解释简洁并配以大量的实例,能让你更好地理解英语单词。17.He agreed with whaterve I said and gave me whatever I wanted,but his eagerness to please me merely

17、 reinforce加强my dislike of him.不管我说什么他都赞同,不管我想要什么他都给我,但他这么急切地想要讨好我只会让我对他更反感。18.She drew a comparison和.进行对比between life in the city and life in the country;then she made it clear that she preferred to live in the country.她比较了城里和农村的生活;然后明确表示她更爱住在农村。19.There are indications that some people are giving u

18、p high pressure jobs in exchange for occupations职业with more flexible working time.有迹象表明一些人要从压力大的工作转换到工作时间更灵活的职业。20.Having caused numerous deaths and made hundreds of thousands of people homeless,Hurricane Katrina is considered to be one of the most destructive破坏性natural disasters in living memory.卡特

19、里娜飓风已造成多人死亡、数十万人无家可归,被认为是有史以来最具破坏性的自然灾害之一。1.I often associat将联系起来summer with holidays.How I wish I could be on vacation next summer!我总是将夏季与假期联系在一起。我多么希望明年夏天能休假啊!2.Having anticipated the probiems,I was well equipped准备充分的to deal with the situation.由于已预料到这些困难,我在处理此事的时候准备得很充分。3.Prejudice combined与结合with

20、 ignorance destroys the hopes of many AIDS sufferers.偏见与无知使艾滋病患者的希望破灭。4.I think we should put as much emphasis重视on preventing diseases as do on curing them.我认为我们应当像重视治疗疾病一样地重视疾病的预防工作。5.I see teaching as an opportunity to enlighten启蒙students,not just to give them instructions.我认为教学是启发学生而不仅仅是对学生发号施令。6

21、.The new heating system is in the trial phase阶段of its operation;its due to be put into full operation next winter.新的取暖系统正在试行阶段,明年冬天才会全面投入使用。7.Each students writing will be graded打分by three examiners so as to make sure that the results will be fair to all.每位学生的写作都由三人评阅,以确保成绩公平。8.Asked about the date

22、of the election,the Prime Minister commented决定that no decision had been made yet.当被问及竞选日期时,首相说尚未决定。9.He had a suspicion that the certificate was not genuine,but on close inspection经过检查he realized that it was not forged.他怀疑证书是假的,但通过仔细检查,他发现证书并不是伪造的。10.He never acts on his own judgment,but merely wait

23、s passively消极的for others to tell him what to do.他从来不根据自己的判断采取行动,而总是消极地等待别人告诉他该怎么做。11.Many old people prefer to live in the country because rural乡村生活life is usually more peaceful than city life.很多老年人喜欢住在乡村,因为乡村生活通常要比城市生活安宁。12.The government says it will not negotiate协商with the terrorists;on the contr

24、ary it will fight back.政府说不会与恐怖主义分子进行谈判,而是要对他们进行还击。13.This guidebook is indispensable必不可少的for travelers in this remote area of the country;they cant go without it.这本指导书对于来这个荒山野岭的游客来说不可或缺,没了它真是寸步难行。14.He finally realized that his idea of learning to read and write in English well in three months was

25、just an illusion幻想.他终于意识到自己想在三个月之内学好英语阅读和写作的念头只不过是一种幻想。15.The committees suggestions sound reasonable,yet whether they can be implemented执行remains a problem.委员会的建议听着似乎合理,然而能否实现还是个问题。16.Its not unusual to hear people complaining that educational standards are in decline下降rather than on the rise.现在听到人

26、们抱怨说教育标准下降了,而不是提高了,这一点也不足为奇。17.Workers usually demand high wages while the boss always seeks high profitsits almost impossible to reconcile调合these two aims.工人要求高工资,而老板则追求高利润-要调合这两个目标几乎不可能。18.Theoretically,its a good idea to live without a car,but practically实际上speaking,it would be difficult to manag

27、e without one.理论上说,生活中没有车也不错,但实际上,没有车很不方便。19.The local residents居民were annoyed with the lack of parking spacethats why many of them sold their flats and moved to other places.当地人因为缺少停车位而恼怒这正是很多人卖掉房子搬到别处去的原因。20.The Internet has created a wonderland for us,but we should keep in mind the differences be

28、tween the virtual虚拟world and the real world.因特网为我们创造了一个奇境,但我们应该记着虚拟世界与现实世界之间的差异。1.A truck went by too fast and narrowly差一点missed hitting our car.一辆卡车快速开过,差点撞到了我们的车。2.The law of supply and demand governs支配the prices of goods.供求法则决定商品的价格。3.Its an Australian company whose logo features以。为特色a red kangar

29、oo.这家澳大利亚公司徽标的特点是有一只红色的袋鼠。4.Its a natural tendency that one learns to crawl爬行before he learns to walk.人在学会走路前要学会爬,这是自然的趋势。5.He heard footsteps behind him,and spun快速旋转around to see who it was.他听到了后面的脚步声,转过身去看是谁。6.Mother fiashed使闪耀a smile at her child when she saw him trying to put on his shoes by him

30、self.看见孩子是着自己穿鞋的时候,妈妈朝孩子闪露微笑。7.A woman who claimed to have witness亲眼所见the bank robbery would give evidence in court.那个声称目击了银行抢劫案的妇女将在法庭上作证.8.Now that the tragedy has occurred,theres no point in shedding散发出tears over it.既然悲剧已经发生,那就没有必要为这件事掉眼泪了。9.A truck crashed into a bus,killing five passengers and

31、critically injurjing弄伤tenothers.一辆卡车撞到了一辆公共汽车,五位乘客死亡,另有十位受重伤。10.If your computer goes wrong frequently,Isuggest you go and see a computer consultant顾问如果你的电脑经常出问题,我建议你去找找电脑顾问。.11.In the race he will compete竞争against world-class runners,which is a real challenge to him.在比赛中他将与世界级选手竞争,这对他可真是一个挑战。12.Our

32、 original原版的plan was to go camping,but we had to stay in a hotel owing to the rainstorm.我们最初的计划是无野营,但因为下大雨,我们只能呆在旅馆里。13.At the last minute of the game Spain scored a triumphant goal and conquer征服their rivals.在比赛的最后一秒钟,西班牙踢进胜利的一球,战胜了对手。14.When the parking lot has spaces available,the barrier障碍物at the entrance will be removed and you may enter.当停车场还有空位时,门口的障碍物会被挪开,你就可以进去了。15.After being questioned for several hours,the suspect finally confess坦白that he had stolen the diamond.被审问了还几

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