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1、新视野大学英语第二册第五单元单词详解第五单元 AIDS n. U Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 获得性免疫缺陷综合征(艾滋病) acquire vt. get or gain sth. 获得 He acquired a knowledge of the language by careful study.他通过认真学习掌握了这门语言。 The company has recently acquired a new office building in central Shanghai.这家公司最近在上海市中心买了一栋新的办公楼。 immune a. 1

2、. safe from a disease or illness 免疫的 Once youve had the disease, you will be immune to it for life.一旦你得了这种病,你就会对这种病终身免疫。 The medicine will make you immune to the disease.这种药可以使你免于感染这种疾病。 2. not affected by sth. 不受影响的 You would be immune from punishment if you helped the police find the murderer.如果你帮

3、警察找到杀人犯,就可免受处罚。 These goods are not immune from customs duties.这些商品不免税。 deficiency n. C, U the state of having none or not enough of 不足;缺乏 The weakness is caused by a deficiency of Vitamin C.这种衰弱是由于缺乏维生素C而引起的。 The officer was quite worried about the deficiency in the supply of water.这位军官很担心水供应不足。 sy

4、ndrome n. C an illness which consists of a set of physical or mental problems 综合征 The syndrome is likely to strike those whose immunity is weakened.免疫系统受到破坏的人身上可能出现这类综合征。 David was suffering from a Gulf War Syndrome.戴维遭受海湾战争综和征的折磨。 diagnose vt. find out what illness sb. has by examining them 诊断 His

5、illness was diagnosed as food poisoning at the beginning.开始他的病被诊断为食物中毒。 After diagnosing the patients disease, the doctors discussed how to treat it.对这个病人的病情诊断之后,医生们讨论如何治疗的问题。 infect vt. 1. cause sb. to have a disease 感染 Anyone with a bad cold may infect the people around him.得重感冒的人会使周围的人受到感染。 He wa

6、s shocked when he knew he was infected with the HIV virus.当他知道自己染上艾滋病病毒时感到很震惊。 2. affect; influence 影响;感染 He thought that parents might infect their children with their ideas.他认为家长的观念会影响孩子。 His urge for revenge would never infect her.他想报复的冲动绝不会对她有影响。 HIV n. U human immunodeficiency virus 艾滋病病毒,人体免疫缺

7、陷病毒 virus n. 1. C a living thing which can cause a disease 病毒 The medicine is very effective in controlling the spread of the virus.这种药能有效地控制这种病毒的传播。 He could be carrying the AIDS virus.他可能是艾滋病病毒携带者。 2. C a program that enters a computer and destroys information 计算机病毒 The anti-virus program is very

8、useful.这种杀毒程序很有用。 The virus destroyed all the files.这个病毒破坏了所有的文件。 rural a. of or like the countryside 农村的;乡村的 The program is good for rural development.这项计划有利于农村发展。 My grandfather prefers to live a rural life.我祖父想过一种乡村式的生活。 constitute vt. make up; form 组成,构成 Girls constitute 20 percent of the studen

9、t population in the university.女生占这所大学学生总数的百分之二十。 Seven days constitute a week.一周有7天。 segment n. C a part of sth. 部分 This is the fastest growing segment of the market.这部分市场增长速度最快。 Farmers constitute the richest segment of society in the country.农民是这个国家最富有的社会群体。 alarm vt. cause sudden fear or worry 使

10、惊恐, 使担心 The news that war might break out alarmed the people.战争可能爆发的消息使人们惊恐不安。 The young couple were alarmed to find the baby in high fever.那对年轻夫妇发现孩子发高烧,大惊失色。 n. 1. U sudden fear and worry 惊慌 Hearing a scream, she sat up in alarm.听到尖叫声,她慌忙坐了起来。 In his speech the worker emphasized the managements al

11、arm over the strike.这个工人在演讲中强调了资方对这次罢工事件所表现出的慌恐。 2. C a piece of equipment that warns people about danger, the time, etc. 报警器;闹钟 He set his alarm for 7:30 before going to bed.在睡前他把闹钟设在了7点半。 Does this bank have an alarm system?这家银行有报警系统吗? alarming a. frightening or worrying 令人惊恐的;令人担心的 The forests ar

12、e disappearing at an alarming rate.森林正以惊人的速度消失。 There was an alarming increase in crime in that area.那个地区犯罪率的增长令人担忧。 federal a. 联邦的,联邦制的 federal government/republic联邦政府/共和国 implement vt. carry out or put certain decisions into practice 实施,执行 The new plan will be implemented immediately.新的计划将很快得到实施。

13、The government promised to implement a new program to control pollution.政府承诺要执行新的计划来控制污染。 organization n. (BrE organisation) 1. C a group of people with a special purpose 组织,机构 World Trade Organization世界贸易组织 World Health Organization世界卫生组织 You may apply to join the organization.你可以申请加入这个组织。 2. U the

14、 adjusting or planning of parts so as to form an effective whole 组织,安排 Several programs have been delayed by poor organization几个项目由于组织不力而被耽搁。 I think the organization of the book is not good.我认为这本书的结构安排不好。 emerge vi. appear or come out from somewhere 浮现,出现 Insects emerge in the spring and start mult

15、iplying rapidly.春天里各种昆虫开始现身,并迅速繁衍。 He emerged from behind the large rocks and confronted his enemy.他从大石头后冲到敌人面前。 network n. 1. C a group of people that are connected or work together 人际关系网,联络网 He had a large network of believers who were fighting for his cause.他有很多信徒为他的目标而奋斗。 We have a network of sh

16、ops all over the country.我们有遍及全国的商店网。 2. C a system of lines, wires, roads, etc. that are connected to each other 网络 A network of veins and arteries carries the blood around the body.血管和动脉组成的网络将血液运送到身体各处。 A 24-hour strike brought the railway network to a standstill.24小时的罢工使铁路系统处于停滞状态。 combat vt. tak

17、e action to stop sth. bad or harmful 与.斗争 Measures to combat pollution in the city have been introduced.市里已采取了各种措施来防治污染。 The government sees price controls as a way to combat inflation.政府将价格控制视为解决通货膨胀问题的一种手段。 n. U fighting, esp. during a war 战斗 About one million people lost their lives in combat.有大约

18、一百万人在战争中丧生。 Both men are trained with weapons and in unarmed combat.两人都受到过武器和徒手格斗训练。 resource n. C (usu. pl.) sth. that can be used to increase wealth or help achieve sth. 资源 The police used every resource available to track down the killer.警察动用了一切可用的资源来追捕凶手。 Each country will have to look at its ow

19、n resources and solutions.每个国家必须审视自己的资源和对策。 creative a. producing new ideas or things 创造性的,有创造力的 He is a creative writer.他是一位有创造力的作家。 Children should be allowed to develop their creative abilities as well as their academic abilities.应该让孩子们在学习能力和创造能力上都有所发展。 creatively ad. in a creative way 创造性地,有创造力地

20、 Power can be used creatively or destructively.权力的使用既可以是创造性的,也可以是破坏性的。 Theres much room to express yourself creatively.你有很大的余地来创造性地表现自己。 educational a. connected with education 教育的;与教育相关的 He likes watching educational TV programs.他喜欢看教育电视节目。 She was a leading publisher of educational books and softw

21、are.她是教育类书籍和软件方面的大出版商。 client n. C sb. who pays for the services or advice of a professional person or organization 客户,顾客 Our manager normally meets with clients in the afternoon.我们经理通常在下午与客户见面。 Every employee should be patient with their clients.每一位职员都要对客户有耐心。 publication n. 1. C sth. published, su

22、ch as a book or magazine 出版物 He picked up some publications and read each of them.他拿起几本杂志逐一读起来。 He was the author of 70 major scientific publications.他出版过70种科学读物。 2. U the act of making sth. known to the public; the process of getting sth. published 公布;发表;出版 The publication of a second report is imm

23、inent.第二份报告的发布为期不远。 The publication of his results has inspired a new wave of research.他的成果发表后激起了新一轮的研究热潮。 appointment n. C an arrangement for a meeting at an agreed time and place for a particular purpose 约会,约定 I have an appointment with the doctor at 5 oclock.我与医生约在5点。 You should make an appointme

24、nt in advance.你应该提前预约。 educate vt. teach or train sb., esp. at school 教育;训练 Youngsters must be educated about the dangers of drugs.必须使年轻人受教育,认识到毒品的危害。 What were trying to do is to educate young people to be responsible citizens.我们目前要做的是教育年轻人做负责任的公民。 stylist n. C sb. who cuts or arranges peoples hair

25、 as their job 发型师 She is the top stylist at the salon.她是发廊里最好的发型师。 I used to be a hair stylist myself.我自己就曾是一个发型师。 literacy n. U the ability to read and write 有文化;识字 You need to attend special classes in basic skills such as literacy.你应该参加像识字之类传授基本技能的特殊课程。 Local politicians and educators have starte

26、d working together to improve the literacy rate of the nation.当地政要和教育家联合起来着手提高当地人的识字比率。 literature n. 1. U printed material about a subject 资料 Reading medical literature is one of the important tasks for the students.阅读医学资料是学生们的重要任务之一。 This question has not received intensive consideration in the li

27、terature of any major discipline.各大学科的文献资料都没有对这个问题进行深思。 2. U written works which are of artistic value 文学 Do you ever read twentieth-century literature?你读过20世纪的文学作品吗? Pupils use drama to gain insights into moral and social issues in works of literature.学生通过戏剧来认识文学作品所涉及的社会、道德问题。 solve vt. find an ans

28、wer to or a way of dealing with a problem 解决;解答 She is very good at solving crossword puzzles.她对填字游戏十分拿手。 I dont think money would solve all their problems.我认为钱不能解决他们所有的问题。 illustrate vt. show the meaning of sth. by giving pictures or examples 说明 Pictures illustrate some of the ways in which rocks a

29、re formed.图片演示了岩石形成的一些方式。 This point can be illustrated by two brief examples.可举两个简单的例子来说明这一点。 establish vt. start a school, an organization, etc. 建立,创办 The company was established in 1980.该公司创办于1980年。 A committee was established to look into the problem.成立了一个委员会来调查这个问题。 buster n. U (infml.) sb. or

30、sth. that ends a situation or stops an activity 克星 crime buster犯罪克星 budget buster预算杀手 risk n. C, U the possibility that sth. bad or dangerous may happen 危险性;风险 There is no risk that the disease will spread further.疾病没有进一步蔓延的危险。 The risk of heart disease can be decreased by exercising regularly.定期锻炼可以降低患心脏病的危险。 vt. put sth. in a situation in which it could be lost, destroyed, or harmed 使遭受(失去、毁坏、或伤害)的危险 Companies cannot risk losing customers through computer problems.公司不可能因为计算机问题而冒失去顾客的风险。 He had risked his own health to help the sick during the epidemic.在流行病肆虐期间,他不顾

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