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1、高考英语词组整理P1-101、做某事的能力(ability) the ability to do sth2、不遗余力地做某事 do sth to the best of ones ability3、在某人不在的时候 (absence) in sbs absence = in the absence of sb4、专心致志于 (absorb) be absorbed in sth / doing sth5、缺席。(absent) be absent from6、去国外 go abroad7、把。承认作。 accept as8、人们普遍认为 Its generally accepted that

2、9、有对。的享用权 (access)have / gain /get/ obtain access to10、意外地,偶然(accident) by accident11、解释;占。(account) account for12、由于 on account of13、决不 on no account14、把。考虑进去 take into account15、陪某人到车站 accompany sb to the station16、指控某人。(accuse)accuse sb of17、习惯于做。accustom)be accustomed to doing sth18、渴望得到(ache)be

3、 aching for sth / to do sth19、取得胜利/成功 achieve success / victory20、取得很大的成就 make great achievements21、担任,充当 (act)22、对。起作用;按照。行动 act on /upon23、采取行动 take action24、积极参加 take an active part in25、使。适应于。 adapt (oneself ) to26、钦佩某人。 admire sb for sth27、承认做了某事 admit doing / that 28、允许某人进入。admit sb to 29、事先;预

4、先 in advance30、利用 (advantage) take advantage of31、比某人有优势 have an advantage over sb32、登广告招聘。(advertise)advertise for33、接受某人的意见 take / follow ones advice34、就,给某人一些意见 give sb advice on sth / how to do sth35、担负得起时间/钱等做某事 can afford time / money to do sth36、劝某人做某事(advise)advise sb to do sth37、建议做某事 advis

5、e doing sth38、就某事给某人一些建议 advise sb on sth39、急救 first aid40、帮助某人做。(aid)aid sb to do sth = aid sb in sth / in doing sth41、反对;不赞成(against) be against42、终究;毕竟 after all43、追寻;追求 be after44、对于某人年龄来说 for ones age45、年纪还小时 at an early age46、一致同意 agree on sth47、同意做某事 agree to do sth48、同意某人/某人所说的话/某人的观点 agree

6、with sb / what sb says 49、同意某人的建议/计划。agree to sbs suggestion, plan 50、提前 in advance51、目标做。aim at doing / to do sth52、实现目标 realize / achieve an aim53、在户外 in the open air54、在传播中;悬而未决 in the air55、广播中 on the air56、对。警觉的 be alert to sth57、使某人生气的是。58、尽管(all) for all59、总共 in all60、在所有。当中 of all the 61、到处;

7、浑身 all over62、允许某人做某事 allow sb to do sth63、允许给某人时间/钱 allow sb time / money64、听其自然;瞥下。一个人 let sb alone65、更不必说 let alone +v.66、与某人相处 get along with sb67、为。焦虑 be anxious about/ for sth68、对某人生气 be angry with sb69、对某事生气 be angry at sth70、除了。以外(apart) aprt from71、因为向某人道歉apologize to sb for sth / make an a

8、pology to sb for sth72、呼吁某人做某事 appeal to sb to do sth73、某事吸引某人 sth appeal to sb74、胃口好/胃口不好 have a good / bad appetite75、爱好某物;有。的欲望 have an appetite for sth76、没有胃口;食欲不振 lose ones appetite77、向某人申请。apply to sb for sth / make an application to sb for sth78、把。应用于。apply to 79、感激做。appreciate sth / doing st

9、h80、如果你。,我将感激不尽 I would appreciate it very much if you would , 81、与某人预约 (appointment)make an appointment with sb82、为。负责(answer) answer for83、不作回答 make no answerP11-201、做。的方法 (approach) approach to doing2、赞成做。 approve of doing3、与某人为某事争辩 argue with sb about / over sth4、安排某人做某事 arrange for sb to do sth

10、5、为。感到羞愧 be ashamed of6、查问,打听 ask about7、入睡 go to sleep / fall asleep8、布置某人做某事 assign sb to do sth9、把。分配给某人 assign sb sth. = assign sth to sb10、使某人确信 (assure)assure sb of sth / that 11、试图/企图做。(attempt)attempt to do sth = make an attempt to do sth12、注意做。(attention)pay attention to doing13、视听辅助器 audio

11、-visual aid14、某人可以得到。(available) sth be available to sb15、平均而言 on average16、避免做。 avoid doing 17、意识到。(aware)be aware of sth / that18、给某人授奖 award sb sth= award sth to sb19、文化背景 cultural background20、游泳装 bathing suit21、有。开始 begin with22、收敛 (behave) behave oneself23、在。开始时 at the beginning of24、得益于。 bene

12、fit from sth25、就。与某人打赌 make a bet with sb about sth = bet with sb about sth26、因为。指责某人 (blame)blame sb for sth / for doing sth27、某人该受责备 (blame)sb be to blame28、把。归咎于。(blame) sb blame sth on sb / sth.29、安排做某事(arrangement)make arrangements to do sth30、因为。拒捕某人 arrest sb for sth31、烧成灰烬 be burnt to ashes3

13、2、腾出时间/钱等 set aside33、把A与B联系起来 associate A with B34、吸引某人的注意 catch / attract ones attention35、对待。的态度 attitude towards / to 36、在平均水平以上/以下 above / below average37、完全清醒 be wide awake38、使某人醒着 keep sb awake39、在。的后部 at the back of40、非常需要某物(badly)need / want sth badly41、生态平衡 the balance of nature42、禁止某人做某事(

14、ban)ban sb from doing sth43、为。与某人讨价还价 bargain with sb about sth44、以。为根据(base) base on 45、不能忍受某人做某事 (bear) cant bear sb doing sth46、Tom怎么了?(become) What has become of Tom?47、铺床 make a bed48、首先(begin) to begin with49、不久(before) before long50、乞求某人做某事 beg sb to do sth51、从头到尾 from beginning to end52、在。开始

15、的时候 at the beginning of53、迟到的;误事的(behind) behind the time54、落后于时代 behind the times55、落后/伍 fall behind56、形成(being) come into being57、暂时;眼下 for the time being58、信任某人 believe in sb59、信不信由你 believe it or not60、某事对某人有帮助(benefit) sth be of benefit to sb61、最多(best) at best62、好转(better) for the better63、畅销书

16、 the best seller64、无法修理/无法认出/无法形容(beyond)beyond repair/recognition/description65、某事情超出某人的能力 sth be beyong sb66、生;生产;产生(birth)give birth to67、出生时 at birth68、一点也不(bit) not a bitP21-301、对。视而不见 (blind)turn a blind eye to sth2、对。充而不闻 turn a deaf ear to sth3、盲目对待 be blind to sth4、上船 (board) go on board5、布

17、告栏 notice board6、吹嘘 boast of / about sth; boast that 7、仅能维持生活(body)keep body and soul together8、售票处 booking office9、对。腻了 be bored with; be tired of; be fed up with10、在。底部 at the bottom of11、爆发 break out12、深呼吸 ( breath ) take a deep breath13、气喘吁吁(breath) out of breath14、屏住呼吸 hold ones breath15、行贿 off

18、er/ give a bribe16、受贿 accept/ take/ receive a bribe17、消防队 fire brigade18、撞上;碰见 bump into19、一束鲜花 a bunch of flowers20、突然大笑起来(burst)burst into laughter; burst out laughing21、营业时间 business hours22、忙于做。 be busy doing sth; be busy with sth23、有能力/可能做(capable)be capable of doing sth24、万一 in case of25、决不(ca

19、se) in no case26、撞见某人做某事 (catch)catch sb doing27、掌管;负责 sb be in charge of28、被。负责 sth be in the charge of sb29、指控某人 charge sb with sth30、拜访某人 call on sb 31、拜访某地 call at sp32、号召某人做某事 call on sb to do sth33、在校园里 on (the) campus34、再。也不为过 cannot not too ; can never too35、只好;不得不做。cannot help / choose but

20、do sth; cannot but do sth36、从事事业(career)follow a career37、贯彻;执行 carry out38、便装 casual clothes39、着火 catch fire40、追上;赶上 catch up with41、引起某人注意(eye)catch ones eye42、教育事业 educational cause43、接受挑战 accept a challenge44、不太有可能做(chance)Theres little/no/not much chance of sbs doing sth / that 45、用A换B change A

21、 for B46、免费 free of charge47、要价 charge sb +money for sth/ for doing sth48、特地做某事(bother) bother to do sth49、为。烦恼 bother about sth50、一个天生的作家 a born writer51、用。贿赂某人 bribe sb with sth52、简单说来(brief) in brief53、引起;带来(bring) bring about54、把某人培养大 bring sb up55、埋头读书(bury)bury oneself in ones book56、用某物把脸遮住 b

22、ury ones face in sth57、出差 on business58、与某人做生意 do business with sb59、一点也不(but) anything but60、私事 private business61、使某人忙于做某事 keep sb busy doing sth62、为某人买。buy sb sth = buy sth for sb63、遭雨淋 be caught in the rain64、保持冷静 remain / keep calm65、去露营 go camping66、给某人打电话 call sb up67、在乎某事 care about sth68、关心

23、;喜欢;照顾 care for69、花钱慎重(careful) be careful with money70、一定;肯定地(certain) for certain71、掌管;负责(charge) in charge of72、指控某人。 charge sb with sth73、挑战某人做某事 challenge sb to do sth / to sthP31-401、使某人高兴起来 (cheer)cheer sb up2、在。形势下 in /under circunstances3、声称 claim to be / to do / that4、接近于 close to5、选择;挑一挑

24、(choice) make a choice6、除了。做。别无选择 have no choice but to do sth7、愿意做。(choose)choose to do sth8、消除(疑虑);放晴 clear up9、把A与B结合 combine A with B10、苏醒;总计达。;碰到 come to11、逐渐做。 come to do sth12、开始生效 come into effect13、发现;偶遇(come)come across14、掌握;能自由应用(command)B have a good command of sth15、对。进行评论 comment on st

25、h; make a comment on sth ; make some comments on sth16、犯罪 commit a crime17、常识,常理 common sense18、在某方面有共同之处 have sth in common19、与某人交流 communicate with sb20、把。传递/传达给某人 communicate sth to sb21、陪伴某人(company)keep sb company = keep company with sb22、把。与。比较 compare with 23、把。比作 compare to 24、与。比赛/竞争 compet

26、e with25、向某人抱怨某事 complain to sb of / about sth; complain to sb that 26、对。表示赞美 pay sb a compliment on sth. = compliment sb on sth27、由。组成 be composed of; be made up of; consist of28、向某人隐瞒某事 conceal sth from sb29、全神贯注于。 concentrate on sth30、关心;挂念 (concern ) be concerned about sth31、涉及;有关 be concerned w

27、ith sth32、就某人而言 as/so far as sb is concerned33、相关的人 people concerned34、得出结论 draw / come to/ arrive at / reach a conclusion35、只要,如果(condition)on condition that36、进行一项调查 conduct a survey37、对。有信心have confidence in sb/sth ; be confident of sb/sth; be confident that 38、把A与B混淆 confuse A with B39、祝贺某人某事 co

28、ngratulate sb on sth / on doing sth40、问心无愧 have a clear conscience41、意识到 be aware of/ that; be conscious of / that42、查字典 consult a dictionary; look sth up in a dictionary; refer to a dictionary43、化学老师 a chemistry teacher44、化学变化 a chemical change45、为。欢呼敬意 cheer for46、口香糖 chewing gum47、办理搭乘手续/住宿手续 che

29、ck in48、结帐退房 check out49、去做礼拜 go to church50、生意圈 business circle51、土木工程 civil engineering52、头等;第一流 the first class53、感冒 have / catch a cold54、一大批(collection) a large collection of55、使某人承诺做某事(commit)commit sb to do sth / doing sth56、由。组成(compose) be composed of57、处于好/不好的状态(condition) in a good / bad condition58、由。组成(consist) consist of59、与。发生冲突 be in conflict with sb / conflict with sbP41-501、与。取得联系 (contact) make contact with sb / contact sb2、对。感到满足 (content) be content with3、断章取义 (context) out of context4、正相反 (contrary) on

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