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1、A开头的单词无英文a a bit of a few a littlea kind of a little bit a lot of=lots of a number of the number of a pair of a piece of ability 能力enabledisable disability unable able 能干的;有能力的;能be able to=canabout 大约;关于;附近,周围think about talk about know about how about/what about be about to do sthabove 在的上面;超过above

2、,over,on的区别abroadgo abroadstudy abroadgo abroad for holidays/vacationgo abroad on businessabsentbe absent from classbe absent from work(反义词)presentabsent-mindedabsorbbe absorbed in absorbingacceptaccept ones invitationaccept ones adviceaccidentby accidentwithout accidentachieveachieve successachieve

3、 ones goalachievement acrosswalk across=crosscrossingactact asact onactionactableactualactuallyaddadd up to add A to Badd upadmireadmire for sbadmire sthadmiringadmitadmissionadmit to doing sthadmit of in advancein advance of with the advance of advancedan advanced postadvantage take advantage of ad

4、vantage overat an advantage of to the best advantagedisadvantagebenefit, advantage, 和 interest的区别adviceon/by ones advice give sb advice=give advice to sbtake/follow/accept ones adviceask(sb) for adviceask advice ofadvice 和suggestion的区别adviseadvise that sb should do sthadvise doing sthadvise sb to do

5、 sthadvise sb not to do sthsuggest doing sthsuggest sth to sbafford be afford to do sthaffordableafraidIm afraidbe afraid of sthbe afraid to do sthafterafter a whileafter allday after day against(反对;靠着;防备,预防)be against lean against ageat the age offot ones agebe of the same ageaged the middle-aged 中

6、年人agoa moment agolong long agoago 与before的区别agreeagree with sbagree toagree to do sthagree with, agree on, agree toaimaim atachieve ones aimalike be alike dress alikelook alikesound alikealivebe aliveallall the worldall day and all nightall goes wellall rightall dayall kinds of all the timein allnot

7、at allall overall the sameall by oneselfallow allow sb to do sthsb be allowed to do sthallow, promise, permit, let的区别almost almost,nearly的区别not nearlyaloneleavealonealone,lonely的区别aloudread aloudthink aloudaloud, loud, loudlyalthoughalthough, though, as的区别amongamong与between的区别amountthe amount of a l

8、arge amount of amount, number的区别amusingamuse oneselfbe amused at amusement parkandLadies and Gentlemenrich and poorhere and thereanger in angerwith angershow angerangrybe angry with sb for doing sth be angry at/about sth be angry=lose ones temperannoyingbe annoyed with sb at sthbe annoyed with sbano

9、theranother, other, the other, others , the othersansweranswer a letteranswer a questionanswer the doorbellin answer to answer sheetanswer backa dusty answeranxiousbe anxious for be anxious aboutanyanyhowanywhereanywaynotany longernotany moreapologizeapologize for sthapologize to sbapologize to=make

10、 an apology to make an apology for sthappearit appears/seems that 似乎appearanceapplyapply fora rule that applies to everyoneapply oneself to =be absorbed in doing sthapplication letterappointmentkeep ones/an appointmentby appointmenthave an appointment at/formake/fix an appointment with sbappreciatea

11、ppreciationIll appreciate it if.appreciativeapproachmake an approach to sbareaargueargue with sb argue about sth argumentaroundlook around all around the worldaround 3 ooclockarrangearrange stharrange for sb to do stharrive arrive inarrive aton arrivalon ones arrivalget to ,reach, arrive 的区别artistar

12、tisticasasasasas possible/one canas far as as faras if/thoughas long as as many/much asas soon as as wellas well asashamebe ashamed of ask ask sb to do sthask about sth (sb)ask to do sthask for sb for sthask sb to spasleepfast asleepfall asleepat at firstat all eventsat leaststare atlook atlaugh ats

13、mile atwonder at shout at shoot at be good at arrive atattackattack the enemyattemptattempt to do sthmake an attempt to do sthattentiongive ones attention to pay attention to attract sbs attentiondevote ones attentionattract ones attention/interestavoid avoidableavoid doing sthavoidanceawakestay awa

14、keawarebe aware of awarenessawayaway fromput awaygo awaykeep away fromgive awaybreak away fromturn awayright away句子:1. 几乎每个人都有学习英语的能力(ability)2. 恐怕星期六我没办法去参加聚会了(be able to )3. 他是一名能干的医生(able)4. 鸟的翅膀使它能够飞起来(enable sb to do sth)5. 我们应该尽我们所能去帮助残疾人(the disabled)6. 他喜欢在晚饭后到处走走(about)7. 我正要出门的时候电话响了(be ab

15、out to to do sth)8. 你觉得去游泳怎么样?(how about)9. 他们都是9岁以上的孩子(above)10. 史密斯先生去国外度假去了(abroad)11. 今天有三个人缺课了(absent)12. 他上课的时候心不在焉(absent-minded)13. 植物吸收氧气(absorb)14. 他正在全神贯注地看着一本书(be absorbed in)15. 黄山以它引人入胜的风景所出名(absorbing)16. 他已经接受了我们的邀请(accept)17. 我在街上偶然遇见了我的同学(by accident)18. 最后那个人平安无事地回到家了(without acci

16、dent)19. 只要努力我们可以实现任何事情(achieve)20. 我们穿过马路(across)21. 在河的对面有家书店(across)22. 两条线相互交叉(across)23. 奥巴马在美国担任总统的职务(act as)24. 我们必须按照原来的计划行动(act on)25. 事实上我们并没有回学校(actual)26. 把牛奶加入咖啡里去(addto.)27. 我非常赞赏你学数学的能力(admire)28. 不要害怕承认错误(admit to)29. 这家俱乐部今年才接纳女会员(admit)30. 你有事先打过电话吗?(in advance)31. 这项研究大大提高了我们对语言学习

17、的认识(advance)32. 作为一名学生,我们应该利用所有空余的时间去学习33. 在语言学习方面我处于有利地位34. 我们应该不遗余力地让我们的表演变得最出色35. 毫无疑问我们应该根据专家的意见更好地采取措施去保护环境36. 你需要我给你提供一些建议吗?37. 我决定采纳你的建议38. 我想向老师请教一些关于如何学好英语的问题39. 我建议我们多植树40. 建议吸烟者不要抽烟,因为这会影响身体41. 我们付不起这双鞋昂贵的价钱42. 别怕蛇43. 我们常常不敢去接触新的东西44. 她担心她会丢掉工作45. 过了一会儿,他走了进来,一句话也不说46. 日复一日,他依旧坚持做着科学研究,从未

18、放弃47. 你对这个计划是反对还是赞成48. 我们添置了一些御寒的衣服,以迎接即将到来的冬季49. 在他这个年纪能够自己做饭已经非常不错了50. 她和我妹妹同岁51. 我十年前就住在这里了52. 我同意你说的话53. 他的身体不适应那里炎热,潮湿的天气54. 我同意你的计划55. 在会议的最后他们都没有达成最后的协议56. 猎人瞄准了猎物57. 他是最后活着的人58. 虽然他有80岁了,但仍然充满活力59. 并不是所有的书都有趣60. 这件衣服一点都不漂亮61. 这所学校总共有3000人62. 这片海滩禁止游泳63. 我妈妈不允许我太晚睡觉64. 当他们抵达那里的时候,天几乎全黑了65. 几乎没有人相信她66. 当她独自一个人的时候她便看电视67. 我可以自己去完成这项任务68. 老师让他大声地朗读课文69. 他们在大声地谈论这件事情70. 他不仅会弹钢琴,而且还会拉小提琴71. 虽然他身体不好,但是他工作很努力72. 虽然他很年轻,但是他能胜任这份工作73. 虽然她很累,但是还是继续工作74. 他愤怒地看着他们75. 不要生我的气76. 他最让人讨厌的习惯是上课时老师心不在焉77. 我正在等回信78. 如果我晚回家的话我妈妈会担心我79. 我已经不再是以前的我了80. 他为从学校逃课向老师道歉81. 他看起来很累

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