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1、英文工作汇报销售共8篇英文工作汇报销售(共8篇)英文工作汇报销售(共8篇)第1篇英文销售15.说明价格调整原因I enclose our new price list , which will e into effect ,from the end of this month.You will see that we have increased our prices on most models.We have ,however , refrained from doing so on some models of which we hold large stocks.We feel we

2、should explain why we have increased our prices.We are paying10 more for our raw materials than we were paying last year.Some of our subcontractors have raised their by as much as15.As you know , we take great pride in our machines and are jealous of the reputation for quality and dependability whic

3、h we have achieved over the last40 years.We will not promise that reputation because of rising costs.We hope, therefore decided to raise the price of some of our machines.We hope you will understand our position and look forward to your orders.现谨附上本公司新价格表,新价格将于本月底生效。除了存货充裕的商品外,其余大部分货品均已调升价格。是次调整原因是原

4、材料价格升幅上涨10,一些承包商的价格调升到15。过去40年,本公司生产的机器品质优良.性能可靠。今为确保产品质量,唯有稍为调整价格。上述情况,还望考虑。愿能与贵公司保持紧密合作。16.回复感谢信We greatly appreciate your letter describing the aistance you received in solving your air-conditioning problems.We are now in our fifty year of operation, and we receive many letters like your indicati

5、ng a high level of customer satisfaction with our tallation.We are pleased that our technical staff aisted you so capably.We would like you to know that it you need to contact us at any time in the future.Our engineers will be equally responsive to your request for aistance.If we can be of service t

6、o you again, please let us know.Thank you again for your very kind letter.承蒙来信赞扬本公司提供的空调维修工程服务,欣喜不已。五年前开业至今,屡获客户来函嘉奖,本公司荣幸之至。欣悉贵公司识技术人员的服务,他日苛有任何需要,亦请与本公司联络,本公司定当提供优秀技师,竭诚效劳。在此谨再衷心感谢贵公司的赞赏,并请继续保持联络。17.请客户征询其它公司Thank you for your enquiry of5 May concerning silk blouses.We regret to say that we do not

7、 manufacture clothing to your own designs to the highest European standards Swan Textiles corporation The industrial zone Shekou We supply the factor with all their silk materials, I enclose a swatch of our stock materials for your examination.Should you desire any of these sles made up into finishe

8、d products , we can supply the swan factory with them.We hope that this will be of help to you and wish you every succe in your busine dealings.谢谢5月5月日来函查询关于纡绸罩衫的事宜。本公司只生产纡绸布料,供应纺织品批发商和制造厂家,并没有制造成衣,因而未能接受贵公司订货,谨致万分歉意然而,本公司乐意推荐本地一家生产优质男装的工厂,相信可按贵公司设计的款式制造符合欧洲最高标准的服装蛇口工业区天鹅纺织品公司。该厂的丝绸布料全由本公司供应,随函了什样本以

9、供查阅,如贵公司认为适合,本公司乐意负责供应所需布料。愿上资料对贵公司有所帮助。谨祝生意兴隆,事事顺达。18.改善服务Thank you for your letter of26 January.I apologize for the delivery problems you had with us last month.I have had a meeting with our production and shipping managers to work out a better system for handling your account .We know we made a m

10、istake on your last order .Although we replaced it for you.we want to make sure it does not happen again.We have devised the enclosed checklist to use for each of your future order.It includes your firms particular specifications, packing requirements and marking tructions.I believe can service your

11、 pany better and help you operations run more smoothly with this safeguard.Please contact us if there are any additional points you would like us to include.感谢1月26日来信。对上月贵公司更换所需货品,唯恐类似事件再发生,本公司生产.运输和出口部经理已商议制订更有效方法处理贵公司事务,并为此特别设计清单。随信奉上该清单,供贵公司今后订货之用。当中包括特殊规格.包装要求和樗说明等栏目,相信此举有助本公司提供更佳服务,促进双方合作。如欲增设任

12、何栏目于该清单上,恳求惠示。19.拒绝客户的要求Thank you for your enquity of25 August.We are always pleased to hear from a valued customer.I regret to say that we cannot agree to your request for technical ination regarding our software security sysytems.The fact is,that most of our petitors also keep such ination private

13、 and confidential.I sincerely hope that this does not inconvenience you in any way.If there is any other way in which we can not hesitte to contact us again.8月25日信收悉,谨此致谢。来信要求本公司提供有关软件保密系统的技术资料,但鉴于同行向来视该等资料为机密文件,本公司亦不便透露,尚祈见谅。我真诚地希望这样不会对贵公司造成不便。如需本公司协助其他事宜,欢迎随时赐顾垂询。祝业务蒸蒸日上20.应付难办的客户We have b

14、een doing busine together for a long time and we value our relationship of late, we have not been able to provide the kind of service we both want.The problem is that your purchasing department is changing orders after they have been placed.This has led to confusion and frustration for both of our p

15、anies.In several have returned goods that were originally ordered.To solve the problem , I propose that on receipt of an order, our sales staff contact you to verify it.If you decide on any changes, we will amend the order and fax you a copy so that you can check it.I trust this system wi

16、ll cut down on delays and errors, and allow our operations to run smoothly.承蒙多年惠顾,本公司感激万分。然近来合作出现问题,令服务水准未能符合对方要求,本公司为此提忧不已。贵公司采部发出定单后,再三更改内容;更有甚者,屡次退回订购之货品,导致了双方公司工作中的混乱和困惑。为避免问题日趋严重,特此在接到定单后,由本公司销售人员与贵公司复核。若需作出改支,本公司把定单修改后电传副本,供贵公司查核。盼望上述办法经受减少延误,促进双方业务发展。第2篇工作汇报英文工作汇报英文篇1英文工作报告英文工作报告DirectionTake

17、 a report by the academic department of an aociation.Follows should be pay attention to1the immediate schemes2detailed ination such as dates,related persons and numbers WORK-IN-PROGRESS REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH, FromAnny lee, Head ,Academic Department ToMr Ng sik-hung,Chairman Shang Hai Evergre

18、en Aociation Ref0091963 Date2 April .Shang Hai Secondary School1.The number of students for the month is1329,2300,3500,4238,52342.The week starting from17 March was scheduled as a week.3.Mental consult was scheduled to be March offered in the School Hospital within the period29 to1 May .The persons

19、in charge of the program would be staff of the Mental Health Society.Academic exchange1.As one of the initiators,the Aociation has agreed to host the seminarThe fostering of talented personnel in Mainland China,to be held on3 May in Shang Hai.2.The Chairman has agreed to give a talk on behalf of the

20、 Aociation in a seminar on the exchange of talented personnel within South East Asia,which is scheduled to be held on1 July1997 in Tokyo.篇2英文工作汇报 Work report Dear Sir, Its really my honor to have this opportunity for this job.And I hope I can make a good perance in GSA Group.Now, I will introduce my

21、 work experiences in ZHGD and LQ briefly.I began working for ZHGD as an accountant in Luoyang city after my graduation in the year of .My main work is as follows1.Jul Dec Material accountant every encouragement would make me happy all day long; every positive smile in leaders eyes would make me more

22、 staunch.i would like to face the challenges and i am pleasant to conquer any obstacles in work, in which proce my potential seems to be unleashed.i like this kind of sensation and also i hope to win the friendship of all the colleagues. p.s. i like the collective activities very much, everyone woul

23、d enjoy the happine without bothering fuy work.while if we could play together more other than playing seperately, i gue it would be better for our solidarity and friendship.时间过得真快,不觉间在新的岗位上已经工作了两个春秋。time flies, unconsciously in between new post have been working for two years.两年来,在学校党委.行政的正确领导和大力支持


25、_,深刻领会其精神实质,并结合学_深刻剖析自己工作中的不足,找出自己的差距,写出心得体会,自觉以科学发展观和校党代会精神来指导自己的工作实践,时刻注意自己的言行与党中央保持一致,努力提高自己的政治水平和理论修养。通过学_,我进一步认识到自己所肩负的责任,牢固确立了 “三服务两育人”的宗旨观念和科学发展观等重要思想在工作中的指导地位,增强了顾全大局.坚持原则.身体力行.率先垂范的自觉性,自己的思想认识和理论水平上升到新的高度。二.尽职尽责,扎实工作,廉洁自律,行政履职能力得到进一步提高。second, conscientious, the solid work, honesty and self

26、-discipline, administrative resumption ability has been improved.两年来,自己始终保持奋发有为的精神状态,服从领导,顾全大局,严以律己,务实苦干。作为领导的副手,对总经理交办的工作,从不讨价还价,保质保量完成;对自己分内的工作积极对待,努力完成,做到既不越位,又要到位,更不失职;在同班子其他几位同志的工作协调上,做到真诚相待,互帮互学。在廉洁自律方面,能够按照上级和党委关于领导干部廉洁自律的各项规定,对自己高标准.严要求,认真规范从政行为,自觉接受监督,始终做到自重.自盛自警.自励。two years, oneself alway

27、s keep promising mental state, obey leadership, pay 通过两年多的工作磨练,在工作中自己能够做到思路清晰,重点突出,责任明确,行政履职能力上了一个新台阶一是培养了自己不畏困难.克服困难的精神。能够以积极的心态应对和处理在工作中出现的困难和问题,克服了以往工作中的急躁和畏难情绪。二是提高了承担责任的勇气和能力。在工作中努力做到公正.公平,遇事敢于负责勇于负责,不贪功不诿过,不推诿不扯皮。三是进一步提高了自己总揽大局.统筹全局.顾全大局的能力,进一步认识到团结合作的重要性。团结凝心聚力,团结出干劲,团结出成绩,在工作中珍惜共事机缘,自觉加强团结与合

28、作。四是提高了自己协调内外关系和处理重大问题的能力。能够根据上级安排,提出思路,制定实施方案,并注重解决问题,落实实施。三.锐意进取,积极工作,工作取得新进展,实现新突破。three, forge ahead, and actively work, work have made new progre, to achieve a new breakthrough.1.狠抓校园环境绿化卫生 “窗口”建设,认真清洁校园每一寸土地,科学养护每一棵花草树木,努力为广大师生创造一个优雅.清洁.美丽的生活学_环境,为学校荣获“全国绿化模范单位”和聊城市成功创建“全国卫生城市”做出了积极贡献。1, vigor

29、ously promotes the cus environment greening health window construction, carefully clean cus every inch of the land, scientific maintenance every tree flowers and trees, and strive for teachers and students to create an elegant, clean and beautiful life learning environment, for the school won the na

30、tional model green unit and liaocheng succefully created the national health city has made a positive contribution.2.对爱国卫生责任区进行了重新划分和调整,并在各学院的卫生责任区域竖立了卫生责任区划分牌,进一步明确责任单位和范围,方便了广大师生监督,调动了师生参与校园管理和建设校园的积极性。2, to the patriotic health responsibility to the division and adjustment, and in every college h

31、ealth responsibility area setting the health division of篇2英文版工作总结work summary im xxx, a graduate student from xxx major is electrical automation.i will graduate in july next year.before i applied for graduate study, i worked in xxx for over a year, i have some design experience in my l

32、ast job, as an intern, i came to xxx in november17.counting on my fingers, i have stayed here for about four here i make a brief summary for this four weeks practice work.first of all thanking you for giving me this internship opportunity, i had a chance to begin my career in advance, at th

33、e same time; i took part in the two weeks training about xxx.during the training, i was inquisitive and tried to improve myself.every day i seriously record the knowledge our teacher explained, while studying specification related to automation design at night so as to prepare for future design work.meanwhile, i seized every chance

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