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1、Blender灯光和渲染第五章Indoor Lighting: Setting Up 室内灯光的建立Now that were familiar with how to light a scene with the characteristics of outdoor lighting, its time to take the next step and look at lighting interior spaces. Many of the techniques we used to light our last scene will transfer to this project q

2、uite nicely.现在我们已经熟悉了典型的场景照明,现在看看室内空间。在上个场景我们用来照明的技术都可以非常适当的转到这个项目。However, there are some important differences that were going to have to discuss that are unique to interior lighting. Were going to take a look at:然而,它们有一些很重要的不同之处,我们将讨论这些室内灯光的不同之处。我们将要学习的是: Setting up our scene for use with a compl

3、ex lighting system使用复杂的灯光系统设置我们的场景 Implementing a more complex lighting system使用更复杂的灯光系统 Setting up lights to reflect artificial lights in our scene, intuitively在我们的场景建立人造的反射灯光。Lets get started!准备开始学习!The first few steps 第一步Before we begin, we need to know what our scene looks like. If you havent al

4、ready, go to the website ( and download the file interior.blend from the Interior Lighting download section. This is the file we will be using over the course of this project.在我们开始前,我们需要知道我们的场景是怎么样的。如果你没有场景,到站点 Lighting下载interior.blend文件。这个文件将被用在我们的课程项目。If you open it, it should look similar to the

5、following image:如果你打开了该场景,应该看到类似如下的图像:Diving inNow that we have the right scene, lets get started. In the last project, the first step we learned was to evaluate our scene. In our case, we are really going to have to carefully consider how were going to set up our lights. Lets take a moment and take

6、 a look at that now.现在,我们有正确的场景,让我们开始。在上一个项目,第一步学习了评估我们的场景。在我们的案例,我们必须认真的考虑怎么建立我们的灯光。让我们现在去看看。Enhancing our render using layersWith more complex scenes, Blenders layer system becomes an invaluable tool for lighting. Many times, well find that there are some objects that need unique lighting setups t

7、hat arent necessarily needed for the entire scene. To set up those unique mini light rigs, we need to link certain lights to specific layers, which we learned how to do in the last project. But we have a problemright now, our scene is all on one layer. This means, we have to decide how we want to br

8、eak up the objects in our scene so we can light them properly.对于更更复杂的场景,Blender的层变成一个非常重要的工具。许多时候,我们发现一些物体需要独特的灯光系统,但又不需要应用到整个场景。要建立这些“迷你”的灯光系统,我们需要在特定的层创建灯光,在上个项目我们已经学习了这样的做法。但现在我们有一个问题是我们所有的场景都在同一个层。这意味着,我们要怎么打破我们的场景物体让我们可以适当的照明它们。Lets take a quick lookBefore we begin, we need to figure out what k

9、ind of mood we want to set. For this scene, were going to want to focus on the wine bottle in the foreground, muting the background a bit using darker lighting and a slight change in focus. This will make the wine bottle the most prominent aspect of our scene. 在我们开始前,我们需要明白我们需要设置的气氛种类。对于我们的这个场景我们想要的

10、是聚焦在我们的葡萄酒瓶,让背景使用暗色的灯光让我们的葡萄酒瓶在场景更突出。Now, lets figure out where our light will primarily be coming from. We have two physical sets of light sources in our scenethe hanging lamps on the right and the embedded ceiling lamps on the left. We can use Spot lamps to simulate the hanging lamps on the right,

11、 and for the others, we can use Area lamps. Note that these Blender lamps arent visible in the Blender file; in fact, they dont even exist yet. We are going to add them together later in the chapter. 现在,让我们看看我们场景的灯光来自哪里。在我们的场景设置有两组光源在右边的挂灯和左边的天花灯。我们使用聚光灯(Spot)来模拟我们右边的挂灯,对于其它的灯光,我们使用区域(Area)灯光。注意这些Bl

12、ender灯光在这个Blender文件是不可见的;甚至它们还没有存在这个场景。我们将在本章的后面添加它们。Adding these lamps will light a good majority of our scene, but we still need to light the wine bottle in a way that makes it stand out from the rest of the scene. Because this is the focus of our scene, were going to use a completely separate lig

13、ht to light it. In order for us to separate these light rigs properly, were going to need to set up our scene in layers. 添加这些灯光能够很好的照明我们的场景,但我们还需要照明葡萄酒瓶,确保它从场景中突出来。因为它是我们场景的焦点,我们将完全使用一个独立的灯光来照明它。为了适当的分离这些灯光系统,我们将需要建立我们的场景层。Organizing our layers 组织层In the real world, objects we see are affected by al

14、l available sources of light. In computer graphics, though, we have complete control over how light affects our scene, and as a result, we have the artistic liberty to create effects with light that may not necessarily occur in a naturally-lit scenario for the sake of visual appeal. In Blender, we c

15、an separate our light sources using three-dimensional layers, which behave in the same way as layers in Adobe Photoshop or the GIMP. By default, Blender assigns every new object we create to the first layer, but we can move these objects around to fit the needs of our scene. 在真实的世界,物体是由所有的光源的影响。在电脑图

16、形领域,虽然,我们可以完全控制灯光是怎么影响我们的场景,结果是,我们可以创建许多在我们自然界不会发生的艺术效果。在Blender,我们可以像Adobe Photoshop或GIMP那样使用层单独分离我们的光源,Blender指定新的物体创建在第一层,但我们可以移动它们到其它的层。Deciding which layers to use solely depends on the preferences of the user and the needs of the scene. As long as the layers are used in a way that produces the

17、 desired result in the render, there is no wrong way to use them. Lets take a look at how we can use layers in our own scene!使用哪一个层取决于用户的喜好和场景的需要。既然层是以这样的一种方式来实现想要的渲染结果,这是没有错误的使用方法。让我们看看怎么在我们自己的场景使用层!We know we need to light our wine bottle separately. This means that we need to have, at the very le

18、ast, the wine bottle and the table its on, placed on a layer of their own. For logics sake, were going to leave these two on the first layer to start. Because the wine bottle is the focus of the scene, it makes sense to have it on the primary layer. Because were not sure whether or not were going to

19、 need to break up our scene further, lets place everything else in our scene on the layer directly below the first layer on the Move to Layer dialog box. Thats probably confusing to take in all at once, so heres an image to help you. 我们知道我们需要单独的照明我们的葡萄酒瓶。这意味着我们需要,至少需要葡萄酒瓶和桌子在一个单独的层,所以首先我们需要的是让它们从第一层

20、分离。因为葡萄酒瓶是场景的焦点,它制造场景在在最原始的层。因为我们不确定我们将来是否或不需要分离我们的场景,我们在Move to Layer对话框的第一个层创建我们所有的物体。这全部同时或许是很混乱的。所以这里有一个图像可以帮助你。To do this, follow these steps: 要做这些,跟随以下的这些步骤:1. Select everything in our scene, except for the wine bottle and the table its on. The easiest way to do this is to select everything in

21、 our scene, with the exception of the camera, and then deselect the wine bottle and table. 选择场景的所有东西,除了葡萄酒瓶和它所在的桌子。最简单的方法是全选所有的物体,然后取消选择葡萄酒瓶和它所在的桌子。2. Press the M-hotkey to bring up the Move to Layer dialog box. 按M键弹出Move to Layer对话框。3. Select the layer button directly below the current layer (the f

22、irst layer).选择想要的层。This moves everything selected to the designated layer. 这将移动所有选择的物体都指定的层。Lets assume for a moment that were going to use a 3-Point light rig to light our wine bottle similar to the light rig we used for the tricycle in our last project. This means that were going to want our key l

23、ight to light both the wine bottle and the table. We need this light to affect the table so we can render any shadows cast by the wine bottle. 假定我们使用类似我们上章节所使用的三点照明系统照明我们的葡萄酒瓶。这意味着我们需要主光照明我们的葡萄酒瓶和桌子。我们需要照明桌子效果让我们能够渲染任何的葡萄酒瓶产生的阴影。The side light and rim light, on the other hand, only need to affect th

24、e wine bottle itself, not the table. This means were going to have to move the table once more, this time to layer two. Following the same steps we used to move our objects the first time, select the table and move it to the second layer. The second layer is the layer button directly to the right of

25、 the first layer button.补光和边缘光,在另一方面,仅仅需要影响葡萄酒瓶本身,不需要影响桌子。这意味着我们将要再次移动桌子,这次移动到层2.跟随着下面和第一次同样的步骤,选择桌子物体并移动到第二层。第二层在第一层按钮的右边。Lets take a moment and quickly review what weve done. As of now, we should have: 让我们看看我们应该怎么样做: Moved everything in our scene, with the exception of the wine bottle, the table u

26、nderneath the wine bottle, and the camera to the layer directly below the first layer button in the Move to Layer dialog box 移动所有场景的物体。除了葡萄酒瓶,桌子,和相机到Move to Layer dialog到对话框的第一层。 Moved the table once more from layer one to layer two 移动桌子物体到第二层Turning theory into practice 理论转为实践We have a vision for o

27、ur scene and we know how were going to implement that vision. Now, all thats left to do is to do it. Were going to break this down into smaller stepsthis lighting system is going to become fairly complicated fast, and the last thing we want is to get confused and all turned around. Lets break down t

28、he rest of the lighting section of this project into the following steps: 我们的场景有一个版本并我们知道如何去实现这个版本。现在1. Set up the general rig. This includes lamps for the hanging light sources and the ceiling lights. Were not going to worry about light color at this point. With a light rig this complex, were going

29、 to want to make sure first and foremost that the light intensity is balanced well before we start worrying about the details. 建立普通的系统。这包括悬挂的灯光和天花灯。现在我们不需要担心灯光颜色。对于这个复杂的灯光系统,在我们开始考虑细节前,首先考虑的是灯光强度。2. Set up the 3-Point rig for the wine bottle and table. 为葡萄酒瓶和桌子建立三点灯光系统。3. Set the lamp colors and set

30、 the ambient lighting settings, if applicable. 设立灯光的颜色并设置环境光,(ambient lighting)如果有。4. Tweak until satisfied. 细微调整直到满意。Setting up the general rig 建立一般的灯光系统This step is by far the most straightforward step for this project. We are simply going to place lamps directly on top of the already existing thr

31、ee-dimensional models in our scene. 对于这个项目这个是最普通的系统。我们直接放置到我们场景的三维模型的顶部。Adding Spot lamps 添加聚光灯To start with, lets set up the lights for the hanging lights on the right side of our composition. Were simply going to create, position, and edit one light, then duplicate it to fit the rest of the lights

32、. 让我们开始为我们的作品右边的悬挂灯建立光源。我们只需要简单的创建第一个光源,然后复制到其它的悬挂灯。1. Change into the Top view and make sure youre in wireframe mode by pressing the Z-hotkey. 切换到Top视图并按Z键确保为线框模式。2. Add a Spot lamp by selecting Add | Lamp | Spot. 通过选择Add | Lamp | Spot添加一个聚光灯。3. Using the G-hotkey, position it so its directly in the middle of the lampshade of the hanging light closest to the camera. Refer to

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