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Unit 1.docx

1、Unit 1Unit 1. Campus LifePeriod 1-2 (90 minutes)Section A:(1) 口试部分(10 minutes):1.It is said that college life is “the best time of ones life”, do you agree? Why or why not?2.Study plan in the near future and the actions you are going to take.3.Problems you meet as fresher and your solutions.4.Are yo

2、u satisfied with your campus life? Why or why not? 5.My campus life.(2) Lead-in(5minutes)Questions:(Ts ask, give time to Ss, then Ss answer in their ways)1. Difference between college and high school(e.g. daily life, study etc.)2. What problems do you meet in college so far? Your solutions?(3) Text

3、organization(5 minutes)Ts: This is a self-help piece. give Ss 3 mins to look through whole text, esp. subheadings, then choose some Ss fill in the blanks.Part (paras 1-4) The writer raise the issue-the significance of entering college, and it is natural that some may feel excited and some may be wor

4、ried.Part (paras 5-16) The writer lists the problems freshmen will face in college and offers some suggestions/ solutions.Part (paras 17) The writer calls on the new students to enjoy their college life as much as they can.(4) Vocabulary & Information I (para1-4) (55 minutes):1.cross v. to move or g

5、o across sth 横过,越过,渡过;交叉a)Cross a road/river/bridge/the sea/the Sahara etc.横越道路(河流,桥梁,海,撒哈拉沙漠等)b)交叉:to cross ones legs交叉两腿; to cross ones arms on ones chest交叉两臂于胸前cross oneself 用右手在胸前画十字(宗教行为)e.g. She crossed herself as she stood before the altar. 她立在祭坛前用手在胸前画了个十字。Dont cross your legs when you sit,

6、please. 坐时请不要交叉双腿。n. C 1. 十字形;十字形记号This island is in the shape of a cross. 该岛呈十字形。2. 十字架 Jean wears a tiny golden cross. 琼戴着一只小小的金十字架。书 蓝字体L 3: Of course, you are excited because you are crossing a milestone. 跨越一个里程碑2. homesick adj. longing to return home思家的,思乡的e.g. The girl became homesick after a

7、weeks stay at new college. 女孩在新学校住了一个星期就想家了。homesickness n.思乡病homeland n.家乡,祖国homemade a.家庭制的,自制的homework n.家庭作业书蓝字L43.overwhelm vt. 使受不了;使不知所措 (+by/with)e.g. an overwhelming victory势如破竹的胜利,压倒性的胜利 I was overwhelmed by his generosity. 他的慷慨令我感激难言。be overwhelmed with gratitude不胜感激书蓝字L44. around the cor

8、ner 即将来临e.gVictory is just around the corner. 胜利即将来临(Ex.V.3)。 Spring is just around the corner. 春天快到了She lives just around the corner. 她就住在附近。L5:help is just around the corner.5. be up to 胜任,能做(工作、任务等);忙于,从事于,正在做;取决于e.g.The success of this project is up to us. 这个项目的成败取决于我们。She knew the children were

9、 up to mischief. 她知道孩子们在做淘气的事情。Whats he up to?他在忙什么呢?Hes not up to his work. 他不能胜任他的工作。L6:it is up to you to seek it.6. hang out spend time in a certain location or with certain people常去某处 泡在某处;闲荡 游荡;e.g. She hangs out at the corner caf 她常去拐角咖啡店。 I like to hang out at shopping centers with my friend

10、s.我喜欢和我的朋友一起在购物中心闲逛(Ex.V.1)。L2:But just a few months ago you hung out with friends in your high school playground.hang about/around 无所事事地待着,闲逛 同hang out7. in other words换言之,换个说法是.e.g. He doesnt like doing homework, in other words, he is lazy. 他不爱写作业,换句话说,他很懒。 She is my sons wife; in other words, I a

11、m her mother-in-law. 他是我儿子的妻子,换句话讲,我是她的婆婆。(Ex.V.2) in words 用文字 Can you describe it in words? 你能用文字来描述它吗? in a/one word 简言之,总的说来 In a word, attending college is the major turning point in young adults lives.总而言之,上大学时年轻人一生中主要的转折点。L5 : In other words, youve become independent. 8. get a foot in the doo

12、r为了达到一个目的迈出了第一步,(尽管你可能离达到目的的距离还很远。)e.g. You know that beautiful girl who sits ahead of me in English class? She keeps turning me down for dates, but I finally got a foot in the door today: she met me for coffee after class. 这个学生说:“你知道英语课坐在我前面那个很漂亮的女孩子吗?我请她出去玩,她老是拒绝我。可是,今天我算是迈出了第一步。她答应下了课和我一起去喝咖啡。”9.

13、exception n.例外;例外的人(或事物)C(+to)Most of us have had measles, but I am an exception. 我们大部分人都患过麻疹,但我是一个例外。 除外;除去,被除去UHe works every day, with the exception of Sunday. 他每天工作,只有星期天例外。L10: you are no exception.except prep. 除.之外We go there every day except Sunday. 除了星期天,我们每天都去那儿。 They all went to sleep exce

14、pt the young Frenchman. 除了那位年轻的法国人以外,他们全都去睡觉了。 I like her except when she is angry. 除了她发怒的时候,我挺喜欢她。 He has no special fault except that he smokes too much. 他除了抽烟太多之外,没有什么特别的毛病。 10.significant adj. very important 意义重大的e.g. This is one of the most significant studies of the subject. 这是对该课题最重要的研究之一。n.

15、significance 重大意义L13:It is as significant as getting a job for the first time. 他就像第一次找到工作那样重要。11.orient vt. To help someone learn about and become familiar with a new situation使(某人)了解新环境e.g. The freshman took a while to orient himself. 那位大学新生花了一段时间才熟悉了环境。定.的方位e.g.He oriented himself by finding a fam

16、iliar landscape. 他发现一处熟悉的景色,从而确定了自己所处的方位。e.g.Orient the swimming pool north and south. 标定游泳池的南北方向a. 东方的(poetic) the orient sun. (诗歌)“东方的太阳n. 东方;东方的国家They love paintings from the Orient. 他们喜欢来自东方的绘画。Macao, the European City in the Orient 东方的欧洲城市澳门orientation n. 适应;熟悉;(对新生的)情况介绍UCI needed some orienta

17、tion at this stage. 我在这个阶段需要熟悉情况。Orientation day/week 新生日/周L17:Universities usually hold an orientation day for freshers to help them get acquainted with the institutions rules, services, departments and teachers.12.adapt使适应,使适合(+to)e.g. He tried hard to adapt himself to the new conditions. 他努力使自己适应

18、新的情况。 .adapt oneself to使自己适应 In the first several months, many freshmen find it difficult to adapt themselves to college life. 在头几个月,许多新生难以适应大学生活。(Ex.V.4)He has not yet adapted to the climate. 他还没适应这种气候。The shoes adapt me well. 这鞋我穿正好。Adopt vt.采取;采纳;吸收adopt vigorous measures 采取积极措施adopt advanced tec

19、hniques 采用先进技术After much consideration, the president decided to adopt her suggestion. 总经理再三考虑之后,决定采纳她的建议。过继,收养(+as)Mr. Kern adopted a child as his own son. 克恩先生将那孩子收养为自己的儿子。adopt an orphan收养孤儿L15:Adapting to the new university life is clearly not easy.13. fresher n.新生Freshman 大一新生Sophomore 大二学生 jun

20、ior大三学生 senior大四学生14.acquaint vt. (+with) to make sb. familiar with 使熟悉,使了解e.g. I acquainted him with the facts of the case. 我让他熟悉了案情。Acquaint him with your intention. 使他知道你的意向。Let me acquaint you with my family. 请让你认识一下我的家人L17: Universities usually hold an orientation day for freshers to help them

21、get acquainted with the institutions rules, services, departments and teachers.15.academic a. relating to the work in universities; involving studying and reasoning rather than practical or technical skills教学的;学术的,理论的e.g. Professor Li is leaving the academic world to take a job in industry. 李教授将要离开学

22、术界到工业界去工作。 A good historian must have an academic mind. 出色的历史学家须有学术头脑。 Idioms:academic freedom学术自由academic events学术动态international academic exchanges国际学术交流活动school academic year学年an academic thesis学术论文an academic authority学术权威n. C1. 大学教师,教授;大学生2. 学者;学究Information I (para1-4) Essay Questions:1. Accor

23、ding to the author, why life has totally changed when you wake up in the morning?Suggestion Answers: For the next four years you will be a college student. You are crossing a milestone. Suddenly, its up to you to attend classes, handle your money, wash your clothes, sit for exams, manage your time,

24、go partying and hang out with friends. In other words, youve become independent!2. What fears and worries do students have?Suggestion Answers: They wonder if they are in the right place or studying the right major.3. What is Orientation Day?Suggestion Answers: Universities usually hold an orientatio

25、n day for freshers to help them get acquainted with the institutions rules, services, departments and teachers. During orientation students are given information about university life, and they learn their rights and responsibilities, meet their professors and find out where to go for help. In other

26、 words, they learn all about the universitys social and academic aspects. Ss read text, try to complete the following sentences.1.Going to college is one of the most _important events for teenagers.2.On orientation day ,new students can learn everything they want to learn about the university.3.Orie

27、ntation Day is to help them get acquainted with the institutions rules, services, departments and teachers. Students come from different high schools. Holding an orientation day for them would help them adapt to the new environment.(5)Exercise(15 mins):Exercise . 1. (last paragraph) learn/ to s

28、tudyLearn: 学习(强调某种技能、某种能力、知识)Study:研究,调查Each/ every1 each强调个别,而every则用来概括全体,与all相当。所以,与almost, nearly, without exception等连用时,可用every, 不能用each。如:Each student in this class gave a different answer. 这个班的学生所给答案一个人一个样。Every student / All students in this class passed the exam. 这个班的所有同学都考试及格了。2 each指两者或者两

29、者以上的“每一”,而every则指三者或三者以上的“每一”。即each可指两者,而every则不能。如:There are lots of trees on each (=either) side of the river. 河的两岸有许多树。3 each还可用作代词和副词,而every只能用作形容词,作定语。4 every+ 基数词+ 复数名词=every+ 序数词+ 单数名词,作“每(多少)”解,但each不能用于这一结构中。 如: every three days 每三天或每隔两天,相当于 every third day。every two days, every second day都

30、作“每隔一天”解,但在实际应用中人们都用every other day来表示这一意思,every two days也有人讲,而every second day则少用的。(6)Additional Material High School Versus College LifeHeres the big difference: in college, you are responsible for your own education. In high school, teachers made sure that you were on track. In college, you are o

31、n your own. Here are some ways that college is different than high school. You dont have to go to class. Thats awesome, right? Not really. To many students, skipping class is too big a temptation to resist, especially if its a big lecture hall class where the professor doesnt know you. Heres the scoop: if you dont go to class all or most of the time, youll do poorly. You need to manage your time. In high school, your teacher will tell you to read pages 35-48 for class tomorrow and to start working on your paper. In college, the professor hands you a syllabus. It tell

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