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1、陕西省定边县安边中学学年高二上学期月考英2017年秋高二英语月考试题注意事项:1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上一、听力理解第1节(共5小题,每小题1.5分,共7.5分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What does the woman think of the leather coat? A. too big B. beautiful C. expensive2. What is the p

2、ossible relationship between the two speakers? A. colleagues B. teacher and student C.boss and secretary3. Why is the man late? A. He knocked down an old man. B. He sent an old man to hospital. C. His bike is broken on he way.4. Whats the date today? A. June 16th. B. June 17th. C. June 18th.5. Where

3、 does the conversation most probably take place? A. At a bookstore B. At a bank C.At a restaurant.第2节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,共22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第六段材料,回答6、7题。6. When does the mans train leave? A. At 4:30

4、am B.At 2:30pm C. At 4:30pm7. Why doesnt the man go by plane? A. It is dangerous B. He isnt able to get the ticket C.His family cant afford the expense听第七段材料,回答8、9题。8. How much does the each driving lesson cost? A.Ten pounds B. Fourteen pounds C. One hundred pounds.9. What is the teacher like? A.str

5、ict B. unfriendly C. humorous听第8段材料,回答10至12题。10. What is the relationship between the speakers? A. Saleswoman and customer. B. Repairman and customer. C. Friends11. What happened to the mans TV set? A. It was dropped on the ground B. The screen was broken C. It didnt work at all.12. What will the sh

6、op do? A. Turn down the mans request B. Pay half of the repair fee. C. Change a new TV immediately.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13.What does the woman want to know? A. Why she got a C for her report. B. How to write a report. C. When to get the result.14.When did the women hand in the report? A. On September 5t

7、h. B. On September 3rd. C. On September 1st.15.What is most important to Starbucks success, according to the man? A. Its good service. B. Its management. C. The taste of its coffee.16.What does the man advise the woman to do? A. Leave out some fingers. B. Change a new topic. C. Do some research.听第10

8、段材料,回答17至20题。17.Why did the speaker help the boy?A. The teacher asked her to do so. B. He was her good friend. C. She was afraid of him.18.How did the boy cheat in exams first?A. He wrote his notes on the wall. B. He put his notes in the toilet. C. He hid his notes under the desk. 19.What did the bo

9、y ask the speaker to do one day?A. Show her paper to him. B. Help him move his desk. C. Write a composition for him.20.How did the teacher feel about the speaker in the end?A.sorry. B. angry. C.disappointed.第3节二、阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)AOpening in 1934, the Brookfield Zoo quickly received a worldwide

10、reputation for its special displays and unique exhibits.Address: 1st Avenue between Ogden Avenue and 31st Street, Brookfield, IllinoisPhone: 708-688-8000Getting to the Brookfield Zoo by Public Transportation:The Metra Rail Burlington Northern line runs from Union Station downtown to the “Zoo Stop”Dr

11、iving from Downtown:Drive along the Eisenhower Expressway west to First Avenue exit and follow the signs to the zoo entrance.The Brookfield Zoo Tickets:Adults(aged12-64):$13.50; Seniors(aged65+):$9.50; Children(aged3-11):$7.50; (under3, free)The Brookfield Zoo Featured Exhibits:Tropic World; Wolf Wo

12、ods; Living Coast; Seven Seas; Fragile Kingdom;About the Brookfield Zoo:The Brookfield Zoo is located just 14 miles west of downtown Chicago. Its home to a variety of animal species, and its use of natural barriers(屏障) and moats(壕沟) is so much more relaxing and enjoyable than watching a lion walking

13、 in a cage(笼子).For more information about the Brookfield Zoo, click here.21Where can you read this passage?A. in a newspaper B. in a magazineC. in a textbook D. on the Internet22Where is the entrance to the Brookfield Zoo?A. At 31st Street. B. At Ogden Avenue.C. At First Avenue. D. At the Eisenhower

14、 Station.23How much should a middle-aged couple and their 5-year-old twins pay if they visit the zoo?A. $21 B. $28.5 C. $42 D. $4624What make(s) the Brookfield Zoo more attractive and enjoyable?A. Its cheap tickets. B. Its cage-less displays.C. Its various activities. D. Its worldwide reputationBDea

15、r Sir or Madam,I am writing to apply for the Sales Manager position on the careers page of the King Computers website. Last year King Computers added five new offices, making it the largest computer sales and services company in the state. I understand that one of the companys aims is to expand outs

16、ide of the Washington area. I hope to have the chance to play an important role in your growing business. As a sales manager with Diamond Computers, I expanded our sales area by 150% in two years. I am sure that my leadership and experience will help King Computers achieve its goals, too.I have work

17、ed in the field of computer sales for over fifteen years. Now I am a sales manager for Diamond Computers based in Seattle. I am skilled at managing accounts and increasing sales revenue(收益). Last year, my team produced $960,000 in revenue-the highest in the company. I am experienced at planning sale

18、s strategies(策略), developing advertising campaigns, and creating sales budgets(预算).King Computers is well-known for its customer-first philosophy. In my fifteen years in sales, this way of thinking is the most important thing I have learned. A sales strategy should never be just about getting money

19、from customers. I believe its important to take the time to listen to each customer-to understand what he or she really needs. As a sales manager for King Computers, I will be in a great position to do just that.If you are looking for a skilled sales manager with a history of success, I would be del

20、ighted to speak with you.I look forward to hearing from you soon.SincerelyPaul Reubens25According to the passage, what is Paul Reubens?A. the sales manager of the Diamond ComputersB. the interviewer of the Diamond ComputersC. the sales manager of the King Computers26What is one of King Computers aim

21、s?A. To set new goals. B. To add five new offices.C. To hire more sales managers. D. To make its business grow bigger.27Paul Reubens is experienced at _.A. managing accounts B. creating sales budgetsC. planning sales strategies D. all above28Paul Reubens wrote this letter in order to_.A. tell us tha

22、t he is skillful as a sales managerB. show he is fit for the job at King ComputersC. explain why he is interested in selling computersD. describe what he has experienced for over fifteen yearsCMost animals have little connection with animals of a different kind, unless they hunt them for food. Somet

23、imes, however, two kinds of animals come together in a partnership (伙伴关系) which is good for both of them. You may have noticed some birds sitting on the backs of sheep. This is not because they want a ride, but because they find easy food in the parasites (寄生虫) on sheep. The sheep allow the birds to

24、 do so because they remove the cause of discomfort. So although they can manage without each other, they do better together.Sometimes an animal has a plant partner. The relationship develops until the two partners cannot manage without each other. This is so in the corals(珊瑚) of the sea. In their sk

25、ins they have tiny plants which act as “dustmen”, taking some of the waste products from the coral and giving in return oxygen which the animal needs to breathe. If the plants are killed, or are even prevented from receiving light so that they cannot live normally, the corals will die.29We learn fro

26、m the text that corals depend on plants for_.A. food B. lightC. oxygen D. comfort30Some birds like to sit on a sheep because _.A. they enjoy travelling with the sheepB. they can eat the parasites on the sheepC. they depend on the sheep for existenceD. they find the position most comfortable31The und

27、erlined word “they” in the first paragraph refers to _.A. birds and sheepB. birds and parasitesC. parasites and sheep D. sheep, birds and parasites32What does the second paragraph mainly discuss?A. Some animals live better together.B. Some plants depend on each other for food.C. Some animals and pla

28、nts develop their relationship easily.D. Some animals and plants depend on each other for existenceDFor years I have had no idea what I have been doing with my life. I was a 30-year-old lawyer(律师) in New York. But being a lawyer was never my dream or goal in life. I honestly wanted to be a writer. I

29、 have a great imagination and would write amazing stories in my head. But I always knew that being a writer was never possible for me because it was a better financial decision to stay a lawyer.Recently, I couldnt fall asleep at my usual time of 10 p. m. and when I did fall asleep I had the same dre

30、am over and over again. The dream starts with me in the ocean trying to go for a swim and Im searching for something, but I start to drown(溺水) and have no control over my body. Then a light shines through the waters and when I look up all I can see is myself in a bright white room writing a novel. T

31、hen I hear a voice say repeatedly, “Now is the time to try something new!”It wasnt just a dream;it was my opportunity to make something good out of my life. That afternoon, I quit my job at the law firm and I couldnt have been any happier. My life started at 30, and every day since that point I have

32、nt stopped enjoying life. I started to write and have been on the best-sellers(畅销书) list for the last two months. Things have definitely turned around.Change is a good thing; it gives us an opportunity to take a chance. So my two favorite words I live by and so should you are “change and chance”.33From the first paragraph, we can know that _

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