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1、英语花边小知识【hair相关的短语表达】1)get in ones hair 激怒某人2)let your hair down 彻底放松3)out of ones hair不惹恼某人4)make someones hair stand on end=make someones hair curl 使某人毛骨悚然5)split hairs 吹毛求疵/斤斤计较6)keep ones hair on 不鸡冻/保持淡定7)tear ones hair 勃然大怒【口语中高频俚语(8)】1)no-brainer 无需动脑子的事/容易的事 2)chill out 冷静下来/放松 3)Believe it o

2、r not 信不信由你/你爱信不信。4)birthday suit 赤身裸体/一丝不挂 5)Bring it on 准备好了/想做什么就开始 6)nail down 明确表态7)make time 抽出时间/腾出时间 (【表达同情】1.Im so sorry to hear that.真的很遗憾。2. Dont worry. Its their loss.别丧气,那是他们的损失。3. I know you tried your best.我知道你已经尽力了。4.Better luck next time.下次会更好运的。5.Im sure things will improve, try to

3、 stick it out.我相信经过磨练之后你可以的.【那些容易让人变得尴尬的】1.American beauty 是“月季”,而不是“美国丽人”。2. Dutch uncle 是“唠唠叨叮的人”,而不是“荷兰大叔”。3.go Dutch是“各人自己付钱”,而不是“去荷兰”。4.Green hand 是“生手”,而不是“绿手”.5. French letter是“避孕套”,而不是”法国信”。【实用美国口语】1.Just checking.我只是随口问问(比Just asking.更常用)。2.Same here.我也是。3.The thing is, we need to talk.重点是,

4、我们必须谈谈。4.I dont have skeleton in my closet.我没有什么不可告人的秘密。5.I need a water break.我需要休息喝水。6.There you go.就这样了。【多雨的季节】1.rainy day 雨天 2.rain spell/rainy season 雨季 3.sprinkle/drizzle 毛毛雨4.light rain小雨 5.moderate rain 中雨 6.heavy rain 大雨 7.thunder shower 雷阵雨8.downpour 大暴雨 rain 冻雨 10.瓢泼大雨rain cats and

5、dogs 11.零星阵雨scattered shower Have you been to China before? Are you here for business or pleasure?你是来出差还是来玩? How do you like China so far? What impresses you most about China?中国什么给你印象最深? How long have you been here?你来多久了?【更正】第句中you应为your(typo_笔误)【身体短语】1.a long face愁眉苦脸Shes walked around with a long

6、face.2.have a sweet tooth爱吃甜食I know you have a sweet tooth.3.head over heels in love深爱着某人Theyre head over heels in heart熟记I know all my friendstel. numbers by heart.5.pull sbs leg开某人玩笑【实用口语】1.Money will come and go.钱乃身外之物。2.If I were in your shoes.如果我是你的话。3.A fool never learns. 傻瓜永远学不会。4.D

7、ont underestimate me.别小看我。5. Dont get high hat. 别摆架子。6、Im in.算我一个。7.What brings you here? 什么风把你吹来了?【问外国人的十大问题】Have you been to China before? Are you here for business or pleasure?你是来出差还是来玩? How do you like China so far? What impresses you most about China?中国什么给你印象最深? What bothers you most about Chin

8、a?中国什么最让你烦恼?1.So, what are you doing here in China? 2. How long have you been here? 3. How long are you gonna stay here for? 4. Hows your Chinese going? 5. Have you done any traveling yet here in China? ( 【常见的病症表达】1)Ive got a bad cold. 我感冒了。2)Ive got a terrible headache. 我头很痛。3)I feel dizzy. 我头晕。4)I

9、ve got a temperature. 我发烧了。5)Ive got a runny nose. 我流鼻涕。6)Ive got a sore throat.我嗓子疼。7)I feel sore and ache all over. 我觉得全身酸痛。【美妆英语】化妆有哪些表达方式?总结如下:1. 表示化妆动作:1). I need to put on (light/heavy) makeup. 2). How should I apply (light/heavy) makeup? 2. 表示化妆的状态:3). Im wearing (light/heavy) makeup.也可用using

10、,但不常用; 4). Ive got makeup on. 口语中最常用put on和wear。 【常用化妆工具】1)工具: cosmetic applicators 2)粉底: foundation (compact,stick) 3)粉饼: pressed powder 4)眉粉: brow powder 5)眉笔:brow pencil 6)眼影: eye shadow 7)眼影刷:Shadow Applicator8)唇线笔: lip liner 9)唇彩: lip gloss/lip color 10)腮红: blush【实用英语短句】1. In your dreams! 你想得美!

11、2. Keep it down. 小声点!3. Say something nice! 说点好听的!4. I cant stand it! 我受不了了!5. Do it now! 现在就去做!6. Leave me alone! 别来烦我!7. What a liar! 说谎不打草稿!【吻的相关表达 】1)飞吻 air kiss 2)热吻 french kiss 3)吻脸 cheek kiss 4)吻手 hand-kissing 5)XOXO 表示hugs and kisses 6)pucker up 指撅嘴的动作,用来代表亲吻。7)tonsil hockey 舌头搅在一起的接吻。 8)loc

12、k lips 嘴唇紧压在一起的接吻。9)all over kiss 吻遍你的全身【各种风】0级-Calm无风;1级-Light air软风;2级-Light breeze轻风;3级-Gentle breeze微风;4级-Moderate breeze和风;5级-Fresh breeze清风;6级-Strong breeze强风;7级-Moderate gale疾风;8级-Fresh gale大风;9级-Strong gale烈风;10级-Whole gale狂风;11级-Storm暴风;1217级-Hurricane飓风【安慰失落朋友的十五句话】1.Thats the way it goes.

13、 现实就是这样.2.Theres nothing you can do about it. 你对此无能为力.3.You did the best you could. 你已经尽力而为了.4.Whatever will be, will be. 该怎样,就会怎样.5.Its just one of those things. 这样的事情总是难免的.【口语中高频俚语(7)】1)give it a shot 试试看 Lets give it a shot and see what happens. (让我们试试看怎么样) 2)hang in there. 忍耐一下/挺住 Hang in there.

14、 things will be better soon(忍耐一下,事情很快就会好转的)3)in hot water 有麻烦 Im in hot water now.(我有麻烦了)【break的常见词组搭配】(1) break up 分手/解散 (2) break down 精神崩溃/毁坏 (3)break in 破门而入 (4) break out 出皮疹/爆发 (5) break off 休息一下/暂停 (6)break through 突破/穿过 (7)break even 不赚不赔 (8) the break of dawn 破晓(参考附图)【朋友失落时,我们可以这样表达】1)There

15、s nothing to worry about./No worries.没有什么可担心的。2)I have faith(confidence) in you.我对你有信心。3)Things will be better soon./Everything will be fine./Things will turn out all right./Things will work out all right.一切都会好起来的。【地道美国俚语】1、Do to hell!滚蛋!2、Dont jump on me.不要跟我发火。3、No dice.不行了。4、He always goofs off.他

16、总是糊里糊涂。5、Hes down and out.他已经完了。6、Its on the house. 这是免费的。7、That will be the day.要有这么一天就好了。【关于睡觉的英文表达】1、catch some zs稍睡片刻(漫画中表示睡觉会用z),I want to catch some zs.我想睡一下。2、get some shuteye睡觉3、hit the hay睡觉, I am going to hit the hay, as its midnight.午夜了,我要睡了。 4、crash睡觉,Hey, guys, I am gonna crash.嗨,各位,我要睡

17、了。晚安【调料】酱油 soy sauce;醋 vinegar;麻油 sesame oil;生姜 ginger;胡椒 pepper;辣椒粉 red chilli powder;花生酱 peanut butter;芝麻酱 sesame paste;茴香 fennel;味精 monosodium glutamate;八角 star anise;红糖 dark brown sugar;白砂糖Custer sugar;冰糖 rock sugar【熬夜】1.He is a night owl.他是个夜猫子.2.Did you burn the mid-night oil last night?你昨晚熬夜了

18、吗?3.Late hours dont agree with me.我不习惯熬夜.4.She was tired out by these long vigils.长期熬夜使她疲惫.5.Some people prefer sitting up to going to bed early.有人宁可熬夜也不早睡【手段卑鄙的表达】1)cheap shot. 卑鄙的手段 I cant believe u did this. yeah, such a cheap shot! 难以置信你竟然这么做是。是哦,真卑鄙!2)down and dirty. 不择手段 The campaign for gover

19、nor really got down and dirty in the final week. 州长在最后一周为了赢得竞选真是不择手段。【美剧口语】1、Time is up时间快到了。2、Whats new?有什么新鲜事吗? 3、Count me on 算上我。4、Just wait and see!等着瞧! 5、Make up your mind做个决定吧。6、Dont be so modest别谦虚了。7、I cant follow you我不懂你说的。 【各种花】1. tulip 郁金香 2. chrysanthemum 菊花 3. camellia 山茶 4.carnation 康乃

20、馨 5. daffodil 水仙 6.rose 玫瑰 7. hyacinth 风信子 8. peony 牡丹 9. daisy 雏菊 10.sunflower 向日葵 11. orchid 兰花 12. violet 紫罗兰 13. lily 百合 【伤心难过的各种表达】1)sad/unhappy/upset 为已失去或无法拥有的事物而感伤的。2)homesick 因想家而感伤的。3)sentimental 多愁善感的。 4)depressed 沮丧情绪低落的。4)heartbroken 心碎的(尤指因失恋)。 5)grieve 因某人过世而感到极为悲伤。6)melancholy 不知其因,莫

21、名其妙德的伤心。请补充【诗话“爱情”】1.Love me little and love me long. 不求情意绵绵,但求天长地久。 2. At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。3. Brief is life, but love is long. 生命虽短,爱却绵长。4.She who has never loved, has never lived.人活着总要爱一回。【口语中高频词组搭配(8)】1)be different from 与截然不同2)put behind 抛在脑后3)lose ones t

22、emper 发怒/发脾气4)in a lifetime 一生中5)put sb in a position 把某人置于某种境地6)gloss over 掩盖/掩饰(真相、错误)7)take up 开始从事(一项事业、职业) 8)come on to sb 打某人主意 亲造句【各种“担忧”】1.Im on tenterhooks.我感觉如坐针毡。2.Im a bundle of nerves.我心乱如麻。3.Im seriously troubled. = Im really concerned.我深感忧虑。4. Im really in a flap.我真的慌极了。5.Worrying kep

23、t me awake.我愁得睡不着觉。6.Im mad at the world.我快要发疯了。【看电影学口语】1.Were through.弄好了。2.Honor the call.遵从号召。3.Get off me!放开我!4.It wasnt your burden to bear.这不是你该承受的。5.You did it and you know it.你明明做了,而且你自己心里清楚。6.My hands are clean in this.在这件事上我是清白的【称赞男性的英语用词】smart-时髦 virile-有男子气概 handsome-英俊 charismatic-(领导风范

24、)有魅力的 athletic-活跃健壮 dashing-生气勃勃 spruce-外表干净英挺 aristocratic-有皇室风范 clean-faced-五官清秀 clean-shaven-剃净胡须 majestic-宏伟 adorable-可爱 suave-(对女性)体贴温柔 【break的相关的习语】1)break a leg 祝好运(用于祝愿演员演出成功)2)break cover 从隐藏处跳出来 3)break ones neck 尽一切可能地做某事 4)break someones heart 使某人伤心/悲痛欲绝 5)break the ice 打破沉默 6)break wind

25、(to expel intestinal gas)放屁 一起造句;更多例句参考评论【常见的病症表达】1)Ive got a bad cold. 我感冒了。2)Ive got a terrible headache. 我头很痛。3)I feel dizzy. 我头晕。4)Ive got a temperature. 我发烧了。5)Ive got a runny nose. 我流鼻涕。6)Ive got a sore throat.我嗓子疼。7)I feel sore and ache all over. 我觉得全身酸痛。 8)I have an upset stomach. 我肚子痛/拉肚子。9

26、)Im suffering from indigestion. = I have heartburn. 我消化不良。【被骗了!】1. I was dumped on.我上当了。2. We were done brown! 我们上当了!3. Weve been diddled! 我们被耍了。4. We were tricked. 我们被骗。5. You have been spoofed. 你上当了。6. You have been taken in. 你被骗了。7. We were fooled by him. 我们上了他的当。【当别人不耐烦时,你应该这样说】1)Take it easy.别着

27、急2)Easy does it.不着急3)Be more patient. 要耐心4)Take your time. 慢慢来5)All in good time. 不要太着急了6)No rush慢慢来7)Theres a time for everything.事情要一件一件地做。8)keep Calm,Dont lose your temper. 淡定,别发火。请补充【50-80年代流行词】1.1950s:study hard and move forward every day 好好学习,天天向上;food coupon 粮票 2.1960s:quotations from Chairma

28、n Mao 毛主席语录 Red Guard 红卫兵 3.1970s :educated youth 知青 4.1980s: iron rice bowl 铁饭碗 ; all-round good student 三好学生 【关于“走”的词汇】stroll:闲逛mince:碎步走shuffle:拖着脚走march:列队走stride:大步走strut:趾高气扬地走stalk:昂首阔步toddle:婴儿学步tiptoe:蹑手蹑脚sneak:鬼鬼祟祟地走 sidle:侧身走limp:瘸着走stumble:跌跌撞撞地走stagger:蹒跚trudge:吃力地走plod:沉重缓慢地走wade:涉水(【地

29、道美国俚语】1.Youre impossible.你真不可救药。2.Look at this mess!看看这烂摊子!3.Youre away too far.你太过分了。4.If the shoe fits ,wear it.如果是真的就承认吧。5.I have to say something.我得说几句。6.Im a man of my word.我是个讲信用的人。7.I detest you.我恨你。女生必备 有关化妆品的常用英文:Mascara(睫毛膏);Foundation(粉底);Blusher(腮红);Sunsreen(防晒霜);Concealer(遮瑕膏);Face Powd

30、er(散粉);Eye Shadow(眼影);Eyeliner(眼线);Lipstick & Lip Gloss(唇膏唇彩);Nail Polish(指甲油)【美剧口语】1.hit on sb.与某人调情Are you hitting on me? face面无表情的扑克脸You have the worst poker face ever.3.have eye on sb.关注某人I have my eye on you.4.geek chic宅女风格Leave it to she to make geek chic.5.marathon talk长谈Dan and I had

31、 a marathon talk.【顺其自然的N种表达】 1)Let it be.随他去吧。2)Let nature take its course. 听其自然/顺其自然。3)Keep it casual. 顺其自然。4)What must be, must be=What(ever) will be, will be. 万事不必苛求,顺其自然。5)Let something slide. 放任某事/任其自然。6)Leave it as it is/they are.听其自然。 【学生的各种表达】大学生 undergraduate student;研究生 graduate (student)

32、; 硕士生masters student; 博士生 doctoral student 或 PhD student;转学生 transfer student【地道美国俚语】1.You should have a mind of your own.你必须有自己的主见。2.Youd better look before you leap.你最好三思而后行。3.She used to learn everything by rote.她过去总是死记硬背。4.He gave me a black look.他恶狠狠地瞪了我一眼。5.Dont take it to heart.别往心里去【日常用语】1.我手机没电了。My cell phones out of batteries. 2.你还是老样子。Youre the same as always. 3.这次不算重来!This time didnt count. Do it over! 4.听我的准没错。Just listen to me, and youll be fine. 5.怎么不说话了?Cat got

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