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1、高级词汇替换普通词汇高分词汇According to me / I thinkI believeIn my personal sense, for my part /to my mind/ to the best knowledge of meAffect / stopHinderfromageeraAimobjectiveAndCoupled with/ as well asand so onand the likeAppearmushroom / spring up /ariseApplyto.put into practiceAskConsult / enquireAspectSpher

2、e/respectAttachencloseAttractTempt/appeal toAudienceviewersBasisfoundationbe able tobe capable of/ be in a position tobe good atbe expert at /be skillful at/ excel inbe helpfulbe of helpbe importantbe of importance/significancecome nearbe around the cornerbe obviousit goes without saying thatbe risi

3、ngbe on the risebe sure tobe bound tobe surprised atbe shocked /amazed atbe uselessbe of no use/ be in vainbear/shoulder/ be loaded withbecause ofthanks to / as a result of/ on the grounds ofbecome fashionablecome into a fashionbecome happycheer up/ be in high spiritsbeforeoriginallybuyaffordby ones

4、elfall alone/ on ones owncarefulattentive / cautiouscause v.contribute to / render/ promptchangeshift / fluctuate / swingchange withvary fromtocheatingdeceptionchoosefrommake an alternative toclearevident / self-evident/apparentcome fromStem / derive from/ arise from / originate fromcome outcome for

5、thcomplainplace a complaint against sthconsiderTakeinto account /figure out / give thought toconsider importantattach significance tocontinuego aheadcontrolbring under controlcooperatejoin hands indecide ondeterminedeepprofounddepend onrest upondepend on oneselflive on ones owndevelopcultivate / bui

6、ld updifficultyhardship /barrier/obstaclediligentindustriousdogo in for / carry outdo good tobe beneficial to/ in favor ofdropdeclineeat lessgo on a dietemphasizeattach emphasis toenabletofacilitateencouragemotivate / stimulateendangerjeopardizeenforcestrengthenengage inmajor inEnjoybe crazy aboutEn

7、largebroadenEnoughadequateevaluatespeak highly ofExplainaccount for/ give an account ofFacebe faced with / stand up toFailurefrustrationFamePrestige/reputationFamousProminent /distinguished outstandingFamous peoplePersonalities/ celebritiesFeelingpassion /Findlocatefind outsort outFinishaccomplishFi

8、relay offfocus oncenter onFor this purpose/ for the purpose ofTo this end/ to the end of /with the intention offor examplea good case in point / Take sth for instanceForeverpermanentlyFutureprospectiveGetacquire / regainget rid ofeliminateGivegrant / issuegive / supplyprovide withgive attention togi

9、ve priority toGlobaluniversalgo onbring forwardgoalidealGoodbeneficialgood studentstop studentsGoodsnecessitiesGreatenormous/ dramatic/prime/utmostGreatlyoverwhelmingly/ predominantly/substantiallygreetingsregardsGrowflourishhappinesswell-being /welfareHavePossess/harborHave a relationship withbe on

10、 good terms withHope tolook forward tohope to do eager to so sth./ long to do sth.hopefulpromisingIgnoreNeglect/pay no attention toIllnessdiseaseimportantessential / vital/ significantimproveenhance / boost / upgradeimprovementadvancesin groupsin twos and threesincludemake up/ involveincrease

11、SoarinfluencemoldIntend totarget to do sth.Interested inCrazy aboutinterestinglywith great interestintroductionprospectusinvestigationSurvey/pollJoboccupation / employmentJoin inconnect / participate in / take part inKeepmaintain / hold ontokill oneselfcommit suicideKnowRecognize / be aware of /know

12、ledgeCommandLeave fordepart fromLikeBe fond of /be keen on / be attached toLimitBe confined toLoadburdenlook aroundexaminelook forrun into / hunt forlook up inrefer toLowerBe inferior tomake nervousplace strain onmake progressmake leaps in / press forwardmake sureguaranteemake sure thatSee to it tha

13、tManybe abundant in / countlessMeetrun into / come across/encounterMesschaosnecessaryindispensableNeedbe in need ofnot hesitatefeel free to do sth.not knowbe ignorant ofnumberdata / statisticsobviousstrikingoccupationCareer/professionOfferpresent sth to sb.Onlyno more than / soleoutcomeconsequenceov

14、ercomeConquerPassgo bypay attention tobe concerned about / give weight topeopleIndividualsperformcarry out / enforcePeriodera / phaseperiodstimesPlacesitePoorneedyPressclickproduceGenerate/createprogressbreakthroughpronounceClaimPublicpublicitypunishmentPenaltypurposemotiverapidlyat a rapid pace/speedilyReduceminimizerememberRecall/remind sb. of sth.

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