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本文(河南省中考英语复习 第一部分 考点知识过关 第十六讲 九全 Unit 12写作帮 语言学习 节假日活动素材.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

河南省中考英语复习 第一部分 考点知识过关 第十六讲 九全 Unit 12写作帮 语言学习 节假日活动素材.docx

1、河南省中考英语复习 第一部分 考点知识过关 第十六讲 九全 Unit 12写作帮 语言学习 节假日活动素材语言学习语言学习和学生的生活实际密切相关,主要涉及语言学习方法、语言学习策略、语言学习意义、语言文化等方面。【提分好词】学习内容1.English pronunciation英语发音2.the rules of English grammar英语语法规则3.word spelling 单词拼写 4.spoken English英语口语5.written English书面英语 6.listening skills听力技巧7.English reading 英语阅读 8.translate.

2、into. 把翻译成学习方法或过程 discussion小组讨论 2.ask for advice/suggestions征求建议3.word by word逐字地 4.go over 复习 aloud大声朗读 6.teach oneself自学7.write down写下 8.learn about了解;学习9.tell a story讲故事 newspapers看报纸11.listen to the tape听磁带 12.ask questions提问题13.solve the problem解决问题 attention to注意;关

3、注e up with 想出;想到其他1.main idea主旨大意 2.body language肢体语言3.take an exam参加考试 4.make a mistake犯错误5.make progress取得进步 able to do sth. 能够做某事7.have difficulty in doing sth. 做某事有困难【提分好句】学习方法或过程1.Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。2.I study by making word cards.我通过制作单词卡片学习。3.We should speak English as much as po

4、ssible.我们应该尽可能多地说英语。4.Dont be afraid to make mistakes. They can help us to learn better.不要害怕犯错误。错误能帮助我们学得更好。5.The more carefully you read, the more information you will get.你读得越仔细,获取的信息就越多。6.Their body language and the expressions on their faces help me to get the meaning. 他们的肢体语言和面部表情帮助我理解他们的意思。7.H

5、e keeps studying hard. As a result, he makes great progress.他坚持努力学习,结果取得了很大进步。8.Its time to make up our mind to learn English well.是我们下定决心学好英语的时候了。9.As long as you keep on studying hard, you will catch up with others.只要你继续努力学习,你会赶上别人的。其他1.Failure is the mother of success.失败乃成功之母。2.Well begun, half d

6、one.良好的开始是成功的一半。3.Its never too late to learn.活到老,学到老。英语是全球通用的语言之一,被广泛地运用在科学、经济、政治等领域。英语学习也和我们密切相关。近期,你校英文网站发起了英语学习意义的讨论。假设你是李华,请结合以下要点提示给你的英国笔友Robert写一封邮件,向他介绍一下讨论的情况并谈谈你的看法。要点:1.英语是一种工具,能帮助我们更好地同他人交流;2.英语是一种文化,能帮助我们更好地了解世界;3.英语是一张名片,能让更多的人了解中国;4.(你的看法)要求:1.词数80左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.邮件中不能出现与本人相关的信息

7、;4.文章的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:visiting card 名片Dear Robert,How is everything going?Yours,Li Hua【写作指导】1.主题:英语学习意义2.体裁:应用文3.人称:介绍他人观点时用第三人称,介绍自己的看法时用第一人称4.时态:一般现在时为主【思维模板】【高分佳作】Dear Robert,How is everything going?As we know, English is widely used in the world nowadays. Last week, my school held a discuss

8、ion about the meaning of English study.Some students believe English is a tool which may help us to communicate with each other. Meanwhile, others think that English stands for a kind of culture. Certainly, its useful to know more about the world. Besides, the rest of us would like to compare Englis

9、h to a visiting card. I also hold the same opinion. We can introduce our colorful culture to foreigners when talking with them.Its of great importance to learn English well because it makes a difference to our daily life. I need to make efforts to improve my English for a better self.Yours,Li Hua【得分

10、点拨】使用As we know短语,引发读者共鸣,且开门见山,引出话题使用which引导定语从句,并用communicate with sb.短语使表达简洁、地道使用Meanwhile, Certainly和Besides连接上下文,过渡自然,结构紧凑。Its+adj.+to do sth.句式和compare.to短语的使用体现出扎实的语言基础be of great importance和make a difference to的使用均为文章增色不少节假日活动节假日活动既包括节日介绍(历史、庆祝方式),也包括参加节假日活动的经历和感受。此话题不仅要求考生具备一定的西方节日相关知识,更要对我国

11、的传统节日和文化有一定的了解。【提分好词】节假日1.New Years Eve除夕2.the Spring Festival春节3.the Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节4.the Dragon Boat Festival端午节5.the Lantern Festival元宵节 6.Tomb Sweeping Day清明节7.Double Ninth Festival 重阳节 8.Mothers Day母亲节9.Christmas Eve平安夜 10.Christmas圣诞节11.Thanksgiving Day感恩节 12.Easter复活节13.Halloween万圣节前夕庆

12、祝方式1.enjoy the moon赏月 2.share mooncakes分享月饼 boat races观看龙舟比赛 4.clean the house清扫房子5.make dumplings包饺子 6.lucky money压岁钱7.visit relatives and friends走亲访友 8.get ready for 为做好准备9.have a three-day holiday放三天假 memory of 为纪念11.have a traditional family dinner吃一顿传统的团圆饭【提分好句】1.Mothers Day is a d

13、ay in honor of all mothers.母亲节是一个向所有母亲表达敬意的节日。2.The family enjoy getting together during the Spring Festival.春节期间全家人欢聚一堂。3.I love festivals. People always feel happy during festivals anyway.我喜欢节日。无论怎样,人们在节日里总会感到快乐。4.The Spring Festival usually falls/comes in January or February. Its an important fes

14、tival for the Chinese when all the family members get together.春节通常在一月或二月。对中国人而言,春节是一个阖家团圆的重要节日。5.The most traditional food is dumplings. The Chinese think dumplings will bring good luck for the new year.最传统的食物是饺子。中国人认为饺子能为新的一年带来好运。6.On the first day of the Chinese New Year, people usually wear new

15、clothes and visit their relatives and friends.大年初一,人们通常穿上新衣,拜访亲朋好友。7.Its a time for families to get together and express best wishes to each other. 这是一个阖家团聚、相互祝福的时刻。8.It carries love and best wishes.它承载着爱和最美好的祝福。9.It carries the culture and traditions of China.它承载着中国的文化和传统。10.The history of the fest

16、ival dates back hundreds of years.这个节日的历史可以追溯到几百年前。2018金华在即将举行的中学生国际文化交流活动中,你将代表学校介绍中国的传统节日。请你从所给的卡片中任选一张,用英语写一篇发言稿,介绍该节日。注意:1.发言稿中必须包含卡片上的信息,并适当发挥;2.文中不得出现真实姓名、学校等信息;3.词数80100;4.文章的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to the Chinese culture tour _Thats all. Thanks for listening.【写作指导】1.主题:介

17、绍春节/中秋节2.体裁:应用文3.人称:第一人称4.时态:一般现在时为主【思维模板】【高分佳作】Ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to the Chinese culture tour. Now allow me to introduce one of the Chinese traditional festivals, the Spring Festival.The Spring Festivalfalls in January or February. It is Chinese New Year and also the biggest day of year.

18、So people come back home from different places and get together for a big dinner. Many people stay up late to welcome the new year, hoping they will have a bright new start.During the festival, people visit their relatives and friends and wish each other good luck for the new year. Children can ofte

19、n get hongbao from their elders. Do you think it interesting?Thats all. Thanks for listening.【得分点拨】简明扼要,直奔主题动词falls的使用形象、准确So的使用使上下文衔接连贯,过渡自然伴随状语的使用体现出扎实的语言基础Ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to the Chinese culture tour. Now allow me to introduce one of the Chinese traditional festivals, the Mid-Autumn F

20、estival.The Mid-Autumn Festival usually falls in September or October when the moon appears the biggest and the brightest in the year.During the festival, Chinese people sit around the table with their family members and enjoy mooncakes as well as the beautiful moon. People believe that the round mo

21、oncakes and a full moon are symbols of being together. When seeing them, people will miss their family members far away. At the same time, they will express wishes and hopes to them. Does it sound interesting?Thats all. Thanks for listening.简明扼要,直奔主题动词falls的使用形象、准确as well as的运用使前后衔接自然When引导的时间状语从句简洁准确,使句式灵活多变At the same time的使用为文章增色不少

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