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1、大学英语第四册15单元词汇题及答大学英语-第四册1-5单元词汇题及答案汇总-更新版1. Multi-symptom cold medicines include a mix of ingredients, some of _may be useful and some not, depending on what your most severe symptoms are.A. themB. whichC. theseD. that2. Unlike some kids who graduate high school eager to start a life away from home,

2、Matt _ a college about 30 miles from his home so that he could remaindevoted to family, and especially his mother.A. applied toB. applied forC. replied toD. replied for3. A recent survey found a solid majority of women and men in agreement that_ equal sharing of housework when both parents work full

3、 time.A. it should haveB. it should beC. there should haveD. there should be4. I wouldnt want to go into _ on those particular issues right now, but I wantto emphasize that drastic measures must be taken to effectively address them.A. a too great detailB. too a great detailC. too great a detailD. a

4、great detail too5. In 1980, the average textile (纺织业的) worker in the United States was earning$6.32 an hour, while his _ in some developing countries was making only 80cents an hour.A. counterpartB. colleagueC. comradeD. companion6. When Jim purchased the land five years ago, he had a scenario that

5、includedpotential _ of it to a holiday resort.A. diversionB. conversionC. innovationD. conservation7. There seems to be no debate about the _ that the world will be warmer andwarmer if we keep pumping large amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.A. prepositionB. propositionC. persuasionD. p

6、erception8. Corey said his time working with the professor was the most rewarding experiencehe had ever had in his life, far _ anything that he might have dreamed of orimagined.A. surpassing(超过)B. surpassedC. surpassD. to surpass9. According to a recent study, if somebody gets into a car and tries t

7、o pull out, theyoften take longer to do so if theres somebody waiting to get into that parking_.A. venueB. lotC. spaceD. zone10. After the layoffs were announced, Mr. Hollande _ that the plan is notacceptable, and therefore it will not be accepted.A. refutedB. resentedC. revertedD. retorted11. With

8、the collapse of the stock market, many _ professionals andexecutives have been stripped of their huge gains on stock option packages andinvestments.A. well-fedB. well-offC. well-timedD. well-earned12. Denise has a worsening eye problem that leaves her unable to drive. _,she recently fell and broke h

9、er ankle and has to use a wheelchair now to get aroundher house.A. To keep things as badB. To make things worseningC. To put bad things togetherD. To make matters worse13. _ that his eldest son had a drug addiction and liked to use painkillers anddifferent medications.A. There s no secretB. There is

10、nt secretC. Its no secretD. Its not a secret14. The smiling champion said she was lucky _ she came along at a timewhen there were places where she could learn and people who would give her theopportunity to learn.A. in thatB. given thatC. provided thatD. now that15. Experts carry heavy responsibilit

11、ies when assessing the risk of the epidemic forthe health of the population and _ enormous pressure to be both efficient andaccurate.A. are supposed toB. are subject toC. are inclined toD. are likely to16. Some people dread the idea of eating the same thing for dinner two nights_. They prefer to coo

12、k fresh food for themselves every day.A. at a stretchB. at a timeC. in any caseD. in a row17. Environmental issues such as global warming and acid rain have captured publicattention recently. Concern about such issues has led many to _ far-reachingsolutions.A. call forB. call uponC. call upD. call i

13、n18. Last years rate increases _ the worst bear market in bonds since recordswere started in the early 1920s.A. evokedB. arousedC. triggered触发D. inspired19. Officials of the company have repeatedly denied in public statements and sworn_ that they sought to sell cigarettes to those under 18.A. oathB.

14、 testimony证词C. confessionD. evidence20. Beyond keeping detailed records, our company needs to have a plan in place forthe _ and preservation of documents after a demand letter is served.A. retrieval恢复B. renewalC. rescueD. retention21. I cant believe she spent five hours loafing around in the open ga

15、rden outside thepyramids, _ on the bare ground, watching the comings and goings of peoplearound her.A. satB. to sitC. seated就座D. to be seated22. The media says that the new prime minister risks _ the economy bypushing through a higher sales tax that may damp consumption.A. to stallB. stallC. having

16、stalledD. stalling停转23. In an era with few well-paid jobs available, job seekers are usually unable tospeak up for themselves _ losing badly needed employment.A. by virtue ofB. for fear ofC. at risk ofD. in case of24. The event has _ young people since it was launched because of thediscussions they

17、can have with their peers in a supportive environment.A. appealed toB. stuck toC. contributed toD. adapted to25. The water used to cool the citys buildings travels in a closed _ inside 48-inch pipes that run for 15 miles beneath the city.A. whirlB. spiralC. circuitD. loop圈26. Questions concerning th

18、e origins of the laws of nature are beyond the _of science, and in areas where only philosophers and theologians (神学家) dareaccess.A. boundB. branchC. realm领域,范围D. reach27. His apartment was one of three that had been _ out of a glamorous oldhouse built in the 1930s.A. partitioned隔开B. separatedC. iso

19、latedD. allocated28. Lets take a check of the weather and see whats going on all across the country.Shall we? _ we are going to see some rain move through parts of the country.A. It looksB. It looks asC. It looks alikeD. It looks like29. If a prophet had come to our village in those days and told us

20、 what things_, none of our people would have believed him.A. were to take placeB. were taking placeC. had taken placeD. took place30. _, you may want to mark that question for review and return to it onceyou have completed the other test questions.A. If you stuck on a difficult questionB. If you get

21、 stuck on a difficult questionC. If a difficult question stuck on youD. If a difficult question gets stuck on youUnit 21. All public pools in the country must have a lift for the disabled installed by nextmonth, a lift _ the one you are now seeing on your screen.A. toB. likeC. asD. of2. Agreement an

22、d harmony are much easier to achieve in a(n) _ group ororganization where everyone shares the same values, beliefs, and cultures.A. cautiousB. erroneousC. simultaneousD. homogeneous同类的3. The museum is hardly the only artistic center grappling with tough financial times.Ballets, theaters, _, and muse

23、ums across the country are cutting programs.A. symphonies交响乐B. symptomsC. testimoniesD. ceremonies4. While he was sitting in the car and thinking whether he should knock on the door,he noticed a simple _ of Christmas lights around the front window.A. sampleB. scratchC. strand股D. sketch5. Jack and I

24、were riding in the back of a long black car, insulated from the heat anddust as it follows a deserted highway through a _ desert landscape.A. barren贫瘠的B. boundC. radiantD. robust6. I would like someone to invent a rain-sensitive windshield wiper, _, acomputerized wiper that would know how fast to go

25、 according to how hard it wasraining.A. in another wayB. in no wayC. in other wordsD. in no word7. She decided to buy that car because it used less gasoline and had the two _she couldnt live without: a GPS and a CD player.A. alternativesB. accessories附件C. artifactsD. attributes8. The mayors ambitiou

26、s plan to build affordable housing for low-income residentswas controversial because of the prevailing _ against public housing.A. sessionB. senseC. setbackD. sentiment情绪9. The companys long-term power contract, signed before electricity prices went up,is _ expire, and it says it can not pay the new

27、 rate being offered by suppliers.A. about toB. down toC. up toD. out to10. Now she works from home as a full-time employee, providing technical supportfor companies websites _ telephone or email.A. beyondB. versusC. fromD. via经过11. He recalled his own experience of seeing a television for the very f

28、irst time 30years ago, when it was still a _. He felt delight and fascination.A. necessityB. neglectC. novelty新奇D. notation12. Stomach and intestinal (肠的) problems, insufficient intake of iron from dailyfoods, as well as other factors may all cause _ levels of stored iron in thebody.A. effectiveB. e

29、fficientC. defectiveD. deficient不足的13. Temporary workers of the company were once not entitled to decent health carebecause they were just short-term contractors _ how long they kept thesame job.A. no problemB. no matterC. whateverD. however14. Last December, the company completed a successful test

30、flight of a reusable_ capable of carrying up to seven people to the space.A. councilB. venueC. capsule胶囊D. avenue15. She didnt set out to have a child-centered marriage, but it just happened whencommercial and cultural pressures _ with her own intentions.A. collided相撞B. confirmedC. clusteredD. consented16. The United Nations World Assembly on Aging has forecast a much olderpopulation on a global scale than now, with many people _ beyond 80 by theyear 2050.A. livedB. livingC. are livingD. being lived

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