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1、八年级英语上学期第一次联考试题福建省-八年级英语上学期第一次联考试题(考试时间: 120分钟 满分150分)说 明: 1时间:120分钟;分值:150分; 2. 全卷共三个部分,请将第一和第二部分答案(1-70题)填涂在答题卡上,第三部分写在试题后的答题卷上。第一部分 听力部分(共五节,满分25分).听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分) 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _. 听句子,选择与所听句子意思相同或相近的一项。每个句子读一遍。(5分)( )6. A. I dont like playing basketball. B. Basketball is my favo

2、rite. C. Sometimes I play basketball. ( )7. A. Ding Kang won the game. B. The winner must be Ding Kang in the game. C. I believe Ding Kang will lose the game. ( )8. A. Kangkang is good at Chinese. B. Kangkang isnt good at Chinese. C. Kangkang does well in English. ( )9. A. There is loud speaking in

3、the classroom. B. There is loud speaking in the reading room. C. There is no one speaking loudly in the reading room. ( )10. A. Da Wei often gives a hand to foreign visitors. B. Da Wei is a foreigner. C. Da Wei wont help foreigners. . 听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每组对话及问题读两遍。(5分)( )11. A. Basketball. B. Tennis. C.

4、Football. ( )12. A. No, it isnt. B. Yes, it is. C. They all forget it. ( )13. A. To the playground. B. To the reading room. C. To the classroom. ( )14. A. Theyre playing basketball. B. Theyre reading. C. Theyre watching a match. ( )15. A. One. B. Two C. Three. 听对话,完成表格。对话读三遍。(5分)NameFavoriteTomHe is

5、 going to 16. . He prefers 17. . He is 18. playing soccer. MaryShe likes doing sports 19. . She likes 20. best. . 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读三遍。(5分)( )21. How was the match? A. Exciting. B. Bad. C. Boring (令人生厌的). ( )22. When did the match start? A. At one. B. At two. C. At three. ( )23. What was the result (结果)

6、 in the first half of the match? A. 0 to 0. B. 1 to 0. C. 2 to 0. ( )24. When did Sam kick the ball into the right corner of the goal? A. In the first half of the match. B. Almost at the beginning of the match. C. Almost at the end of the match. ( )25. What was the result of the match for Sams team?

7、 A. 0 to 0. B. 2 to 0. C. 1 to 0. 第二部分 英语知识运用部分(共四节,满分65分)一 单项选择(15分)()26. There _ an English Party in our class next going to be going to have C.will have()27. I hurt my leg in the accident ._.A. No problem B.Never mind C.Im sorry to hear that ( )28. I saw Wei Han _ English almost ev

8、ery morning last term . A.reads B.reading C. read ()29.Im sorry to _you waiting for two hours.A.make B.keep C.let ()30.Watching TV too much is not good _ your eyes. A. at B. to C. for ()31.Kangkang won first place in the _ in the school sports meet last week. A. boys 100-meter race B. boys 100-meter

9、 race C. boys 100-meters race()32.Id like to read the book over there. Could you pass _, please? Certainly. Here you are. A. me it B. it for me C. it to me ()33. My mother stopped me _ computer games.Ato play Bplay C.playing()34.John studies hard _he can go to college in the future.A.if that C.

10、because ()35. _ is very interesting _ in the river in summer. A. It, to swim B. This, to swim C. It, swim ()36.He usually_home at 10 oclock.A. gets to B. arrives at C. gets ()37.How do you keep healthy?I _ at least 2 hours _ exercise every day.Atake; do B.spend; doing C.spend; to do()38. Shall we me

11、et at 8:30 a.m this Saturday? Oh, 8:30 is too early. Lets_it 9:30. A.get B.take C.make (第34、35题:从A、B、C三个选项中,找出其划线部分与其他两个读音不同的选项。)()39. A. wait B. said C. again ()40. A. late B. gate C. medal 二.完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。We often see groups of students at school. The gr

12、oups were called cliques(小圈子). These students do almost everything together: eat lunch, do homework, 41 sports and go to the movies.We all need friends. They help us with lessons. They help us out when we get into trouble. They listen to us when we complain(抱怨) about something 42 .But not everything

13、 is 43 perfect(完美). Cliques can be bad. If your close friend, Sally, has a fight 44 Joe, what will you do? Sally 45 talking to Joe, and thats not all. She also wants you to stop talking to Joe, 46 Joe and you have been friends for years.What should you do? The best 47 is to tell Sally that you do no

14、t want to be in the fight. 48 her that this fight is not between you and Joe. Tell her that you want to be friends with 49 of them. If she sees you 50 her good friend, she will understand your feelings. Then, you should also try to help them talk with each other again!()41.A. give B. make C. do ()42

15、.A. quickly B. angrily C. happily()43.A. never B. seldom C. always()44.A. for B. to C. with ()45.A. stops B. begins C. practices ()46.A. but B. or C. so()47.A. way B. question C. lesson()48.A. Speak B. Tell C. Talk ()49.A. all B. both C. every()50.A. for B. with C. as 三.阅读理解(共两节,20小题;满分35分)第一节阅读下面A、

16、B、C三篇短文,根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)ANameHobbyDreamHow to make his/her dream come tureFrankMusicBe a famous singerPractice singing in the school music club and takePart in the citys 15th singing competition next year.Cindy Dancing Work as a dancer in LondonGo to the dancing

17、club to practice dancing.JennyPlaying sportsBe a runner in the national team.Join a sports club this term.PeterTravelingWorking as a doctor in Beijing.Go to China to study Chinese medicine next year.MikePlaying sportsBe a great basketball player like Lin Shuhao.Join a basketball club and exercise ev

18、ery day.()51.Cindy wants to work as a _ in England.A. doctor B. runner C. singer D. dancer()52. Both Jenny and Mike like _.A. travelling B. playing sports C. music D. dancing()53. _ wants to study in China.A. Peter B. Frank C. Mike D. Jenny()54. There is going to be a _ in Franks city next year.A. b

19、asketball game B. singing competition C. running competition D. dancing competition()55. From the above information we know that_A. Frank will study Chinese medicine next year.B. Jenny likes traveling very much.C. Mike wants to be a great basketball player.D. none of the five people likes dancing.BI

20、 went to the park with my sister, Cathy on Friday. My sister left her jacket on a bench(长椅) when we played games. When we went back to the bench, a little girl in a red T-shirt was sitting there. She was about 8 or 9 and had long hair. She had some money in her hand. When she saw us, she got up and

21、walked away.I asked my sister, “Did you have any money in your jacket?”“Yes, Anna, I did.”I said, “Have a look in your jacket.”Cathy looked in her jacket, but her money was not there.“That girl stole(偷) it!” I said, and we ran after her. We caught her soon.My sister was very angry and said, “Give me

22、 the money!” The girl gave the money to Cathy and ran away. Then we went home. But before we could tell our parents, my mother said to Cathy, “You left your money at home. Its on the table in the kitchen.” So the girl in a red T-shirt was not a thief(小偷)! She may think we were bad girls. We felt _?_

23、.Please call us if you know this girl. We would like to say sorry to her and give the money back to her. Our number is 512667. Thank you very much. Anna and Cathy()56.Cathy went to the park_.A. with her classmate B. in a red T-shirtC. on the weekend D. in a jacket()57.Why did Anna and Cathy run afte

24、r the girl?A. Because they were having a race.B. Because they wanted to ask her a question.C. Because they wanted to take the girls money.D. Because they thought she stole Cathys money.()58.Why did the girl give the money to Cathy?A. Because the money was Cathys.B. Because it was not the girls money

25、.C. Because the girl was afraid of the two sisters.D. Because the girl could get help from the two sisters.()59.The best word for “_?_” is _. A. angry B. free C. sorry D. glad()60.The winter writes this passage to _.A. find a girl B. ask a girl for help C. say thanks to a girl D. share a story about

26、 a girlCBasketball is one of the worlds most popular sports. It has a history of more than two hundred years.In 1891, James Naismith, a physical education professor in Massachusetts, created a new game. He made some rules and asked his students to throw a ball into a peach basket. Because of the pea

27、ch basket, this game was named “basketball”. Until 1906 they finally use metal hoops(金属框) with backboard(篮板). Basketball was first played with a soccer ball. In the late 1950s, Tony Hinkle, a basketball coach(教练), made the first ball only for basketball games.In 1932, people formed the International

28、 Basketball Federation (FIBA). After that, Mens Basketball was first played at the Berlin 1936 Summer Olympics. In 1950, the first FIBA World Championship for Men was held in Argentina. Three years later, the first FIBA World Championship for Women was held in Chile. Womens Basketball was added to t

29、he Olympics in 1976.FIBA had only 8 member countries in 1932. With the development of basketball game, it has a total of 213 member countries today.()61. Why was the game named basketball?A. Because it was played with a ball.B. Because it was thrown into a peach basket.C. Because it was an important

30、 ball game.D. Because it was played first by students.()62. People first played basketball with a _. A. baseball B. basketball C. soccer ball D. volleyball.()63. When was the first FIBA World Championship for Women held?A. In 1953 B. In 1950 C. In 1936 D. In 1932()64. How many countries are there in FIBA today?A. 5 B. 8 C.200 D.213()65. Whats the best title for the passage?A. The History of Basketball B. Ho

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