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1、剑桥商务英语高级考试试题二十七剑桥商务英语高级考试试题(二十七)一、READING(PART ONE )(共8小题,共8.0分)Look at the statements below and at the five extracts from an article about Web hosting provider,its reseller and outsourcing. Which article (A, B, C, D or E) does each statement 18 refer to? For each statement 18, mark one letter (A, B

2、, C, D or E) on your Answer Sheet. You will need to use some of these letters more than once.第1题A Executives are coming to understand that they cant meet their corporate responsibility simply by maximizing shareholder value. Last year Price water house Coopers surveyed 1,161 chief executive officers

3、 of companies from 33 countries. Some 68 percent of those polled said that global corporate responsibility was vital to profitability. Meanwhile citizens around the world have become more vocal in demanding that global business beheld accountable for conduct that could undermine social, environmenta

4、l or economic progress. B Although markets have encouraged more firms to act in a responsible manner in the global economy, market forces have not been sufficient to ensure responsible behavior all of the time. Moreover, the responsible firms that work harder to ensure that workers or the environmen

5、t are treated well as they make goods and services could have higher costs, which may allow other competitors to gain market share. The right mix of public policies can ensure that responsible firms are not penalized. C Washington, D. C is drowning in paper. Congress has voted on proposals to promot

6、e corporate responsibility. Meanwhile, the President, executives and activists are all scurrying about in search of additional proposals to make executives more accountable for their companies financial reports. Given that capitalism today is global as well as local, the US must work with its allies

7、 to write international corporate governance norms. But we need to use this opportunity to think more broadly about how to reassure global economic confidence long term. All of the reform efforts to date focus on a narrow definition of corporate responsibility. President Bush acknowledged in his Jul

8、y 9th speech, There is no capitalism without conscience. That is why the ultimate reform would encourage corporations to also act responsibility towards their workers and the environment. D The codes, including ones promoted by the Department of State-the Voluntary Principles for Security and Human

9、Rights and the OECD Guidelines, are designed to help business protect human rights in nations with poor human rights records. Corporate social responsibility policies can also include EPA regulations that require corporations to report on their global environmental liabilities. After all, the costs

10、of cleaning up can be a major drain on corporate profits. But these policies are not well coordinated or known as CSR policies. Were someone to compile an overview, we might gain a greater understanding of how such policies can be made more effective. But there are some policies including tax polici

11、es that encourage firms to shift production or their headquarters to nations with weaker fiscal or regulatory systems. Other policies that may undermine global corporate responsibility include corporate welfare and agricultural protectionism. E The French government recently overhauled French corpor

12、ate law and mandated the disclosure of companies social and environmental as well as profit performance. This is a good idea. The British require pension funds to report on the social, environmental, as well as profit performance of their investments. The Canadian government is also examining a wide

13、 range of public policies to promote CSR. Perhaps the most interesting development was that in 2001, with funding from the Atkinson Foundation, five private citizens organized a commission on democracy and accountability. Their final report issued 25 specific policy recommendations on promoting glob

14、al and domestic CSR.Many nations are developing a consensus that public policies can and should promote domestic and global CSR.【正确答案】:E【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】精析 本题意为:很多国家逐渐达成一致意见认为国家政策能够也必须促进国内以及国际的C5R。在E文中的原句为:The Canadian government is also examining a wide range of public policies to promote CSR此外,E文中

15、也列举了法国、英国以及Atkinson Foundation,说明他们都为促进国内和国际的CSR努力,故此题答案为E。第2题Stakeholders cant simply rely on market forces to ensure global corporate social responsibility.【正确答案】:B【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】精析 本题意为:财产保管者不能仅仅依靠市场力量来确保国际企业的社会责任感。比照原文,在B文的原句为:market forces have not been sufficient to ensure responsible behavi

16、or all of the time意思是市场力量不足以在任何时候都能确保企业社会责任。故答案为B。第3题Maximizing shareholder value alone is not a good enough long-term strategy.【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】精析 仅仅最大化股东利益长期来看不是很好。在A文中有原句:they cant meet their corporate responsibility simply by maximizing shareholder value, 由此可见,行政总裁们也意识到仅仅最大化股东利益不能解决企业社会责任的问题。故答案为A。第4题The United States has a wide range of policies that are explicitly designed to promote global

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