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1、09综英A班重点句子Unit 1 Love of ReadingParaphrase the following sentences in English:1. I must have given her no peace. (line7 on p.3) I always asked her to read stories to me and never let her take a rest. It was my ambition to have her read to me while I churned; once she granted my wish, but she read of

2、f my story before I brought her butter. She was an expressive reader. It had been startling and disappointing to me to find out that story books had been written by people, that books were not natural, coming up of themselves like grass. Regardless of Capture and carry off to myself Still illiterate

3、, I was ready for them, committed to all the reading I could give them.一心想读所有的书 He give me an expressive glance.-他意味深长的看了我一眼 Something of a strain on his salary-他的相当一部分薪水2. They bought for the future. (line 26 on p.4) They bought books which they thought were good for the future of their children.3.

4、 My mother read secondarily for information. (line 34 on p4.) My mother thought reading for information wasnt the most important thing, in fact, she usually read for fun.4. She sank as a hedonist into novels. (line 35 on p.4)很早就接触了 She became intoxicated whenever she read a novel and would even fall

5、 in love with the author, who brought about fun to her. To both my parents I owe my early acquaintance with a beloved Mark Twain.5. The full set of Mark Twain and the short set of Ring Lardner in our bookcase were the volumes that in time united us all, parents and children. (line41 on p.4) Both my

6、parents and we, their children, loved those books, and we often read those books and talked about them together. Come upon-突然产生、遇到 volume-vlju:m 卷、册、音量 moral tale-道德教育On the title page of this book-在书的扉页上 It ends with not one but two morals both engraved on rings:6. Do what you ought, come what may.

7、 (line 53 on p.5)-不管发生什么,该做的就应该去做。 Whatever may happen, do what you should. If we would be great, we must first learn to be good.-想做伟人,必须先学会做个好人。 Lack its front page = coverless shelve it in the bookcase go through fire and water-赴汤蹈火 Indeed, my parents could not give me book enough.7. The set of Di

8、ckens had been through fire and water before I was born and were lined up there, waiting for me. (line65 on p.5) The set of books written by Dickens had been worn out after going through many hard times, being read many times, and were in very poor conditions, but my mother still kept them for me to

9、 read.8. More often than the rest volume 5, Every Childs Story Book, was under my eyes. I read Volume 5, Every Childs Story Book, more often than the other books.9. I located myself in the classic illustrations of those books like the Pilgrims Progress. I imagined myself as a character in the beauti

10、ful pictures of the stories in those books.10. Ever since I was first read to, then started reading to myself, there has never been a line read that I didnt hear. (line96 on p.6) Ever since my mother read stories to me, and after I became a reader myself, I had always heard a voice saying what was r

11、ead to me.11. The Book of Knowledge could not hold a candle to the book Our Wonder World. The Book of Knowledge was not comparable with the book Our Wonder World as the latter was so much better. Fairy tales myths and legends reside in act to do in full color I live in attitude to my parents for ini

12、tiating me into knowledge of the word, reading and spelling, by the way of alphabet.Reference Key for Translation on page 22Although my grandmother was illiterate, she had a good stock of myths and legends. When I was young I gave her no peace, constantly asking her to tell me stories. After she had

13、 finished her housework, she would lift me onto her lap and tell stories, all the while rocking me in rhythm. These stories and her expressive face appealed profoundly to me.Having noticed my interest in stories, my parents lost no time in initiating me into reading. The bought many storybooks with

14、illustrations, and whenever free, they would read these stories to me over and over again. By and by I had a vocabulary large enough to read on my own.Today, I still live in gratitude to my grandmother and my parents. Without them, I could never have become a writer.Unit 2 Lets Go Veggie! Line 15: 美

15、国饮食协会认为,“科学资料表明,素食对降低多种慢性退化性疾病的患病危险有积极影响。”The American Dietetic Association says:” Scientific data suggest positive relationships between a vegetarian diet and reduced risk for several chronic degenerative diseases.”Line 18: 世界癌症研究基金会直截了当地指出:“我们一向利用错误的燃料来维持人类生理引擎的运转。”This past fall, after reviewing

16、4500 studies on diet and cancer, the World Cancer Research Fund flatly stated: “ Weve been running the human biological engine on the wrong fuel.”Line 21:据威尔夫大学营养科学教授布鲁斯霍拉博称,这一“错误的燃料” 致使加拿大每年用于治疗退化性疾病的费用估计高达4000亿加元。This “wrong fuel” has helped boost the cost of degenerative disease in Canada to an e

17、stimated $400 billion a year, according to Bruce Holub, a professor of nutritional science at the University of Guelph.Line 35: 根据信息自由法案的相关文件记载,这些(游说)组织迫使加拿大最新食品指南在1993年公布前作出修改。According to documents retrieved through the Freedom of Information Act, these groups forced changes to Canadas latest food

18、 guide before it was released in 1993.Line 48 阿尔伯达农业署估算出,生产肉食品所耗费的能源比生产谷物多10-20倍。Albert Agriculture calculates that it takes 10 to 20 times more energy to produce meat than to produce grain. Line 58: 美国政府估测,生产1公斤猪肉需要耗费8.4公斤的谷物。 It takes, for example, 8.4 kilograms of grain to produce 1 kilogram of p

19、ork, the U.S. government estimateds.Line 61:粪肥-根据政府提供的资料,单单在加拿大一个国家,动物每秒钟排出的粪便就高达10,000多公斤。 Manure- at a rate over 10,000 kilograms per second in Canada alone, according to the government.Line 62:加拿大环境署宣称,一头牛每增长1公斤(牛肉)相对应要排出40公斤粪便。Environment Canada says cattle excrete 40 kilograms of manure for eve

20、ry kilogram of edible beef.Line 63:安大略省农业部估测,一家大型禽蛋工厂每星期可产出50-100吨禽粪。A large egg factory can produce 50-100 tonnes of waste per week, the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture estimates.Line 66: 1992年安大略省地下水调查项目发现,43%的受测水井都受到含有粪便大肠杆菌和硝酸盐等农业生产排出的废物的污染。In the 1992 Ontario Groundwater Survey, 43 percent of t

21、ested qwells are contaminated with agricultural run-off containing fecal coliform bacteria and nitrates.Line 75 获普利策奖提名的新美洲饮食一书的作者约翰罗宾斯说得好:“食用食物链较低部分的食物或许是我们可用以阻止环境破坏、保护自然资源的最最有效的行动。”John Robbins, author of the Pulitzer prize-nominated book Diet for a New America(Group West), said it best when he st

22、ated: “Eating lower on the food chain is perhaps the most potent single act we can take halt the destruction of our environment and preserve our natural resources. Line 85:我见到“固执”的牛被鞭打,屠宰室里的猪被拿着电卡钳的人追赶着发出鬼哭狼嚎似的尖叫声。I saw “ stubborn “ cows being beaten and squealing pigs chased around the killing floo

23、r with electric calipers.Line 93据加拿大农业署称, 在加拿大,每个工作日,每小时有150,000多头家畜被“加工”。Over 150,000 ainimals were “processed” every hour of every working day in Canada, according to the Agriculture Canada.Line 100加拿大农业署估计,在加拿大每年有3百多万头家畜在宰杀前的运输途中痛苦地慢慢死去。Agriculture Canada has estimated that more than 3 million fa

24、rm animals die slow and painful death en route to slaughter every year.Line 107 这些动物中几乎没有几头享受过阳光和新鲜空气的待遇,而大部分就连拉屎拉尿的权利都被剥夺了。Few of these animals ever experienced sunlight or fresh air - and most of their natural urges are denied.Line 112 我们手里握着的刀叉拥有着改变世界命运的力量。We hold in our knives and forks the powe

25、r to change this world.Line 114世界上没有什么比进行素食革命更能促进人类健康,增加地球上生命的存活机会。Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as the Evolution to a vegetarian diet.Reference Key to Translation on page 31:其实这事要从查尔斯顿监狱说起,一开始宾比就让我对他的知识渊博羡慕不已。宾比总是主宰谈话内容,我总想效仿他。可是,我随便打开一本书,几

26、乎没有一个句子不是少则一两个字,多则差不多所有的字都不认识。我只好跳过这些字,结果自然是对书上说的几乎一无所知了。因此,我被接送到诺福克拘留所时,读书还只是为了摆摆样子而已。要不是我真的获得了学习动机,我恐怕没多久就会连读书的样子也懒得去摆了。我认识到,最要紧的是得到一本字典好认字学字。同时我幸运地意识到,必须改善自己的书法。说来令人伤感,我写字都不能写得齐整成行。这两个想法促使我向诺福克拘留所学校要了一本字典,还有本子和笔。Unit 3 lying2) Translating: (key)A. I cant play that game, he says; Im simply not mad

27、e that way.“ “我不会那一套,”他说,“我生来就不会那一套。” (line 7)B. And his answer to the argument that saying nice things to someone doesnt cost anything is, Yes, it does it destroys your credibility讲到对人家说几句好听的话并不失去什么,他的回答是:“不对,当然有损失 那会损害你的诚信度。” C. Its arrogant, they say, to insist on being so incorruptible and so br

28、ave that you cause other people unnecessary embarrassment or pain by compulsively assailing them with your honesty. 他们说,如果你要做到十二分正直、十二分无畏,不由自主地用你的诚实使他人陷入不必要的窘境或痛苦之中,这只能说你是傲慢的。 (line 12)D. And in general do you find yourself ready, willing and able to lie to him when you make absurd mistakes or lose

29、or break things? 当你犯了荒唐的错误,或丢失了抑或者打碎了东西时,是不是常常发觉自己准备、乐意、甚至会对他撒谎? (line 65)E. For those of us, however, who are good at telling lies, for those of us who lie and dont get caught, the question of whether or not to lie can be a hard and serious moral problem.然而,对于我们这种善于说谎的人来说,对于我们这种说谎而又一般不露馅的人来说,说谎还是不说

30、谎可能是一个严肃的道德难题。 Useful Expressions1. 在 条件下under condition(s) 2. 归纳generalize 3. 在 情形下under . circumstance(s) 4. 得出结论reach a conclusion5. 社交性谎言social lies 6. 文明的方式civilized way7. 正直无畏incorruptible and brave 8. 以袭击assailwith9. 基本赞同 basically agree 10. 相貌平平的孩子homely kid11. 某某人so-and-so 12. 饭菜太丰富了cook up

31、 a storm13. 生来不会那一套not made that way 14. 虚假的赞美false praise15. 息事宁人的谎言peace-keeping lies 16. 使某人免受shelter sb. from17. 避免麻烦 keep trouble at bay 18. 逃避责任dodge responsibility19. 碰上堵车get/be caught in a traffic jam 20. 有情绪做某事be in the mood to do sth.21. 隐瞒事实conceal the fact 22. 行使权利assert ones right23. 根据

32、on the grounds of/that 24. 有风流韵事have an affair 25. 出卖某人betray sb. /give sb. away 26. 棘手的问题sticky issue 27. 露馅give oneself away 28. 最后一手the last resortUnit 4: Unforgettable TeachersIt was more than fifteen years ago that I entered the laboratory of Professor Agassiz, and told him I had enrolled my name in the Scientific School as a student of natural history. 那是在十五年以前,我进入阿加西兹教授的实验室,告诉他我已经在科学学院注册读博物学。To the la

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