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1、人教版必修三第五单元核心词汇和短语Unit 5 Canada-“The True North”(一)核心词汇:1.rather than与其;不愿;而不是1)would do sth rather than do sth =would rather do sth than do sth=prefer to do sth rather than do sth 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事例句:I would read a book rather than do the endless homework.=I would rather read a book than do the endless ho

2、mework.=I prefer to read a book rather than do the endless homework.我宁愿读书也不愿做那没完没了的作业。2)rather than “而不是” Ill have a cold drink rather than coffee.我要喝冷饮而不是咖啡。Tom rather than you is going to have a picnic.是汤姆而不是你要去野营。注意: rather than连接并列主语时,句子谓语动词的数与rather than 前面的主语保持一致。3) other than 除了 I have no clo

3、se friends here other than you.在这儿除了你,我没有亲密的朋友。2.baggage n 行李 baggage/ luggage n 行李 ,是不可数名词。Two pieces of baggage are missing.两件行李不见了。3. chat vi chatted ,chatted,chatting 聊天;闲聊 n聊天;闲聊 chat with /to sb about sth 与某人聊.have a chat with sb about sth 与某人聊.He chatted with his parents about his job last ni

4、ght.=He had a chat with his parents about his job last night.昨晚他与父母聊了他工作的事。4 .surround vt 包围;围绕1)surround sb/sth (with sb /sth) 使某人/物包围某人/物Green trees surround the lake, which is very beautiful.这个湖绿树环绕非常美。2)be surrounded by /with 被.包围The lake is surrounded by/ with green trees, which is very beautif

5、ul.这个湖绿树环绕非常美。3)surrounding adj 周围的 the surrounding area 周围地区4)surroundings n 环境The surroundings here are hard to tolerate.这儿的环境很难忍受。(surroundings 作主语,谓语动词用复数)5 .measure vi&vt 测量;衡量;判定 n计量制;计量单位;措施1)vi意为“有.长(宽、高、重)”时常用主动形式The classroom measures 30 feet long and 20 feet wide.这个教室30 英尺长20 英尺宽。2) n措施ta

6、ke measures to do sth 采取措施做某事Measures should be taken to protect ou environment. 应该采取措施来保护我们的环境。3) beyond measure 非常地;极其Her joy was beyond measure .她无比喜悦。4) make sth to measure 定做 a made-to-measure suit 量尺寸定做的西装Do you make suits to measure?你定做西装了吗?6 .settle down定居;平静下来;专心于1) settle down in 定居.Last y

7、ear he left his hometown and settled down in Shanghai.去年他离开了家乡在上海定居下来。2)settle (sb) down(使某人)平静下来Wait until the students settle down.等到学生们都平静下来。3)settle down to (doing)sth 专心于He found it hard to settle down to his work.他发现很难专心于他的工作。7 .manage to do 1)manage to do sth=succeed in doing sth 设法做成某事(成功做成)

8、I managed to get an A in that course.那门课程我设法得了A。2)try to do sth 试图做某事(但不一定成功) I tried to persuade him to give up smoking, but failed.我尽力说服他戒烟但失败了。3) manage it 能做到Thank you all the same .I can manage it myself.同样感谢你,我自己能行。8 . have a gift for1) have a gift for/ have a talent for 有.天赋She has a gift /ta

9、lent for music .她有音乐天赋。2)gifted adj 有天赋的 a gifted child be gifted at /in 在.方面有天赋She is gifted at /in music .她在音乐方面有天赋。9 . within prep 在.之内 within walking distance 步行可达到地方within easy reach of sth 很接近;靠近within ones reach /within the reach of sb 在某人伸手可及的地方Put the book within your reach.把书放在伸手够得着的地方。The

10、 house is within easy reach of the school.这房子距离学校很近。The school is within walking distance.这所学校步行就可以到。10. border n 边界on the border of 在.的边缘vt&vi 接壤 border on We camped on the border of a lake .我们在一个湖边扎营。Our country borders on Russia.我国与俄国接壤。11. mix vt &vi 混合;调配1) mix sth with sth 使某物与另一物混合Dont try to

11、 mix business with pleasure.不要把正事和娱乐混在一起。2)mix with sth 能混合As we all know , oil wont mix with water.我们都知道, 油不能与水混合。3)mix sb up with sb 混淆某人与他人You are always mixing me up with my twin sister.你总是把我与我的孪生妹妹混淆。4) mixture n混合物,是可数名词The city is a mixture of old and new buildings.这个城市是新旧建筑物的混合体。12. traditio

12、n n 传统;习俗by tradition按照传统a tradition 一个传统的风俗By tradition,children play ticks on 1 April.按照传统, 儿童在4月1日捣乱戏弄别人。It is a tradition in our family that we have a party on New Years Eve.全家要聚在一起过新年除夕是我们家的传统。13. terrify vt terrified, terrified ,terrifying使恐怖;恐吓1) terrify sb使害怕The ghost story terrified the chi

13、ldren.鬼故事使孩子们害怕。 2) terrified adj 恐惧的;受惊吓的Sb be terrified of sth/sbShe is terrified of big spiders.她害怕大蜘蛛。3) terrifying adj 可怕的 Sth be terrifyingBig spiders are terrifying.大蜘蛛令人恐惧。14. impress vt 使印象深刻;使铭记 1)impress sb with sth = sb be (deeply) impressed by/with 以.给某人留下深刻印象Guilin impressed us with it

14、s beautiful scenery.=We were deeply impressed by/with the beautiful scenery of Guilin.桂林美丽的风景给我们留下了深刻的印象。2)impress sth on /upon sb/ones mind使某人铭记某事/使某人意识到某事的重要性My father impressed the value of hard work on my mind.我父亲让我铭记艰苦劳动的价值。3)impression n. 印象leave /make a deep impression on sb给某人留下深刻印象His brave

15、ry left a deep impression on me.他的勇敢给我们留下了深刻的印象。(二)拓展词汇:1. Canadian n 加拿大人 adj 加拿大的;加拿大人的Canada n加拿大2. governor n州长;总督government n 政府;政体3.upward adj &adv 向上的(地);上升的(地)downward adj & adv 向下的(地)forward adj &adv 向前的(地)backward adj &adv向后的(地)4.surround vt 包围;围绕 surroundings n 周围的事物;环境surrounding adj 周围的

16、5. slight adj 轻微的;微小的slightly adv 稍微;轻微地6. mix vt&vi 混合;调配mixture n 混合物;混合状7. wealthy adj 富有的wealth n 财富8 .distance n 距离;远方distant adj 远的;远方的9 .mist n 薄雾 misty adj有薄雾的;模糊的10. tradition n 传统traditional adj 传统的11. terrify vt 使恐惧;害怕terrified adj恐惧的;受惊吓的terrifying adj 令人恐惧的;可怕的terror n 恐惧12. please vt 使

17、愉快 pleased adj 欣喜的;高兴的;愉快的13. impress vt 使印象深刻;使铭记impressive adj 给人印象深刻的;感人的impression n 印象(三)高频短语:1. rather than 与其;不愿;而不是2. be surrounded by 被.包围3. settle down 定居;平静下来;专心于4. manage to do 设法做成某事 try to do 试图做某事5. catch sight of 看见 lose sight of 看不见at first sight 乍一看in sight 看的见,在视野之内out of sight 看不见,在视野之外6. have a gift for have a talent for有.天赋7. in the distance 在远处 at a distance of 在.远的地方 within walking distance 步行可达到地方8. as far as 远至;9. at dawn 在黎明10. go downtown 到商业中心区去work downtown 在商业中心区工作

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