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1、动词的时态与语态一、情态动词的用法1、can and could Eg1 electricity can drive motors.() Eg2. you can borrow ten books at a time from the library.() Eg3. he could swim across the river.() Eg4. there can be no knowledge apart from practice.() Eg5. could you help me lift the plate?()注释:could is can的过去时,除具有can 的功能外,还可以用来比

2、较委婉,客气地提出问题或看法。 2、may and mightEg1. may /might I use this instrument to measure?()Eg2. you may use my bike.()Eg3. he may come back late this evening.()Eg4. may you have a merry Christmas!()Eg5. a mans ability may be great or small.()Eg6. cables are usually laid underground that their life may be pro

3、longed.()注释:might是may的过去时,在表示“可能”时,may 和 might是可以换用的,但might表示可能性较小或者表示婉转语气,如:Tom may lend you the money.()Tom might lend you the money .()Might I ask you a question?()3、must 和have to Eg1. we must have a plan before we doing any work.() Eg2. she has to do it herself .she has got no one to help her.()

4、 Eg3. this conclusion must be correct.() Eg4. since air has weight ,it must press down on the surface of the earth.() Eg5. you had to set your house in order yesterday.() Eg6. tomorrow you will have to set to learning English.()注释:(1)eg1,eg2中have to 强调客观条件促使不得不做某事,must表示主观认为有必要做某事。(2)eg3,eg4中,must用于

5、推测,主要用于肯定句中,其否定形式用cant,表示不可能,如:If he didnt leave here at 4clock,he cant be home by now.(3)eg5,eg6中,have to可用于过去时和将来时,而must一般只用于现在时。4、need and dare Eg1. I need only add a few words. =I only need to add a few words. Eg2. he need never know. =he never needs to know. Eg3. she dare not go out night. =she

6、 doesnt dare to go out at night . Eg4. you are mistaken ,I dare say.注释:need 和dare既可作情态动词,又可作行为动词,两者可进行转换,dare一般只用于疑问句、否定句或条件句中,在肯定句中常以“I dare say” 的形式出现。5、shall and will Eg1. I will go if you wish.() Eg2. you naughty boy! You shall get what you deserve.() Eg3. whatever you may say ,he shall go.() Eg

7、4. whatever you may say, he will go.() Eg5. will you give her the letter?() Eg6. shall we leave tomorrow morning?()注释:表示说话人意愿或征求意见时,一般第二人称用will,第一人称用shall ,另外注意比较eg3,eg4中will 和shall 含义的差别。6、should and would Eg1. we would complete our test in time. Eg2. I sum, theory should be combined with practice.

8、 Eg3. I would recommend this method to you. Eg4. would you please tell us how to operate the machine?注释:should表示应该或宜于做某事,与ought to 意思相同,would表示愿望或委婉的请求。7 、used to Eg1. he used to live in the countryside when he was a child.Eg2. man used to thind that the earth was flat. 注释:used to 表示常做的事情,否定式为used n

9、ot to (usednt to),疑问式把used 放在主句前,也可用did引起。8、had better, may(might )as well 和would rather Eg1. he had better leave at once. Eg2. you had better not go by air. Eg3. it is very late, so you may(might)as well go to bed. Eg4. he would rather die than tell the secret. Eg5. I would rather you went there to

10、morrow.注释:had better 及 may(might) as well 意为“最好。”否定式为其后加not,疑问式把had 放在主句前,would rather 意为“宁愿,宁可”,与than搭配时,意为“宁愿。而不”,否定式为其后加not, 疑问式把would放在主句前,would rather后接从句时,要用虚拟语气,如:eg5.二、情态动词+动词完成时1、may (might)have done Eg1. the snake may have been dangerous ,but it soon disappeared. Eg2. you may (might)have r

11、ead about it in the papers.注释:此结构用于推测过去的行为,表示过去可能做某事,或可能发生的某事。2、can(could ) have done Eg1. in those circumstances we could have done better. Eg2. she cant have seen me yesterday.注释:此结构表示过去“可能”或“不可能”,用以对过去事情的推论。3、must have done Eg1. his watch must have stopped ,I will go and call him . Eg2. they must

12、 have swept off the dirt.注释:此结构表示对过去行为的推测,具有较大的可能性,意为“一定,准是”,另外也有用“must be +现在分词”表示对现在或未来进行推测,例: They must be piling things up. It must be raining tomorrow according to the radio.4、neednt have done Eg1. you neednt have watered the flowers,for it is going to rain. Eg2. we neednt have told him the new

13、s ,because he knew it already.注释:此结构表示已经做过但是并不必要的行为。5、should /oughr to have done Eg1. the flower is dead , I should have given it more water. Eg2. he ought yo have been a doctor. Eg3. with all his work on hand, he shouldnt/oughtnt to have gone to the cinema last night.注释:此结构表示应该做的事而没有做,否定表示本不该做但实际做了

14、。三、几种重要的动词时态1、现在完成时:have (has)+doneA、表示一个从过去开始延续到现在的动作,常与for ,since连用。 Eg1. he has lived here since 1960. Eg2. she has thought of you everyday for years.B、表示对现在仍有影响某一已发生的动作,常与already,yet, recently,lately或频度副词often,never,ever,seldom,twice,etc连用。Eg1. I havent seen her lately.Eg2. the delegation has al

15、ready left.Eg3. I have been here twice.Eg4. how mant products have you turned out this year?C、在时间或条件状语从句中的现在完成时Eg1. well start at five if it has stopped raining by that time.Eg2. Ill go and vist him as soon as I have finished writing this essay.2、过去完成时:had +done 表示过去某时前已发生的动作或情况,即“过去的过去” Eg1. we had

16、 done a lot of work by ten oclock yesterday. Eg2. I had been a nurse before I entered the medical school. Eg3. she didnt go to bed until she had finished her work. Eg4. we had done a lot of preparations when the guests came.3、将来完成时:shall(will) have +done Eg1. how many words shall we have learned by

17、the end of this term. Eg2. they will have hit the years target by the end of October. Eg3. the snow will have disappeared before the end of March.4、过去进行时:was (were)+doingA.表示过去某时或某段时间正在进行的动作。Eg1. I was having supper when Jane came.Eg2. he was playing football at 4 oclock yesterday afternoon.Eg3. I w

18、as working in a primary school at this time two years ago.B. 表示故事发生的背景,使形象逼真生动。Eg1. the students were still laughing when the teacher stepped in .Eg2. the day dawned and the birds were singing .Eg3. the baby was crying ,and suddenly the crying stopped.四、几种时态的比较1、现在进行时与一般现在时 Eg1. the mother cooks for

19、 them all at home.() Eg2. my mother is cooking the dinner today.() Eg3. she studies English at the university.() Eg4. she is studying English at the university.() Eg5. the train stops.() Eg6. the train is stoping.() Eg7. she lives in Beijing.() Eg8. she is living in Beijing.() Eg9. the roof leaks.()

20、 Eg10. look , the roof is leaking.()2、现在完成时与一般过去时 Eg1. Jane did a lot of work this morning.() Eg2. Jane has done a lot of work this morning.() Eg3. have you ever hear him say that?() Eg4. did you ever hear him say that?() Eg5. she lived in Beijing for twenty years. Eg6. she has lived in Beijing for

21、twenty years. Eg7. I bought a new car last week. Eg8. I have bought a new car.注释:现在完成时虽然谈的是已经发生的事,但不考虑它什么时候发生,主要考虑它对现在的影响与现在的联系或至今仍在持续;一般过去时着眼于过去,单纯过去的动作。3、过去进行时与一般过去时 Eg1. she was waving her hand . Eg2. she waved her hand. Eg3. he was dying. Eg4. he died. Eg5. he was leaving. Eg6. he left. Eg7. I w

22、as reading a novel last night. Eg8. I read a novel last night.五、被动语态1、主动语态与被动语态的概念 主动语态表示句子主语是行为的发生者或执行者,被动态则表示句子的主语是行为的承受者,即行为的对象。Eg1. we built this plant in 1958.Eg2. this plant was built by us in 1958.Eg3. the workers have fulfilled their task.Eg4. the task has been fulfilled by the workers.注释:(1

23、)被动语态的构成:一般时态进行时态完成时态现在am is are +toldAm/is/ are being toldHas/have been told过去Was were+toldWas/were being toldHad been told将来Shall/will+be toldShall/will have been told过去将来Should/would +be toldShould/would have been told(2) 被动语态没有将来进行时和完成进行时的各种时态。(3)有情态动词的被动构成形式是“情态动词+be+过去分词”2、被动语态的使用 Eg1. such bo

24、oks are written for children. Eg2. his bike has been stoled. Eg3. a subway will be built in the city. Eg4. the school is run by the trade union. Eg5. the plan was generally considered not practical.注释:以上几例反映出被动语态的使用范围,在不知道或不必指出动作的执行者时,如:eg1,eg2;在强调动作的承受者时,如:eg3.eg4; 或表示礼貌、委婉时,如eg5,这些情况下常常使用被动语态。3、被动

25、结构与系表结构的区别 Eg1. we are agree on this point. Eg2. we are determined to improve the production process. Eg3. the glass plate is broken. Eg4. the glass plate is broken by him. Eg5. the book is written well. Eg6. the book has been written by an old worker. Eg7. the door had been locked when I got there.

26、注释:系表结构表示主语所处的状态,而被动结构则表示一个动作,而且它的时态要求与相应的主动结构的时态一致。4、相当于及物动词意义的动词短语构成的被动态 Eg1. he was listened to with great interest. We listened to him with great interest. Eg2. a tight hold was caught of the rope. Somebody caught a tight hold of the rope.注释:对于动词短语构成的被动态,有时不好理解,可以用还原法,即还原成主动语态,就易于理解。5、含有“be goin

27、g +to do,be +to do, have + to do”等谓语中,其不定式也都可用被动语态Eg1. a new test is going to be carried out next week.Eg2. she had to be operated on right away.Eg3. Oil supplies are to be cut back.6、某些动词的进行时可以表示被动含义,如:bake,owe,cook,print,bind ,do etc. Eg1. the book is printing. Eg2. the meat is cooking. Eg3. the m

28、oney is still owing.7、某些感官动词或系动词接形容词可表示被动含义 Eg1. the dish smells nice. Eg2. good medicine tastes bitter to the mouth.注释:此类动词有:look, sound, feel, taste, smell.8、某些及物动词后接副词,主动形式表示被动含义 Eg1. Nylon washes easily. Eg2. your article reads well. Eg3. clothes iron more easily when damp.9、位于系动词be后的不定式, 有时含有被动语义 Eg1. who is to blame for starting the fire? Eg2. the house is to let. Eg3. the passage is fifficult to read.

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