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book1 Unit 1language points.docx

1、book1 Unit 1language pointsUnit 1 Friendship 重点词汇和短语:1. add vt. & vi. 1)加;添;增加If you add 5 and 5 (together), you get 10. 5加5得10。Do you want to add your name to the list? 你愿意把名字添到名单上吗?2)接着又说;补充说Thats all I want to say. Is there anything youd like to add?我要说的就这些,你还有什么要补充的吗?3) 增加,增添Fireworks added to t

2、he attraction of the festival night.焰火使节日的夜晚更加生色。add up 加起来;总计Add your scores up and well see who won.把你们的得分加起来,我们就会看出谁赢了。add up to 总计,共达His schooling added up to no more than one year.他受的学校教育总计不超过一年。addition n. 加;增加的人或事物additional adj. 附加的;另外的;外加的(1)What he did_ our difficulties.A. add to B. has ad

3、ded up C. has added t D. had added up to(2)The cost_ 100 million dollars.A. added up to B. has added to C. added D. has added up(3)All this_ a new concept of the universe.A. adds B. adds to C. adds up D. adds up to(4)It is very delicious, is it?Yes, I think you have had some salt_ the soup.A. added

4、B. added into C. added to D. added up toSuggested answers:(1)C (2)A (3)D (4)C2. get sb /sth.done “使某人某物被./处于.的状态”sb 与done逻辑上存在动宾关系,done是被动的标志。例如: The mother get her baby hanged on her back. 这个母亲把她的小孩背在背上。 Youd better get the work finished as soon as possible. 你最好尽快把工作完成。3. upset1) vt. & vi. 使不安;使心烦I

5、m sorry. I didnt mean to upset you.对不起,我本来并不想让你不高兴的。Her friends sudden death upset him very much.她朋友的突然去世使她很难过。2)adj. 心烦意乱的;心情不舒适的She was still upset about the argument that she had had with Harry.对于她和Harry的争吵,她还感到心烦呢。She is really feeling upset about losing lots of money.丢掉了许多钱,她真的感到很沮丧。4. ignore v

6、t. 不理睬;忽视Some drivers simply ignore speed limits.有些司机就是无视速度的限制。She saw him coming but she ignored him.她看见他走过来,但装作没看到他。ignorance n. 无知 ignorant adj. 无知的;愚昧的;不知道的5. calm1) adj. 平静的;镇静的,沉着的Keep calm, and try not to panic. 保持镇静,不要慌张。2) vt. & vi. (使)平静,(使)镇定;平息Charlie tried to calm the frightened childre

7、n.查理努力使受到惊吓的孩子们平静下来。The crying child soon calmed down. 哭闹的小孩不多一会就安静下来。calm down vt. & vi. (使)平静下来,(使)镇定下来When she heard the news, she was so excited that nothing could calm her down.当听到这个消息时,她激动得什么也不能使她平静下来。Calm down and tell me what happened. 镇定点,告诉我发生了什么事。Wait till you are more_. Its better to be

8、sure than sorry.A. inspired B. certain C. calm D. satisfiedSuggested answers: B6. concern1) n. 担心;对某人来说是重要的或感兴趣的事There is growing concern about/over the effects of pollution on health.现在越来越担心污染给健康带来的影响。The rise in unemployment is of great concern to the government.对政府来说,失业人数的增长是非常重大的事情。2) vt. 使某人担忧;

9、使烦恼The fact that she spends so much money on her own really concerns me.她在自己身上花那么多的钱真的让我感到烦恼。More and more people are concerning themselves with/about environmental problems.越来越多的人在为环保问题担忧。be concerned about/for be worried about关心;挂念; 担心Ross has never been concerned about what other people think of

10、him.罗斯从来不关心别人怎么看他。as/so far as sb. is concerned = in ones opinion 就某人而言, 在某人看来As far as I am concerned, the price of oil will continue to increase. be concerned with 与有关联 This book is concerned with education. 这本书是与教育有关。 7. cheat v. 欺骗; 骗取; 作弊 cheat sb. ( out ) of sth. 骗取某人的某物 cheat sb. into doing 骗

11、某人做 The man cheated me out of 100 yuan. 那个人骗了我100元。 He cheated her into believing him a rich man. 他骗得她相信他是一个富翁。 8. should have done 本来应该做某事 (而实际没做, 含有责备的意味) should not have done 本来不该做某事(而实际已做)You should have arrived earlier. 你本应该早点来的。 I shouldnt have gone to the cinema yesterday. I had so much work

12、to do.9. go through 审阅,检查;经历(困难、痛苦等)I went through the students papers last night.我昨晚仔细批改了学生的作业。You really dont know what we went through while working on this project.你的确不知道我们在搞这个项目的时候吃了多少苦。 【点拨】 go through, get through, look through等带through类的动介型短语之间的意思辨析和多层意思,一直是高考关注的焦点,一定要掌握,明确其使用方法。 10. set dow

13、n 放下,搁下;记下,写下Set down your heavy bag and take a rest. 放下你的包,休息一会。I want to set down my feelings on paper. 我要记下我的感受。set aside存储,拨出set off 出发,动身;使爆炸set out 出发,开始;陈述,阐明set up 设立,开办;竖起,建起1)They_ the experiment yesterday.A. set about to do B. set out doingC. set aside doing D. set out to do2)The Chinese

14、delegation group will_ for America tomorrow.A. set apart B. set aside C. set off D. set upSuggested answers: 1)D 2)C11. a series of 一系列,一连串He was tired but still had a series of meetings to go to.他很累了,但还有许多的会议要参加。 12. crazy adj. 疯狂的;古怪的;狂热的Thats the craziest idea Ive ever heard. 那是我曾听到的最蠢的想法。Its cra

15、zy to go out in such hot weather. 在这么炎热的天气里出去真是疯了。Turn that music downits driving me crazy.把音乐音量调小,我都快疯了。be crazy about/over 爱上,迷恋着;热衷于,醉心于The boy is crazy about football. 那个男孩对足球着迷。 13. purpose n. 目的;意图;决心;意志What is your purpose in doing that? 你做那件事的意图是什么? on purpose 故意=(by design) 反义词:by accident

16、无意地 I think she lost the key on purpose. 我认为她是故意把钥匙弄丢的。 with/ for the purpose of 为了.的目的He took along one of his pictures with the purpose of finding a job.为了找工作他随身携带着自己的照片。 14. sb. happen to do sth. 某人(似乎)碰巧. I happened to see her on my way to work. 在我去上班的路上我碰巧看见她。It happens/ happened that 从句(主语从句)I

17、t happened that they went out when I called. 我打电话给他们的时候他们碰巧出去了。15. dare vt. 敢用做情态动词,多用于否定、疑问、条件状语从句和whether/ if 引导的从句, 后接动词原形,没有人称和数的变化。否定式为dare not 或darent.否定句中的to可省略。 (只有现在时和过去时)用做实意动词, 有人称、数和时态的变化,现在时为dares, 过去时为dared, Dare即可作情态动词又可作实意动词, 区别如下:肯定句:情态动词dare+动词原形 实意动词 dare + to do疑问句:情态动词dare+主语+动词

18、原形? 实意动词 Do+ 主语 + dare + to do?否定句:情态动词dare+动词原形 实意动词 dare + to do He dare not tell me the bad news 他不敢诉我那个坏消息。 He asked me if I dare go there alone. 他问我是否敢一个人独自去那里。 How dare she do such a thing? 她怎么敢做这样的事情呢? He dares to jump down from the top of our teaching building. 他敢从我们的教学楼顶跳下来。 He doesnt dare

19、to tell her the bad news他不敢告诉她那个坏消息。 1). I wonder how he_ that to the teacher. A. dare to say B. dare saying C. not dare say D. dared say 2). The little girl _ go downstairs alone at night. A. dares not to B. dares not C. dare not to D. dare not 3). She is shy and _ stand up and answer the teachers

20、questions. A. dares not B. doesnt dare to C. dare not to D. dares not to Suggested answers:1) D 2)D 3)B【点拨】学生对于动词dare 的掌握有一定的难度,因此教师在讲授这一语言点的时候应注意对dare作情态动词和实义动词的情况进行明确区分,也可以将dare和另一个容易混淆的动词need集中起来进行对比讲解。16. suffer vt. & vi. vt. 遭受;忍受;蒙受 We suffered huge losses in the financial crisis. 我们在金融危机中损失惨重

21、。 I will not suffer such conduct. 我不能容忍这种行为。 常用结构: suffer an attack/a defeat/losses/pains 遭受打击/失败/损失/痛苦 vi. 后接from 意为“受之苦”,“患疾病” He suffered hard pains from the accident. 他忍受着事故带来的痛苦。 Shes suffering from loss of memory. 她患有遗忘症。 【点拨】suffer用作及物动词和不及物动词的用法是学生易混淆的考点之一。当suffer用作及物动词时,指“遭罪”,不突出原因,指遭受一般的损害

22、、痛苦;而作不及物动词时,通常与介词from连用,指“受.折磨”,突出原因(即其后面得名词),指遭受长期的或习惯性的痛苦或困难。 17. get along (with) 融洽相处;进展Ive always found him a bit difficult to get along with.我总是觉得他有点难相处。How are you getting along with your English studies?你的英语学习情况如何?get away 逃脱;离开get back回来;找回get down to sth. /doing sth. 开始做正事get over 恢复;克服ge

23、t through及格;通过考试重点句子和难句分析:1. While walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car.这里的While walking the dog可以看作是状语从句While you were walking the dog的省略。整个句子可译成: “你在遛狗时,不小心让狗挣脱被车撞了”。在状语从句中,如果从句的主语和主句的主语一致或是it,而且从句谓语中又含有be的形式时,从句的主语和be的形式可以省略。When (he is)scolded by his father, t

24、he boy always keeps silent.在受到爸爸责备时,那个男孩总是保持沉默。Help them if (it is)possible. 如果可能的话,帮帮他们。2. Your friend, who doesnt work hard, asks you to help him or her to cheat in the exam by looking at your paper.这里的who doesnt work hard 是非限制性定语从句。cheat in the exam 考试作弊by doing sth. 通常在句子中用作状语,表示方式。整个句子可译成:“你的朋友

25、不用功。他要在考试中(偷)看你的试卷,(要你)帮他作弊”。 His younger brother, who is my best friend, graduated from Beijing University last year.他的弟弟是我得最好的朋友,去年毕业于北京大学。The old man makes his living by selling vegetables. 那位老人以卖青菜为生。3. Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and though

26、ts?这里的whom you could tell everything to是定语从句,修饰friend,介词to也可放在关系代词whom的前面,即to whom you could tell everything。此处的like相当于such as。整个句子可译成:“你是不是想有一位无话不谈能推心置腹的朋友呢?”。He has learned some foreign languages, like (such as)French and German.他已经学会了几门外语,如法语和德语。4. I dont want to set down a series of facts in a d

27、iary as most people do, but I want this diary itself to be my friend.这是一个由but连接的并列复合句,第一分句中的as most people do是方式状语从句。短语set down在这里相当于write down。a series of 的意思是“一连串的”“一系列”。 整个句子可译成 :“我不愿像大多数人那样在日记中记流水账,我要把这本日记当作我的朋友”。5. I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long time that

28、Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.这里的its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long time that Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature是强调句,强调的是表示原因的状语从句because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long time。整个句子可译成:“我不知道这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故,我变得对一切与大自然有关的事物

29、都无比狂热”。强调句型It is/was. . . that/who. . . 可用来强调句子中除谓语以外的任何句子成分,who只在用于强调人的时候。对下列句子的各个划线部分进行强调:运用:用it isthat强调下句中的划线部。 I bought this car in that shop last month. (原始句子)It was I who/that bought this car in that shop last month. (强调主语)It was this car that I bought in that shop last month. (强调宾语)It was in

30、 that shop that I bought this car last month. (强调地点状语)It was last month that I bought this car in that shop. (强调时间状语)1)It was last year_ you taught me how to drive.A. when B. that C. where D. which2)It was_ he said_ disappointed me.A. that; what B. what; that C. what; what D. that; that3)It was in the factory_ produced TV sets_ our friend was murdered.A. which; which B. that; which C. that; that D. where; that4)_ find my wallet, Tom?A. Where did you that B. Where was it youC. Where have you D. Where was it that you5)It was not until 1920_ regular radio broadcast began.A. while B.

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