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1、英文歌曲主持词Action is the cure for fear, and hesitation and delay will continue to nourish fear.整合汇编简单易用(页眉可删)英文歌曲主持词 英文歌曲比赛主持词【1】Good evening! Ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to the “First Foreign Language Songs Contest of FuYang Teachers College”In may, the sunshine and drizzles of the early summer bring

2、the silent wishes; In may, the flying flowers and butterflies present the beauty throughout the whole campus.The youth is also spraying in such days.To set a stage for showing the youth, we welcome the First Foreign Language Songs Contest.First in order to boom the college culture and actively promo

3、te the construction of a spiritual civilization in culture and art; the second is to motivate the students interests in learning foreign languages; the third is to show our college students qualities of foreign languages; the last is to show the spiritual look of endeavoring actively and healthily.T

4、his contest is hosted by the Foreign Language Department and undertaken by the students union of the Foreign Language Department.First of all, please let me introduce the judges and teachers present in this contest.They are Lets welcome them with a round of applause and also this applause is for eve

5、ry student here tonight.Now please let me introduce the standards of the Marks and the arrangements of the Prizes.The full marks for this contest are 100.The following are the standards:1.The requirements of healthy contents, vivid subjects and graceful melodies of the songs.2.The requirements of si

6、nging thoroughly and fluently with an accurate pronunciation and harmonious temper.3.The requirements of singing clearly with deep affections going with the songs.4.The requirements of neat costume, elegant appearance and generous behaviors.For this contest, we have arranged several prizes and next

7、are the distributions of them:Two people are supposed to get the First-class prize, four people for the Second-class prize, six people for the third-class prize, and several people are supposed to get the excellent prize.In addition to this, we also have arranged the prize for those who organize the

8、 contest excellently.1.Ok, we have said so much.Lets come to the contest.First, lets wear the musical wings to fly in the sky.Different people have different tastes in music.Next, lets enjoy the song “I Believe I Can Fly” from No 1 player.2 “I believe I can fly”.Yes, the young people all need such c

9、onfidence and courage.I think this song was written for Mike Jodon, but for NBA, Yao Ming must be beloved by most Chinese basketball fans.And now lets welcome No.2 player and see what she brings to us.3 Oh, I see, it should be “pretty girl”.Just as every boy has his Snowwhite, so every girl has her

10、pretty boy.Next lets see what is No.3 players “pretty boy”4 If the “pretty boy” shows us the internal beauty, then the “skater boy” shows us the external beauty.Since we have seen the “pretty boy”, lets appreciate the “skater boy” from No.4 player.5 I think no matter what the “pretty boy” or “skater

11、 boy” is, they both are shinny.Right, the sunshine is for us, the seasons are for us, then lets enjoy the song “seasons in the sun” from No 5 player.6 The song “seasons in the sun” reminds me of the sunshine, warmness and our great mother-the greatest women in the world.So next, lets feel the song “

12、womens hearts” from No .6 player.7 People often say that “women are fragile” except for their affections.I think the best thing to express it is tear.Now lets enjoy the song “tears words” from No 7 player.8 We can see these songs are all melodious.So if we combine the most romantic language with mus

13、ic, what can we deduce from it.Now, lets welcome the French song “ma normalelie”.9 We have heard many talks about the “super girl”.What they sing are the youths dreams and on ones way to pursue the dreams there are happiness, bitterness and cooperation.Next lets enjoy the song “super girl” from No 9

14、 player.10 Good songs are always melodious, and let alone the songs about the young.We should love others as well as love ourselves.Next lets enjoy the song “ my love”.From No 10 player.11 For now, maybe we have appreciated the English songs thoroughly, as well as the French and Japanese songs.But n

15、ext you can feel the Moscows customs, and so lets enjoy a Russian song “ Moscows outskirts evening” from No 11 players.12 As a proverb says that it is natural to let things come and go.Next lets enjoy the song “the day you went away” from No 12 player.13 Different people can sing different “pretty b

16、oy”, but with different feelings and the same happiness.Next lets feel the beauty of the song “pretty boy” from No .13 player.14 Usually we get nothing after hard work when we pursue some perfect things.But when we look back we will find they are here.A song “there you will be” from No.14 player is

17、for you.15 During the process of pursuing, it is very hard.Sometimes we may feel lonely, but we know keep the loneliness means welcome the spring.Now lets appreciate the song “lonely” from No.15 player.16 In fact, I think leave the loneliness to oneself is not a good thing.We can make good use of ou

18、r world.Open the heavens door to enjoy the sunshine and you will find another world.Now lets enjoy the song “knocking on the heavens door” from No 16 player.17 It is natural to feel lonely and it is essential to comfort ourselves through the sunshine from the paradise.But usually we need our friends

19、 comfort and so we need each other help.Next lets welcome the song “I need you tonight” from No .17 player.18 Just because your company the biggest bitterness will be shared between us and the smallest happiness will be filled with the whole world.So the world become a big amusement and now lets enj

20、oy the song” happy amusement” from No 18 player.19 Since we have played in the happy amusement, what about tasting the delicious fruits? Then lets enjoy the song “fruit basket” from No 19 player.20 The following song is my favourite song and I cant help myself singing a piece of it .can you guess wh

21、at is it? Oh.Thats it and next lets enjoy the song “hey jude” from No 20 player.21 Having just said goodbye to the English boy and lets enter the French girls world.So lets enjoy the song “ yilian” from No 21 player.22 Judge is for the old and yilian is for the girl herself.Then next what we are goi

22、ng to hear is for each others.different songs have different stories and finally lets feel the story from No 22 player.The last is always the most melodious.Our contest is over going with the songs.Many players have made deep impressions on this contest with different feelings.Because this we will l

23、eave the rights of judgment for the judges and next lets welcome the judges to make their judgments on this contest.尊敬的各位领导、各位老师、亲爱的同学们,大家晚上好!欢迎大家来到阜阳师范学院首届外国语歌曲大赛的现场。五月,初夏的阳光和细雨送来无言的贺喜;五月,芬飞的花枝和彩蝶献上满校园的灿烂。青春的朝气也在这样一个绚丽多姿的日子里蓬勃起来,为繁荣校园文化,积极推动我院精神文明建设,提高我们大学生的文化艺术修养,进一步激发同学们外语学习兴趣,展现我院大学生外语文化素质以及积极进取

24、、健康向上的精神风貌,并配合“院实践教学年”活动的开展,在这里,我们隆重举办了本场由院团委、外语系主办,外语系团总支、学生会承办的首届外文歌大比赛。首先,请允许我在这里向大家隆重介绍出席本次大赛的各位评委老师和嘉宾请大家再次以热烈的掌声感谢各位老师和嘉宾的到来,同时把这热烈的掌声送给在座的每一位热情的同学!现在由我来为大家介绍一下本次大赛的具体评分标准及奖项设置:本次比赛总分100分,具体标准如下:1、歌曲内容健康,主题鲜明,旋律优雅 20分2、演唱完整,外语发音准确流畅,节奏和谐 30分3、吐字清晰,声情并茂 30分4、服装整洁,仪态端庄,举止大方得体 20分大赛共设置:一等奖两名;二等奖四

25、名;三等奖六名;优秀奖若干;另设:优秀组织奖四名好的,说了这么多,更多精彩还在后面,让我们拭目以待。我们的比赛现在正式开始,就让大家插上音乐的翅膀,在外文歌曲的天空自由翱翔吧。虽然每一个人对音乐的品味不同,只要我们愿意在这里随着音符飞舞,我们就能触摸到音乐的天堂。有请一号选手 王睿 为我们带来歌曲 I believe I can flyI believe I can fly 是的,青春的我们正需要带着这样的自信和勇气去乘风破浪如果没记错的话,这首歌是写给一代飞人乔丹的,而对于当今的NBA球坛来说,姚明无疑是大多数中国球迷的最爱,那么2号选手 李金袖的最爱又是什么哪?有请李金袖演唱歌曲MY LO

26、VE正如每一个男生都有心目中的“白雪公主”一样,每一个女孩也都有自己心仪的“白马王子”。“女为悦己者容”,也更会为自己的Pretty Boy而欢喜或忧伤,现在让我们一起聆听3号选手 孙怡昕 孙琳 为我们带来歌曲Pretty Boy 让我品味一下他们心中的酸甜苦辣。如果说Pretty Boy 表现的是一种内秀的美,温文尔雅,沉稳干练;那么,Skater Boy 彰现的便是奔放的美,生机勃勃,活力四射,有着耗不尽的激情。欣赏过Pretty Boy之后,再让我们走进Skater Boy的动感世界,让他带我们一起去玩耍。有请4号选手 为我们带来歌曲Skater Boy。我想,无论是Pretty Boy

27、还是Skater Boy,他们的共同点就是非常的阳光。没错,青春的我们便是阳光的我们,青春的时节,便是阳光的时节,希望青春的我们每天都能牙齿晒太阳,心情放光芒,有请5号选手 许成 为我们送上歌曲,Seasons in the sun。刚刚的这首Seasons in the sun会很自然而然的让我想起阳光,想起温暖。想起带给我们阳光般温暖的母亲世界上最伟大的女性。人说“女人心,海底针”细腻而神秘,只能意会,难以言传。那就让我们一同用心感受一下6号选手 梁纯子为我们带来的歌曲女人心。人们常说“女人是水做的”除了她们天生的温情和柔美之外,最能直接表达女性灵秀之美的,那肯定非“泪水”莫数了。泪水是咸

28、的,但它所体现的是酸甜苦辣等多种滋味,现在就让我们一起来倾听泪的物语。有请7号选手 赵雅琼。我们今晚所听到的歌曲可谓是一首比一首动听,一首比一首优美。那么,把世界上最优美浪漫的语言与音乐相结合,那又将演绎出怎样的精彩哪。让我们以最热烈的掌声有请法语合唱我的诺曼底Ma Normandie最近这两年“超级女生”可谓是电击率最高的词汇之一了。不管别人怎么评价,我想它不仅仅是一种商业炒做,超女唱想的是青春的梦想,在追逐青春的路上,有辛酸的泪水,有辛劳的拼搏,还有选手间的合作与互助。这才是我们要在超女身上收获的东西。一首Super Girl送给大家,有请9号选手 王靖 刘丽和查欣。好歌总是百听不厌的,更

29、何况是抒发青春情怀的歌曲。让我们再次竖起耳朵,倾听10号选手 李彬版的My Love,爱别人更要爱自己,有请 李彬。比赛进行到现在,我们对英文歌曲已是大饱耳福,日文、法文歌曲也有所领略。所以现在,我们要给大家的耳膜一番新鲜的刺激,有请11号的合唱歌曲,莫斯科郊外的晚上一首经典的歌曲让我们再度领略了俄罗斯风情,再次把热烈的掌声送给他们,谢谢。有一句话说的好“世界上物质不灭,珍藏与否本无所谓,只因有这么一份感情在里面,使我们倍加珍惜。”来的尽管来吧,去的就随他去吧。只要来去之间别太匆匆了。有请12号选手 高卉和吴琼 为我们送上歌曲The day you went away.一千个人有一千个哈姆雷特

30、,不同的歌手当然也会唱出不同的Pretty Boy。不一样的感觉,一样的快乐。让我们和刘晓瑜一起再次领略Pretty Boy的风采。有请。“众里寻她千XX,蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处。”很多时候,我们苦苦追寻心目中美好的事物,只是千辛万苦却一无所获。但当我们一驻足一回首间,却猛然发现原来它就在这里。于是,一切豁然开朗,我们又不由感叹,“踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫。”一首There you will be 送给大家。有请14号选手 韦波There you will be我们付出努力最终收获的美好着实令人欣慰。但在追求的过程中确实很辛苦,有时甚至少不了内心的清苦和孤独。我们也只有守得住油灯如

31、豆的寂寞,才能迎来黎明,守得住内心那份清苦,才能迎来繁花似锦的春天有请15号选手 汤飞 为我们带来歌曲Lonely.其实我想,孤独地留下自己,有时未必不是好事。我们可以好好利用这一个人的世界,让自己的思想沉淀下来,再升华上去,看看前路然后继续前行。我们不妨打开天窗,迎向阳光,把背影彻底甩在深后。好的,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎16号选手 荣敏 为我们带来歌曲Knocking on the heavens door.孤独的时候是常有的,借助天堂的阳光来自我安慰也是必需的,然而更多的时候,我们需要亲朋的抚慰。人毕竟是社会性动物,一个人的力量是有限的一颗心也是孤伶的,所以我们需要彼此。就像一首歌唱到的“I need you tonight.”.有请17号选手韩效亮。

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