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task based language teaching设计.docx

1、task based language teaching设计任务型语言教学听说任务案例分析为了使大家对任务型教学有更直观的认识,我们选取了一些目前我们各自学校正在使用或曾经使用过的一些教材中设计的任务案例。并根据听、说、读、写进行分类,以便于大家能够更清晰地了解每个任务的教学目的,当然在实际教学中我们所设计的某个任务中可能会涉及到多种语言技能。下面就由我先来介绍几个关于听说任务的案例。一、 听的任务听的技能指学生对口头语言材料的理解能力以及从口头语言材料中获取信息的能力,如理解指令、根据指令做事情、根据广播记录主要的信息等。在以下的案例中每个任务包括三个主要步骤: Warm-up (热身活动)

2、 向学生介绍任务主题并集中他们的注意力为听录音做好准备,同时给学生一些提示和帮助,并引起他们对任务的兴趣。 Listen and respond (听的任务) 这是任务的主要部分。学生通听一段文字,并根据录音内容完成各种任务。 Follow-up (延伸任务) 在完成了听的任务后,可以继续进行一些其他的活动,例如会话、阅读或写作,其目的是让学生有机会练习已学内容,并帮助他们建立不同语言技能之间的联系。Sample Task 1 Clothes LANGUAGE语言Clothes vocabulary (for example, sweater, shorts, pants, T-shirt,

3、shirt, shoes).TASK任务Listen and draw.Ability能力Students can draw the correct clothes for the children according to the listening materials.MATERIALS材料Poster of a boy and a girl. PREPARATION准备Make a poster by copying the picture below onto a piece of paper. Or you can use the picture of the student in

4、the class. It makes more fun. LEVEL级别Grade 1Warm-up热身活动1出示孩子的图片。2. 提问:图片中的孩子要去上学,他们还需要什么?1. Show the students the poster of the children.2. Question: Look at the children. What do they need for school? Will you go to school like this?3询问学生他们今天穿什么来学校的?3. Ask the students what they are wearing today.4

5、. 提示学生根据听到的内容给孩子们画上衣服。4. Tell the students to draw the clothes for the children in the poster.Listen and draw听一听,画一画4. 发给每人一张印有男孩和女孩图片的纸。4. Give each student a copy of poster. 5. 读出图片中的孩子所需的衣服,此阶段只要求学生听。5. Read out the text, and tell the class just to listen at this stage.Text:It is cold and windy.

6、The girl is wearing a red sweater, blue pants, and black shoes.It is sunny and hot. The boy is wearing green shorts, a yellow shirt, and brown shoes.6重读一边,让学生根据听到的内容给图片中的孩子画上相应的衣服并涂上颜色。6. Repeat it and tell everyone to draw the correct clothes for the children in the poster, and colour the clothes a

7、ccording to the listening materials.7. 让学生上来画出正确的衣服及颜色,并要求学生核对答案。7. Ask individual students to come up and draw the clothes on the children, and get the students to compare their answers with the pictures on the board.Follow-up延伸活动8让学生假扮成图片中孩子们的父母,及孩子进行对话。8. Get the students to pretend EZ and Sarahs

8、 mom or dad and make a dialogue together. For example:Mom: EZ, it is cold and rainy. Put on your_.EZ: Ok, Mom. I put on my _.在这个听的任务中学生所要完成的是一个简单任务,通过听录音并根据录的内容画出相应的衣服。在完成任务的过程中所涉及到的主要是听的技能,教师需引导学生关注并抓住关键信息。同时这个听的任务也可以延伸成为说的任务,例如让学生假扮成图片中孩子们的父母及孩子进行对话。Sample Task 2 Pets LANGUAGE语言Pets vocabulary (fo

9、r example, feed, clean cage, walk, cuddle, bathe)TASK任务Listen and complete the graphAbility能力Find the key information from the short talk about cats and dogs and complete the graph.MATERIALS材料A graph.PREPARATION准备Copy the graph for each student.LEVEL级别Grade 4Warm-up热身活动1展示一幅幅有关宠物的照片。提问家里有没有饲养宠物?是什么宠

10、物?1. Show the students pictures of pets. Question: Do you have any pets? What are they?2在黑板上列出有关宠物和饲养它们的词语,例如:2. Write a list of different pets on the board, for example: cat, dog, hamster, goldfish, bird, feed, cuddle, bathe, walk.Listen and complete the graph听一听, 完成表格3. 告诉学生你要给他们读一段关于宠物猫和狗的听力材料,让他

11、们关注饲养狗和猫的相同点和不同点。3. Tell the class that you are going to read them a text about “Raising Cats and Dogs”. Ask them to pay attention to the differences and similarities between raising cats and dogs. 4朗读文章。Read the text:Some pets are easy to take care of, and other pets are difficult. Before you choos

12、e a pet, find out what you will have to do to take care of it. For example, you have to walk dogs but you dont have to walk cats. You have to change the cat litter. You have to bathe dogs but you shouldnt bathe cats. They dont like to get wet. You have to feed dogs and cats every day. You have to gi

13、ve them water. You also have to cuddle them and give them lots of love.5发给每个学生一张表格Give each student a graph. = you have to = you dont have to ItemsCatsDogsFeedWalkBatheCuddle6重读文章,要求学生在听的同时填写表格Tell the students that you are going to repeat the text. As they listen again they should try to complete t

14、he graph.Follow-up延伸活动7让学生用自己语言复述饲养宠物狗和猫的区别。7. Get the students to retell the differences and similarities between raising cats and dogs.8. 或者让学生写一篇关于比较饲养小仓鼠和金鱼的文章。8. Or get the students to write a composition about comparing hamsters and goldfish. 在这个听的任务中学生需要通过听录音并找出细节内容。对于听的能力较第一个案例有所的提高。在完成任务的过程

15、中所涉及到的主要也是听的技能,教师需引导学生关注并抓住关键信息。同时这个听的任务也可以延伸成为会话、阅读或写作的任务,例如将听力的内容发给学生让他们进行阅读并根据文章自己尝试进行比较饲养小仓鼠和金鱼的文章的撰写。二、 说的任务说的技能指学生用英语进行口头表达的能力。特别是在真实语境中沟通信息、描述事物于情感、再现生活经历、发表观点和意见的能力。在以下的案例中每个任务包括三个主要步骤: Setting up (准备) 向学生介绍任务主题。可以向全班示范这个任务,或者学生自己制作将会在“说的任务”中使用的材料。在进行说的任务教学中,非常重要的一点是当学生进行活动的时候他们应该非常明确要做什么。准备

16、阶段也是一根很好的操练机会,可以操练那些你认为学生可能在之后的任务中所需要涉及或用到的一些语言知识, 并在这个过程中找到学生存在的共性问题并给予一定的帮助,以便于学生能够独立完成说的任务。 Speaking practice (说的任务) 这是任务的主要部分。学生单独、互相或以小组的形式进行问答、模仿、记忆、排序、猜测、描述、讨论、调查问卷、角色扮演等任务。 Feedback (反馈) 任务结束后,非常重要的一点是把全班再次集中起来。如果任务中涉及了讨论或者问卷调查,让一些学生向你或全班进行汇报。同时对所操练的语言知识进行反馈也是非常重要的。把你在监督整个任务时所做的笔记作为反馈的基础。就学生

17、所犯的单词和语法方面的错误情况给出反馈或者将这些语言问题作为另一节课的主题。Sample Task 1 NumbersLANGUAGE语言Numbers.Whats your (ticket) number?Its _.TASK任务Finding the seats in the cinemaAbility能力Students can arrange themselves in the order of the numbers on their tickets by using the dialogue.MATERIALS材料Tickets with the numbers you want

18、teach on them. There should be one ticket for each student in the group.PREPARATION准备Make the tickets.LEVEL级别Grade 1Setting up准备1让五个学生自愿上来。发给每人一张写有1到5的电影票。1. Ask for five volunteers to come to the front of the class. Give each learner a ticket with a number from one to five.2写出以下对话框。2Write the follo

19、wing speech bubbles on the board:Whats your ticket number?Its _.3. 让学生利用以上对话互相猜测对方卡片上的数字。然后按照自己票子上的数字排序。3. Tell the volunteers to find out each others ticket numbers using the dialogue on the board. They should then arrange themselves in the order of the numbers on their tickets.Ordering排序4将学生分成10人一

20、组。4. Divide the students into groups of ten.5. 发给小组里每人一张写有1-10数字的电影票。让学生按照数字从小到大的顺序列队。指出持有最小数字学生应站的地方。提醒学生只能利用对话,而不能使用中文或把票子展示给别人看。5. Give each student in the group a ticket with a number from one to ten. Tell everyone to arrange themselves in a line from the smallest number to the largest. Show the

21、m where the person with smallest number should start the line. Remind them that they must use the dialogue. They cant speak Chinese or show their tickets to anyone else.Feedback反馈6复习学生较难把握的数字排序。6. Review any sequences of numbers the students had problems with.Comment 备注这个活动需要比较大的空间,也可能会比较吵。条件允许的话,可以

22、在室外或体操房进行。也可以安排一些学生担任组长。This activity, as well as needing a lot of space, can get quite noisy so, if you can, do it outside or in a gym. You can find some students as the group leaders and help you.在这个说话任务中学生所要完成的是一个简单任务,通过对话Whats yournumber? Its _. 找出自己在1到10这10个数字中的正确位置。在完成任务的过程中所涉及到的主要是说的技能。对于高一年级

23、或程度的学生来说这个说的任务还可以设计成,Alice和Kitty一起去看电影,但是她们买的票不是连号的,所以她们想把票换在一起的任务。Sample Task 2 Rooms in a flatLANGUAGE语言Rooms vocabulary area (for example, living-room, kitchen, bedroom).This is a _.Theres the _.This is good because _. (reasons)TASK任务Get the students to draw a plan of their ideal flat or house an

24、d describe it.Ability能力Students can put up a plan of their ideal flats, and tell their partners about it.MATERIALS材料Plan of a flat, on a poster or on the board; sheets of paper for all the students.PREPARATION准备Make the poster, if you are using one.LEVEL级别Grade 4Setting up准备1展示或画出你理想中公寓的平面图,向学生进行描述,

25、例如:1. Put up a plan of your ideal flat, or draw one on the board. For example, if you like cooking, include a big kitchen and if you like reading, include a library. Tell the students about it, for example: This is a flat I would like to live in. Theres a big kitchen. Thats good because I love cooki

26、ng. I like reading too, and this little room here is my library - where I keep my books. etc.Discussion讨论2让学生画出他们理想中公寓的平面图。2. Get the students to draw a plan of their ideal flat.3. 完成后,让学生两两合作,互相展示自己画的平面图并进行描述。对于表达能力较弱的学生可写出以下词组来帮助他们:3. When they have finished, tell them to work in pairs. They shoul

27、d show their partner the plan they have drawn and tell them about it. Write the following phrases on the board to help them:This is a _.Theres the _.This is good because _. (reasons)Feedback反馈4让一些学生向其他同学描述同伴的公寓或房子。4. Ask a few students to tell the rest of the class about their partners flat.Variatio

28、n变化让学生两两合作背对背坐。给他们几分钟考虑以下两个问题:他们的同伴是什么样的人?会喜欢什么样的公寓?让他们画一张他们认为自己的同伴可能喜欢的公寓平面图。完成后,让每对学生互相展示平面图并描述所有房间。Tell the students to work in pairs. If possible, get them to sit back to back. Give them a few minutes to think about these two questions:What kind of person is their partner?What kind of flat would

29、 their partner like?Then ask them to draw the plan of a flat they think partner would like. When they have finished, tell the pairs to show each other their plans and describe all the rooms.在这个说话任务中学生所要完成的也是一个简单任务,首先让学生说出自己理想中的公寓平面图,然后向同伴描述自己的公寓。在完成任务的过程中所涉及到的主要也是说的技能。除了能介绍自己公寓的平面图外还要对自己为什么这样设计做出简短的

30、说明。这个说的任务还可以设计成,让学生两两合作背对背坐。给他们几分钟考虑以下两个问题:他们的同伴是什么样的人?会喜欢什么样的公寓?让他们画一张他们认为自己的同伴可能喜欢的公寓平面图。完成后,让每对学生互相展示平面图并描述所有房间。一、设计的任务要符合新课程标准的要求。小学英语新课程标准以学生“能用英语做事情”的描述方式设定各级目标要求,旨在培养学生的综合语言运用能力。各种语言知识的呈现和学习都应从语言使用的角度出发,通过创设具体语境并采用循序渐进的语言实践活动,为学生提升“用英语做事情”的能力而服务。根据新课程标准对任务型语言教学途径的要求,在学习五年级上册Unit 4 What can yo

31、u do?PartA Lets learn时,教师设计了如下任务型活动 :1. 两人采访活动。首先由老师与一名学生做示范:T:Amy is a good girl. Because she can do the housework. I want to know what you can do. Now I act a reporter. Ill interview you.T: Can you cook the meals?S: Yes, I can.T: Good boy. Are you happy?S: Yes.T: You did a good job. Bye.S: Bye.T:Let the student interview another

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