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人教PEP版英语三下《Unit 3 At the zoo》word导学案.docx

1、人教PEP版英语三下Unit 3 At the zooword导学案Unit 3 At the zoo Period One教案 Teaching aims(教学目标)1、初步掌握表示高矮、胖等的单词 tall, short, fat, cute, long。2、在正确听、说、认读的同时能用这几个单词来简单描述某物的特征。Language points(语言点)要求掌握以下句式:Look at that giraffe. Look at that .Its so tall. Its so .Difficulties(难点):听、说、认读几个形容词tall, short, fat, cute,

2、long。Teaching steps(教学步骤)1. Warm greetings to the students2. Revision(复习)播放 “Hide and Seek” 的歌曲录音,师生边唱边做动作。利用字母卡片复习26个英文字母。用升、降两种语调读字母,注意每个字母的发音做到准确到位。3. Presentation(呈现新知识)大屏幕出示主情景图,根据图中动物的名称和学生对动物的特征进行提问What animals can you see? 回答为We can see .,激活学生已有的相关知识与生活经历,引出本单元话题。接着大屏幕出示giraffe图片,说Look at th

3、at giraffe. Its so tall. 用panda图片与giraffe图片对比,教句子Its so tall. Its short and fat.4. Lets talk播放录音,引导学生回答问题:Who is tall? Who is short and fat? 然后让学生打开课本,解释语言点:Wow!表示惊叹,Ha!表示好笑。培养学生热爱动物、保护动物的意识。学生跟着录音朗读对话,然后进行角色扮演。5. Draw and say组织学生画出自己喜欢的动物,然后请几个学生上台展示并介绍:Look at my .Its so .并适当引导学生综合运用It likes .Its

4、from .等学过的句子之后再组织两人小组活动。6. 扩展性活动让学生说说有关动物类的单词,如:panda, kangaroo, duck, cat, dog, giraffe, elephant, monkey, mouse, rabbit, tiger 。随后,让学生用所学知识形容动物。如:The giraffe is very tall. The elephant has a long nose. 还可以告诉学生,颜色词也是在形容事物,鼓励学生将一种事物的样子和颜色都说说,如:The panda has two black eyes.7. Homework熟读课本句子,识记所学单词。板书

5、设计:Unit 3 At the zooNew words :tall short fat cute longSentenceLook at that giraffe. Look at that .Its so tall. Its so .Period One学案【学习目标】1 学习表示高矮、胖等的单词 tall, short, fat, cute, long。2 学会用形容词来简单描述某物的特征。【学习重难点】:理解掌握形容词tall, short, fat, cute, long并在实际情境中运用。【学习过程】:一、复习检测你知道哪些动物的单词,写一写。二、自主学习 1、独自把单词和句子读

6、几遍,直到会读为止。要准确发音哟!2、划出你认为重要的词组和句型,圈出不认识的单词,可以先小组内交流,组内不能解决的问题,找其他小组或老师来帮助解决。3、大展示:小组内一人描述一种动物特征,其他同学画出这种动物,最后展示。1、根据图片写出下列单词 2、单项选择( ) 1、-Lets go to the zoo! -_!A. Great B. No C. Please, dont( ) 2、-What is it? -Its a _.A. deer B. duck C. monkey( ) 3、-Do you like the _? -Yes! A. cow B. giraffe C. pand

7、a3、学习反思通过本节课的学习我最大的收获是: 感到自己有待加强的是: 答案:1、根据图片写出下列单词 bear panda giraffe cat2、单项选择 1. A 2. C 3. CPeriod One同步练习一、根据提示选出这是什么动物。rabbit, panda, elephant, monkey,1. This animal has a long nose and big ears. What is it?_2. This animal has long tail. What is it?_3. This animal has small eyes. What is it?_4.

8、 This animal has red eyes and four short legs. What is it?_二、圈出每组中不同种类的单词。1. A. pig B. elephant C. bear D. short2. A. thin B. tall C. father D. fat3. A. green B. good C. red D. blue4. A. leg B. tail C. mouth D. dog5. A. bear B. cat C. panda D. so三、根据要求画图画。a. the red sun b. white clouds c. green gras

9、s d. blue sky e. a tall tree答案:一、1. elephant 2. monkey 3. panda 4.rabbit二、1. D 2. C 3. B 4. D 5.D三、Unit 3 At the zoo Period Two教案Teaching aims(教学目标)1 学生能够听说,认读图片中所学的形容词。2 强化听说、认读技能的培养,并复习句型Look at that . Its so .。Language points(语言点)要求掌握以下句式:Look at that giraffe. Look at that .Its so tall. Its so .D

10、ifficulties(难点):在情景中运用tall, short, fat, thin。Teaching steps(教学步骤)1. Warm greetings to the students2. Revision(复习)出示动物图片,引导学生说出动物的特征,复习单词fat, tall,和short, 并引出生词thin。3. Act and guess(游戏)教师请一名学生上台,悄悄对他说单词fat, tall, short或thin,该学生做动作,其他学生猜。4. Lets learn大屏幕出示图片,继续学习句型Look at that .Its so .5. Lets do歌谣内容比

11、较简单,主要复习四个描述性形容词。出示四张形容词图片,播放录音,让学生根据歌谣排列图片的顺序,然后再出示四张单词卡片,学生以小组形式讨论,配对单词卡片与图片,请四名学生上台完成配对。6. 扩展性活动教师组织学生做击鼓传花的游戏。学生听音乐传花,当音乐停止时, 手中拿到花的学生则抽取问题,问题的内容为:形容某某人或某某小动物。回答问题的同学用Look at It has Its so 或 Look at He/She has He/She is so 的句子来表述。7. Homework写几句话形容你的同桌。板书设计:Unit 3 At the zooNew words :tall short

12、fat thin SentenceLook at that giraffe. Look at that .Its so tall. Its so .Look at It has Its so Look at He/She has He/She is soPeriod Two学案【学习目标】1 学会听说,认读图片中所学的形容词。2 会用句型Look at that . Its so .描述动物特征。【学习重难点】在情景中运用tall, short, fat, thin。【学习过程】:一、复习检测连词成句,并将其译成汉语。1. giraffe/at/look/that/英文句子:_汉语意思:_2.

13、 so/its/tall/!英文句子:_汉语意思:_3.and/short/fat/its/!英文句子:_汉语意思:_二、自主学习 1、独自把四个形容词读几遍,直到会读为止。2、组内根据图片编写对话练习,然后展示。3、组内练习说lets do内容,熟读以后组内边读边做动作。一、根据图片选择正确答案This tree is tall.( )100米Look at the trees.That tree is short.( )This monkey is thin.( )Look at the monkeys.That monkey is fat.( )二、根据图片在括号中打对勾( )1. It

14、 has a long tail.( )2. It has a long nose.( )3. It has small eyes.( )4. It has big ears.( )5. Its so small.学习反思:通过本节课的学习我最大的收获是: 感到自己有待加强的是: 答案:一、复习检测连词成句,并将其译成汉语。1. 英文句子:Look at that giraffe. 汉语意思:看那头长颈鹿。2. 英文句子:Its so tall! 汉语意思:它真高啊!3. 英文句子:Its short and fat! 汉语意思:它又矮又胖!一、根据图片选择正确答案This tree is t

15、all.( )100米Look at the trees.That tree is short.( )This monkey is thin.( )Look at the monkeys.That monkey is fat.( )二、根据图片在括号中打对勾( )1. It has a long tail.( )2. It has a long nose.( )3. It has small eyes.( )4. It has big ears.( )5. Its so small.Period Two同步练习一、仿照例子完成各题。例:monkey A monkey has a long ta

16、il .1. _ _2. _ _3. _ _二、找单词。d a k n o o l z e mu t i g e r i e w om i z g r a o b i ne l e p h a n t g ki r b g i r a f f eg s r e s n a k e yn p a n d a s s p am p n m e y m u a ts p t b i f k a w ox e t e q a p l y s三、选出正确的答案。( ) 1. Where does a fish live?A. In a forest. B. In a tree. C. In a rive

17、r. D. In a hole.( ) 2. Can a giraffe swim?A. No, fish swim. B. Yes, it can. C. No, a panda has. D. No, the lion big.( ) 3. Is the elephant small?A. Yes, the elephant small. B. No, fish swim. C. No, a rabbit has long ears. D. No, the elephant is big.( ) 4. This animal has small eyes and four short le

18、gs. What is it?A. Panda. B. Giraffe. C. Monkey. D. Horse.( ) 5. This animal has a long tail and short ears. What is it?A. Dog. B. Camel. C. Panda. D. Monkey.Unit 3 At the zooPeriod Three教案Teaching aims(教学目标)1 通过分类培养学生的语音意识。2 通过描红单词掌握单词书写。Language points(语言点)要求掌握字母i在单词中的发音。Difficulties(难点):通过含有字母i在单词

19、中的发音,总结出i在单词中的发音规律。 Teaching steps(教学步骤)1. Warm greetings to the students2. Revision(复习)让学生根据动物的图片或个人情况,简单形容某人、某物的样子。3. Game(游戏)请说出与我动作不同的单词。教师做动作,要求学生说出与教师所做动作不同的单词。如:教师做tall的动作,学生说:short 。4. Lets spellListen, repeat and chant.大屏幕出示big, pig, six, milk四个单词及其图片,让学生读出单词,并找一找这四个单词的共同点,鼓励学生通过观察体验自己和总结规律

20、。然后播放录音,让学生进一步熟悉字母i的发音并跟着录音拼读单词。最后引导学生观察这四个单词的拼写。Read and listen引导学生通过拼读各个因素读出单词,如/p/-/i/-/g/,pig。播放录音,要求学生圈出听到的单词。Listen and write播放录音,让学生听着录音描红单词。5. 扩展性活动想一想写一写以前所学过的含有字母i对的单词,并展示给大家。6. Homework熟读本课单词,并把自己总结的发音规律牢记。板书设计:Unit 3 At the zoobig, pig, six, milk/p/-/i/-/g/,pigPeriod Three学案【学习目标】1 学会字母i

21、在单词中的读音。2 学会按照描红的顺序写单词。【学习重难点】字母i在单词中的发音,i在单词中的发音规律。【学习过程】一、复习检测根据图片,填写正确的形容词。1. I have _ arms and _legs.2. I have _nose and _eyes.3. I have _ ears and _ feet.二、自主学习 1、听录音,跟读单词。然后把四个单词读几遍,直到会读为止。2、组内熟读四组中的八个单词,总结字母i在单词中的发音。3、听录音,描红并写会这四个单词。一、写出反义词。1. long 2. small 3.tall 4. thin 二、看图,选词填空,将序号填在横线上。A

22、. tall B. long C. short D. big E. small1. The watermelon is . The car is .2. Dad, You are . Im short.3. The pen is . The crayon is .学习反思:通过本节课的学习我最大的收获是: 感到自己有待加强的是: 答案:一、复习检测1. short long 2. long small 3. small big一、写出反义词。1.short 2. big 3.short 4. fat二、看图,选词填空,将序号填在横线上。A. tall B. long C. short D. b

23、ig E. smallPeriod Three同步练习一、看图,选词填空,将序号填在横线上。 A. tall B. long C. short D. big E. small1. The watermelon is . The car is .2. Dad, You are . Im short.3. The pen is . The crayon is .二、选择。1.Look _the giraffe. A at B am C it D. on2. I _ big eyes and small _. A have; ear B have; ears C has ;ears D has; e

24、ar3.It _ a long _. A have;tail B has;tail C have; tails D has;tails4.- Brother,youre tall and I am short. - _. A Sorry B Youre right C Here you are D. Thats all5.-Lets go to the zoo. -_.A Great B Yes,I am C Here you are D. No, its short.三、根据要求写单词。1. What animals name starts with “g”?_ _2. What anima

25、ls name starts with “p”?_3. What animals name starts with “b”?_4. What animals name starts with “e”?_ 答案:一、看图,选词填空,将序号填在横线上。1. D E 2.A 3. B C二、选择。1. A 2.B 3. B 4. B 5. A三、根据要求写单词。1. Giraffes name starts with “g”.2. Pandas name starts with “p”.3. Bears name starts with “b”.4. Elephants name starts wi

26、th “e”.Unit 3 At the zoo Period Four教案Teaching aims(教学目标)1 要求学生能够理解对话大意,能够用正确的语音语调朗读对话。2 能够在语境中区分和运用“It has a +形容词+单数身体部位”和“It has +形容词+复数身体部位”的句型。Language points(语言点)要求学习掌握对话的语音语调。Difficulties(难点):“It has a +形容词+单数身体部位”“It has +形容词+复数身体部位” Teaching steps(教学步骤)1. Warm greetings to the students2. Rev

27、ision(复习)自我介绍,教师示范或出示自己的照片,然后组织两人互相介绍。用Hello, my name is.Look at me. I have two eyes and two ears. I have a nose and a mouth. I have two arms, two hands and two legs.引导学生把已有的知识迁移到谈论动物特征。3. Presentation(呈现新知识)大屏幕出示大象图片,教单词long, short, big, small, tail。然后用大象图片和学过的句型Its so引导学生说出新句型It has,并提醒学生区分运用单数名词和

28、复数名词。4. Lets talk大屏幕出示Lets talk图片,引导学生分组用句型It has描述动物的特征,说对一句得一分,看哪个组说的又多又准。用到的句型:Look at the . It has . It has .。然后学生打开书本跟录音朗读对话。最后让学生根据Lets talk情景图片改变对话,四人小组进行表演。5. Make a monster教师讲清楚活动规则,并与一名学生示范活动过程。两人小组活动,桌面上放着很多动物身体部位图片,学生A用It has说三、四句话,描述想象中怪物的模样,学生B根据A的话用拼图的方式拼凑出一只怪物,然后一起描述出其特征。6.扩展性活动让同学们从家中带来自己喜欢的动物玩具,运用学过的句子,把他们介绍给同学们。7. Homework写几句描述自己家人的句子并展示给大家。板书设计:Unit 3 At the zoolong, short, big, small, tailIt has a +形容词+单数身体部位 It has a long nose.It has +形容词+复数身体部位 It has short legs.Period Four学案【学习目标】1理解对话大意,用正确的语音语调朗读对话。2区分和运用“It has a +形容词+单数

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