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本文(EthernetIP和第三方设备通讯.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、EthernetIP和第三方设备通讯利用 Ethernet/IP 网络和第三方设备通讯第一部分 Ethernet/IP 的介绍1、 Ethernet/IP 的基本概念2、工业用以太网分类3、 EtherNET/IP 的产品种类第二部分利用 Ethernet/IP 和康奈视读码器通信 1、 康奈视的二维读码器 MD200 使用 Ethenet/IP 时进行的设置 2、建立 CPU 的 IP 地址和网络的路由表3、启动 -Network configurator 软件并设置第一部分 Ethernet/IP 的介绍1 、 Ethernet/IP 的基本概念目前,工业自动化控制系统逐渐向网络化发展,大

2、量的信息处理需求也对 网络的信息传输速度有很高的要求,然而现有的网络结构比较分散,系统复杂。 更多的是系统细分成了独立的控制孤岛。 没有一个统一的网络标准使得用户对驱 动器和用户接口的需求越来越多。从传感器到主控制器 ,数据的传输必须经过不同的 CPU 和驱动软件 ,其结果是传输速度低 ,缺乏透明度 ,软件和维护费用高。在 所有的网络技术中 ,以太网技术是至今最理想的选择 ,TCP/IP 以太网已经成为事 实上的标准网络 ,将标准 TCP/IP 以太网延伸到工业实时控制并和通用工业协议 (CIP)的结合,将很好地帮助用户获得更加开放集成的工业自动化和信息化的整体 解决方案。 EtherNet/

3、IP 就是为实现这一目的的标准工业以太网技术。Ethernet/IP 是一个面向工业自动化应用 的工业应用层协议。它建立在标 准 是 由 ODVA(OpenDeviceNet VendorsAssociation) 和 ControlNet International 所推出的一种与 TCP/IP 以太网相结合的工业以太网标准在保证实时通讯的同时井与Internets准协议并存Fth电快曲1 P是在EthemetRS用层里思加3EM同筋的IftlftTi产用的闻崩2、工业用 Ethernet Switching Hub工业用Ethernet Switching HubJPort Switch5

4、 Port Switch6Port SwitchW 2&IIHI * H mhiiii K 0 firSmrnVf ilfrrim X H return D ArKnm AiJ MlJjMlUMX屮串 fiiC.WXSJt)-flEMUnn福衲(Lsisrtt. wuwtt) F“ IM异蓿g f * p- * k ori Tginst FlpUndurtT Pretorok _7 Enabled Corned to Poedr* fl Rfrs uRs Dtspls+ 二 Jgh and Camera Settings十 P Symbloqy S*-tting-Dataal dstoni J

5、 Dor Form(?in.3g Conmumaton S&lingsf : fJcn-Frinting C-haracters 匚uturn CciiiirriBitd誉 Sdtihgst - System FJpTicS ProL&i Mcnitor在线后使用Network Configurator 软件上载功能可以读到 CJ1W-EIP21 IP:,DM200 IP:、建立CPU的IP地址和网络的路由表手动配置如下:TUE*IPilIf CJEH-CFUEa-Eir 丸-ii WHU/WA:I&IUJ CjLfr EIK1 (Bull

6、le EUimrR詔 IP PnU Sr 理 J 1岸完 0)7【KWE茹内碼柿 .啊血刚井 4b EClUOdl亠 7 (oooo J岂(UUUllJ主机果I 机和I 砧(HTCT/EF古可 | FlbyiT F r TH/TTf FJErr:4U*觑乩丁曲EMttkSZ5S翰小31*I!-ia)I 1 g厂、-眶 DEf區恳岡罚皤哉I 圃陋* :耐IJC衷示节点弓,亞求和 EK根块的节点弓一致-叭囲寸FT花下个单讦童自i咗査裁艮吐書财自眈翳在,拱帥需 至true |IU4氐倒虫曲&| 出应rts:全4 3BSfl5r全o(4.轴乩)WBb. W&n凹It认億丄住I Sfruci cj2K爲

7、钱 *数据梵型PC砂表和单无検置-设备若薪 新 FLC1I I I I I I I ri t I II : I I 1 : ; : T|lHLEJTcjH-网卷強3-nwNa/irQ 厂蟲示屛 -辻釋3 .=1谟疋RffiT 取消网貉设晝Etheilet/IP稠 飓有 | 希助点击确定电脑的IP设置如下:畑 卓MT间:)数据包诒详屈性钞J可区庠權时仲用 IntiLCRi SESTTLfl tin0 rhisi tfw+RT Driver 1胡 HetirDirk Mocti Lr JtriTEr TThiteniil 协股 dCF/mDM200:l .Status.TrdinMatchStri

8、ngAck0DecimalBOOLMyDMZOQt 1JS Hlui T rainFocusAck0DecimalBOOLM5jDM20D:I .Stus.TrdinBrightnessAck0DecimalBOOLMyDM 200; I.St atus. U ntrairiAck0DecimalBOOLMyDM 20D; 1. S 制u$, E xecuteD mccAckDDecimalBOOLMyDM200;I.Slatu$.SetMatchSbingAck0DecimalBOOL+ MyDM 200:1 Slatus.TpiggerlD0D ecimalINT+ M y DM 2CX)

9、: 1. S tatus, R esultl D0DecimalINT+ My DM 200: 1. S Wus. R esultCade0DecimalINT+ My D H 200:1.S(戢曲 R esultE xtended0DecimalINT+ MjDM 200:1. S latus. R esultL&r)gtli0DecimalINT+MvDM200:I.ResultDataASCIISINTI484 TriggerReady: Indicates when the CatMan reader can accept a new trigger. This tag is True

10、 when the Control tag TriggerEnable has been set and the sensor is not currently acquiring an image. TriygerAck: Indicates when the DataMan reader has been triggered (i.e. the Control tag Trigger1 has been set to True). This tag will stay set until the Trigger tag is cleared.-Acquiring: Indicates wh

11、en the DataMan reader is currently acquiring an image; either by setting the Trigger bit or by an external trigger.-MissedAcq: Indicates when the DataMan reader misses an acquisition trigger: cleared when the next successful acquisition occurs.-Decoding: Indicates when the DataMan reader is decoding

12、 an acquired image.DecodeCompleted: Tag value is toggled (1 今0 or 0-1) on the completion of a deResultsBufferOverrun: Indicates when thE DataMan reader has discardeU a set decode results because the results queue is full Cleared when the next set of res successfully queued.ResultsAvaliable: Indicate

13、s when a set of decode results are available (i.e. the R Resultcode, ResultLength and ResultsData tags contain vallid data).GeneralFault Indicates when a fault has occurred (i.e. Soft eve nt KSetMatchStrin ExecuteDMCC error has occurred).TrainCodeAck: Indicates that the soft event TrainCode has comp

14、leted.TrainMatchStringAck: Indicates that the soft event TrainMatchString1 has oomplTrainFocusAck: Indicates that the soft event L7rainFocus11 has completed.Train Bright n 色合宫 Ack: Indicates that the soft event Train Brightness11 has complehUnTrainAck: Indicates that the soft event UnTrairf has comp

15、leted.ExecuteDmccAck: Indicates that the soft event1 ExecuteDMCC has completed.SetMatchStringAck: Indicates that the soft event SetMatchString has complete*TriggerlD: Value of the next trigger to be issued. Used to match triggers issued w corresponding result data received later.ResultID: The value

16、of TriggerlD when the trigger that generated these results ws issued. Used to match TriggerllDs with result data.ResultCodie: Indicates succes&Zfailure of this set of results.Bit 0 仁read 0=noreadBit 1 J-validated 0=not validated (or validation not in use)Bit 2 ,1-verified 0=not verified (or verifica

17、tion not in use)Bit 3 ,1=acquisition trigger overrunBit 4 ,1=acquisition buffer overflow (not the same as result buffer overflow). Bits 5-15 reserved (future use)ResultExtended: Currently unused.ResultLength: Number of bytes of result data contained in the ResultData tag.ResultData: Decode result da

18、taA description of the Control tag group follows. This is the data sent from the ControlLogix to the readerLNameValue * |StyleData Type-MyOMZOdOCC:DfltaMan.,-MyDM 200:0-ControlCCDataMan.M jjDM 200:0. Control. I riggerE nble0DecimalBOOLM5JDM 200:0. Control. Trigger0DecimalBOOLMyD M 200: D. Control. R tsuKsB ufferE nable0DecimalBOOLMyD M 200:0. Control. R tsuKsAck0DecimalBOOLMyDM200tD. Control T tairCode0DecimalBOOLM5O M200:0. Control. T rainM atchS tringQDecimalBOOLMyDM 200t 0- CotibaLT rainFocus0DecimalBOOLMyDM 200:0 Control. T rainB rightness0DecimalBODLMy D M 200: D. Control

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