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1、PEP六年级上册unit4教案反思第(4)单元教学计划一、教材分析本单元的课题是:I have a pen pal ,本单元主要学习有关业余爱好的英语表达和一般现在时的简单用法,主要句型是:Whats your hobby? I like He/She likes Does he live in the city? Yes, he does. No, he doesnt. 本单元的大部分动词在前几册已经出现过,因此在教学中应注意激活学生的记忆,以旧引新,引导学生熟练掌握。另外,A部分的Lets read的两封e-mail篇幅较长,有一定难度,阅读教学可以分段进行。二、教学目标知识与技能:1.能

2、够询问和简单描述业余爱好,如:Whats your hobby? I like collecting stamps. He likes collecting stamps, too.2.能够用一般疑问句形式询问他人的住处,工作等情况并作答,如:Does he live in the city? Yes, he does. Does he teach English? No, he doesnt. He teaches art.3.能够听懂、会唱歌曲“My pen pal”。4.能够认读Pronunciation部分的音标:/:/, /, /, /, /l/, /r/并能读出例词。5.能够理解L

3、ets chant部分的内容。6.能够了解Story time, Good to know, Task time等部分的内容。过程与方法:通过听说读写,排演情景剧等游戏活动,让每一个学生在感知、实践、参与、合作中实现任务的目标,体验成功的喜悦。情感态度价值观:1.鼓励学生发展广泛的兴趣与爱好,培养学生乐于与人交往的性格。2.学习积极运用所学语言进行表达与交流,加强合作,共同完成学习任务。三、教学重难点教学重点:有关业余爱好的英语表达和一般现在时的简单用法。教学难点:是一般现在时第三人称单数陈述句和一般疑问句的正确运用。四、学法指导1、发挥好学习互助小组的积极作用,在合作中实现共赢。2、充分发挥

4、对学生的激励作用,让学生产生浓厚的学习兴趣。五、总授课时数六课时教案教材内容A. lets learn group work总课时6第 1 课时教学要求1 知识目标(1)三会句子:Whats your hobby? I like collecting stamps(2)四会动词短语的ing 形式:collecting stamps, riding a bike, diving, playing the violin, making kites2 能力目标(1)能够听、说、认读句子:Whats your hobby? I like collecting stamps(2)能够听、说、读、写动词短

5、语的ing形式:collecting stamps, riding a bike, diving, playing the violin, making kites3 情感目标鼓励学生发展广泛的兴趣与爱好,培养学生乐于与人交往的性格。教学重点难点重点:掌握五个动词(短语)的ing形式。教学过程修改意见1)lets Chant课件呈现: lets Chant:Walking, walking, I like walking.Running, running, I like running.Jumping, jumping, I like jumping.Swimming, swimming, I

6、 like swimming.全班一起唱并根据音乐节拍做动作。 2)Lead-in由上面的chant引出:What do you like?引导学生用“I like 动词ing”句型回答。二、创设情境,学习单词。1)Lets start就上一步骤,提问学生:Do you know what are those? 教学hobby,出示hobby卡片领读认读,接着教师板书Whats your hobby?教师与学生练习示范。教师说:“I like singing. Whats your hobby?”引导学生用I like回答自己的爱好,板书I like.通过师生练习,同桌练习,开火车练习来巩固句

7、型A: Whats your hobby? B: I like swimming/listening to music/singing2)Lets learn 1.介绍教师自己的爱好,引出riding a bike 拓展操练:Whats his/her hobby? He/She likes riding a motorcycle/camel/horse/bike2. 比较字母“i”的发音,引出dive一词的教学,结合图片进行操练。3.比较以“e” 结尾的动词ing变化形式,教学“making”一词,在此基础上教学“making kites”,同理教学其他词组 三、Practice 1、 自编

8、chant,学生齐拍手练习说句子:Whats your hobby? Whats your hobby? Playing, playing,I like playing the violin. Collecting, collecting,I like collecting stamps. Riding, riding, I like riding a bike. Making, making,I like making kites. Diving, diving. I like diving. 2.插入电视剧小片段,请学生猜测Whats his/her hobby? 3、调查同学兴趣爱好并作

9、汇报。 2.出示Sarah房间的课件 1)看图片描述whats in the room? There is/arein the room. 2)根据房间的布置讨论What is Sarahs hobby? Group work: I think she likes3)出示课件,让学生齐读Sarah的日记,找出Sarahs hobby:She likes drawing pictures.4).按照Sarah 的爱好,为她选择兴趣小组.(She likes drawing pictures. So she can go to art team板书设计: Unit 4 I have a pen p

10、al. Part A Lets learnWhats your hobby? riding a bike. diving.I like playing the violin. collecting stamps. making kites.通过一个Chant唤起了学生对动词ing的记忆,并结合四年级学过的句型I like引出新学的句型I like swimming.Chant:I like, you like, like like likeWe like, they like, like like likeHe likes, she likes, likes likes likesChant:

11、 Hobby,hobby , whats your hobby ?Diving,diving,I like diving Hobby , hobby ,whats your hobby ?Making , making ,I like making kites创设真实情景,与学生的生活相结合,用他们熟悉的同学和名人的图片来练习,设置悬念,引生思考,激发兴趣,活化课堂,进一步调动学生的兴趣来运用所学的语言。课后反思本课的大部分动词在前几册已经出现过,因此在教学中我注意激活学生的记忆,以旧引新,引导学生熟练掌握,并注重创造宽松、和谐的学习氛围,以小组竞赛,歌谣,游戏等方法进行教学,调动学生的积极性

12、。教学设计环环相扣,分层次有梯度,注重创设真实的情景和语言环境,拓展面广,语言输出比较丰富。分音节教学单词,用多种形式进行教学和练习。总体教学效果不错。不过也存在有一点不足之处:一部分后进生对单词collect stamps 和violin 的发音读的不准。教案教材内容A. Lets talk; lets try总课时6第 2 课时教学要求1 知识目标学生能听懂、会读、会说Lets talk部分内容。2 能力目标(1)能较熟练地运用句型:He / She likes(2)听懂Lets try的录音并选出正确的答案。3 情感目标鼓励学生发展广泛的兴趣与爱好,培养学生乐于与人交往的性格。教学重点难

13、点重点:句型:Whats your hobby? I like collecting stampsHe likes collecting stamps,too难点:在实际情景中正确运用句型:HeShe likes教学过程修改意见(一)Warm-up (热身及预习展示)Sing the song “Walking” with the students(2)Free-talkS1: Whats your hobby?S2: I like(二)Presentation and practice(精讲点拨)1、Get the students to have a chain drill ,talk a

14、bout their hobbies T does the chain drill with the students at last ,and ask the students the questions Chain drill:S1:Whats your hobby, S2?S2: I like riding a bike Whats your hobby , S3?S3: I like reading a book Whats your hobby , Miss Jiang ?T: I like flying kites (Write the sentences on the black

15、board)Whats your hobbies , S4?S4: I like playing footballT: Whats S4s hobby ? Help the students answer :He likes playing football(Write the sentence :He likes on the blackboard)Step 4 PracticeGet the students to work in groups , talk about their hobbies ,and then tell the teacher their partners hobb

16、ies (三)Consolidation and extension(拓展延伸)Get the students to listen to the tape , circle the right answers Step 6 Lets talkT: Whats Bills hobbies ? Ss: He likes T: Do you know what Johns hobby is ?T shows the picture of a stamp show to the students, get the students to answer T: What about Wu Yifan,

17、lets listen to the tapeGet the students to listen to the tape and answer the questionPractice1、Get the students to listen to the tape and repeat 2、Get the students to do the dialogue in pairs Step 8 Guessing gameT shows the CAI, There are some people in the picture, get the students to guess their h

18、obbies Step 9 Make a surveyGet the students to work in groups , ask the partners about their hobbies (四)Sum-up(总结)(五)The limitedtime exercise (限时作业)(六)Check and explain(检查限时作业并反馈)1、学生互相批阅限时作业,发现问题,分析原因,并且反馈矫正。2、Homework: Get the students to ask their parents about their hobbies and record their hobb

19、ies学生完成讨论后根据实际情况派学生代表作汇报通过和学生做连锁操练,自然地从第一人称主语转为第三人称主语,在和学生的真实交际对话中融入第三人称的句型,深入浅出。调查大组里学生的兴趣爱好,找到与自己兴趣相投的朋友,并介绍:I like XXX likes, too.通过问题,使学生理解对话内容,能够在交际中正确使用句型。课后反思本节课我运用的是多媒体教学,激发了学生的学习兴趣,增大了课堂容量,整个课堂结构设计也是比较合理的,学生能够积极参与学习,给后进生也树立了自信心。通过学习,增加了同学之间的交流,培养了他们的集体主义观念,并鼓励学生发展广泛的兴趣爱好,提高了学生的语言认知水平。教案教材内容

20、Aread and write总课时6第 3 课时教学要求一 知识目标(1)能够听、说、认读Lets read中的两封电子邮件。(2)了解一些有关英语信封书写的知识。2 能力目标能够听懂、会唱歌曲“My Pen Pal”。3 情感目标培养学生乐于与人交往的性格。教学重点难点重点:阅读Lets read中的两封电子邮件。难点:能理解、认读句子:My twin sister Ann likes drawing picture and making kitesWe look the same,but we dont like the same thingsTell me something abou

21、t you教学过程修改意见(一)Warm-up (热身及预习展示)Teacher plays the tape , get the students to listen to the song“My Pen pal”(2)Lead-inGet the students to have a chain drill ,ask and answer the question : Whats your hobby ? I like,then the teacher asks the students : Whats s hobby ? Get the students to answer : He/S

22、he likes (二)Presentation and practice(精讲点拨)Teacher plays the tape , get the students to listen to the song“My Pen pal”1、Teacher shows the picture about the twins , get the students to describe the two girls , tell the students that they are twin sisters T: Look at the two girlThis girl has long hair

23、That girl has long hair,tooThis girl has big eyesThat girl has big eyes,tooThey look the sameThey are twin sistersThey are Alice and Ann What is she doing? Shes drawing picture What about the other girl? What is she doing? Shes writing an e-mailWhat are their hobbies? Now lets read an e-mail2、 Teach

24、er plays the tape , get the students to listen and answer the questions : Whats Alices hobby ? Whats Anns hobby ?Practice 1、Get the students to listen to the tape and repeat 2、Show the CAI, there are some sentences on it ,get the students to read the e-mail and tick or cross T: We all know Liu Yun i

25、s Alices friend nowLiu Yun writes an e-mail to AliceLets read her replyPlease read the mail and tell me something about Liu Yun Get the students to read the second e-mail by themselves , and then try to say something about Liu Yun (三)Consolidation and extension(拓展延伸) 1、Get the students to listen to

26、the tape and repeat 2、Help the students to finish the questions in this lesson 2 、Get the students to work in groups , ask some question to the group member , then try to write something about their group memberStep 7 Song Get the students to listen to the song and try to sing with the tape (四)Sum-u

27、p(总结)(五)The limitedtime exercise (限时作业)(六)Check and explain(检查限时作业并反馈)1、学生互相批阅限时作业,发现问题,分析原因,并且反馈矫正。2、Homework : Try to write a short passage about their friends 歌曲引入课堂,既创设英语学习氛围,又通过歌曲内容为本课学习做铺垫。出示班级同学双胞胎的照片,教学twins一词,从真实情境中导入,效果更好。以问题引入阅读,带着问题读,使读的活动更加有意义。先读再复述,锻炼学生的表达能力,以及把文本变成自己语言的能力。小组合作试着设计一封回信

28、通过跟读、完成问题以及小组活动,使学生能够把文中所学灵活运用到自己表达上,达到交际表达的目的。课后反思在教授本课时,我教给了学生阅读的方法。采用任务型教学法,真正地体现了学生是主体、是学习的主人。阅读两封emails根据内容一问一答用各种方式复述表格内容回到两封emails,学生在教师层层递进的引导下扎扎实实地完成了学习任务,达到了教学目标。本堂课也有一些需要改进的地方:比如,学生一直在老师的引导下活动,思维比较局限。在以后的教育教学活动中,我将注重学生发散思维的培养,不断进步。教案教材内容B. Lets learn; lets practice; C. Story time总课时6第 4 课

29、时教学要求1 知识目标(1)能够听、说、读、写五个动词的第三人称单数形式:lives,teaches,goes,watches,reads。(2)能够听、说、认读句子:Does your pen pal live in Shanghai? No, he doesnt He lives in Beijing2 能力目标能够正确用第三人称单数形式描述他人情况。3 情感目标鼓励学生发展广泛的兴趣与爱好,培养学生乐于与人交往的性格。教学重点难点重点:听、说、读、写掌握五个动词的第三人称单数形式。难点:区别使用后缀s和es。教学过程修改意见Step 1: Warm up1、Song How do you

30、 go to school?2、Free talkT: How do you go to school, Sarah? Sarah: I go to school on foot.Ss: How do you go to school, John?Mike: I go to school by car.Ss: What about you,Mike?Sarah: I go to school by bike. NameWaysSarahon footJohnby carMikeby bikeBillby busStep .Presentation1、教师介绍自己的笔友。T: I have a pen pal. He lives in Shanghai. How do I go there?S1: By ship.T: Maybe.(出示图片ship.)S2:By train. 通过猜的方式,借助图片,进一步复习第一单元三会交通方式,趣味性的教学让学生寓学于乐,同时体现任务的真实性。2、Teach lives,比较leaves 两个单词意义上的不同。T:I live in a village. Sprin

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