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1、听抄文本Unit 1Roles: Emi, Dave Place: In the restaurant Scene Description: Dave and Rich are working behind the counter at the Rock Caf,Dave is delivering orders to customers. Emi is now at the counter, speaking with Dave. Listening Script Dave: Here you go. A half-caf, halfdecaf, low-fat latte. Enjoy!

2、Next,please. Emi: Hi,Dave. Dave: Oh, hi, Emi. What can I get for you? Emi: Id like a tuna fish sandwich.Dave: For here, or to go? Emi: For here. Dave: Sure. What kind of bread would you like? Emi: Bread? Whole wheat, I guess. Dave: Sorry, we dont have any whole wheat. How about white or rye? Emi: Wh

3、ite is fine. Dave: Would you like a slice of tomato or lettuce on it? Emi: Um. Tomato or lettuce? Just lettuce, no tomato. Dave: Would you like mustard or mayo? Emi: Dave, look, I dont really care. Just give me a tuna fish sandwich! Dave: Sure. One tuna fish sandwich. Coming right up! Dave: Anything

4、 to drink with that? Emi: Maybe some iced tea. Dave: With ice? Emi: Of course! Dave: Sure. Large ,medium, or small? Emi: Small. Dave: Regular or decaf? Emi: Regular or decaf? You have decaf tea? Dave: Emi, theres always a choice, didnt you know that? Emi: OK, Dave. Regular. Dave: With sugar or sweet

5、ener? Emi: Dave, cut it out! Why are there so many choices?Unit 2Roles: Ana, Chris Place: In the coffee room Scene Description: Ana enters the office coffee room; Chris is seated at a table. She sits down to speak with him. Listening Script Ana: Hi, Chris. How was your weekend? Chris: Boring. I was

6、at home all weekend. How about you? Ana: You know me. Im never home on weekends! Chris: Where were you? Ana: I was in L.A. on Saturday and Sunday. Chris: Where? Ana: Los Angeles. Chris: Oh, wow! What did you do? Ana: We did a bunch of tourist stuff-shopping beach, movie studios. Chris: Ah. Did you h

7、ave a good time? Ana: Oh, yeah, it was great. But I spent way too much money. Chris: Whowho did you go with? Ana: Emi and Sam. Chris: Oh. How did you get there? Ana: We flew. Chris: Wasnt that expensive? Ana: No. It was really cheap. Sam had these great discount coupons. Chris: Where did you guys st

8、ay? Ana: Oh, Sam has a brother in L.A. We stayed at his place. Chris: Ah. Wasnt that crowed? Ana: No. It was a lot of fun. You know, Chris, you ought to come with us next time. Chris: Hmm. Maybe.Unit 3Roles: Frankie, Mum Place: At home Scene Description: Frankie is seated at his computer in his room

9、; Laura enters. Frankie has some problems with using the math program, and his mum helps him by giving instructions. Listening Script Laura: Hi, Frankie. What are you doing? Frankie: Homework. Laura: Need any help? Frankie: Uh, yeah. Can you show me how to use this math program? Laura: Sure Just typ

10、e the numbers in Column 1. Frankie: OK. Do I have to hit “return”? Laura: Right. You have to hit “return” after each number. OK, oopscarefully do it carefully. Good! Frankie: Cool. OK, now how do I add them? Laura: Next, you need to highlight the numbers-and now you have to click on “add”. Frankie:

11、And thats the answer? Laura: Thats it. Pretty cool, huh? Frankie: Wow. Thats easy. You dont have to think. I love it! Laura: Yeah, computers are great-but you have to learn how to add numbers the real way. Frankie: The real way? This is the real way. Laura: Well, you know what I mean. You have to le

12、arn how to add without a computer. Frankie: Why do I have to learn that? Laura: Thats a good question. Its important. Frankie: But why? Laura: Believe it or not, Frankie, you wont always have a computer with you when you need to add something. Frankie: Why not?Unit 4Roles: Emi, Doctor Place: In the

13、examine room of the hospital Scene Description: Emi is ill and goes to see her doctor. Listening Script Doctor: Hi, Emi. You dont look so good today. Emi: I know. I feel terrible. Doctor: You have a fever. Emi: I know. I have a cold. Doctor: Gesundherit! Emi: What does that mean? Doctor: Oh, its Ger

14、man. It means “Good health”. People say it when someone sneezes. Emi: Thank you. Doctor: OK, open upSay “ahh” Emi: Ahh. Doctor: You need some medication. Emi: What kind of medication do I need? Doctor: You have a sinus infection, so Im giving you some Azithromycin. Emi: Azithro-what? Whats that? Doc

15、tor: its an antibiotic. You need to take it for five days. Emi: What do I do with this? Doctor: Thats the prescription. Take it to the pharmacy, and theyll fill it for you. Emi: Thank you. Doctor: Oh, and I know youre busy, but you need to take it easy for a few days, OK? Emi: I know. I definitely n

16、eed some rest. Doctor: OK. Bye-bye. Emi: Bye.Unit 5Roles: Laura and Luis Place: at the office Scene Description: Laura is in a conference room. She makes a call on her cell phone. Luis is working at his desk, the phone rings. Listening Script: Luis: Hello. Luis Mendez. Laura: Luis, its Laura. Where

17、are you? Luis: What do you mean, where am I? Im here. Im in the office. Youre talking to me. Laura: But we have a meeting with Lucid Systems, at one oclock! Luis: At one? Oh, man! How do I get to Lucid? Laura: Its on Ashby, 3121 Ashby, near Telegraph Avenue. Take College Avenue to Ashby, and turn ri

18、ght.Luis: Got it. Laura: Hurry! Luis: Im on my way. Laura: Oh, Luis? Luis: Yeah? Laura: Be sure to bring the Lucid file. Luis: Where is it? Laura: I put it on your desk this morning. Luis: You did? Laura: Remember? I put it next to your computer. Luis: Oh, right. Yeah, here it is. Laura: And Luis, p

19、lease hurry. I need to talk to you about Luis: Ok, well talk about it when I get there. Bye.Unit 6Roles: Ana, Chris, Emi and her friends Place: at the elevator and Emis party Scene Description: At the elevator, Friday afternoon, Ana is standing with a co-worker when Chris arrives; they begin to chat

20、. Listening Script: Ana: Are you going to the party tomorrow night? Chris: Emis farewell party? Absolutely, Ill be there. Ana: Great. Itll be so much fun. Chris: yeah. Who else is going to be there? Ana: Oh, probably a million people! Emi has so many friends. Chris: Yeah, she does. Are you going to

21、bring a present? Ana: Sure. Ill bring something. Chris: Hmm, what should I bring? Ana: Oh, Chris, use your imagination! Flowers or a card would be nice. Chris: Ok, Ill think of something. Sam: Emi, Emi, I think its time for a speech. Chorus of friends: Yeah Emi Speech, speech Emi: I just want to tha

22、nk everyone for coming this is a really special day for me. I going to back to Japan next week, but Ill always remember my fabulous time here and Ill miss all of you. Someday, youll all have to come and visit me in Japan. So thanks, everybody, for being such great friends I think Im going to cry Uni

23、t 7Scene Description: In the Amello kitchen: Laura checks Pauls grocery list. Listening Script: Paul: Ok, Frankie, lets do the grocery shopping. Can you help? Frankie: Sure, Dad. Paul: Bye. Laura: Bye, sweetie. Maggie: Bye-bye. Paul: Bye. Scene change: Paul and Frankie are in the grocery store. The

24、shopping list is sticking out of Pauls shirt pocket. Paul looks for the list Listening Script: Paul: Ok, I made a list. Now, where is it? Frankie: Its in your shirt pocket, Dad? Paul: Oh got it! Go get some milk, two cartons, and okay? And Ill go get the vegetables and fish. Scene change: We see Pau

25、l with a cart. Frankie arrives with two cartons of ice cream. Frankie pleads with dad. Paul takes the cartons from Frankie and places them in the cart. Listening Script: Paul: Ah, did you get the milk? Frankie: No, I didnt get any milk, but I did get some ice cream. Paul: Frankie, put it back. You k

26、now we have to cut down on sweets. Frankie: But, Dad, check it out! Check it out! Chocolate Crunch! Paul: OhheyChocolate Crunch excellent choice! Scene change: Laura enters the kitchen as Paul and Frankie are unpacking groceries. Laura looks exasperated. Maggie enters the kitchen, and upon seeing th

27、e ice cream, grabs a carton. Laura is being sarcastic. Listening Script: Laura: Hi, guys, oh good, you got the groceries. Frankie: Yeah! We got a lot of good stuff. Laura: Mmm did you pick up some lettuce?Paul: Oh, lettuce, Darn! I forgot to get that. Laura: Oh, did you remember to buy some tomatoes

28、? Paul: Tomatoes? Shoot? I didnt know we needed tomatoes. Frankie: But look, Mom, we got a big box of Crunchs cereal, a six-pack of Orange Plus, three bags of chips, and two cartons of ice cream. Maggie: Hey, Chocolate Crunch excellent choice! Laura: Good work, guys.Unit 8Scene Description: Maggie i

29、s lying on her bed, by the phone, looking sad. Emi appears at Maggies door. Emi enters room. Listening Script: Emi: whats wrong, Maggie? Maggie: Nothing. Emi: Come on. You can tell me. Maggie: Well, I want to ask Brian to the school dancebut I cant. Scene Description: Not quite understanding. Listen

30、ing Script: Emi: You want to go to the dance, but you dont want to ask Brian? Maggie: No, I want to ask Brian, but I cant.Emi: sure, you can. Its easy. Scene Description: Maggie is doubtful. Listening Script: Maggie: It is? Emi: Yes. Try calling him up. Say, “D you want go to the dance with me?” Mag

31、gie: I cant do it. Im too busy! Emi: Dont be shy. You can do it! Ill bet he says yes. Most guys would love that. Maggie: Well, OK. Ill do it. Oh. Its busy! Scene Description: Maggie dialswaits, hears busy signal, appears almost relieved. Maggie dials again. Brian is sitting in his room; talks in monotone, seems unexcited, but is actually very happy that Maggies called. Maggie is very animated. Listening Script: Maggie: OkIll try again. Oh! Its ringing! Bri

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