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1、高三英语第一次模拟考试试题高三英语第一次模拟考试试题第一卷(三部分,共115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题15分,满分75分)1What do you learn from this conversation?ATom reported the matter BTom shouldnt report the matterCTom didnt report the matter 2What do you know from the conversation?APeter isnt older than his cousin BHis cousin is thre

2、e years olderCHis cousin is younger3Why cant the man sit on the chair?ABecause it has been just painted BBecause it is brokenCBecause it is very dirty4Whats the result of the conversation?ABoth went to the concert BThe man went to the concertCWe dont know who went to the concert that night5How did S

3、usan go to the meeting place? ABy bus BBy taxi CBy car第二节(共15小题;每小题15分,满分225分) 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题6What does the man ask for? AHis mail BHis telephone CHis change7What is the mans room number? A350 B305 C315 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题8Why cant Tom and Lily meet tonight? ABecause Lily is not at home BBecause Tom wil

4、l not be in China CBecause Tom will not be free9What time will the plane take off? A2:15 B2:30 C2:0010What is the relation between Tom and Lily? ATeacher and student BBoss and employee CBoyfriend and girlfriend 听第8段材料,回答第11至13题11Where does the woman want to go? AThe bus station BHuangshi CThe next c

5、orner12How much is a one way ticket to Huangshi? A15 yuan B25 yuan C40 yuan13When will the woman arrive in Huangshi? AAt 10:30 BAt 12:00 CAt 11:10 听第9段材料,回答第14至17题14What cant be done at the club? ASwimming BRunning CSkating15What does the woman say about her sports activities? AShe is quite good at

6、many sports BShe has never had enough time for them CShe used to do a lot of them16What can we learn about the club? AIt is open until 12:00 at noon BIt is open till 12:00 at night CIt is open from day to night17Where will they meet each other?AAt the computer center BIn front of the cinema CAt the

7、bus stop 听第10段材料,回答第18至20题18When did cigarettes become a risk to public heath according to the speaker? AIn the early 20th century BIn the 1870s CIn the latest ten years19Which of the following is TRUE according to the speaker? AUsually men with higher incomes smoke more than those with lower income

8、s BCity people smoke more than those living on farms CToday more and more people get out of the smoking habit20Which group of people is less likely to smoke? AChildren who have smoker parents BStudents preparing for college CStudents who wont continue their education第二部分:英语知识应用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项填空 (共

9、15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)21David is no longer the lazy boy _ he used to beAwho Bwhat Cwhich Dthat 22Is Daniel the person _ you want to make friends with, Jack? Awith who Bwith whom Cwho Dwith that23Dont quarrel with your friend, _will damage your friendship Awho Bwhich Cthat Dwhat24You thought you were goin

10、g to die, _? Awerent you Bdidnt you Cwasnt it Ddid you25My son wants to be a painter, so he _drawing since the year before last Apractices Bkept Chas practiced Dhas been practising 26 Can I come to see you at 8 this evening? Sorry, I _ the film with my parents then Awill watch Bwill be watching Cam

11、seeing Dshall see27Toby _ dive into the sea when he saw a shark Awas about to Bis going to Cwanted to Dwould 28I was very disappointed that my friends _ when I arrived there Ahad left Bwas leaving Cwas about to leave Dleft29We all thought _ a question _we could raise enough money for the project Ath

12、at; that Bit; whether Cit; that Dthat; whether30We all believed _honest and helpful Ahe is Bhim was Che to be Dhim to be31The boy is tall and strong, so he _be Wolly, the American exchange student Acan Bmay Cshould Dis going to 32Going to the cinema? OK! Please wait a while; Ill just go and _ Abe ch

13、anged Bget my clothes change Cget changed Dam changing33The factory which _now will produce 50,000 cars a year Ahas built Bis built Cis being built Dis building34John had no choice but _the army in the end Ato join Bjoin Cjoin in Dto join in35This accident will have a _effect on the _boy Alast; frig

14、hten Blasting; frightened Clasted; frightened Dlasting; frightening第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分) Some of the most common American gestures have very different meanings in 36 areas of the worldTake the handshake for exampleIn America, a strong, 37 handshake shows a confident person, someone you can t

15、rust, a good leader, but people might be 38 in Asia and the Middle East where they prefer a much looser handshakeOther American gestures are considered very 39 in other countries, such as direct eye contactTo an American, eye contact shows that someone is telling the truth or is 40 in what he or she

16、 hearsBut if you lived in parts of Asia or Africa, people might be 41 There are many chances for you to be confused by gestures and body 42 when you travel43 your head up and down for “ yes” and shaking your head from side to side for “no” mean the 44 in parts of eastern EuropeThe same applies to wa

17、ving your hand left to right for “hello” or “goodbye”This can mean “45 ” in Asia and parts of Europe! If you go to Argentina, you might be offended and think someone is calling you crazy when you see them 46 at their head or ear and move their first finger in a circleAlthough this means someone or s

18、omething is 47 in America, in Argentina, it just means that you have a phone call! If you 48 to get someone to come over to where you are, you might hold out your hand,with the palm up and fingers facing in, and curl your first finger in and 49 But dont do that in Asia, because it isnt very 50 The l

19、ast gestures I want to talk about are 51 we call thumbs up and the OK signIf you 52 your hand and hold up your thumb, this gesture is used in many countries, but it means the number one in Germany and Japan 53 of good job like it does in AmericaIf you 54 a circle with your thumb and first finger, an

20、d point the other three fingers up, you are saying yes or that 55 is okay if you are in AmericaBut in France it means zero, in Japan it means money, and if you are in Brazil or Germany, it is very rude!36Athe Bsome Celse Dother37Asoft Bfirm Cloose Dnice38Ahappy Bdisappointed Csurprised Dsad39Arude B

21、polite Copposite Dgentle40Ainterested Bbored Cglad Dsatisfied41Apleased Boffended Cangry Dattacked42Amovement Baction Clanguage Dtongue43AMoving BNodding CShaking DHolding44Aopposite Bdifferent Csame Dsimilar45Ayes Bhello Cgoodbye Dno46Apoint Bstare Clook Dfeel 47Ahappy Bsad Cangry Dcrazy48Awish Bho

22、pe Cwant Dneed49Aout Bdown Cup Daway50Astrange Bpolite Crude Dsurprising51Athat Bwhat Cwhich Dwhether52Aopen Btake Cturn Dclose53Ainstead Bbecause Cfond Dtired54Adraw Bmake Cmove Ddo55Aeverything Banything Csomething Dnothing第二卷(共35分)第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AAnother small animal that tigers eat

23、in Ranthambhore ( a wildlife park in northern India ) is the porcupineThere animals are spread widely across India in open areas and grsassland; they often live in the earth and between rocksThey are good diggers, and in Ranthambhore are nocurnal; they only come out only at nightThey weigh 12 to 16

24、kilograms and can reach lenghs of 80 t0 90 centimetersThey live usually on vegetables and fruits and seem to have a good sense of smellPorcupines defend themselves when attacked by moving backwards with their quill upright, often making a strange noiseSeveral times, I have found the remains of quill

25、s where a tiger has killed and eaten a porcupine, but I have never actually seen the killIn spite of the quills, experienced tigers will try to kill cleanly by biting the porcupines head, its weakest spotBut the quills are very sharp and can give painful injuries to young tigersIf the quills have go

26、ne in very deep or if they are stuck in the tigers paw, it will try to pull them outOften, it will be successful, and the wound will get better, But, if the quills have gone very deep or if they are stuck in the tigers neck or mouth, where they cannot be reached, the wound will often turn badIf this

27、 happens, the tiger is in pain and is less able to hunt animalsIt has to look for easier food and so may turn to cows on the edges of the forestFrom this, it is a small step to becoming a man-eater56A porcupine is a small animal which_Alikes to fight against tigersBis a kind of good food for tigersC

28、prefers to stay on vegetables and fruit rather than anywhere elseDhas vegetables and fruit as its main food57The word quills means _Along, sharp needle-like parts on a porcupine Bfeathers on a porcupineCteeth of a porcupine Dfeet of aporcupine58What causes a tiger to become a man-eater according to

29、this passage?AWhen there are no porcupines for a tiger to catchBWhen a tiger isnt hurt seriouslyCWhen it is difficult for a tiger to catch other animalsDWhen it turns to cows on the edges of the forest59What is the proper title for this passage?AA porcupine BHow a Tiger kills a Porcupine?CWhat Can Cause a Tiger to Become a Man-eater? DA Tiger and its Food B Acting is such an over-crowded profession that the advice that should be given to a young person thinking of going on the stage is “Do

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