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1、人教版七年级英语下册第二单元复习学案 人教版2018七年级英语下册第二单元复习学案人教版2018七年级英语下册第二单元复习学案Unit 2 heres the pst ffie ?Setin ATeaherswrds : A friend in need is a friend indeed.Language ais:知识目标:1.rds:pst,ffie,restaurant,library,superarket,bank,park,pay,street,enter,ail,near,bridge,arss,between,frnt,behind,exuse,straight,turn,le

2、ft,right,dwn2. Phrases: pst ffie, arss fr, Exuse e, In frnt f, next t,turn left,turn right, take a taxi3. Iprtant sentenes:-Is there a superarket? -yes, there is./N, there isnt.-heres the park? -Its n enter Street.-heres the htel? -Its arss fr the bank.-heres the pay phne? -Its next t the pst ffie.-

3、heres the library? -Its between the restaurant and the superarket.能力目标:Ask fr and give diretin n the street情感目标:学会如何询问路径,通过学习中的方位词正确表达自己的意思。培养学生在陌生环境下能独立生存的能力。教学重点:掌握重点词汇、短语和句型教学难点: 用here + be(is/are) + the 句型询问地点(场所);灵活掌握指示方向的句型。学习过程:(1) Leading教师根据Setin A1a 图片内容绘制一幅类似的图片,也可根据学校所在城市绘制图片,图片上标注主要建筑物和

4、街道的名称。人教版七年级英语下册第二单元学案 - Frank - 楼德人博客T:Lk at the ap . yu are standing in the ftprints (脚印), sene es t yu and asks the way. an yu answer his questins?( ) 1 . hih street r rad a I standing n nw?A. New Street. B. arket Street. . East Rad. D. N Answers.( ) 2. Hw d I get t the library?A.G alng Nrth Rad

5、and then turn left int est Rad. Then yu an see the library n yur right.B. G alng Nrth Rad and take the send turning n the left, and then turn right. Nw yu an see the library n the left. G alng arket street and then turn left int Ferry street. And nw yu an see the library.D. G alng Nrth Rad and take

6、the third turning n the left. and then turn right int River Street. Nw yu an see the library n yur right.( ) 3. hih is the shrtest way fr e t get t the Ferry?A. arket Street Ferry Street.B. East Rad Ferry Street. arket Street Little Street. Nrth Rad. Ferry Street.D. East Rad High Street arket Street

7、 Ferry Street.( ) 4. hih rad shuld I take t g t the swiing pl?A. ld Street.B. East Rad. . arket Street.D. Nrth R教师给学生留五分钟时间做完上面四道题,然后订正答案,但是不细讲原因。(2)知识讲解a. Listening.T:通过做题我们看出询问地点以及正确的指示方向在我们的日常生活中经常碰到,那么如何正确的表达呢,今天这节课我们将会作主要讲解。首先,听录音,做Setin A1b 部分和 2b部分。之后老师订正答案。b.知识点汇总和讲解here is .?是本单元讲的重点句型。这个句型

8、是口语中最常用的句型之一。它可以用单数形式,也可以用复数形式。可以问人也可以问物。例如:问物:单数形式:here is the pen?那支钢笔哪去了?here is y bike?我的自行车哪儿去了?复数形式:here are the keys? 那些钥匙哪去了?here are thse ars? 那些小汽车呢?问人:单数形式:here is iss u?吴老师呢?here is yur ther?你妈妈哪去了?复数形式:here are the students f lass ne? 一班的学生哪去了?here are they?他们在哪儿?在本课中, here is the ?表示某地

9、方在哪儿?用询问地方,也可以使用Is there ?询问时可加Exuse e.以表示客气,有礼貌。回答时可根据具体情况回答。例如:Exuse is the pst ffie? 请问,邮局在什么地方?here is the statin?车站在什么地方?Is there a fruit shp near here?附近有水果店吗?指示方向的句型主要有以下几种:Its n enter Street.Its arss fr the bank.Its next t the pst ffie.Its between the restaurant and the superarket.Its

10、 in frnt f the pst ffie.Its behind the library.注意:arss表示的是从某物的一边到另一边;横过.arss fr 在.的对面;在.对过in frnt f 在物体外面的前面. Pairwrk根据上面的句型组织对话,小组内互相练习,并上讲台表演。教师加以点评和指点。d. 自主探究教师:除了以上我们学到的关于询问地点和指示方向的句型外,还有哪些句型呢?请翻到课P9-3a 部分,仔细阅读,找出中询问地点和指示方向的句子。并做完3b 题目。三分钟后教师订正答案。Is there a htel in the neighbrhd?G straight and t

11、urn left.Its dwn Bridge Street n the right.4. 习题检测.单项选择1.Is there a fruit shp _ the neighbrhd?yes,its _ enter Street_ the right.A. n;n;it B. in;n;in . n;dwn;t D. in;dwn;n2.Thank yu very uh. _ .A. N,thanks B. N,yure wele. yure wele D. Dnt thank e3.They take a walk _ the park every day.A. arss B. thru

12、gh .past D. pass4. It is a sall huse_ a sall garden.A. has B. t . with D. have5.Is there a bike in the superarket? _.A. yes,it is B. N,it isnt . yes,there isnt D. yes,there is6.y best friend sits next_ e.A. t B. n . in D. beside7. ust _ straight and turn right.A.ging B. g . t g D. ges2. 组句子a. there,

13、 is, a, next, pay, library, phne, t, the_?b. vide, there, a, and, arade, between, the, is, superarket, the pst ffie._. Green, it, dwn, is, Street, the, n, left_?d. where, are, yu, live, any, beautiful, near, there, parks_?e. the, an, garden, interesting, fr, arss, street, is_.5. 典型例题讲解第1小题:答案:D 此题考查

14、介词的用法。in the neighbrhd“在附近”,用介词in。可排除选项A、。此题的答案为“沿着中心大街在右边”,故用介词dwn,“在右边”用介词n。故选 D。第3小题: 答案:B arss和thrugh两个介词都有“穿过”之意,用法不同。arss和n有关,表示动作在某一物体的表面进行,表示“横穿/跨”。thrugh的含义与in有关,表示动作在某物体所在的空间内进行。本题有一定的空间概念,故用thrugh。第7小题:本题主要考察祈使句的用法,祈使句是用表示请求、命令、劝告或建议等语气的句子。它的主语多是yu(通常不说出)。其中一种是以行为动词开头的。6.中考链接1. He said he wuld e (在之间) 5 lk and 6 lk.

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