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1、英语语音复习英语语音复习语言有语音、语法、词汇三大部分,而语音又是首要的。只有学好了语音,才能听懂别人说的话,也才能让别人听懂自己说的话。能听能说,英语就学活了,否则就是“聋子英语”、“哑巴英语”。学好语音的要求有五条:一是要掌握好国际音标,做到发音基本正确、清晰;二是要掌握基本语调,做到语速适中,无太多的“卡壳”,使会话能顺利地进行;三是要熟练掌握和运用基本的读音规则,看见一个单词不查字典就能基本准确地读出来;四是要学会划分意群,按意群停顿,掌握好抑扬顿挫,提高交流的效果;五是要掌握基本语调、音的高低和力度。Part 国际音标:1. 元音(20个)长元音/:/:/:/i:/u:/短元音/e/

2、e/a/ 双元音/e/a/2. 辅音(28个)轻辅音/p/t/k/f/s/浊辅音/b/d/g/v/z/轻辅音/h/ts/t/tr/浊辅音/r/dz/d/dr/鼻音/m/n/半元音/j/ w/边音/Part 音节说话时最小的语音单位叫音节,通常由一个元音加上一个或几个辅音构成,但是单独一个元音也能成为一个音节。辅音 /l/, /m/, /n/ 在后面没有元音时,也能和前面的辅音构成一个音节。音节按形式可分为开音节、闭音节和r音节三种;按音量可分为重读音节和非重读音节。1. 音节的种类开音节:以下两种音节属开音节。1) 以读音的元音字母结尾的音节,如:go, me, flu。2) 以“辅音字母(r

3、除外)+ 不发音的e”为结尾的音节,如: blade, delete, slide, slope, mute。闭音节:以一个或几个辅音字母(r除外)结尾而中间只有一个元音字母的音节,如:add, web, disc, dust, grasp。r音节:“元音字母 + r”的音节称为r音节,如:starve, herd, girl, short, burn等。2. 音节的划分:音节划分的基本规则:1) 在两个音节的分界线上如果只有一个辅音字母(r除外),这个字母归右面的音节,第一个字母按开音节读音。如:student, adopt, behave2) 分界线上有两个辅音字母(第一个不是r),这两个

4、辅音字母分别划归左右两个音节,第一个音节按重读闭音节读音。如: channel, command, hostile3) 分界线上有两个辅音字母,第一个是r,这两个字母可分别划归左右两个音节,第一个音节按重读r音节读音。如:corner, reporter, sharpen但是如果分界线上的两个辅音字母是r,左边的重读音节按闭音节读音。如:narrow, sorrow, sparrow, carrot等。Part 单词重音重读音节: 单词中读音特别响亮的音节。重读符号为“ ”,标注在重读音节前左上方,如:/tmru/,也可以直接在单词里标注,如:tomorrow。次重读符号“ ”,标注在重读音节

5、前左下方,如:municipality。单音节词单独读时都重读。如:net, mouse, quit。双音节词的重音多数落在第一音节上。如: tennis, context, copper,但有前缀a-,be-,mis-,en-,ex-,im-,in-,re-等双音节词,重音一般落在第二个音节上。如:about, before, explain, report, mistake。以un-前缀开头和有后缀-teen的双音节词通常有两个重音。如:unfair, unknown, fourteen, thirteen。双音节词加上前缀或后缀构成的多音节词,重音一般在原词根的重读音节上。如:unfri

6、endly, requirement, officer。多音节词的重音多数落在倒数第三个音节上。如:immigrant, imperative次重音:在含有3个或更多音节的单词中,有的除了有主重音还有次重音,次重音表示读该音节时要弱于重音节而强于其他音节。如:international, responsibilityPart 元音字母的读音1. 元音字母在重读开音节中的读音元音字母读 音例 词a/ei/pave, game, shapee/i:/free, see, beei/ai/life, mile, fileo/u/code, logo, hopeu/ju:/ / u:/use, mut

7、e, menu2. 元音字母在重读闭音节中的读音元音字母读 音例 词a/tag, black, packet e/e/press, desk, seti/i/this, six, milko/box, log, clock u/nut, hub, lunch3. 元音字母在重读-r音节中的读音元音字母组合读 音例 词ar/:/bar, start, marketor/:/sport, short, porteriruror(w之后)/:/her, certainly, herbbird, first, shirtturn, nurse, purposeword, worse, worm4. 元

8、音字母在非重读音节中的读音 字母读 音例 词a / China, another, breakfast/orange, village, cabbagee/hundred, student, moment/chicken, pocket, childreni/ /holiday, beautiful, animal/a/exercise, satellite, memorizeo/ second, tonight, welcome/also, zero, photou/autumn, difficult, maximum/ju(:)/popular, congratulation, Janua

9、ry注:u处在开音节位置,又在辅音字母jlrs后面时,读 /u(:)/ 音,例如:July, influence, February, issue。5. 常见元音字母组合在重读音节中的读音元音字母组合读音例词ai ayei ey/ei/ say, again, playeight, they, greyal/o:/ball, talk, wallea/i:/tea, teacher, pleaseee/i:/green, bee, threeoa/boat, coat, load oo/u:/noon, moon, food/look, book, cookouow/a/mouth, hous

10、e, abouthow, brown, downoi oy/boy, toy, noisePart 辅音字母的读音辅音字母的读音都比较固定,除c, g, s, y外,字母和音标几乎一一对应。 c在e, i, y前读 /s/,在其他情况下读 / k /。例如:certify, circuit, cycle; cabinet, comedy g在e, i, y前读 /,在其他情况下读 /g /。例如:shortage, giant, gymnasium; gallon, global, graceful s在一般情况下读/s/,在两个元音字母之间读/z/。例如:salary, structure;

11、 visible, suppose y在音节开头、元音字母前读 / j /,在其他情况下读 /ai/ 或 /i/。 例如:yell, yield; satisfy, classify; copy, city。1. 辅音字母的读音辅音字母读 音例 词b/b/board, bike, bluec/k/cake, card, cape/s/face, bicycle, cinemad/d/desk, disc, depthf/f/fine, fight, offg/orange, large, college/g/goods, bag, glassh/h/hello, hat, handj/jack

12、et, job, Junek/k/keyboard, like, bikel/l/yellow, life, lake apple, full, bottlem/m/morning, name, memoryn/n/novel, nice, needlep/p/grasp, happen, pleasurer/r/rose, rocket, respects/s/spell, thanks, silver/z/please, nose, exposet/t/what, white, tennisv/v/evening, invest, visiblew/w/woory, waitress, w

13、ellx/ks/box, exercise, experiencey/j/you, yellow, youthz/z/zoo, zero, realize2. 常见辅音字母组合的读音sh/English, shine, ship ch / tch/China, chess, matchth/thank, three, thrive/that, they, thereafterck/k/black, chick, checkph/f/phone, property, purposewh/w/what, white, whisper/h/who, whose, wholetr/tr/tree, t

14、rick, tripdr/dr/dress, dragon, driverts/ts/cats, students, peasantsds/dz/beds, hands, cardsqu/kw/quite, quiet, questionExercises1. 利用开闭音节读音规则拼读下列单词。blame bathegracespadegradeshapeskatesavewaveshaveblack snackpassivematchmatterchatcatchwatchsmashratmeter evebeepeterseeevileveneveningfevervehicleetnec

15、k pet bet wetdesktopforgetneckinspectsectioninspectdive filehidehikeshinethrivesmileprovideslideknifedisc fishhabbitrabbitmissingtransmitpermitpictureknittissueslope globecodehopeholenoticenotebooksmokeexposeproposerock cockgossiprobberrocketshocksocketpocketstocktopicmute tubeusemuleusagenucleusuni

16、versepupildutycubicshut luckducknumberrubberpublicpuppyshuttlenumbconductsharp barkmarkparkmarkettargetstarvecarvebartercarpetsport dormnormportporketshortagestorageexporttransportpassportexpert exertinvertobservedirtyskirtshirtnursecurveburst2. 拼读下列单词(所选例词均为四级词汇,同时注意读音与拼写的关系)。ash absorb acquisition

17、 anthropologist beneficialbiology candidate community copyright currencydeadline deliberate disorder embarrass exaggerateexit feedback financial fortnight geometryhighlight honorable hydrogen inhabitant initiativejungle kneel lane moisture mythnightmare optical physician psychological qualificationr

18、esemble riddle shrink spit suicidetame tag thrive thumb tractorutility virtue waterproof widespread worshipcreation customer breeze champion ceremonycharter civilization container constitution destinationlayout lifetime musician nationality scholarshipexit graph decode define catalogdelete marker re

19、serve refile framePart 一些常见的语音现象1. 句子重音:实词重读,虚词轻读。句子重音体现句子的节奏感和韵律感,突出重点,使听者更容易理解。在句子中,实词(名词、代词、数词、动词、形容词、副词)通常需要重读,而虚词(冠词,单音节介词,单音节连词,人称代词,反身代词,物主代词,关系代词,相互代词,助动词,情态动词和系动词be)往往不需要重读。实词在下列特殊情况下不需要重读。1) 实词第二次出现。例如: He thinks of that as a child thinks.2) 一个名词被另一个名词修饰。例如: I met her in the railway statio

20、n. 3) 代替词。例如Which book do you want? The small one.4) 感叹词中的 what 和how。例如: What a good day it is! How beautiful she is! 5) street 在专有名词中。例如Wangfujing Street. 虚词在下列特殊情况下需要重读。1) 情态动词,助动词和系动词be在句首,句尾和否定时。例如:Do you like it? Yes, I do. Can you help me? Yes, I can. I dont like this. He isnt a worker. 2) 情态动

21、词表示可能,惊奇和肯定时。例如: They may come this evening. Can it be five already? He must be in the room. 3) 介词在句首和句尾。例如: In the box, he found a letter. He is the person I talked with. 4) 引导复合句的连词在句首。例如: If you wish, Ill visit you. When he comes, Ill tell him. 5) 反身代词表示强调。例如:He couldnt come himself.Exercises朗读下列

22、句子。1. There is a book on the desk.2. My sister put up a picture on the wall.3. John wants to see the teacher after class.4. She reads a lot about the country.5. An elephant is an animal.6. Understanding the culture helps language learning.7. The language is hard to learn, but its interesting.8. Dont

23、 tell me about that! It sounds so great!9. What about you, Ken?Where are you planning to take your vacation?10. Just think, in a few days Ill be swimming every day, playing beach ball, lying in the sun and just taking it easy.2. 连读在连贯地说话或朗读时,在同一个意群(即短语或从句)中,如果相邻的两个词前者以辅音音素结尾,后者以元音音素开头,就要自然地将辅音和元音相拼,

24、构成一个音节, 这就是连读。连读时的音节一般不重读,只需顺其自然地一带而过,不可以加音,也不可以读得太重。例如:在读not at all这个短语时,听起来就像是一个单词。注意:连读只发生在句子中的同一个意群中,在两个意群之间即使有两个相邻的辅音和元音出现,也不可连读。例如:Please take a look at it.这个句子中take a look at it是同一个意群,那么take与a可连读,look与at可连读,at与it可连读。在There is a book in it.一句中book与in往往不连读,因为book与in分别在两个不同的意群中。Exercises朗读下列句子,注

25、意连读。 1. Take a look at it. 2. Ill be back in half an hour. 3. There is a pair of shoes. 4. She was away from her own country for a long time. 5. Shall we meet at ten oclock tomorrow morning? 6. Each of us had a sandwich and a cup of tea. 7. Is it very cloudy outside? 8. There are many books and note

26、books on the desk. 9. In our modern age, we use a lot of electricity. 10. Many of us will go out tonight.3. 停顿在说英语时,如果想要清晰、流利地表达你的意思,运用好停顿是非常关键的。同时,在朗读英语时养成良好的停顿习惯,可以慢慢培养一种英语逻辑思维,从而更容易接受英语,掌握英语,并运用好英语。 在一个句子里语法关系非常密切,不能再分割的单位,叫一个意群。意群可以是一个单词,也可以是一个词组,但是一个意群里至少有一个重读音节。每个意群中不能停顿,但意群之间可以作短暂的停顿。一个较长的句子,

27、一口气讲完有困难,或无法使对方明白自己的意思,通常会在每个句子成分后有一个停顿,如主语部分,谓语部分,宾语部分,状语部分,从句子等。Exercises划分意群并正确朗读下列句子。1. The sky is blue and the sun is bright. 2. Im just wondering where you got that stupid idea. 3. Hes the one who breaks my heart and plunges me into depression.4. The passage tells us that last week there was b

28、ad weather all the way from the East Coast to the West Coast.5. Last Sunday evening, most of my classmates went to Christmas party held by Mr. John.6. During the Spring Festival, as a rule, the Chinese people have a get-together or visit friends.7. The woman is sure that her son wont do all the things the man mentioned when he grows up.8. During summer when t

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