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1、幼儿园入小学面试题幼儿园入小学面试题一,主题:广州小学一年级入学面试内容及面试题汇总 二,分类: 1、常识类考查 (如一年多少个月,一天多少小时,火警电话是多少等等) 2、算术类考查 (如十以内的加减,二十以以的加减) 3、表达能力考查 (编故事,描述家庭情况,如家长成员的工作) 4、英文水平考查 (简单单词,简单会话) 三,例子: 广州地区: 一、数学能力 1.数数:任意起点顺数、20以内倒数。 2.写数:报数字学生书写。 3.10以内加减运算。 4.比较大小:直接比较数字的大小,或者是两堆物体的大小。 5.2只青蛙几张嘴,几只眼睛,几条腿, 6.两个杯子,一大一小,装满水,放同样多的糖,哪

2、杯甜, 二、语言能力 7.聊天,看孩子的口头表达能力: (1)自我介绍,家庭住址、生日时间、父母的工作。 (2)谁最关心你,父母经常争吵什么, (3)会接电话吗,通常说什么, (4)有小朋友欺负你么,你怎么办, (5)喜欢看书吗,哪些,为什么, 8.背诗或唱一首歌。 9.认字:幼儿园、蓝天、电影院、电视等。 10.写出你认识的3个字(考察写字姿势) carried out; 4) for spring hangers (included simple spring, hangers and constant support hangers) it should also be recogniz

3、ed as setting and locking of loads. 5) check the surface quality, folded layering and without cracks, rust and other defects. 5) after completion of the test and control drawing number one by one, by series baled. Color alloy steel parts, the parts marking installation location and rotation about th

4、e direction you want. 7.3.14. hangers installation hanger layout a. a clear design of hanger should be installed strictly in accordance with the drawings and designs shall not be installed wrong, missing, etc. B. own arrangement of piping support and hanger set and selection should be based

5、 on comprehensive analysis of general layout of piping systems; cold installation of steam pipe with particular attention reserved for compensation of thermal expansion displacement and orientation. C. support systems should be rational to withstand pipe loads, static load and incidental load; reaso

6、nable piping displacement; guaranteed under various conditions, stress are within the allowed range. Strength, stiffness, and meet requirements to prevent vibration and soothing water, without affecting the adjacent equipment maintenance and other piping installation and expansion. D. equipment conn

7、ected to the interface to meet pipeline thrust (torque) limit requirements; increase the stability of piping systems to prevent pipeline . C. welding elbow should be not less than 1.5 times the pipe diameter. D. Press elbow should be not smaller than the outside diameter of the pipe. 三、自然和常识 11.国家、首

8、都、民族 12.电话:110、119、120、114 13.节日:5月1日、10月1日、6月1日等 14.在商场走失怎么办,地震来了怎么办,下雨天能站在大树下吗, 15.小蝌蚪长大变成,毛毛虫长大变成, 四、想象力及应变能力 16.水可以做什么, 17.白银像什么, 18.你和小朋友吵过架吗,为什么,你是怎么处理的, 19.门铃响了,爸爸妈妈不在身边,你会怎么做, 20.这里有一件小朋友的衣服请你把它折好。 首都地区: BEI JING市2010年幼升小入学测试题集锦 1.榨一杯橙汁需要三个橙子,榨三杯橙汁的话,需要几个橙子, 2.草莓和桃子各代表一个数,草莓加桃子等于7,草莓加草莓等于8,草

9、莓和桃子各是几, 3.自己读谜面,然后猜: A.一个小姑娘,穿着黄衣裳,你要欺负她,她就射一枪。 B.一间小房子,有门没有窗,外面热里面冷。 4.一张纸撕一次变成三张。 5.小红参加数学竞赛,和参加竞赛的每个人握一次手。小红一共握了39次手,问参加数学竞赛的一共有多少人, carried out; 4) for spring hangers (included simple spring, hangers and constant support hangers) it should also be recognized as setting and locking of loads. 5)

10、check the surface quality, folded layering and without cracks, rust and other defects. 5) after completion of the test and control drawing number one by one, by series baled. Color alloy steel parts, the parts marking installation location and rotation about the direction you want. 7.3.14. hangers i

11、nstallation hanger layout a. a clear design of hanger should be installed strictly in accordance with the drawings and designs shall not be installed wrong, missing, etc. B. own arrangement of piping support and hanger set and selection should be based on comprehensive analysis of general l

12、ayout of piping systems; cold installation of steam pipe with particular attention reserved for compensation of thermal expansion displacement and orientation. C. support systems should be rational to withstand pipe loads, static load and incidental load; reasonable piping displacement; guaranteed u

13、nder various conditions, stress are within the allowed range. Strength, stiffness, and meet requirements to prevent vibration and soothing water, without affecting the adjacent equipment maintenance and other piping installation and expansion. D. equipment connected to the interface to meet pipeline

14、 thrust (torque) limit requirements; increase the stability of piping systems to prevent pipeline . C. welding elbow should be not less than 1.5 times the pipe diameter. D. Press elbow should be not smaller than the outside diameter of the pipe. 6.评价一下自己在幼儿园里的情况。 7.春夏秋冬的区别和特征。 8.你和小朋友们排成一队做操,从前面数你是第

15、6个,从后面数你是第5个小朋友,请问一共有几个小朋友, 9.小朋友你有什么特别的爱好吗,能不能在这里表演一下。 10.妈妈今年30岁,爸爸比妈妈大3岁,想想再过5年后,爸爸比妈妈大几岁, 11.小朋友排队,从左向右数小红排第7,从右向左数小红排第8,这一排队伍一共多少人, 12.小芳买拼音本用了6角钱,还剩4角钱,小芳原来有几角钱,合多少元, 13.自我介绍:小朋友。今天老师与你交朋友,你告诉我你家的情况好吗,老师问你,你听清楚,回答老师。 (1)你姓什么,叫什么名字,你今年几岁了, (2)你家住在哪里,你家有几口人, (3)你爸爸叫什么名字,干什么的, (4)*妈叫什么名字,干什么的,你长大

16、了想做什么, (5)现在,你把家里的情况连起来对老师说一遍,怎么说呢, 14.一个正方形是四个角,问:在角上切了一个角之后还剩几个角, 15.儿歌:老师说一遍,小朋友复述一遍:(老师只念一遍) 春天到了,花儿笑了, 夏天到了,知了叫了, 秋天到了,枫叶红了, 冬天到了,雪花飘飘。 16.小明不喜欢穿高跟鞋,小明换灯泡不用梯子,小朋友你们认为小明有什么特征。 17.四根牙签摆出3个三角形。 18.钢笔除了可以写字之外,还可以用来干什么, carried out; 4) for spring hangers (included simple spring, hangers and constant

17、 support hangers) it should also be recognized as setting and locking of loads. 5) check the surface quality, folded layering and without cracks, rust and other defects. 5) after completion of the test and control drawing number one by one, by series baled. Color alloy steel parts, the parts marking

18、 installation location and rotation about the direction you want. 7.3.14. hangers installation hanger layout a. a clear design of hanger should be installed strictly in accordance with the drawings and designs shall not be installed wrong, missing, etc. B. own arrangement of piping support

19、and hanger set and selection should be based on comprehensive analysis of general layout of piping systems; cold installation of steam pipe with particular attention reserved for compensation of thermal expansion displacement and orientation. C. support systems should be rational to withstand pipe l

20、oads, static load and incidental load; reasonable piping displacement; guaranteed under various conditions, stress are within the allowed range. Strength, stiffness, and meet requirements to prevent vibration and soothing water, without affecting the adjacent equipment maintenance and other piping i

21、nstallation and expansion. D. equipment connected to the interface to meet pipeline thrust (torque) limit requirements; increase the stability of piping systems to prevent pipeline . C. welding elbow should be not less than 1.5 times the pipe diameter. D. Press elbow should be not smaller than the o

22、utside diameter of the pipe. 19.猫-狗=2,狗-兔=3,兔+兔=6,问猫=, 20.“1、4、,、10、,、16“,请在问号处填上符合规律的数字。 21.看A图30秒后遮上A图,然后给小朋友B图,看有有哪些不一样的地方。(其实就是普通的找不同) 22.有1到9这9个数将他们分类。 例如1,3,5,7,9 2,4,6,8 是按照奇数和偶数将他们分成两类的 现在问 1,3,7,8 5,9 2,4,6 是按照什么将他们分成3类的呢, 23.数数检测 (1)用实物从1数到100( (2)3个3个的数,数到39( (3)5个5个的数,数到100( (4)2个2个的数,数到

23、30( (5)10个10个的数,数到100( 24.一组数字,请看规律,然后填写后3种规律: 1 11 21 carried out; 4) for spring hangers (included simple spring, hangers and constant support hangers) it should also be recognized as setting and locking of loads. 5) check the surface quality, folded layering and without cracks, rust and other defe

24、cts. 5) after completion of the test and control drawing number one by one, by series baled. Color alloy steel parts, the parts marking installation location and rotation about the direction you want. 7.3.14. hangers installation hanger layout a. a clear design of hanger should be installed

25、 strictly in accordance with the drawings and designs shall not be installed wrong, missing, etc. B. own arrangement of piping support and hanger set and selection should be based on comprehensive analysis of general layout of piping systems; cold installation of steam pipe with particular attention

26、 reserved for compensation of thermal expansion displacement and orientation. C. support systems should be rational to withstand pipe loads, static load and incidental load; reasonable piping displacement; guaranteed under various conditions, stress are within the allowed range. Strength, stiffness,

27、 and meet requirements to prevent vibration and soothing water, without affecting the adjacent equipment maintenance and other piping installation and expansion. D. equipment connected to the interface to meet pipeline thrust (torque) limit requirements; increase the stability of piping systems to p

28、revent pipeline . C. welding elbow should be not less than 1.5 times the pipe diameter. D. Press elbow should be not smaller than the outside diameter of the pipe. 1211 ( ) ( ) ( ) 25.这里有一件小朋友的衣服请你把它折好。 26.如鱼缸内有10条鱼,死了2条,问鱼缸内还有多少条鱼;1个孩子用6分钟吃完一个汉堡包,问3个孩子同一时间各吃1个汉堡包用多少分钟, 27.门铃响了,爸爸妈妈不在身边,你会怎么做, 28.一年

29、有几个季节,你最喜欢那个季节,每个季节有什么明显的同,白天和黑夜有什么不同。 29.你喜欢什么运动, 30.你和小朋友吵过架吗,为什么,你是怎么处理的, 31.运动题:拍皮球、跳绳、有节奏的踏步等。 32.能够跟着老师或电视画面进行折叠、手工。 carried out; 4) for spring hangers (included simple spring, hangers and constant support hangers) it should also be recognized as setting and locking of loads. 5) check the surf

30、ace quality, folded layering and without cracks, rust and other defects. 5) after completion of the test and control drawing number one by one, by series baled. Color alloy steel parts, the parts marking installation location and rotation about the direction you want. 7.3.14. hangers installation 7.

31、3.14.1 hanger layout a. a clear design of hanger should be installed strictly in accordance with the drawings and designs shall not be installed wrong, missing, etc. B. own arrangement of piping support and hanger set and selection should be based on comprehensive analysis of general layout of pipin

32、g systems; cold installation of steam pipe with particular attention reserved for compensation of thermal expansion displacement and orientation. C. support systems should be rational to withstand pipe loads, static load and incidental load; reasonable piping displacement; guaranteed under various conditions, stress are within the allowed range. Strength, stiffness, and meet requirements to prevent vibration and soothing water, without affecting the adjacent equipment

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