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1、高频语法训练21Believe it or not,last month in America I came across the girl whose photo was in the drift bottle I got three years ago.Really?Thats the most surprising _Ive ever heard of!Aidentification BcoincidenceCviewpoint Dprocedure答案Bidentification意为“身份证明,识别,鉴定”;coincidence意为“巧合,巧事”;viewpoint意为“观点,看法

2、”;procedure意为“程序,步骤”。根据语境可知这是一件最令人惊讶的“巧合的事”。2The rising house price and the high income tax rate have become the biggest _ of people in China today.Aconcern BinventionCdelight Dchoice答案Aconcern意为“关心的事”;invention意为“发明”;delight意为“高兴的事”;choice意为“选择。根据句意判断应选A。3His story of the accident does not make any

3、 _.He is telling a lie.Adifference BexcuseCsense Dpoint答案C根据后一句“他在撒谎”可知他讲述的故事没有意义。make no sense表示“没有意义,讲不通”。make no difference表示“没有作用,没有影响,都一样”,不合语意。4After a twohour discussion,they came up with a new _ to the study of physics.Ameans BwayCapproach Dmethod答案C四个选项在表示“方式,方法,手段”时只有approach后面搭配介词to。5Ther

4、e are more _ teachers than _ teachers in our school.Aman;woman Bwoman;menCman;women Dmen;women答案D考查名词作定语。名词作定语时一般用单数,但man和woman作定语修饰复数名词时,也应用复数形式men和women。6Youll find this map of great _ in helping you to get round London.Aprice Bcost Cvalue Dusefulness答案C句意:你会发现这张地图在帮助你游览伦敦时很有价值。考查“be of抽象名词”的结构。pr

5、ice“价格”;cost“价钱,成本”,不符合题意,value常与of搭配,在句中作表语或补语,意为“有用,有价值”,故选C。7Do you know the _ of the saying I just quoted?Asource BresourceCcourse Dcause答案A句意:你知道我刚才引用的那句谚语的出处吗?source“来源”;resource“资源”;course“进程,过程”;cause“原因”。8The shop at the street corner sells _ clothing.Achilds and womans Bchildren and womens

6、Cchildrens and women Dchildrens and womens答案D句意:商店出售儿童服装和妇女服装。不是两者共有之物,故选D。9The strenuous competition was going on in an exciting _ and won favorable applause at times.Aatmosphere BstateCpattern Dstyle答案A句意:比赛气氛紧张热烈,不时获得阵阵掌声。atmosphere“气氛”;state“州,声明,规定”;pattern“图案,式样”;style“风格,时尚”。10The present fin

7、ancial crisis has put the world economy in a difficult _.Aoccasion BcaseCbackground Dsituation答案D句意:目前的经济危机使世界的经济陷入困境。考查名词词义辨析。occasion“时机,场合”;case“情况”;background“背景”;situation“处境,位置”。根据句意选D。11Before the traffic _ turns to green light,dont cross the street.Amark Bsign Csignal Dremark答案C句意:交通信号灯变绿后再穿

8、过大街。考查名词词义辨析。此处signal意为“信号”。12Your grandfather is always full of _.Whats the secret?Playing Taiji every morning.Ataste BenergyCrelief Dcredit答案B句意:你爷爷总是精力充沛,秘诀是什么?每天早上打太极。考查名词词义辨析。taste“味道,鉴赏力”;energy“精力,活力”;relief“减轻,救济”;credit“信用,信誉”。根据句意选B。13David wont get losthe has a good _ of direction.Afeelin

9、g BideaCexperience Dsense答案D句意:大卫不会迷路的他有好的方向感。考查名词词义辨析。解题关键要掌握短语a good sense of direction的意思是“方向感”。14Before the Project Hope was carried out in this poor area,children here had no _ to education.Aaccess BassessCattitude Dattraction答案A句意:希望工程在这个贫困地区实施之前,这里的孩子们没机会接受教育。access机会或权利;assess评估;attitude态度;a

10、ttraction吸引(力),具有吸引力的事物(或人)。A项符合句意。15There is an obvious_between the cultures of the West and East.Acontent BcontrastCcontract Dcontact答案B句意:中西方文化之间有明显的差异。contrast差异;对比,对照;content内容;contract合同,合约,契约;contact联系,联络。16As a result of heavy snow,the highway has been closed up until further _.Anews Bknowle

11、dgeCnotice Dmessage答案C句意:由于大雪,高速公路已被封闭,何时开放另行通知。until further notice直到另行通知。notice通知,通话;news消息,新闻;knowledge知识;message口信。17There is no _ in trying to persuade him to join us,for he enjoys being alone.Adoubt BwonderCdifficulty Dpoint答案D句意:劝他加入我们的行列没有任何意义,因为他喜欢独处。没有There is no wonder句型,可以说“It is no wond

12、er that.”,意为不足为奇;“There is no doubt that.”意为:毫无疑问;“There is no difficulty in doing sth.”意为:做某事没困难。18John has great writing _,but he needs training to be a real writer.Apromotion BpossibilityCprivilege Dpotential答案D句意:约翰有巨大的写作潜能,但要成为一名真正的作家,他还需要训练。potential潜力,潜能;promotion晋级,促进,广告宣传,推销活动;possibility可能

13、性;privilege特权。19She is in a poor _ of health,which worries her mother a lot.Aposition BsituationCstate Dcondition答案Cposition位置,职位;situation位置,形势;state状态,in a good/poor state of.是固定词组,“处于状态”;condition条件。20The village is far away from here indeed.Its _ walk.Aa four hour Ba four hoursCa fourhours Da fo

14、ur hours答案D一次四个小时的旅程,hours本身是以s结尾的复数名词,其所有格是在右上角加上一个撇号。C项应该为a fourhour。21_ will make a trip around the world during the coming Christmas.AThe Smith BThe SmithsCSmithes DThe Smithes答案BThe Smiths表示史密斯一家人。22Scientists are not sure about the _ of water on Mars.Aoccupation BexistenceCdemand Dtreasure答案B火

15、星上水的存在(existence)。23The private school was closed down as a _ of its terribly bad management.Amatter BconsequenceCwhole Dtotal答案Bas a consequence of“作为的结果”。24When I took his temperature,I found it was two degrees above _.Aaverage BordinaryCcommon Dnormal答案Dnormal temperature是“正常温度”。above normal后面省略了

16、temperature,意为“比正常温度高。25The young man made a _ to his parents that he would try to earn his own living after graduation.Aprediction BpromiseCplan Dcontribution答案B句意:年轻人向他的父母许下诺言:毕业后要努力自谋生计。prediction“预言,预测”;promise“诺言,保证”;plan“计划,打算”;contribution“贡献”。由句意可知B项正确。26To save some of the human languages b

17、efore they are forgotten,the students in our school started a discussion“Save Our _”ASky BLife CArts DVoices答案D句意:为了拯救那些将被遗忘的人类语言,我校学生开展了题为“拯救我们的声音”的大讨论。本题考查名词辨析。人类语言首先是声音形式的口头语言,然后才有文字形式的书面语言。sky“天空”;life“生命,生活”;arts“艺术”。27I bought a dress for only 10 dollars in a sale;it was a real _.Aexchange Bba

18、rgainCtrade Dbusiness答案B句意:我只花了10美元就买了一套裙子,真划算。exchange“互换”;bargain“便宜货,廉价货”;trade“贸易”;business“生意”。结合考题前面给出的信息“只花了10美元”,言外之意花钱不多。28Although weibo has many advantages,it cant satisfy peoples _ for indepth analysis of new events,because of the 140character limit.Arequirements BrequestsCdemands Dappli

19、cations答案C考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管微博有着许多优点,但是由于140字的限制,它无法满足人们对深入分析新事物的需求。requirement“要求,需求,必要条件”;request“要求,请求”;demand“要求,需要,需求”;application“要求,申请,运用”。satisfy ones demand for sth是固定用法,表示“满足对的需求”。29Instead of avoiding the hurricane the film crew took a _ and shot the scenes of a real storm.Aseat BchanceCpictu

20、re Dvictory答案B考查名词词义辨析。句意:摄制组没有躲避这次风暴,而是很好地利用了这个机会,拍摄真实的风暴场景。take a chance“冒险,碰运气”;take a seat“坐下”;take a picture“照相”;take a victory“取得胜利”。30The couple put an advertisement in the local paper that their watch dog was missing and offered a _ for his return.Aexpense BawardCreward Dreason答案C考查名词词义辨析。句意

21、:夫妻俩在当地报纸上刊登一则广告,说他们的看家狗丢了,送回来者将会得到酬谢。reward“报酬,酬谢,赏金”;expense“消费,支出”;award“奖,奖品,授予”;reason“理由,原因,理智”。31How long will you stay there?For _.Aone and two days Bone and two dayCone or two days Da day or two答案Da day or two为习惯说法,意为“一两天”。32What can I do for you?Id like to take _ these tomatoes.Atwo dozen

22、of Btwo dozenCtwo dozens Dtwo dozens of答案Adozen(一打;十二)和score(二十)前面有基数词时,dozen和score不能用复数形式,后面通常不能接of。如:two dozen eggs。但当名词前有the,those,these时,则必须加上of。33Hawking became worldfamous in _.Ahis thirties in the 1970sBthe thirties in his 1970Chis 30s in 1970sDthe thirties during the 1970答案Ain ones thirties“

23、在某人三十多岁时”,in/during the 1970s “在二十世纪七十年代”。34If you want to change the red coat for a green one,you should give me _.Afifteen another dollarsBfifteen more dollarCanother fifteen dollarsDdollars fifteen more答案C考查数词的用法。表示“数量的增加”要用“数词more名词”或“another数词名词”。B项中的dollar后加上s也正确。35Many students signed up for

24、the _ race in the sports meeting to be held next week.A800metrelong B800metreslongC800metrelongth D800 metres length答案Arace是名词,所以前面可用合成形容词800metrelong修饰。合成形容词的构成是:基数词度量词(单数)形容词。如:eightyearold,threemetrehigh。36_people in the world are sending information by email every day.ASeveral million BMany mill

25、ionsCSeveral millions DMany million答案Ahundred,thousand,million,billion表示具体数目时,不用复数形式。37The hero of the film is a professor in his _.Athirties BthirtiethCthirty Dthirtys答案Ain his thirties是词组,表示年龄。38We can go there on foot.It is only _ walk.Atwenty minute Btwenty minutesCa twentyminute Dtwenty minutes

26、 of答案Ctwentyminute相当于形容词。39Most lions are 9.5 feet or less in length,including the _tail.Athree feet BthreefeetCthree foot Dthreefoot答案D名词tail前缺少定语,three与foot构成复合形容词作定语时,foot要用单数形式。40Americans eat _ vegetables per person today as they did in 1910.Amore than twice Bas twice as manyCtwice as many as D

27、more than twice as many答案D在表示倍数时,应该先使用表示倍数的数词,然后再使用句式结构,因为该句后面已经有as,所以选D。41People like taking photos because photos are the _ of youth and history and can remind us of many happy scenes.Awitness BguidanceCevidence Dapproval答案A句意:人们喜欢照相是因为相片是青春和历史的见证,并且还能让我们想起很多快乐的场景。witness“目击,见证”,符合题意。guidance“指导,引

28、导”;evidence“证据”;approval“批准,同意”。42Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health.It may also be good for _ building.Arespect BfriendshipCreputation Dcharacter答案D句意:独自徒步旅行很有意思,对健康也有好处。它可能还对性格的培养有好处。character“性格”。respect“尊敬”;friendship“友谊”;reputation“名声”。43With the prices going up every day,300 yuan

29、 a month can hardly cover his _ of living.Astandards BcostsCprices Dsalaries答案B句意:随着物价持续上涨,一个月300元很难维持他的生活开支。cost“费用,花费”,符合题意。standard“标准”;price“价格”;salary“薪水”。44Everyone present at the meeting agreed to stick to the _ that everyone should be treated fairly.Apurpose BambitionCprinciple Dlevel答案C句意:每个出席会议的人都同意坚持人人平等的原则。principle“原则”,符合题意。purpose“目的”;ambition“野心,抱负”;level“水平”。45I havent seen Sara since she was a little girl,and

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